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Authors: Bonnie Leon

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Longings of the Heart (35 page)

BOOK: Longings of the Heart
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She closed her eyes and allowed her voice to rise toward heaven—

“ ‘The Son of God for me hath died; my Lord, my Love, is crucified.’ ”


A book is never created alone. There is always a team of people who work together to craft a story.

When I write I rely on others—experts who help me with the details needed to make a story live—editors who insure that what ends up on the page is written in a way that makes sense, writing buddies who hold me accountable and sharpen my work while I create. I’d never have the courage to begin a book without the assurance of a team behind the words.

And so, I owe thanks to many.

To my two editors at Revell, Lonnie Hull DuPont and Barb Barnes: Thank you, ladies. You are true professionals. I’m grateful for your commitment to quality work and for your friendship. Your expertise added luster to this book.

Once again, I had the help of my friends who live in Australia. Mary Hawkins, an Australian author, read the entire manuscript and helped catch errors that I didn’t see. And my friend and partner in research, Jayne Collins, shared many hours of her time to lend authenticity to this project. I am exceedingly grateful to you both.

And last but never least, I must say thank you to my critique group, my chums who worked through every page with me. When my deadline loomed, you gave more of yourselves and read chapters thrown at you in a hurry, making important suggestions and crucial corrections. Thanks to Sybilla Cook, Julia Ewert, Diane Gardner, Sarah Schartz, and Ann Shorey. Through the years, we’ve worked together and you’ve become more than critique partners; you’re dear friends and a gift to me from God.

Bonnie Leon
dabbled in writing for many years but never set it in a place of priority until an accident in 1991 left her unable to work. She is now the author of several historical fiction series, including the Queensland Chronicles, the Matanuska series, the Sowers Trilogy, and the Northern Lights series. She also stays busy teaching women’s Bible studies, speaking, and teaching at writing seminars and conventions and women’s gatherings. Bonnie and her husband, Greg, live in southern Oregon. They have three grown children and four grandchildren.

Visit Bonnie’s website at

BOOK: Longings of the Heart
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