Limbo (38 page)

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Authors: Amy Andrews

BOOK: Limbo
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‘Are you okay?’

It was so sweet that he was treating her like she was going to shatter — or possibly vomit — instead of just yanking her to him, which is what she was fairly positive he wanted to do.

sure as shit wanted him to.

She shook her head. ‘I found a leech on me.’

He looked alarmed. ‘Holy fuck. Really? Where?’

Joy knew this was her cue. She loosened the fastening of her towel and let it drop to the ground. Dash’s breath hissed out audibly as his gaze dropped and then roamed all over her body. His jaw clenched but he kept his palms firmly planted on his thighs.

She pointed to the red mark near her navel. ‘Here.’

His eyes zeroed in on it. ‘You’re right,’ he murmured, taking his time examining it. ‘Looks like it could do with some TLC.’

‘You wanna kiss it better?’

His gaze meandered up her body, lingering on her nipples. ‘For starters.’

‘Good answer,’ she murmured as she took a step towards him.

Joy shivered as Dash’s hand slid onto her thighs and drifted around the back before moving upwards and settling on her ass. He didn’t take his eyes off her as he urged her closer with his hands. His head was level with her belly, his mouth a centimetre or two away from making contact with her skin.

And then he dropped his gaze and pressed his lips to the raw angry mark near her navel and Joy sucked in a breath as her belly contracted and her legs went wobbly again. His hot tongue lapped at the area and she grabbed his shoulder for balance, her other hand gliding into the thick tangle of unruly salt and pepper curls, anchoring him against her.

After what seemed an age of stroking with his tongue over and over he broke off and looked up at her, his scratchy chin resting on the spot. ‘Better?’

Joy, who’d been buried deep in her happy place, fluttered her eyes open. ‘God no,’ she said, her voice almost a moan. ‘You just made me burn

Her mouth burned for his kiss, her nipples burned for his attention and the tingle between her thighs burned for the thick, heavy stretch of him.

He grinned at her. ‘Good.’

Then he pulled her down until her knees were planted either side of his thighs on the mattress, spreading her right open. She kept hold of his shoulder as the rigid length of his cock pressed hard against the hot, liquid mess between her thighs.

Joy gasped, rubbing herself against him, trying to relieve the burn and tingle that grew and grew, the roughness of the denim cranking up the friction. One of Dash’s hands slid up her back, pressing her closer. His hot mouth captured her left nipple and sucked hard. Her hand slid to the back of his neck, holding him there as a coarse sob tore from her throat and she cried out as he ground his cock, sucked her nipple and kneaded her ass in perfect, devastating unison.

His mouth switched to the other nipple, flaying it with his hard, hot tongue and taunting it with a brutally
suction. Her breasts didn’t feel small, pathetic excuses for mammary glands under his ministrations — they felt freaking mighty and he worshipped them utterly.

Joy’s neck lost its ability to hold her head upright. Her head flopped back, thrusting her further into his mouth.

Jesus. Fuck. And goddamn it
. It was good.

much. It was going to kill her. Her heart pounded and her breath scraped like sandpaper in her lungs. She was going to die from pleasure and that was even before they got to the really good bit and there wasn’t a single cell in her body that gave a damn.

His mouth left her nipples and Joy whimpered, raising her head as he licked up her neck. When his lips neared hers, they pounced, taking possession of her mouth, driving hers open, demanding access, sweeping in with the heat and the lash of his tongue, wrenching a moan from deep inside her, melding it with one of his own.

‘God, your mouth’s addictive,’ he muttered against it.

She moaned again. ‘Shut up and kiss it,’ she panted.

And kiss it he did. Over and over until she didn’t know where his mouth ended and hers began. Long, deep, wet, hard kisses that pushed and pushed her to give more and more and more of herself. Kisses that obliterated everything except the divine connection of their mouths. Kisses that breathed fire and spread it

His hand left her ass and she whimpered into his mouth at the loss of pressure she’d felt as he’d held her clamped hard against him, their bodies rubbing and rocking. But then his fingers slid into the wetness jammed hard against him, flicked over the hard ripe bud of her clitoris and she bucked and broke off the kiss on a gasp.

‘Easy,’ he murmured, his mouth brushing her neck as his fingers brushed over the spot again and again.

Joy moaned and clutched his shoulders hard, knowing that she was going to come in about ten seconds flat if he didn’t stop
. And she wanted him inside her when she came.

‘No,’ she panted, grabbing his hand wanting him to stop despite her traitorous body flexing her hips shamelessly against his still hand.

He chuckled as he nuzzled along her collarbone. ‘No?’ A hot little puff of air sent goose bumps skating over her shoulder and down to her nipples, tightening them unbearably.

Joy reached for sanity, some clear thinking, amid the chaos of her treacherous body. She pushed him hard and he fell back. ‘No,’ she said, reaching for his fly and yanking it down. ‘I want to be fucking you when I come. And I want it now.’

And she reached into his underwear and freed his rock-hard cock.

,’ he groaned, his eyes practically rolling back in his head as he partially lifted his left hip and groped behind him, yanking his wallet out. ‘Condom,’ he said, thrusting it at her as he watched her breasts through slitted eyes.

Joy found the foil packet easily and without taking her eyes off him she ripped it open with her teeth. His hands settled on her hips. ‘You look incredibly sexy all naked on top of me.’

He looked incredibly sexy too, completely dressed apart from his dick sticking out. She grinned as she rolled on the condom. The she planted her hands on his shoulders, centred herself over him and in one swift movement sunk down onto his cock, not stopping until he was seated high and hard inside her.

She reared back then, taking her hands off his shoulders, biting her lip at the incredible feeling of fullness. ‘How do I look now?’ she asked, her breath raspy.

he muttered, his hands gliding up her body to cover her breasts. ‘So fucking hot.’

‘I think I want to stay just like this forever,’ she gasped arching her back as his thumbs dragged back and forth over the taut peaks of her nipples, despite her body demanding she move.

‘Suits me.’

‘But…’ Joy rocked her hips slightly. ‘I want to move too.’

‘Then move,’ he murmured.

Joy rocked once, twice, three times. Then she rotated her hips over and over, round and round, slowly and languidly, enjoying the harsh suck of his breath as the long, hard girth of him massaged and pulsed inside her.

‘Jesus, Joy,’ he groaned. ‘You’re killing me.’

She grinned down at him. ‘I know exactly how you feel.’


And she was done with screwing around. With teasing. She needed to be

The next time she moved it was up. And then down. And it felt so damn good she actually got dizzy and reached forward for his shoulders so she could repeat the process.

‘Yes,’ he hissed, his hands still on her breasts, his extended arms also supporting her. ‘Again.’

Joy went again. And again. And again. She lifted off him and sunk back down on him over and over, inching them both closer and closer to the end. Dash joined in, meeting her downward trajectory with a hard upward one, rocking her breasts and her hair — her entire body — with every decisive thrust.

And suddenly the contractions that had been gently rippling crashed over her in a flash of intensive fury and Joy cried out, flinging her head back, riding Dash hard to wring out every last drop, satisfied to feel the hard clamp of his hands on her hips as he went over the edge too, bucking them wildly to their conclusion.


A few hours later they were both naked and eating pizza in bed. Joy was propped up against the headboard, the sheet pulled to her waist, one foot sticking out. Dash was lying at the opposite end, his head propped up on his bent elbow, no sheet covering him at all.

An open pizza box sat equidistant between them.

Joy was, of course, starving after a marathon session burning up the sheets so Dash had rung the local Eagle Boys and had a large pizza delivered. But now it was almost devoured, Joy was being very pleasantly distracted by Dash’s nudity.

She let her eyes roam over his naked body. There was something so quintessentially male about it. Chris’s had been lean, all pale, flat and smooth. Dash’s was meatier, hairier, his muscles more bulky than lean, his skin tanned beneath the dark hair covering his arms, legs and belly.

He probably had twenty kilos on Chris even though they were both about the same height. Dash had a butt, too, and hips that filled her palms. And
, didn’t he know what to do with those hips.

‘Why do you have sixty-nine tattooed on your foot?’

Joy dragged her gaze away from the very fascinating area
his hip bones and looked to where he was tracing the ink with his finger. She flexed her left foot and looked at the small tattoo just below her ankle, which had faded in some areas. ‘It’s not a sixty-nine.’

He grinned. ‘It looks like it to me.’

‘It’s the symbol for cancer, my star sign.’

He chuckled. ‘Let me guess, you walked into a tattoo parlour and some hairy tattooed guy told you it was the star sign for cancer so you took him at his word when really you were the fourth girl that week he’d conned into getting a sexual position tattooed onto her body.’

Joy drew her foot under the sheet. She knew it
the right symbol, she’d looked it up, but the guy doing it hadn’t been very good. ‘It was done on the beach in Bali if you must know,’ she said waspishly. ‘His hand wasn’t very steady and I don’t think he used enough ink. It cost five bucks.’

‘Bloody hell, Joy,’ he said, sobering suddenly. ‘Five bucks on a beach in Bali? It’s a wonder you didn’t come back with Hep B.’

‘Well I didn’t. Just a shitty tattoo.’

He laughed and she glared at him. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, even though he didn’t look very contrite at all. ‘But it’d make a great bumper sticker don’t you think.
Come to Bali. Get a shitty tattoo.

‘I think
don’t get a five dollar tat while pissed in Bali
would make a better one.’

He grabbed her ankle out from under the sheets and kissed it. ‘You regret it?’

Joy shivered at the light caress, her nipples responding unashamedly. She shook her head. ‘Not as much as I regret some other things.’

He glanced up at her and Joy’s belly clenched as his gaze lingered on her rapidly puckering nipples. ‘Will this be one of them?’

Joy shook her head. ‘No. Not this time. Not last time. What about you?’

He shook his head also. ‘Never.’

Joy’s breath felt like wet sand in her lungs as his finger stroked over her ankle. Fibres in her belly contracted as if he’d touched her there too. ‘You do know there can only be this, right? You have Katie to concentrate on and I’m not in the market for anything more. I’m certainly not ready to be anybody’s new

He nodded. ‘I know. I think because of our age difference alone you and I are destined to be out of sync.’

Joy nodded. He was right. They just didn’t have a future. But they had a present. ‘Do you want dessert?’

He smiled. ‘I didn’t order any dessert.’

Joy kicked off the sheet with her spare leg, her blood washing thick and sludgy through her veins as desire coiled low and tight. ‘Still plenty to eat.’

His nostrils flared as he stared between her legs. ‘Hold that thought,’ he said.

Joy almost growled when he rolled out of bed and out of her reach. She’d like having him handy these last few hours and the way he’d looked at her just now made her want to reach for him

She watched as he swiped the honey she’d bought from the farmer’s market earlier today off the table and headed back with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

‘The perfect topping.’ He smiled holding it up, his dick already sticking out in front of him, clearly hungry for a double dose of honey.

‘Now,’ he said as he put a knee on the bottom of the bed, grabbed both of her ankles and yanked her down until her butt was level with the edge of the mattress and her feet were flat on the floor. ‘Lay back and enjoy.’

Joy lifted her head and watched as Dash knelt at the foot of the bed using his shoulders to push her knees wide apart then squeezed a long thin stream of viscous, golden liquid from the container. It landed in just the right spot, oozing all warm and sticky between her legs.

She gasped at the sensation, her hips lifting an involuntary invitation. ‘Oh Jesus,’ she moaned as Dash took it up, her head falling back against the mattress as she surrendered to the mastery of his tongue.


A phone ringing woke Joy up some time later. With no windows the hotel room was pitch black. She had no idea what time of day it was or even where the damn phone was for that matter. She knew it had been some time after two before they’d finally had their fill of each other’s bodies and collapsed in exhausted heaps.

‘Dash,’ she said, shifting his arm, heavy on her waist as she looked over his shoulder behind her at the glow from the digital clock on the bedside table.

Six-thirty. It had to be about Isabella.

,’ she said again, firmer this time, giving him a shake. Who knew he was such a deep sleeper? Although he had to be as knackered as she was.


’ she hissed, groping forward for the lamp on her side of the bed, her heartbeat galloping in her chest.

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