Lexi Fairheart and the Forbidden Door

Read Lexi Fairheart and the Forbidden Door Online

Authors: Lisl Fair,Nina de Polonia

Tags: #Children's eBooks, #Animals, #Bugs & Spiders, #Growing Up & Facts of Life, #Friendship; Social Skills & School Life, #Manners, #Literature & Fiction, #Bedtime & Dreaming, #Lexi Fairheart Series: Book 1

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Brainy Connections

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Lexi Fairheart carried her backpack everywhere she went. When anyone asked about it, Lexi replied with a smile:

“You never know what a girl might need! Gotta be prepared, right?”

Lexi liked opening doors. Whenever she saw a closed door, she just
to know what was on the other side!

Sometimes, opening a door led to a terrible mess. Once when she opened the backdoor at her auntie’s house, a muddy dog ran inside. He made paw prints all over the clean floor and ate all of Aunty’s fresh baked cookies! Aunty was not pleased! Lexi had to help clean everything up.

One place that Lexi liked to go with her backpack was her grandfather’s house. There were always many interesting things to do and discover at Grandpa’s house!

“How nice of you to visit me today, Lexi,” Grandpa said, as he opened the door. He took Lexi’s hand and led her down the hall. The musty smell of newspapers and dust tickled her nose.

“I’ll make you your favorite chocolate drink.” Grandpa said as he headed down the hallway into the kitchen.

Lexi ran straight to her favorite room in Grandpa’s house – his study. Along the walls were dead butterflies and bugs, pinned to boards. Grandpa had studied insects and spiders all his life and kept heaps of books about them on his study shelves.

“Lexi, dear!” Grandpa called from the hallway. “Where are you?” He peeked into the study. ”Oh, there you are! Imagining you have wings like a butterfly again, I see.” Grandpa smiled and winked at her.

Lexi laughed as she flitted about like a butterfly. She never had to explain herself to Grandpa. He just knew what she was thinking!

“I’m quickly going next door to see if Mrs. Wilson is alright,” said Grandpa. “She hasn’t been feeling well lately and lives all alone. Be a good girl now, Lexi!”

Lexi saw his big eyebrows waggle and knew what he was going to say next:

“And remember: Don’t go near the green door in the attic! It’s dark up there and not safe at all!”

Lexi stopped twirling. “Sure Grandpa, I’ll play around here.”

Lexi sighed as she watched Grandpa go. Every time Grandpa mentioned the green door in the attic, she wanted to know what was behind it more than ever. What could be in there? Why did Grandpa want to keep it a secret?

Lexi thought:
I always listen to Grandpa. But he won’t know if I just take a quick peek. Will he?

There could be a ghost, or trunks filled with old treasures waiting there! Lexi decided to take a look while she had the chance. She rushed up the stairs two at a time. Suddenly, the green door towered over her. Lexi ignored the brief fluttering of her heart, reached for the door knob, turned it and pushed…

The door refused to open.

“Arrgh, bother!”
Lexi muttered.

Maybe it will open if I pushed with all my might
, she thought.

Lexi dug her feet into the landing and grabbed hold of the door knob. Then, throwing her weight against the door, she yanked the knob sideways and pushed with all her might.


Lexi heard glass shatter as she fell into a dark room. She landed on her knees and felt a sharp sting. “Ouch!”

The windows around her were all shuttered and a strange smell hung in the air. The room was dark and eerily quiet. Slowly, Lexi got to her feet thinking,
I must find my flashlight!

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