Liquid Lies (33 page)

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Authors: Lois Lavrisa

BOOK: Liquid Lies
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“Let me toss the next one,” Jacob said. I handed him the Frisbee. He threw it high in the air above the field.

Skipper rushed at it. He leaped for it, catching in his teeth.

“Whoa, he got it,” Jacob said. “He’s a terrific dog. What happens if you break up with me? Will I get visitation rights with Skipper?”

“Who said I’m going to dump you? You’re the only one that’ll have me.” I pulled the scarf around my neck. It was cold. I thought I should have worn something warmer than a thick sweater over a t-shirt and blue jeans. “What about if you dump me? Do I get a share of Elmore Construction?”

A siren blared for a second nearby. I turned to look. A black sedan pulled up next to the curb near the field. Detective Wurkowski stepped out.

“Looks like your boss is here,” Jacob said.

Detective Wurkowski had hired me once he found out I had decided against going to graduate school, and needed a job. In any event, my high school aptitude test did say I should be in law enforcement.

And after all that we’ve been through together, Wurkowski still wouldn’t call me CiCi.

“I hope that he has some good news for me,” I said. “It’s been six weeks, three days, one hour, let me look at the time, and thirty-one minutes since I turned in my police academy application. You know that I was supposed to hear this week.”

“I’m sure you will,” Jacob said.

Skipper ran to greet Detective Wurkowski.

“Good afternoon Mr. Elmore. Ms. Coe,” Detective Wurkowski greeted us. “Perfect day huh?”

“Isn’t it? They say it’ll be in the low 50’s tonight,” Jacob said.

“Yes. A cool front from up north is moving in,” Detective Wurkowski added.

“Enough about the weather. Yeah, yeah, it’s perfect out,” I said. “Did you hear from the academy?”

“Impatience is not a deal breaker for the academy is it?” Jacob smiled.

“This letter just arrived,” Detective Wurkowski said with a grin. He handed me the letter

It was from the academy. I ripped it open and read the first line, it said I was accepted. I screamed and jumped. I hugged Jacob. I hugged the Detective. Skipper ran in circles and barked.

“Some more news. Mind you, it’s not official yet. Authorities have done an extensive investigation of McNally and Pike,” Wurkowski said. “As you know, McNally has been quietly removed from his position.”

“I know. Phase one has come to a standstill,” I said.

“It also looks like phase two is not going to happen, at least as it currently stands,” Wurkowski said.

“Estelle and Hazel will be thrilled.” I couldn’t wait to tell them. They were going to get to keep their homes, at least that what it looked like. I guess Jacob really did know me. I had no patience. “When will I able to tell them? Please say I can tell them now?”

“Within the next week. I hear they plan to tear down the abandoned building near the hospital within next week. It’ll be the new location of phase two of the hospital’s plan. It’ll house what the new wing would have,” Detective Wurkowski said. “They’re thinking of naming the wing after Ms. Pike.”

That was the same property Skipper and I were on when we got hit with the dumpster lid. And the rotten smell in the dumpster? It was the rest of Francesca’s body. To destroy the abandoned building and rebuild something fresh, new and useful was an honorable thing to do.

Detective Wurkowski’s cell rang. “Listen, I just stopped by to tell you the news. I’m going to take the call. I’ll see you in the office Monday morning.”

We said good bye.

“Could life get any better than this?” I said.

“Maybe.” Jacob put his hand in his coat pocket and pulled out a small felt covered red box.

“How so?” My voice trembled. I could hear blood rushing in my head.

“I know that we’re not near the romantic bench, CiCi.” He knelt before me. Skipper tried to knock him over. Jacob playfully rough-housed with him, then threw the Frisbee. Skipper shot after it.

“I’ve already asked permission from Estelle and Hazel.” His hand that held the box was shaking.

“Permission for what?” I smiled. He’s going to propose to me!

This past week, Estelle and Hazel have giggled every time they saw me. I bet he asked them the night I’d worked late at the station. I’d come home to find him at the house with them. They were sitting at the kitchen table trying out one of Estelle’s new bakery items. Estelle told me Jacob was there to fix the pantry door, but there hadn’t been anything wrong with that door.

Sometimes, I’m so clueless.

“I want to know if you, and Skipper, would spend the rest of your uneventful lives with me. And please, tell me it will be less eventful.” Jacob opened the box and pulled out a ring.

“Uneventful? With me?”

“On the other hand, adventure is fine.”

“I do. I will. I mean, yes,” I said as I pulled him up. He put the ring on my trembling finger.

He drew me in close and we came together in a fervent kiss. Skipper nuzzled my leg. I thought to myself, being truly happy means being free, and being free means having no secrets. I was happy and free.



The End


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Five Fun Facts about Lois Lavrisa

She was a professional NBA cheerleader for the Chicago Bulls (1985/1986 season)

Being organized gives her the illusion of having control (yeah right, with four kids)

Secretly, she wants to be a beach bum. Okay now it’s not a secret.

If someone hired her to travel the world and write about it -she would pack in today.

She gave birth to her first two children in Sweden with a midwife -sans epidurals. Birthed the last two in the USA -blissfully numb with pain meds





Lois Lavrisa is an Amazon Kindle bestselling author who writes mysteries with a twist. When not writing, she juggles her packed schedule, as well as that of her four children, while desperately trying to squeeze in a date night with her husband. Lois daydreams of peace and quiet by the beach armed only with a glass of Riesling and a great book.



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