Lizzy Ford

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Authors: Damian Eternal) Xander's Chance (#1

BOOK: Lizzy Ford
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Xander’s Chance

#1, Damian Eternal Series



War of Gods
spinoff series



By Lizzy Ford


Cover design by Regina, Mae I Design



Mobi edition



Xander’s Chance
copyright 2013 by Lizzy Ford

 Cover design copyright 2013 by Regina at MaeIDesign


All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



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Prologue: Xander’s Origins


Chapter One


The boy ran through the crowded marketplace, dodging merchants’ carts and weaving through the patrons. Masked and hooded to hide his deformity, Xander relied on his special senses, the ones that no one else possessed. He was able to see, hear, smell and predict the actions of those around him. The world moved like it was in slow motion, giving him time to react with unnatural agility.

A full head and shoulders taller than other kids his age, he had lost the ability to work with the rest of the street urchins. No one took pity on a young man in a mask the way they did a cute little boy with dirty hands and huge, innocent eyes. Xander was forced to learn to use his special skills to steal from the market’s patrons rather than beg with the rest of the kids. He was able to creep up, snatch a purse and run before anyone registered that the hooded youth ever approached.

Today, however, he wasn’t lifting anyone’s coppers. He used his gifts to get him home, fast, after another of his senses tipped him off. Sometimes, he could even hear the thoughts of others. It was this strange talent that warned him of something very bad.

He reached the hovel he shared with his mother beyond the edge of the city, where all those who lived in poverty were similarly exiled. The one-room shack was neat, with pallets on one side, a fire at its center, a small area to prepare food and crates lining one wall that acted both as storage and seating.

Xander yanked the door open and froze. His mother – who had been sick for weeks – was not alone in their home. A well-dressed noblewoman knelt beside her still form. The stranger wore well-spun clothing and carried ornate weapons with bejeweled hilts. Her kidskin boots alone were worth more than everything Xander had ever stolen combined.

“Who are you?” he managed at last.

“Come in and close the door, boy,” the wealthy woman directed.

Xander obeyed. He didn’t remove his mask and hood, even within the confines of his home. The stranger glowed strangely in the otherwise dim lighting. Her aristocratic features were pale and her eyes exactly as Xander’s mother had once described them: the hue of spring. They were pale green with silver rings that seemed to liquefy and swirl as Xander watched.

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