Little Cat (6 page)

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Authors: Tamara Faith Berger

BOOK: Little Cat
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When she climbed off me she was quiet. I rubbed my face with her sheets. They smelled weird, like eggs.

‘Listen,’ she whispered. ‘Listen … ’

I nodded that I was listening to her. I felt sort of sick, dizzy. I couldn’t stop licking my lips. That taste of her was keeping me awake. My lips still felt like her pussy. Then she reached her arm for my neck and drew me close to her. I put my head on her chest, but I felt nervous, I don’t know. That noose was right above us and I didn’t want to ask what it was for.

‘I had this friend once,’ the girl said, stroking my cheek. ‘She did what you just did. You listening to me?’

‘Yeah, I am. I am.’ I was glad she wasn’t mad at me anymore. And her kissing that woman at the bar now made sense. She liked girls. She was bisexual.

‘Listen: to get inside someone you really have to be there. Every second, right there. It’s at the back of your throat, inside your lips, all over your tongue. Can you hear me?’

‘Yeah, of course I can hear you. I’m right here.’ She was at the back of my throat, inside my lips, all over my tongue.

‘It’s like you’re looking down a highway at a turn in the road. There’s this car coming toward you, and you know that the car is going at the exact same speed as you are toward it, but you both can’t slow down, so it’s like your car’s racing into her car, coming closer and closer … ’

Her voice was making my head all thick and sleepy.

‘So that’s what happened with me and this girl. We were really close friends. I used to go over to her place for dinner and we’d talk and drink, I mean we did it every week. Then one night, we had a fight. It had to do with why people get hurt. I remember she said that rejection was the worst of all kinds of pain. And I was disagreeing with her because I was saying that rejection didn’t make you bleed, so it couldn’t be the strongest kind because there was no physical pain attached. Now I get how that is totally simplistic, but at the time it seemed like I was supposed to be opposing her. And I was talking a lot. I said that the worst kind of pain would be rejection where blood really starting pouring out of your heart! She rolled her eyes at me and said that the kind of pain she was talking about was
. I started laughing saying that her kind of rejection couldn’t have that much reality in it because it only applied to the person who was feeling it. And then she got so mad, all of a sudden, I mean, I wasn’t surprised, I was being an asshole for some reason, I just didn’t know why. But I think she knew why. I think she already had these kinds of feelings for me. And she jumped up off the couch, her voice got deep and she said, “You don’t understand anything I say, do you? You don’t understand anything about me.”

‘She was on the verge of tears, my friend, and I tried to pacify her. I said I was sorry, I mean, I really didn’t want to hurt her. But that just made it worse. She couldn’t speak. She ran to her room. I wasn’t sure if I should follow her or if she would come back out or if I should leave. I found myself walking down the hallway toward her bedroom. The door was slightly open. I knocked and asked if I could come in. She said okay. She was kneeling on her bed. It was the first time I’d ever been in there. She had a special area walled off for the bed. The walls were painted yellow and there were red lights everywhere. She was wearing a red fuzzy sweater that was clinging to her chest. Her breasts were pressing out high. The light was so strange. It made the place look like it was swelling. And she almost looked like a child, on her knees, begging me to play. ‚“It’s okay, just come here,” she said. Her voice got lodged in my throat.

‘I climbed up on her bed. I didn’t feel sure, but I did it. I lay down on my back. She did the same. It was too warm. She whispered something, I didn’t hear what, we were lying side to side, not touching.

‘I was stuck there on my back. But I knew where I was and what we were going to do … ’

‘Tell me what you did.’ I got that out. The girl hadn’t stopped stroking my face and I was totally turned on again listening to her story.

‘Uh, well, she whispered again and it travelled over my neck. It sounded so much like she was saying my name. I turned my eyes toward her. My skin was throbbing. Her sweater was itching against my arms. We were too close. It felt like she was reading my mind. Her gaze was so steady on my face. I ¬≠couldn’t hold it. I looked at her neck. I wanted to touch it. I heard her hand move along the sheets. I was too hot, it felt like the kind of heat from a fire in the middle of winter, if you move just one inch you’ll be cold … She was coming closer and closer to me and she said I should take off my clothes. I couldn’t, though, I still couldn’t move, her hand touched my waist. It felt like the skin there was splitting in two. Her fingers worked up under my shirt. The tips were freezing. She traced along my ribs. She was moving up toward my breasts. She got there, she squeezed me. We both moaned when she did it. She used her other hand to lift up my shirt. I was breathing so fast. She pulled my bra over my breasts and she moved her head in, she jutted out her lips. She was wetting me. She was sucking on my nipples. It felt so good, I was beating all over. I put my hands on the back of her head. I wanted her to suck more, my whole breasts, the flesh and the nipples, I wanted every part of me in her mouth. I pulled her hair in my fists. I wanted to come. I felt like a man touching a girl, a girl who was writhing all over him. Do you hear? Are you listening to me?’

‘God, yeah.’

‘Girls are like this. What they want, it’s never over. I wanted to fuck her. My hands went all over her body – I wanted to fuck her, flat on her back, her body on fire, her lips were opening. I rolled over her and I started to move, see, that’s when I felt it, that I wanted to fuck, my breasts were above her, that I could fuck, that she could take me in more, and I took off her sweater, her underwear, her bra, and I pulled off my own so that when I pressed down we were naked to naked. Our bodies rubbed like steam comes off the ground. Breast to breast, thigh to thigh, our cunts moving, I couldn’t help it, my ass was up and down, my ass was in her hands, I wanted to fuck her and fuck her so bad. My knees spread open her thighs. Wetness shot down. We moaned, we were together right there, cunt to cunt, water boiling. I was licking her neck, my teeth bit her skin, her fingers dug down between both our bodies. She was splitting me wide, doing the same to herself. It was one flashing second, my clit to her clit, the walls went on fire, my clit to her clit, it all buzzed in my blood and the dark opened up on our brightest red skins. Oh god, wake up! I want you to know how this feels. Fuck. Just wake up! I want you to touch me, really touch me. I can’t stand this. I really can’t. Fuck. God. Fuck.’

I was falling asleep to the sound of her cursing, afraid of the noose being tied round my neck.


drank too much. I don’t remember exactly how I got there. I remember being at the bar, not leaving it. The two of them were sitting beside me at first, their bare legs swinging over the bar stools. They looked exactly alike from the back. Laughing and smoking. The same long dark hair. When I glanced down I saw one girl’s hand playing up under the other one’s skirt. It startled me. I wanted to see that. And they knew I was watching. They looked over at me a little. I didn’t look back at their faces but at their hands on each other’s bare thighs. There was just no way they thought I couldn’t see them. Fuck, I was sitting right beside them.

‘Let’s take him home with us.’

‘No, I don’t want to.’

‘Come on. Why not? It’ll be fun.’

‘He’s not going to be enough for us.’

‘Oh, come on! Let’s do it, it’ll be fun. I’ll get to see you fuck.’

They were talking in these jokey voices. Now I knew they knew I could hear them.

‘Look at his feet.’

‘Whatever, look at his nose!’

‘I like big strapping dicks.’

‘So do I.’

‘It’s not worth it to fuck a small dick.’

‘Stop it!’

The two of them were laughing hysterically now.

‘Come on. He looks nice.’

‘But I like it when they’re not so nice.’

‘I know you do, you little slut! Come on, let’s take him to your place. I feel like fucking him.’

‘Only if I get to see your face when you’re coming … ’

‘You know you can see anything you want … ’

The two girls were ordering another round. Then the one closest to me, the one the other one called ‘little slut,’ turned to me and smiled. ‘Can I get you something?’

I didn’t know what to say to her. She was offering to buy me a drink? What the fuck did that mean?

‘Come on, Loverboy, drink with me and my friend … ’

The girl put her arm around the other girl and drew their faces close together.

‘Yeah! What do you want to drink?’

They really looked alike. Their lips were so glossy.

‘Come on, Loverboy, drink with us!’

‘Okay,’ I said. ‘Anything.’

So they bought me a beer and we all started talking. I bought the next round, and the next, and the next. I guess we just kept drinking. Then I think we got in a cab. I remember I was walking in the middle of them, arm in arm, up some stairs. They let me go when we got inside the apartment. I saw a couch covered with takeout containers. The two of them ran ahead of me, laughing, down a hallway. I followed them, stumbling, my hands along the walls. It was dark and too hot in that place and I was drunk. The bedroom at the end of the hallway seemed as small as a closet. The bed was near the floor.

I was taking off my clothes in there because I was sweating. I listened to the sound of them kissing. There were lumps of sheets all over the bed. It looked like an obstacle course. I was feeling around for the wall to lean on. My dick had gotten hard because they were below me, sighing out moans between their kisses. I was starting to make out their legs in the darkness, twisting together like they were glued. I saw two tongues flicking around. They were drawing each other’s lips in circles. That’s what I thought I saw.

With my palms sliding along the wall, I ran into a hook for hanging a painting. It was fucking sharp and it cut me. Then I banged my shin on the edge of the bed and cursed. The girls stopped their kissing for a second and started laughing: ‘It’s Loverboy!’

It was like they’d forgotten I was even there.

I held my cock. I was cut and bruised and I needed some air. But I was down in near to them now, kneeling at the edge of the bed. The bed was too close to the floor. It smelled like old eggs. I reached in for one of their thighs. I dug deep into it with my hand, I felt like I was shovelling that thigh into the mattress. I heard moaning.

‘Oh god, he’s got me, he’s got me!’

‘Make him wait, you little slut, I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come from you first.’

I kept on squeezing the top thigh, the little slut’s thigh with one hand as I stroked my cock with the other. Their breaths heated up, as if they were hyperventilating. I heard their cunts clicking. It sounded like a nightmare.

I let go of my dick. I didn’t want to come yet. I lay down on my stomach, my knees hit the floor. They were kissing again, mumbling. Their four legs rose up. I smelled their pussies in a hot stuffy gust.

‘Put your fingers in us now, Loverboy.’

Both my hands reached inward to feel for their cunts, along their thighs, I was following the heat and I found one, I found the other – they were hot and smashed together and I went in each one. It was like I was sticking my fingers into soup. Both their cunts were so thick. I spread my hand so I could do both at the same time with one hand. I had one with my ring finger, one with my thumb. The little slut on top clutched my finger on and off with her pussy. I wanted to see what I was doing. It was making them breathe fast again, I was pushing in fast and rhythmically, it was making me breathe faster too. I started to shove my second hand, reversed, into each of them, spreading, hearing them kiss, god, stretching them wide, two fingers in two pussies, god they felt big, hugging me, wetter, I couldn’t go slow.

‘More. Do it more!’

I inched in even closer, they were sucking me deeper, keeping me there.

‘Suck us now. Suck us. Come on!’

They were on top of each other. They spread their legs wide behind them in a V. They got so excited rubbing and sliding, trying to touch their two clits. The whole bed was wet. I got my face right up there, breathing into the two of them stacked on top of each other. I didn’t know if I could do it.

‘Do it, do it, do it, do it!’

In between their tongues and saying
do it
, they were breathing fast again. I got my lips wet. I stuck my tongue out. I licked from top to bottom. Pussy lips vibrated and smashed against my tongue. I knew which one was her, the little slut, the one whose place we were in – she was tight and tasted like cider. She was growing behind herself into my mouth.

‘More, more!’ she screamed. ‘Fuck, yeah, you know how to do this, Loverboy! Thank god! God I love him, he’s fucking skilled like a magician!’

Yeah, a magician! I concentrated on her with my mouth because she loved it and she needed it. I poked the other girl with my thumbs. It was hard to please two girls. I had to keep licking. I couldn’t stop. Saliva was pouring down my chin. I felt like my mouth was moving inside the mouth of a beast. Lips purple. Throat wide.

‘I want to fuck you,’ I could hear myself gulping. ‘I want to fuck you.’

Again I heard them laughing. They were licking each other’s tongues. They untangled themselves, moving quickly, and they dragged me up by the arms so that my whole body was finally on the bed. They rolled me over on my back.

‘I told you it wouldn’t be big!’

‘It’s amazing. My magician has a big fat dick,’ said the slut.

They were passing my dick back and forth between their hands but I knew that my girl was squeezing it harder. Then they got close and started kissing each other around me. Their mouths formed a suction at the head of my dick, their hot spit poured down. It felt so good I heard my moans fill the room. I was going to shoot in their faces and that made them do it faster, they were making me moan like that, she was doing that, I couldn’t help it, they kept licking each other so fast around my cock, hot sucking, dark kissing. I was about to come but they stopped and started laughing.

‘No, Loverboy, not yet! Oh fuck, you tell him. He likes you better than me.’

The little slut who smelled like cider crawled over me and she whispered in my ear. ‘We’re all gonna come, Magic Man. I got a present for you first.’

And then she climbed up to my neck and pinned her knees at my ears. The other one stayed down at my cock. I could feel she was straddled on top of me, too, her knees pressing hard into my sides.

‘The condoms are under my bed.’

The one down at my cock reached away, leaving her hand on my balls. The slut at my neck started inching closer. My nostrils were so close to her. I could feel everything charge.

‘I know you love pussy juice,’ my slut said, way up above me. ‘I know you love it so much and you make all the girls you fuck so happy ’cause you suck them off for hours and hours, don’t you?’

She was making me embarrassed. Also proud.

I watched as she stuffed two fingers into her pussy. Then she painted them on my lips and dipped them into my mouth. I sucked her hard as she scissored her strong little fingers and tried to pick up my tongue.

‘You want even more of me?’ she asked.

I nodded.

‘You make me happy,’ she said. ‘Because you know what’s good for you.’

Then she took my tongue and pulled it up and shoved it inside her. She sank down. It was humid up inside her, my nose pressed up against her hair. I could barely feel the condom rolling over my prick. I was nailed down now by her tight cidery snatch, just my tongue, my tongue, my tongue swimming up. Colours were flashing in front of my lids.
Keep licking, keep licking, keep licking her there
. I didn’t know what I was doing, with who, who she was.

‘Good, he feels so good in me,’ the one down at my cock said.

‘His tongue is slowing down.’

Then I felt it, I mean, what was going on down there. It was amazing, it was like the girl was swivelling on me. My hips started fucking her right off the bed. The girl was humping me back and I forgot about the one I liked because that cunt down there was picking up my dick like a fist. Then I felt the slut’s hand grab roughly under my chin.

‘Keep it moving! Come on!’

My cock was about to explode from the mechanical squeezing when I opened my eyes to the one there above me. She was angry now. I looked way up at her dark, street-lit face surrounded by hair falling in a circle: her eye whites crackled like the eyes of an owl. I wanted to stop licking her cunt but she still had me locked by the knees.

‘I wish you were my boyfriend,’ she said. ‘You’re really, really good at this.’

I was confused. The confusion made me mad. I just wanted to come, and I could feel myself getting soft. The one down below pushed off my cock. My dick bobbed in the air, the condom was sagging, fuck … What the fuck did they want from me now?

Quickening breaths got loud through my nose. I was going to kill them using that hook in the wall.

‘Did he come?’ the girl down there said.

‘I don’t know, I don’t think so,’ the mind-game slut said.

‘I want to see you suck his cock.’


My slut slid down me as if I hadn’t just been tonguing her, as if she hadn’t just told me she wanted me to be her boyfriend. She pulled the condom off with her teeth. She put me all right inside her mouth. But I was half done, I was pissed off, I didn’t know if I could come. I really didn’t know anymore if I could ever come. Her hair was warm and long, covering my balls; her mouth breathed and tongue-sucked me hot and so tight, the head of my cock got hugged in her throat, I heard myself grunting, as helpless as her. Then, in her lips, down her throat, in one last flash I went off. She swallowed my jerking but she pulled off too fast. She left a drum beating too hard in my crotch.

‘He came in me. He came in my mouth!’

‘I want to taste it on your lips, baby!’

Now there was more hair on top of me, two bodies, four eyes and the slurping of tongues. They were passing my come like plasma between them. I was running out of air. Both of their bodies smashed me down, leg over leg and ass over chest, sucked into this dirty egg bed. Bloated, sweating, I wanted to bury my face.

When they finally toppled off me, the slut turned on a light by her bed. She laughed with wide eyes when she looked at
my face.

‘You’re all wet, Loverboy!’

I looked up at that hook coming out of the wall. I looked at my hand. It was bleeding on the side.

The girl looked at me with sympathy or something. She handed me part of the sheet and wiped my chin dry.

‘You can sleep out there on the couch out if you want,’ she said. ‘Just dump all the shit on the floor.’

I heard the other girl grunting with exhaustion, trying to get comfortable in the bed at the wall. I looked around on the floor for my stuff. By the time I found everything and got my pants on I heard breathing going steady with sleep. My mind-fucking girlfriend was wrapped around her friend’s back. I turned off the light and left that place quickly. I never wanted to see her again.

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