London Calling (83 page)

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Authors: Barry Miles

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2i’s coffee bar

14 Hour Technicolor Dream

44 Club

100 Club

Abercrombie, Ralph

Abraham, Jonathan

Abrams, Steve

Ackroyd, Peter

Adams, Richard


Agar, Eileen

Albert, René

Albertine, Viv


Aldermaston marches

Allen, Daevid

Allen, Keith

Allen, Walter

Alloway, Lawrence

Allsop, Kenneth

Alpert, Dr Richard

Alternative Miss World

Amis, Kingsley


Anderson, Eric

Anderson, Jim

Andrews, George

Anger, Kenneth

Angry Young Men


Antonioni, Michelangelo

Arbus, Diane

Archer, David

Arden, John

Argyle, Judge Michael

Armstrong, Neil

Arrowsmith, Pat

art, commodification of

art education

Arts Council

Arts Lab

and New Arts Lab

Ashby, Linda

Asher, Jane

Asher, Peter,

Ashton, Frederick

Aspinall, Neil

Astley, Karen

Athill, Diana

Atkins, Ron

Auden, W. H.

Auerbach, Frank

Auger, Brian

Auto-Destructive Art movement

Ayer, A. J.

Ayres, Gillian

Ayrton, Michael

Bacon, Francis

and George Dyer

and human body

and John Deakin


and Lucian Freud

and masochistic sex

Moscow exhibition


and Peter Lacy

photograph collection

and School of London

Three Studies

and Wheeler’s Restaurant

Baj, Enrico

Baker, Ginger

Bakewell, Joan

Balch, Antony

Baldessari, John

Ball, Hugo

Ballard, J. G.

Banham, Reyner


Barber, Chris

Barcelona Restaurant

Bardot, Brigitte

Barker, George

Barker, Simon

Barnett, Bob and Alf

Barrett, Syd

Bart, Lionel

Baschet, François and


Bateman, Nicola

Bateson, Gregory

Baum, Louis

Bax, Dr Martin

Baynes, Kenneth


and Albert Hall poetry reading

and punk

and radio broadcasting

Third Programme

World Service

Beale, Detective Sergeant Terry

Beardsley, Aubrey


‘All You Need is Love’

and club scene

and drugs


recording studio,
Sgt. Pepper

and World Psychedelic



Beaton, Cecil

Beck, Julian

Beckett, Samuel

Beeton, Isabella

Beiles, Sinclair

Belcher, Muriel

Belfrage, Bruce

Bellingham-Smith, Elinor

Bennett, Oliver

Bennett, Richard Rodney

Benson, Gale

Bentine, Michael

Berke, Joseph

Berlemont, Gaston

Berlin Bromley

Bernard, Bruce

Bernard, Jeffrey

Bernstein, Michèle

Berrigan, Ted

Bessborough, Madeleine

Bessy, Claude

Best, George

Betjeman, John

Better Books

and installations

Beuys, Joseph

Billy’s club

Bindon, John,

Binnie, Christine

Binnie, Jennifer

Birch, James

Black, Sir Cyril

Black’s Club

Blackwell, Chris

Blackwood, Lady Caroline

Blake, George

Blake, Peter

Blake, William

Bliss, Euphoria

Other books

Otherland by Shampine, Almondie
Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews
Drowning Ruth by Christina Schwarz
Sudden Death by Rita Mae Brown
Great Kings' War by Roland Green, John F. Carr
Historia de Roma by Indro Montanelli
Justifiable Risk by V. K. Powell
Goodnight Lady by Martina Cole
The Specter Key by Kaleb Nation
Hell Hath No Fury by Rosalind Miles