Liars and Tigers (12 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Liars and Tigers
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"Trust me, Boss. His
teeth and claws won't be your concern if you try to make her let him go. You
have a permit to keep him. Use him to your advantage."

"What do you
mean?" Alex frowned.

"The permit is in
name and under
address. Not Misha's. She's not going anywhere without her
kitty," Jack snickered

"You old, conniving…
And you were worried about

"I want my girl to be
happy, but she won't be unless she has someone who can take command of her
pride. I've threatened to blister her bottom countless times, but never could
bring myself to it. She is a lot like her cats. She needs to be able to respect
the strength of her mate but is too damn stubborn to admit to it. She deserves
to feel safe and protected for once."

"That's what I told
her. She was not too pleased with me during the spanking, but afterwards, she
released her control. She actually thanked me."

"Good. I told you I
knew her best, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did. I'm

"Be impressed after you
see how much it costs to feed the cat. You're going to have to design a holding
area for him. He is still a wild animal."

"The cost doesn't
bother me. As long as I'm the meal ticket and not the meal, I can afford
it," Alex chuckled. "So do you have any idea how to proceed?"

"Of course. Make Rodin
into the reserve's ambassador, and let Misha be his handler. This way, you put
a collar on both of them and tame two tigers at once."

"She would kill both of
us if she heard you say that. We both also know that it will take more than a
pretty collar to tame that particular tiger," Alex grumbled.

"My young friend, don't
you know that collars come in all shapes, sizes and carats?" Jack laughed.

"You're not suggesting
I marry her! We can barely stay civil half the time. I'm starting to wonder
whether I should sleep with my door locked after what I did to her backside

"That's exactly what
I'm suggesting. There's nothing like a wedding ring to tame the savage female

"So why aren't you
married?" Alex asked.

"What? Do you think I
have a death wish?"


Several hours later, Misha
reappeared with Rodin trailing at her heels. He ran straight for the yard to do
his business, then went to seek out his litter mates and a meal. Alex offered
her a seat across from him on the double porch swing.

"No, thank you. Alex?
I'm so embarrassed. I've never been…" She shook her head.

"Kissed? Sit down. I

She paled, and a look of
horror flashed across her face. "No, I mean, yes, I mean… fuck." She
reddened, as she slowly lowered her aching bottom to the cushioned seat.

Alex lifted her chin.
"I already know you haven't done that, either," he said gently.

She stuck her tongue out at
him and scowled. "Must you continue to humiliate me? I said I was sorry,
and promise I won't throw another alarm clock at you again."

"What about something
other than an alarm clock?" he asked with amusement, noticing she had left
herself with a loophole.

Misha wrinkled her nose.
"I won't make a promise I can't keep. Being a bitch is a very painful
process." She rubbed her tender hindquarters.

"So you're not angry
with me?"

Misha shook her head.
"No, I suppose I deserved it. I can be a bit, uh, difficult at times. I
don't like myself very much when I act that way, but I can't help it."

"Yes, you can help it.
You need to learn to respond, not react. I can hold you accountable for the
things that you don't much like about yourself, and help you make positive
changes. This is a safe place and I think you know I won't harm you."

"What do you call
beating my ass then?" Misha asked sarcastically.

"A spanking. We are
also going to work on that mouth of yours. Bad language isn't very flattering,
especially coming from such a beautiful woman."

"I know Jack hates
it," Misha agreed. "But it's how I express myself."

"We will find a new way to express
yourself that is less offensive to the ear. Do we have an agreement? Are we
going to work together in helping you move forward and heal some of these old

"Does that mean you are
going to keep beating on me?" Misha asked, narrowing her eyes.

Alex smiled and kissed her
on the lips. "Every time I need to."

"I don't like that.
There have got to be other ways of helping me break these bad habits than
spanking me like a naughty child."

"There are, but this is
the way I prefer. The solution is simple. Behave yourself."

"That's easier said
than done," Misha pouted.

Alex chuckled and kissed her
again. "Now, I need to discuss something very serious with you. I want
your opinion on a very important decision I need to make."

Misha stared at him.
"You want my opinion? Should I feel honored or scared?"

Alex chose his words carefully. "I
value your input, Mish. Don't look so surprised. You are intelligent,
resourceful and know this business as well as I do. I'm struggling with a
dilemma of purpose. You know my feelings about wild animals in captivity."

Misha paled again.
"You're going to take Rodin away from me, aren't you?" Tears

"He's six weeks old and
weaned from Kena. While we still need to prepare his food, he is able to feed
himself and maintain his own body heat," Alex said matter-of-factly.

"We can't even consider
letting him out of the nest until he is at least six months old, and cubs are
dependent on their mother until they are at least two years old. To throw him
into the lion's den would be a death sentence!" Misha did not hide the
panic in her voice. "Please listen to me, I know what I'm talking

"I know you do, which
is why I'm putting this on the table. I have tried to think of a way to keep
you two together, but you're a caretaker, not a handler. I don't know what
other course I can take but to return him to the facility in a couple of months
and introduce him to the pride."

"Tigers do not allow
intruders in their dens," Misha said, her voice raised in distress.
"If they don't kill him right away, they will when he gets bigger. Please,

"I need some ideas. I'm
not qualified to take him to events like Joan Embry used to do for the San
Diego Zoo. Even if I hired a handler, this kit is bonded to you, and might

"Why couldn't I be his

"What do you
mean?" Alex asked slyly, watching her take the bait. She wasn't a hunter,
so she didn't recognize his subtle trapping technique.

"Like you said, the San
Diego Zoo has the zoologists who go around and educate the public about the
animals, so why can't we? I'm comfortable with public speaking, and Rodin would
definitely be an attraction for sponsorships. You even said a film documentary
about him would be something people would want to see. I can promote it."

"I don't know, Mish.
That would be a whole lot of extra work. You'd have to expose him to everything
you can think of to avoid a fear-based attack from him. It's too risky."

"Not if I follow
precautions. I can keep him on a body harness and carry a tranquilizer, just in
case he does snap. He has a very gentle and relaxed nature, so I don't foresee
any real problems if I start working with him now. Please, Alex, give me a

"Let's say we went that route. We
still have the issue about permits. You don't qualify, remember? You need to
own a residence compliant with wildlife regulations and have a proven income to
handle any expenses, plus liability insurance, a vehicle for

"I could do it under
your permit. I mean, I do reside here legally, since I'm paying rent. The
facility can insure me under our policy and my truck is big enough to hold a
full cage. Since he belongs to the facility, all his expenses are covered.
Please, Alex?" Misha pleaded.

Alex felt a little guilty
for leading her on, but reassured himself that it was for her own well-being.
"Maybe… but I don't think it would be good for PR if he goes off on
something and you can't handle him. He's little right now, but that will change
very soon."

"You can help me train
him. It would probably be a good idea for him to respond to someone other than
me. It will also give you an excuse to be bossy and controlling," she
smiled shyly.

"Like I ever needed an
excuse," Alex laughed. He patted her hand. "Let me think about it. We
might have to pull some strings, but we might be able to get it to work. Fish
and Game are funny about things like this. It's not like we were married and
could share the residential permit." He held his breath as he gauged her reaction
to the marriage comment. She did not even blink. Alex exhaled, tapping his
finger on his thigh. "Give me some time to think about it. I am just
concerned about you in all this, and you know it. You don't exactly follow
directions well when it comes to your safety, and that bothers me. I need your
promise that you will follow your instructions and mind me."

"Okay. I'll do whatever
I need to. I don't want to lose my kitten. If it means answering to you, then
I'll do it. Reluctantly, of course," Misha announced.

Alex smiled. That wily old
Jack was smarter than he looked.

Chapter 10


Misha paused as she readied
for bed that night, and looked in the mirror to study the bruises marking her
still sore bottom. She glanced at Rodin playing with a stuffed toy on her bed.
"That man has a hand like a two-by-four! Damn, my ass hurts."

She laid down next to the cub and played
with Rodin's paws, speaking out loud. "He thinks he's so damn smart, too.
Does he really believe I am some brainless idiot who he could play around with,
acting like the whole handling thing was my idea? I've spent too many years
around Jack to know exactly where that strategy came from."

Rodin grabbed her hand with
his claws and began to lick her palm. Misha smiled, scratching him behind his
fuzzy ears. "Should I inform Mr. Alexander Hodges that there is a reason
male tigers allow the females to feed first? Should I tell him that the females
will easily kill the males if they don't step away? I was a sculpted as a
Danaid for a reason, kitty. I can be ruthless too, you know." Rodin rolled
onto his back and spread his legs for a tummy rub. Misha sighed.

"Okay, maybe I won't
him, but I intend to
make him miserable for trying to manipulate me. The hunt is on, Mr. Hodges, and
I intend to come out roaring! You are not the only one on the prowl."
Misha tickled the cub's chest. "Damn it, Rodin. I think I'm falling in
love with the jerk. What am I going to do?"


Jack supervised Misha as she
slowly cleaned the tiger den the following Monday. He bit his lip. "Are
you okay, girl?"

"I'm fine, just a
little stiff. I slept wrong," she lied.

"We aren't going to be
having anymore target practice from now on, are we? Or lying?" Jack
beckoned to her. "Alex told me what happened. Do you need another
blistering to ensure you behave yourself?"

"He deserved it. And
what makes you think I'm lying, Jack? I'm sore and stiff, and I slept wrong.
What's the big deal?" Misha demanded, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"So how was your
weekend?" he asked, wisely changing the subject as he held the trash bag
open for her.

"Rodin went swimming
for the first time. He liked it."

"Kena actually let him?
She can't stand it when Alex gets into the pool, and he isn't her puppy! Did
she go after him?"

"That big slug would
sink if she tried to follow. No, she just barked. He did really well. He's also
going outside to potty all the time now. We haven't had any spraying, which I
am sure Alex appreciates. But he's real young yet and doesn't know about
marking his territory."

"Hopefully you won't
have to deal with that; it's stinky stuff. Anything else?"

"You're awfully
interested in my business today. Nothing else. How about you?"

"Watched the game,
drank a beer and slept off my week. It was wonderful."

"You need to get a

"I have a life."
Jack tugged her ponytail playfully.

"Good, go find it. I
have work to do."

"Don't you go feeding
those cats without the stick, young lady. And stay out of that pen unless
someone is here to supervise. I mean it," he warned.

Misha rolled her eyes.
"When are you going to accept the fact I won't get hurt? Fine! I won't
hand feed them. Lay off."

"Do it and you'll get a
hiding you will feel in the afterlife, missy. I'm not making any idle threats

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