Live (NOLA Zombie Book 3)

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Authors: Gillian Zane

Tags: #Zombies & Romance

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LIVE | NOLA Zombie Series Book 3




LIVE by Gillian Zane

NOLA Zombie Book Three

NOLA Zombie Series Book 3


ONE | Denial 101

TWO | Self-Control is for Pussies

THREE | Fox holes and Assholes

FOUR | A Good Perv is a Dead Perv

Five | Dead Bodies

Six | Flipping The Shit

Seven | Stupid is as Stupid Always Will Be

Eight | Sun Shines on a Dog's Ass

Nine | Mystery Meat & Maniacs

Ten | Two Half-Wits & One Sex Toy

Eleven | Pants on the Ground

Twelve | Choose to Live

Thirteen | Neighborly

Fourteen | Dumb Cagers & Apocalypse Meth Cookers

Fifteen | Useful Eco-Friendly Dead People

Sixteen | Just Torture

Seventeen | The New Normal

Eighteen | House Bitch

Nineteen | The Art of Obedience

Twenty | Waterboarding for Dummies

Twenty-One | No One’s Property

Twenty-Two | MJ Services

Twenty-Three | Murphey’s Law

Twenty-Four | You Say Tomato

Twenty-Five | Positive Reinforcements

Twenty-Six | They All Die

Twenty-Seven | Epileptic Poodle

Twenty-Eight | Engage

Twenty-Nine | Dumb and Quiet

Thirty | Eradication is the Goal

Thirty-One | Adios Amigo

Thirty-Two | Overdosing with Satan Himself

Thirty-Three | Martinez

Thirty-Four | The Little Girl’s Room

Thirty-Five | Box of Biker Bullshit

Thirty-Six | Debauchery and Parasites

Thirty-Seven | Waiting

Thirty-Eight | The Surprise Army

Thirty-Nine | Nightmare Ending

Forty | Welcome Back Alexis

Forty-One | Bad Venereal Diseases

Forty-Two | The Anti-Damsel

Forty-Three | About Fucking Time

Forty-Four | Thousand Yard Stare

Forty-FIve | Clarity

Forty-Six | The Better Man

Forty-Seven | Liquid Coping Method

Forty-Eight | Grow A Pair

Forty-Nine | Progress

Fifty | Sleeping Beauty

Fifty-One | Playing Dirty

Fifty-Two | Giving In

Fifty-Three | Douchebaggery & Zombie Juice

Fifty-Four | Better Than A Finger

Fifty-Five | Supposed to Be

Fifty-Six | Need You Too

Fifty-Seven | The Morning After

Fifty-Eight | Enjoy the Warm Fuzzies

Fifty-Nine | Sanctuary Be Damned

Sixty | Oohrah

Sixty-One | Supposed to Be

Sixty-Two | Well, Shit

Sixty-Three | Chances Are

Sixty-Four | Small World

Sixty-Five | Alexis Out

Thank you for reading!

About the Author

Sneak Peek at JUSTICE

Justice by Gillian Zane

LIVE | NOLA Zombie Series Book 3

To my favorite cousin and favorite cousin in-law,

you ladies rock my face!



LIVE. Copyright © 2015 by Gillian Zane. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Cover Design by Rachel Rivera

Editing by Raw Books Editing Services

[email protected]

::: created in the USA :::


THE NOLA Zombie Series

LIVE by Gillian Zane | Book 3

LIVE | The Third and Final Book in the best-selling NOLA Zombie series by Gillian Zane.

Alexis, Blake and Zach survived the zombie apocalypse but found a new enemy to fight.

Alexis has been taken and Zach and Blake are desperate to find her. The men are pretty certain they know who took Alexis, but finding them will be a daunting task. There are millions of places to hide in the swamps of Southern Louisiana but Zach and Blake will not stop until they’ve searched every one of them. Alexis will be returned to them if it’s the last thing they do. Falling back on their military training, the men have no choice but to succeed, or risk losing Alexis forever.

It’s a race against the clock…

The problem is that the group that took Alexis didn’t keep her. They sold her. She’s now the property of the Southern Clan, a fate worse than death. The undead still roam the streets of New Orleans. S-Island mourns the loss of one of its own and the NOLA Zombie series comes to a stunning conclusion. You don’t want to miss a second of this action-packed series ender…

Be warned, there will be monsters, living and dead, there will be very intense sex scenes, between two men and one woman, and there will be violence galore.

LIVE by Gillian Zane

NOLA Zombie Book Three

ONE | Denial 101


It took ten minutes to figure out something was wrong. I should have fucking seen it. I should have been paying attention. I saw the look Clara was directing at us.
I saw her get up and follow Alexis down the hallway. I just didn’t think that Clara would have the stones to pull off something like this. She was such a behind-the-scenes operator. She never got her hands dirty.

It took me by surprise and I don’t like surprises.

I just sat there waiting on an emotional high because of what we had accomplished today and what might happen tonight. No alarm bells, the
hyper-awareness that I’m so proud of failed me.
Of all the times, of all the situations!

Four tours, four official tours at least–don’t get me started on unofficial ones–and I didn’t sense the danger staring me right in the face. Danger from an enemy that I had brought to our gates. I had brought her in. I had given her a free pass.

Bubba was the one that alerted us, fucking Bubba was the only one paying attention. He came barreling through the front doors like an enraged bull. His hollering caused everyone to jump to their feet scared and on alert. The first thought in my mind was that we were under attack. He had been grabbing a smoke outside and saw the entire thing or at least the part where the SUV rammed the gates of our compound and headed off to God knows where.

“Who’s missing? I need a headcount now!” Zach yelled when Bubba ran in and reported the breach.

“I think it was Alexis who was driving, and she had someone else with her,” Bubba panted.

Everyone had been at the party except the four on guard duty and they all radioed in confirming they were still at their posts. It was obvious there were only two missing from the party as we milled around counting heads.

“Alexis and Clara,” Baby shouted after she had made a circuit around the room. I knew this, but the confirmation was crippling.

“Get a vehicle loaded up, Hannah, I want you and Romeo fully armed with us. Grab the spotlights,” I yelled. “Now!” I reiterated when she stalled and looked to Zach. Six months away and now she second guessed me, deferring to Zach, fuck.

“You can’t go out at night, Blake.
You don’t know what you’ll find out there.” Grace Peters walked up to me.

I didn’t need arguments. I didn’t need resistance. I needed action. I said nothing to her and whatever was visible on my face had her stepping back and grabbing her husband by the arm as if to protect him. I wasn’t going to take her husband with me.
I don’t know why she would even get involved in this situation.

I needed to find Alexis now. Day, night, nothing mattered but finding out what was going on. I needed to know why Alexis would have rammed the gates and taken off with Clara.
Why would she have done that?

What would have made her do this? Did Clara threaten her with something or did she take Clara to get rid of her?
I couldn’t believe either scenario.

“We have no other choice. It’s either now or we might as well write them both off as dead,” I said through clenched teeth when Cole Peters tried to take his wife’s side, arguing about the lack of visibility.

“Hannah, Romeo, you down?” I didn’t want to force anyone to go out at night, but I was going with or without them.
Both of them nodded in the affirmative.

“Fall out, two minutes,” Zach called, and I rushed upstairs and quickly slipped on my arm guards, thick leather jacket, and random pieces of bite-proof armor.
I armed myself quickly, slipping enough ammo and weapons to take down an army into my many pockets and holsters. I was back down in the cafeteria in less than 60 seconds and in under two minutes we were sliding into the SUV with Zach behind the wheel.

He stopped long enough to shout to Martinez, who was about to go on guard duty, “Get the gate fixed STAT!”
Then he tore off, gravel shooting out from the tires as he raced to the bridge.

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