Lily (Suitors of Seattle) (12 page)

Read Lily (Suitors of Seattle) Online

Authors: Kirsten Osbourne

BOOK: Lily (Suitors of Seattle)
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“Let me rephrase that.  You’re perfect for me.  There’s no other woman I’d rather have beside me.”  He held her tightly.  “I love you, Lily.”
  He watched her face close up as soon as the words were out of his mouth.

Lily let out a sigh, her eyes turning sad.  She kissed him one last time, before turning her back to go to sleep.  “Good night, Daniel.”
  She stared at the wall in front of her, knowing she couldn’t face him when he’d just lied to her.  How could he be so wonderful one minute and lie the next?

Daniel stared at her back, hating the way she’d shut down when he mentioned his love.  How could he convince her of how he felt?  He settled against her back, pulling her against him.  “Good night, Lily.” 

The kiss she felt against the back of her head made the first of the tears start to fall




She woke the following morning to Daniel lying with his head on his pillow, his eyes wide open as he watched her sleep.  She came slowly awake, her eyes fluttering.  She gave him a tentative smile, her eyes burning from the crying she’d done the previous night.  He looked so sexy to her, lying there with his hair ruffled the covers down around his waist.

She knew she should have been cold, because the fire had long since died out, but she wasn’t.  She felt warm as she saw him watching her.  His hand reached out and stroked her cheek.  “You’re beautiful in the mornings.”

She blushed.  “My hair’s all tangled and I’m sure I have creases from the pillow in my cheek.”

“That’s what’s beautiful about you.  You’re real.”  He moved toward her, his hand pulling the cover down off her shoulders.  He waited for her to protest, and when she didn’t, he pressed against her.

Lying watching her sleep had aroused him more than kissing another woman would.  He knew he’d never be able to get enough of this woman.  His lips went to hers as his hands cupped her breasts, one leg moving against hers under the covers.  “Is it time to get ready for church?” she asked, not really wanting to go, but knowing they should.

“We’re skipping church today.  I’ve made big plans,” he whispered against her throat. 

“What kind of plans?”  She sucked in a breath as his lips touched just the right spot and she felt the dampness between her legs growing.

“Well, first, I’m going to make passionate love to my beautiful wife.  Then we’re going to eat breakfast.  And then I’m going to take you fishing at my favorite stream.”

She grinned.  “Very important plans.”  She loved that he planned to spend a day in a way she would enjoy, rather than just taking his own interests into account. 

“As long as I spend my time with you, every second is well spent.”  His lips covered hers as he began stroking her in earnest, doing his best to raise her need to the fever-pitch he was already experiencing. 

Afterward, she rested her cheek on his shoulder.  “Are you really taking me fishing today?”

“Well, I didn’t feel like I could take time off from work with no notice for a honeymoon, so I thought we could just spend a day together instead.  Does fishing sound good to you?”

She laughed.  “Fishing always sounds good to me.  I love to fish!”  She was so glad they shared such a basic interest.  Her parents’ only real interest they seemed to share was their children.  She was unsure how they’d gotten together in the first place. 

He swatted her bottom.  “Get up and get dressed then, woman!”

She got up and pulled her things out of the carpet bag they’d brought in the night before.  She dug through and pulled out a skirt and a blouse.  He shook his head when he saw them.  “You didn’t bring your pants?” 

“Well, yes, but I was sure you didn’t want me wearing pants in public now that we’re married.”
  She bit her lip as she watched him, trying to be certain he wouldn’t mind.

He stared at her in surprise.  “Why would you think that?  I don’t care what you wear.  Pants are suitable for fishing, so you should wear them.”  He walked to her putting his hands on her shoulders and looking her in the eye, both of them still naked.  “I told you that you’re perfect for me just the way you are.  Please don’t change.”

She sighed and nodded.  “I just don’t want you to be embarrassed of me.  I know I’m not most men’s idea of feminine beauty.”  She wasn’t any man’s idea of beauty, but she wasn’t going to argue that with him.

He laughed, looking her up and down.  Her hair was down and reached past her bottom.  Her legs were long and slim.  Her waist was tiny between her flared hips and generous breasts.  “They’re stupid then.  Very very stupid.”

She smiled, wishing she could be certain he’d always feel that way.  While Lily dressed, she thought about their night together and knew she’d made a good choice marrying him.  He may be in love with her sister, but he made her feel loved, and that’s what really mattered.

They went to the same fishing hol
e they’d gone to before, and she outfished him.  He loved watching her face each time she reeled in another fish.  She truly enjoyed being outdoors, and he loved it.  So many girls he’d known would have complained about how dirty the branch they sat on was.  How slimy the worms and fish.  She never blinked at those things.  She just kept fishing.

When they took a break to eat the picnic lunch she’d packed, they sat on the blanket together.  He kept her hand in his while they ate, even though she complained it was hard to eat with only one hand.  He could see her eyes flashing with laughter, though, so he didn’t mind.

After they finished lunch, she got up to put everything in the picnic basket and he grinned as she bent over in front of him.  “I know why women aren’t allowed to wear pants.”

She turned to him, her eyes questioning.  “Why is that?”
  She wondered what he was thinking as he watched her.

“Because if all women wore pants, men would spend all their time staring at their bottoms in them.”

Lily blushed.  “Are you looking at my bottom, sir?”  She turned around so her front was to him, embarrassed.

Daniel nodded.  “I sure am.  And I like it, too.”

She straightened up, her eyes dancing at him.  “Really?   And what are you going to do about it?”

He raised an eyebrow.  “Well, it is our one day honeymoon, so…”  He caught her hand and pulled her down onto his lap, laughing softly. “I think I’m going to force you to be wicked.”

“Wicked?  It’s not wicked when we’re married.”

He laughed, his hands going to the buttons on her pants.  “Why no, no it’s not.” 

They didn’t catch as many fish that afternoon as they had in the morning, but she didn’t complain.  Fishing with him was a lot of fun, but other things with him, set her body on fire.  How had she gotten so lucky that she had a man who treated her so well, and made love to her so sweetly?

When they finally packed everything up to go home, she was sad.  No, it hadn’t been a day at the beach, or a honeymoon in the mountains, but it had been her first full day of marriage.  She hated that he was going back to work the next day, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Once they were home, she fried up the fish they’d caught and set the table.  She wasn’t much of a cook, but she’d done enough fishing that she’d learned to clean and cook fish, so she could enjoy the fruits of her labors on her own by the stream before going home if she wanted to.

He complimented her on the meal, before taking her hand and leading her up the stairs, his intentions written clearly in his eyes.  “I only have this one day with just you before going back to work.  Let’s make the most of it…”




As Daniel made the ten minute walk to work the following morning, he couldn’t help but think about how upset Lily was because she was so determined he didn’t love her.  No matter what he said or did, she couldn’t be convinced otherwise.

He didn’t want Lily to be unhappy, so he had to find a way to convince her that it wasn’t Rose he loved, but her sister.  He sighed.  How was that even possible?  He already showered her with attention, constantly told her she was beautiful, and told her he loved her.  He could shower her with gifts, he supposed, but he’d never really done that before and had no idea what to do.

He had to figure something out, though, because she needed to know how loved and cared for she was. 

As he passed the small florist’s shop, he stopped and looked in the window and then wandered into the store.  He knew lilies were out of season, but this was one time when he just didn’t care about money.  He’d pay every last dime he had to make her realize how loved she was.

He asked that a bouquet of multi-colored lilies be delivered to his home and scrawled on the card, “I miss you already.”  He debated on how to sign it, because she hated it when he told her he loved her, so instead of signing it love, he signed, “Your adoring husband, Daniel.”  Yes, that would work. 

He paid the clerk and rushed off to the bank, knowing he’d be a minute or two late.  He’d never been late, and he certainly didn’t want Fred to think he expected preferential treatment just because he was married to his daughter.  When he breezed in, Fred raised an eyebrow at him as if to ask what had happened.  Instead of ignoring it, Daniel went into Fred’s office with him and shut the door, taking the seat across from him.

“I’m very sorry I was late.  I was buying flowers for Lily.”
  He knew he didn’t have to explain, but he felt the need.

“Did you already mess up, son?”

Daniel shook his head.  “I don’t think so, but maybe.”  He sighed heavily, wishing he knew how much he could share with her father.

“Talk to me.”

“She thinks I’m still in love with Rose.  She doesn’t believe me when I tell her I love her.  She usually starts crying when I say it, and accuses me of lying to her.”

Fred sighed.  “She’s always felt like she was
n’t quite as good as Rose.  Rose’s grades were always slightly better.  When they sewed Rose’s stitches were always slightly straighter.”  He shrugged.  “She has things she does so much better than Rose.  Lily can climb a tree like a squirrel, and she can fish and hunt better than any man I’ve ever met.  But those things don’t matter to her, because she doesn’t think she should be doing them.  Even though they’re what she enjoys.”  His eyes met Daniel’s.  “You’ve got a hard road ahead of you, son.  I hope you can convince her.”

Daniel nodded, getting to his feet.  “So do I.  I honestly don’t know what else to do.”  He stopped with his hand on the door knob.  “I won’t be late again.”
  His eyes met his father-in-law’s.

Fred nodded.  “I know that.” 

Daniel spent the day thinking about what he could do for Lily to show her he cared.  He had no ideas at all.  He loved Lily, more than he’d ever loved anyone, but how could he convince her of that?




Lily was writing thank you notes for wedding gifts received that afternoon when the flowers were delivered.  The maid brought them to her, and she smiled as she read the card, her fingers tracing the words he’d written. 

She set the flowers down and went back to her writing.  She really wished he’d saved his money and bought her a good fishing pole, but flowers were pretty.  They’d wilt and die, but she could enjoy them for a few days.




Every day that week, a new gift was delivered.  Sometimes flowers, sometimes jewelry, one time it was a bolt of pretty fabric to make a new dress.  Each gift just made her feel sadder.  Did Daniel not know her at all?  Or worse,
did he want her to become a carbon copy of Rose?  Someone who only wanted flowers and jewelry?  She wasn’t her sister and she never could be.

Every day the gifts came, and every day she thanked him sweetly when he came home.  Every day he thought she looked just a little bit sadder.  He wanted her to be happy, but he didn’t know how to help her get there.

Their love life was wonderful.  They made love for hours every night, and the only time she seemed truly happy was in his arms.  So he kept her naked in bed as much as possible, always being careful not to tell her he loved her afterward.  How could they get past this?




They’d been married a full month when Lily realized that Daniel wasn’t happy in their marriage.  All the gifts he was sending her were for one reason and one reason only.  He was tired of the way she wore pants around the house and wanted her to act like a lady for a change.  She’d always promised herself she wouldn’t do that for any man, but how could she keep that promise when it was Daniel?

She went to Rose and talked to her, telling her Daniel wanted her to be a real lady like she was.  That he wanted her to stop wearing pants around the house and start wearing jewelry.

Rose shook her head.  “Lily, Daniel loves you.  I can see it in his eyes every time he looks at you.  He doesn’t want you to change!”

Lily sighed.  “Then why would he buy me pretty fabric and jewelry?  He wants me to start wearing those things for him.  I just know it.”
  She wanted more than anything to make Daniel happy.

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