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Authors: Penthouse International

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Letters to Penthouse XXXVI (3 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XXXVI
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She was still thrusting her pussy against my mouth when I heard her tell Sean to fuck me. “I want her to come on your cock
while I come in her mouth,” she said.

Then Sean was on the floor, lifting my legs over his shoulders and thrusting into my sopping cunt. He was in to the hilt on
the first thrust, and he quickly began slamming away between my legs. Tamara was still coming, my face covered with her slippery
juices, while my boyfriend pumped rapidly into me.

Sean was grunting loudly as he continued pounding into my sex, and I was moaning into Tamara’s pussy as I slurped up the juices
still clinging to her lips after her climax. Then I was thrusting my hips off the floor, meeting Sean stroke for stroke. It
didn’t take long for my boyfriend to climax, shouting out as he shot his hot load deep into my cunt. I came a few strokes
later, sighing into my girlfriend’s pussy. When we had all calmed down again, Tamara lifted herself off my face and leaned
over, kissing me on the lips.

“Well, that was fun,” she said. “But I still haven’t been fucked, and it’s too early to quit, so what do you say we move this
party into the bedroom?”

Laughing, Sean and I agreed and followed her to the other side of the apartment, where a king-size bed awaited. The short
trek was all it took to renew both Sean’s erection and our energy, and we spent the rest of the night fucking and sucking
in every position we could imagine.

Maybe for his twenty-eighth birthday we’ll make it a foursome. Tamara said she knows a girl who would be up for it, and I
can’t think of any better way to top his celebratory ménage à trois!

—Ms. S.N., Nebraska

Lusty Lesley’s Slumber Party Birthday Spanking

For my twenty-fifth birthday party, I decided to make it a girls-only affair. Since I was single, as were most of my closest
friends, this made sense. Before that night, I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed one of my favorite erotic activities: bending
over and getting spanked. I was in for quite a treat, all courtesy of my great group of girlfriends.

My friend Amanda agreed to host the affair at her house—since hers was the biggest—and everyone agreed to bring something.
On the big night, balloons, cupcakes, decorations, DVDs, and gifts surrounded us. We planned to stay up all night and have
a real slumber party. For starters, we all changed into nighties and pajamas. I was given a sexy pale blue negligee and tiny
matching thong, which I quickly put on. Somehow, simply by our stripping down, we had made the mood in the room more intimate.
We were joking around, but I got the sense that beneath the laughter, there was simmering sexual tension, which wouldn’t be
unusual amongst my racy group of friends.

Then we settled in to watch the movie
Dirty Dancing
and to give each other pedicures and manicures. When Amanda started blowing on my fingers to dry them, I took the time to
admire her. She has blonde hair, a contrast to my own brunette, and she looked adorable as she focused on making my nails
perfect. Plus her hot breath on my fingertips made my nipples hard. Amanda and I have had hot and heavy makeout sessions in
the past, but that’s as far as it had gone.

As the movie came to a close with the classic “No one puts Baby in a corner” line, I realized how turned on I was by being
around such pretty girls in revealing outfits. Amanda was sitting next to me, our thighs touching, and she turned to me, gave
me a slow smile and said, “I think it’s time for you to get your birthday spanking, don’t you?”

As soon as she said it I blushed, thinking about being bent over and having everyone watch me get spanked. Plus, twenty-five—and
one to grow on—is a lot of smacks, but she started gathering everyone around, promising me they’d take turns. Amanda settled
me so I was draped over the dining room table, able to rest my arms on the wood to support myself. I hadn’t really thought
about a birthday spanking, but I was glad I’d worn the thong, because it showed off my butt perfectly.

I knew for some of the girls it was more of a silly prank, but I can’t take spanking lightly. Merely the thought of getting
whacked on my bottom makes me tremble with desire, but I tried to stay calm and lighthearted. “Are you ready, Lesley?” Amanda
asked. The TV was off, and the room was filled with the sound of girls shuffling and whispering.

I peeked around and smiled at the girls who were waiting their turns, then stuck my ass out farther. I thought they were about
to start, when Amanda decided that I wasn’t properly attired. “You need to be blindfolded,” she whispered into my ear, her
lips grazing my skin and making me even more turned on. I knew that at the very least, Amanda knew what she was doing, especially
when she fished out a blindfold and settled it over my eyes. “No cheating, or you’ll get even harder smacks—though you’d probably
like that,” she said with a wicked laugh. I knew that all the simmering sexual tension between us was about to be unleashed—directly
onto my ass.

Amanda graciously let some of the other girls go first. “Ready?” asked Tina, who then gave me what basically felt like a pat
on the ass. “Count!” she said, and then she giggled.

“One,” I said, grinning despite the fact that the impact was minimal.

“Two,” I said, feeling Tina get more into it as the others cheered her on. My thin nightie and panties did little to cushion
her blows. Soon her five spanks were up, and Marissa was next. She’s a pretty big girl at six feet tall, and I had a feeling
her whacks were going to be powerful.

“Are you sure you can take it, Lesley?” she joked, and before I could even get out a reply, her hand came down and struck
my right ass cheek. The sound echoed throughout the room, and I knew my pale skin would be marked bright red. The heated tingling
felt good.

“You can’t really do this properly with panties on, can you?” Marissa asked. She then lifted up the nightie and peeled my
panties down so my butt was exposed, the edge of my underwear resting at my upper thighs. “Much better,” she said, and I vaguely
remembered that in between boyfriends she’d once had a skinny little girlfriend who seemed to worship her every move. I wondered
if that girl had ever gotten a spanking like this one, and the image stayed in my mind as Marissa continued to unleash her
power directly onto my behind. I was sad when her five rounds of ass-smacking came to an end.

Marissa offered me her hand to kiss, brushing her knuckles against my lips. I was so turned on that I licked her skin, tracing
the outline of her hand, then up her palm, before sucking one finger into my mouth. Not being able to see made the taste of
her salty skin on my tongue all the more arousing, and that moment marked the official point where the spankings went from
lighthearted to erotic. “I guess Lesley’s into spanking,” I heard someone say, and I grinned. Whoever had said it was right;
I was so wet I was sure everyone could see my pussy lips glistening.

I was really looking forward to Amanda’s turn “at bat,” but I underestimated the next girl, Lee. She’s pretty happy-go-lucky,
and I’d never have imagined her being kinky in any way. But when she approached me, she began by rubbing her body against
my ass, then fondling each cheek, as if preparing her hands for what they were about to encounter. “Lesley, you’ve got a great

“Thank you,” I said, then kept quiet as Lee proceeded to show me that she either knew her way around birthday spankings or
was a very fast learner. Each smack of hers landed soundly, sending heat racing through my body. I like to think that I can
tell when someone is merely going through the spanking motions and when they’re really putting their heart and soul into it,
and Lee was doing the latter. I could hear her soft grunts as she swung her arm, and her fingers curled against my hot skin
as she made the most of those five whacks.

I was breathing heavily myself when she stopped, then bent down to literally kiss my ass as a show of appreciation.

“You guys are really outdoing yourselves,” I said. “It’s a shame I don’t have birthdays more often.”

Next was Donna, who took things to the next level by using a belt. She didn’t whack me too hard, but the use of the leather
implement created a delightful sting on my buttocks. I counted down, not wanting it to end.

“Finally, it’s my turn!” Amanda crowed, clearly delighted. “Watch how it’s done, ladies,” she said to the other women, and
I knew she was excited to get the chance to show off.

She leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I think you have the maturity of someone much older than twenty-five, so I’m going
to give you as many smacks as seem fitting.” I shivered in delight at the devious, kinky tone to my best friend’s voice. “I’m
glad you’re already warmed up,” she said, pinching my ass a few times before starting her volley of smacks.

Amanda alternated her spanking with running her nails up the back of my leg, just enough to make the skin there tingle. She
didn’t make me count, and that made the process even more exciting; I had no idea when it would end, or what was coming next.
She’d give me a few solid smacks, then a flurry of small but fierce ones. I liked all of it, but I could never get used to
what she was doing because she’d switch styles so often. I nearly came when Amanda kept one hand cupped on my ass and leaned
over me to say, “I bet you’re getting wet, Lesley. I think it’s time to find out.”

“Ladies, I need to borrow our birthday girl for a few minutes to deliver her present. I take it you can occupy yourselves.”
She laughed, and when she slipped off the blindfold, I saw that was because Lee and Marissa were locked in an embrace while
Tina and Donna were taking turns spanking each other.

I let Amanda whisk me away to her bedroom. “Hold out your hands,” she said when we got there, and when I did, she presented
me with a deluxe vibrator—the Rabbit. It was a purple dual-action toy that had pearls inside it. “You’re going to use this
to make yourself come while I spank you,” she said, her voice brooking no argument—not that I was planning to object.

“Amanda, thank you so much,” I said, turning around, but she was intent on finishing me off.

“You’re overdressed—get into your birthday suit,” she instructed, and I quickly and happily got completely naked. I climbed
onto the bed and got on all fours, working the toy inside me from that position. It was a little unusual, but as Amanda started
spanking me, I got even wetter, allowing the big toy to slide easily inside. Getting spanked while fucked with a vibrator
and having my clit tweaked by the rotating base of the toy was the best birthday present this girl could ask for.

“That’s it, come for me,” she coaxed, and I shoved the toy deeper inside my pussy while Amanda’s smacks got even harder. She
focused on the center of my butt, my sweet spot, the place where I felt the impact of each strike where it counted. Soon,
the triple threat of the vibe’s dual motion and her hand’s power had me coming, crying out in delight as my climax raced throughout
my body.

When the shudders had subsided, Amanda removed the vibrator, turned it off, then climbed on top of me. “Happy birthday,” she
said, giving me a thorough, lusty kiss. I put my nightie back on and went downstairs, where we watched the other girls make
out before we all settled down on the floor to recover. I hope it was an auspicious start to being twenty-five, and I hope
that many more spankings are in my future.

—Ms. L.M., Washington

He Loves Going Down on Women, so His Wife Gives Him a Pussy Buffet

My favorite thing to do in all the world is eat pussy. Many women are thrilled about this interest of mine, but I’d never
been able to find the perfect woman to really indulge my love for pussy-licking with—until I met Juliana. The first time we
were together, I went down on her for hours, relishing the taste of her delicious cunt and trying out all sorts of positions.
When I finally climbed on top of her, I came within moments, my pleasure heightened by the taste of her pussy juice still
on my lips. We’ve been together ever since, and because she’s so fabulous, for my recent birthday, she wanted to give me a
special treat.

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XXXVI
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