Life After That (22 page)

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Authors: Barbara Kevin

BOOK: Life After That
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"I am, aren't I?" - she smiled and he did the same - "So, are you gonna greet me the right way or what?"

Ashley got up, reached his hand out for her. When she was up, he wrapped his arms around her waist and looking deeply in her eyes, he said, grinning:


"Hi." - Kirstin had her arms wrapped around his neck. He then leaned in and kissed her passionately. When they finally pulled back, Kirstin spoke:

"Promise me you won't argue or fight with Tom again? He's a big friend of mine and I don't wanna be torn between you two."

"Ok." - Ashley responded, but looking away.

"Ash, look at me and promise me that. Seriously."

"Ok, ok! I promise!"

"Good, now…" - she frowned - "How did you know where I live?"

"Oh, remember, like, 2 weeks ago, I called you asking for your home address?"

"Yeah, you said you wanted it so you could send me postcards from all the states you'd be in and… Hey! I never got any postcard!"

"I know." - he had a evil look on his face - "That wasn't what I intended to do with your home address."

"So you've been planning this for weeks now and you never told me?"

"Nope! I wanted to tell you so badly, but I also wanted it to be a happy surprise. It wasn't exactly a happy surprise, but, oh well, it was definitely a surprise!"

"I'd say it was a happy one." - she kissed him softly on the lips and felt his smile - "But hey! Does that mean I'm not getting any postcard?"

"I'm afraid you are not."

"Oh, that's just so mean! I was really looking forward to getting them. I love getting mail." - she looked hurt.

"Sorry baby. Promise I'll make it up to you."

"Ok, now you promised. You can't go back on that one."

"I don't intend to." - he gave her a peck on the lips and hugged her. He wanted to feel her on his arms. Not letting go of the hug, Kirstin asked:

"Are you sleeping over?"

"I don't know. Do you want me to?"

Whispering, she said:

"Stay here and I'll go downstairs and talk to Tom. Stay here!" - Ashley nodded.

Seeing Kirstin on the stairs, Tom got up from the couch. He wasn't able to hear all of their conversation, but he was able to pick up some of it.

"Tommy, can I talk to you over here?" - she motioned for Tom to go into the kitchen area.

"Sure, what's up?"

In a low tone of voice, she started:

"Listen. Ashley's thinking of staying over. Do you think it would be a problem for you to… ahn… leave?"

Tom didn't want to show it but it was pretty obvious to Kirstin that he was not too happy about it.

"No, of course not! Not at all!"

"Really? You're not mad at me or anything?"

"Of course not! Don't be silly! Ashley is finally here. You've been talking about him for a while now and you should enjoy the most out of the time you have with him. Even being the jerk he is..."

"He's not like that Tom. You're gonna get to know him and find out he's a really great guy."

"I doubt it."

"Tom!" - she slapped him playfully on his shoulder - "Now… are you absolutely sure you're not mad? You're still gonna be my friend?" - she had a half smile on. She hated being like that, torn between her best friend and the guy she was with.

"Do you even have to ask?" - Tom would not just give up on their friendship because of what happened that day - "Let me just go change in the bathroom. I'll use the downstairs one and then I'll leave you two alone, alright?"

"Thank you so much, Tommy! You're the best friend in the world!" - she hugged him hard.

"You too, girl." - Tom looked up while hugging her and stared, smiling, at Ashley just to tease him.

When Ashley saw Tom getting into the bathroom, he headed downstairs.

"Is he leaving?"

"Yes, he's just gonna change and then he's off."


"Ashley, don't say anything to him when he gets out of there ok? Even if he teases you, don't say a thing, please!"

"I'll try. Can't promise though."

When Tom got out of the bathroom, Kirstin showed him to the door. Ashley was standing some feet away behind them.

"So, you'll call me tomorrow?"

"Yes, KeeKee."

"Ok then Tommy. Bye!"

"Bye." - he looked over Kirstin's shoulders - "Bye bye, pretty boy!"

Ashley wanted to knock him down, but he would not let Tom get to him. They hugged, kissed and Tom disappeared into the elevator.

"What the hell was that?" - Ashley snapped right after Kirstin closed the door.

"What the hell was what?"

"That thing, that… kiss goodbye you just did."

"Oh, that!"

"Yeah, that!"

"It's just something we came up with to do whenever we say 'hello' or 'goodbye' to one another."

What they were talking about was this method of kissing each other that Tom and Kirstin were used to doing. Tom would give Kirstin a peck on her nose and while he'd do that, Kirstin would peck him on his chin. It was a sweet, friendly way to greet each other.

"I don't like it at all. Can you stop doing that?"

"No!" - Kirstin was always firm on her believes, it wasn't an easy job to change her mind. Knowing that pretty well, Ashley just let that go and changed the subject.

"And KeeKee?"

"What about it?" - she had her hands on her hips.

"What is that? Who calls you that?"

"Tom does. He came up with that last week. It's a normal thing to do, create nicknames for your friends, you know? Now could you just stop acting like the jealous boyfriend? You're not my boyfriend!"

"I know! And I hate that!" - he snapped again.

"I thought you understood everything when we had that talk that day in your house."

"I did, it's just that… I want to say to the whole world you are my girlfriend! And I can't! It's just frustrating. I want you to be mine. All mine! Just mine!"

Getting closer and wrapping her arms around Ashley's neck, Kirstin whispered in his ear:

"I am all and just yours." - she sucked and licked his neck, driving him crazy. Soon, she pulled back - "So, what are you doing here in New York anyway? When are you leaving?"

"Wow, are you that anxious to get ride of me already?" - he asked while Kirstin pushed him by his arm, leading them to the couch. Sitting, she answered:

"Of course not! I wanna know how many days I have with you so I can start planning on how we're going to enjoy the most out of it."

"Oh, ok." - he smiled - "Well, today is Friday. We are leaving Tuesday."

"Cool! 4 days! Where do you guys go next?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about in person. On Tuesday we are flying off to Europe."

"That's nice! How long are you gonna stay there?"

"That's the problem. We're gonna be there for 2 months."

"2 months?" - Kirstin raised her voice, but she didn't intend to. She lowered it and asked again - "I'm sorry. 2 months?"

"Yeah. I know it's too much, but there's nothing I can do, I'm so sorry K."
Not knowing what to say and seeing that Ashley was just as upset as she was, Kirstin stated:

"I know it's not your fault, baby. We can work it out, of course. It's gonna be ok. You'll call me every day right?"

"Of course! Every single day, yes!"

"Good… so, see? It's gonna be just like it has been…" - she looked down - "only it's gonna be 2 months of just phone talk."

"K, look at me." - he lifted her chin up with his index finger and brushed a lock of her hair away - "2 months will go by so fast we are not even gonna notice it. And I promise I'll talk to the Mikes and try my best, when we come back, to get some time off so I can be with you, alright?"


"Yes, really. I wanna be with you so much. All the time. Whenever I'm not talking to you, I wanna call you and talk to you. Whenever we are talking over the phone, I wanna just… get inside it and show up here, right by your side" - Kirstin smiled - "I wanna see that smile everyday. I wanna kiss you whenever I feel like kissing you. I wanna hug you whenever I feel like hugging you. I want you."

"I want you too." - Kirstin hugged Ashley tight, her eyes watery. It was being too difficult for her, and knowing it wasn't just difficult for her, but for Ashley too, made her wonder if it was the right decision for them to be together. She soon washed that thought away. Of course it was the right thing to do. Ashley was all she ever wanted. Wasn't he? And he wouldn't hurt her like the others. Would he? Ashley was certainly the type of guy Kirstin wanted, sensitive, someone that makes her smile, but still she had some doubts about their relationship. She had to be certain about their relationship, though, before she'd call him her boyfriend. All the confused thoughts were disturbing her. She then suddenly felt a tear fall down her cheek.




































Chapter 20



Pulling back, Ashley saw Kirstin's eyes red and a single tear on her face.

"Hey baby, why are you crying?" – he gently wiped the tear with his thumb.

"I don't know… Just sad I guess, that we can't be together whenever we want to."

"I know. I hate that too. But hey! You could come on the tour if you want to."

"It's not that I don't want to, it's because I can't. I have college and work, I can't just go to Europe for 2 months!"

"I guess…" – Ashley sadly glanced down. No one said anything for a while. A moment later, Kirstin stated:

"I'm tired. I wanna go to sleep."

"Ok. Let's."

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