Lord of the Sky (The Young Ancients: Timon) (7 page)

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Authors: P.S. Power

Tags: #Fantasy

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"Don't thank me. Tim was the one that set it all in motion. How did that happen anyway? I didn't know that you two were friends." There was no stress on the last word, but Petra knew about his personal problems as well as anyone really did.

He shrugged. For a moment he considered just lying, but it didn't really matter, did it?

"Kolb, the Weapons master from my sister's school wanted to get me out of the way for a bit, so that I wouldn't distract Tiera from her work, or something along those lines. He asked me to try and infiltrate here, but you know, I think I might be a little unhinged and suicidal on a subconscious level, so I just came to the door and announced myself. One thing led to another and I ended up bossing the King into fixing things instead of being prideful about it. It wasn't hard. I know that you don't agree Heather, but he's actually the best leader we can get for now. Everyone
they can do better, but how many would accept your word as enough to make things right like he did?" It was turning into a lecture, which the tall brown haired woman was clearly making herself eat without comment, so he turned back to his own friend and waved it all away.

She grinned a little at least.

"Well, however it happened, I'm glad that we're able to bring in the healing devices now. So many died..."

That pretty much killed the conversation at least. Petra made some communications efforts then, to let everyone know that the initial part of the job was, if not finished, at least started. Timon was given the job of getting in touch with the King, while she contacted Tor, since, as she put it, it would be easier that way.

"After all, Richard likes Timon. Constance isn't a big supporter there for some reason, but
have to go through six people just to talk to the man, Tim won't." It sounded like something that had happened before, even if it didn't make sense. Richard was a relative of hers after all. Closer by blood than he was by far.

It really did seem to work that way however, because a few moments after he found his second chest and dug out the old style communications device with its glowing sigils, the man himself was on it, having clearly scurried across the room just to chat with them.

"Is all well there, Tim?" The deep voice got attention from those that were still in the courtyard, including the grizzled looking man that Petra had gotten healed first. It wasn't just the magic either, since they'd all seen them being used that day already, a few moments before even.

"Yes, Sire. Things are going to plan. We need to arrange for some food shipments and possibly some other goods. Some coin too, to get things going again. People are healthier now, and thankfully it's winter, but a lot of people lost work for weeks."

The grumble that came back sounded a bit confused, but only slightly.

"Thankfully winter? Doesn't that make it harder?"

"Well, most already have food set by, so they aren't as desperate as they would have been otherwise, I don't think." It made sense to him, but no one seemed pleased to have that pointed out.

"Ah, I can see that. Still, the people of County Cannor and County Printer have stepped up their fishing efforts, knowing that harder hit areas might need their goods. We have special funds set aside for this, from your brother and his Lady wife. My son and your new brother, Gerent Lairdgren, are in charge of those funds I believe. Can you make arrangements with them on that score? I could send someone..."

"No, thank you. It will go faster if I do it, I think, even if that normally wouldn't make sense. I'll need to get with one of them and Collette Coltress. She's off in Barony Coltress right now, I think... Anyway, happy Noram Day. Please tell everyone I said that? Especially Aunt Constance. Rumor has it that we're not getting along well now and that she intends to sabotage my social life. I look forward to it, since that probably means she'll have to build one for me first."

There was a dead silence from the device in his hand, and people stared at him like he was insane. Heather actually looked away, her lips tight.

Finally there was a soft laugh, like bells, and a rustling that indicated someone was walking toward the device in the throne room.

"Things aren't
bad, yet. I was going to leave your name off some lists, but I think you might have a point. Taking away things that you don't care about won't do at all, will it? I'll have to fix that first." There was a general chuckle from the Palace, before she went on. "I look forward to it. Will you be in for the main celebration tomorrow?"

"After a set up like that? No, thank you." Timon actually smiled, meaning it for once. It was certainly more interesting now, such parties and what not, when the stakes were being raised. "We should get together and chat, soon. Tea or something? I can bring some winter cakes. I have a good recipe for them." That was just the truth. Enough so that he decided to try and make some for later that day. It wasn't too late yet. Not if he could get the ingredients.

The Queen answered as if he were actually a person at least and not an enemy, which probably meant she had an actual plot against him in mind.

"Let's say a week? Things will have calmed down here a bit by then, I think."

"I look forward to it. See you then, Aunt Constance."

There were a few minutes of pleasantries, and the King got back on to say good day properly, but the conversation was actually over. It wasn't until he looked up that he realized half the people around him had very strange looks on their faces. Countess Montblanc in particular. She was, for some reason, close to tears. Reviewing the conversation didn't shed any light on the whole thing, but Petra explained well enough, clapping him on the back and letting her hand linger. Protectively, he realized, rather than in any kind of closer manner.

"Well, very few would willingly go head to head with the Queen like that. Not so openly." She sounded a bit dark about it, for all that there was a very large smile on her face. It let her very white teeth show nicely, but was clearly fake at the same time, strained around the edges.

The Countess moved toward him and then bowed, going low.

"Forgive me. My actions have caused trouble for you with her. I..."

Timon grinned, then let out a small laugh.

"Don't let it worry you. She and I have never really been friends. She finds me a bit rude, I think. Which is correct most of the time, no doubt. Ill bred and poorly taught as far as manners go. That causes me to not think of her as kindly as I probably should, so, you get what happens. We go round and round, making problems for each other. This latest bit is just more of the same and has little to do with you or yours." It was just the truth, but he had to explain to Petra what the most recent thing was then.

That meant everyone else heard his story about building the new device that showed his fake crest too. They all actually seemed impressed at least.

The Countess bowed again.

"And that's what caused the extra tension. Timon protecting me from their scorn. I have to say, Richard was gracious enough about it all. I made a mess of things, didn't I? I should have stayed out of it." She looked miserable enough for the moment, so Petra distracted them all by trying to get in touch with Tor.

That didn't take long either, the actual device was, once again, in the hands of Trice. She really needed to get her own. It wasn't like Tor wouldn't give her one either. In fact, he probably
already. It was just the kind of person he was, handing out presents and coin as if it had no value. It was one of the best things about him really.

"Petra? Are you calling to tell me to back off of your boyfriend already?" There was enough playfulness in her voice that Heather actually smiled. Given everything that was actually good to see.

Petra, having missed the whole conversation the night before, looked at that and then worked out that it wasn't all about Tor on her own. She often acted far more innocent and slow than she was, but the woman had a keen mind behind the pretty face. Anyone thinking otherwise was going to be taken by surprise.

"Possibly. We should at least share. Work out a schedule or something. I was actually just getting in touch to let Tor know that his devices were being spread out and used in County Montblanc. I know he was concerned about them being withheld." She stopped and looked at Timon, but Trice cleared her throat.

"He's baking right now. We have about thirty people coming to spend the evening with Heather, to show there are no hard feelings. That means Tor personally feels like he has to bring food for a hundred and fifty. You know how he is. Still, it smells good in here. I take it that you haven't had a lot of chance to set up a party there? Don't worry about it. Ali and Sherri Bonner are coming in early to help with that. Tell Timon not to plan anything for tonight. We have a date, he and I." She made it sound naughty and like something was actually going to happen.

Petra just gave a gentle nod.

"I see. Well, if you do too much with him, I
remove some of your teeth for you. Just so you know."

That got a bit of a chuckle, but when Trice spoke again her voice was more serious.

"Fair enough. Don't worry, we'll keep to the letter of the law. We should be in about seven, but the girls will be out sooner. In fact they should be there anytime really. They borrowed my Fast Craft."

The conversation wound down with just a bit more teasing directed his way and he managed it without any blushing or flashbacks to horrible torture. It was kind of odd, but he liked Trice well enough. It was more of a friendly thing than she was hinting at, but that was a message for him, most likely. She wanted something from him and it wouldn't be sex. Not even if she were secretly a bit of a pervert. Tim could buy that she might be, but this was different.

There was only so much that she'd come to him for, so it narrowed things down a lot.

He had some gold, true, but she could get a lot more from Tor, or even the King, if it was needed. For that matter she was a Ducharina and probably had a rather nice allowance of her own to fall back on. If she wanted magic, well, living in Lairdgren she had access to about seven of the best young builders in the Kingdom, not including Tor. There wasn't a lot that Tim could do that they couldn't.

The same followed for almost everything else too. The only thing that he had, that she didn't, was contacts in other lands. Not that they wouldn't listen to her if she showed up, but it really would be easier for him to do something there. Except that, in his own organization, there was one person that was probably better connected that way then he was. Mark Morgan, Trice's older brother.

So, while there were things that he could do for her, none of them seemed to be all that pressing. Or at least shouldn't be. It probably came down to her not wanting to spend time with someone unpleasant, or possibly knowing she needed to be in more than one place at a time.

It didn't really matter, since he'd find out what she really wanted later that night, most likely.

Looking up he saw the Fast Craft first, a tiny black rectangle on the horizon. It came at them fast, but no one else really noticed it until he pointed.

"I bet that's Ali and her friend Sherri. Nice girl, Sherri. Chatty." It wasn't exactly a major sin, but the girl annoyed him a bit at times because of that. It made him cranky, which wasn't fair to her, since, as he'd just mentioned, she really was sweet, most of the time.

Also sleeping with his sister, which set off his brotherly Two Bends protectiveness. It was stupid, but still there, inside of him. Girls were supposed to get married to one man and that was all. Not have a dozen lovers, and if they did, the idea that some of them would be women was...


He accepted it for all the nobles, but Tiera wasn't one of
, she was his

Trying to let that go he forced him mind to go completely blank. After all, it wasn't Sherri's fault that he'd been raised in the woods, was it?

Not at all.

Chapter three







different." Tim put a pleasant expression on his face when he saw who was actually piloting the craft. It wasn't Ali, or even Judith, though she was riding with them for some reason. That was a little odd, since she had her own craft to use. She worked for him as a pilot after all.

It was Sherri that had flown them in. That reminded him that he needed to attend to his own Fast Craft grow operation. He hadn't that morning, but the whole thing was almost ready. He just wanted to make certain it had a chance to keep getting stronger for a while before testing them. If everyone was going to be learning to fly, he needed to hire as many of them as possible right off the start.

Otherwise it would be too hard to hold his monopoly on the Kingdom's fast transportation services.

Stealing the march, he moved in and gave Judy a quick hug. It was hard, since she was so tall that he actually felt a bit afraid of her, for all that they were friends. Then he gave a hug to Alyssa, who patted him on the back firmly.

"Tim! We came to help set things up for later, so that Countess Montblanc won't be caught out. I brought some friends, is that alright?" She searched the courtyard, but the only people left all seemed to be attached to the house. The remaining servants, most likely.

The Countess bowed toward her and managed to seem pleased, rather than put out.

"Lady Alyssa, I see that one should not take your words lightly? Welcome. Thank you all for coming. I'm afraid that we aren't really prepared to host guests, given the plague, but it's good to see new friends. I hope that next time we'll have things better prepared for your comfort."

Judy, who was busy giving a small hug to Petra, turned and shrugged.

"No one would expect anything, given the situation on the ground here. That's why we came, to make certain you don't have too much stress. Sorry, I should have introduced myself, we've met, but I was shorter then..." She bowed, which got everyone else to do the same. It was kind of the rule. If you met people and anyone bowed, then everyone in your group did too. In this case it meant that everyone that could see them did as well, so Tim smiled and waved at the very tall fighter.

"This is Judith Press, Conserina first, Printer." It was an important thing to point out, since a lot of people missed the fact that the tall country girl was a true noble. Like him, she'd been raised to think of herself as pretty much a regular person, away from the city. Her current title would go away as soon as Countess Printer had a child, but so far that hadn't even been hinted at.

He kept going, or trying to, even as Heather moved in, taking both of the girl's hands.

"You honor me with your presence. I should warn you that your Countess is likely to be less than pleased with me. I won't take offense if you should choose to leave instead."

The big girl shrugged, her clothing being made to look like a student's brown canvas. All of the girls were dressed the same way. Probably because it marked them as being harmless. That wasn't the truth, but it was a good enough idea. They were school kids after all. Even the two he didn't recognize.

"Thank you for the concern, but that won't be needed. It was Holly Printer wot said I should see to your aid, if I could. Within reason of course." There was no smile with it, but her words didn't sound overly hard either. It was just a statement of fact to anyone listening. Judith had been sent there to see to things. Probably to report on what was happening as well.

Timon waved at Sherri then and walked over to her, opening his arms, even they weren't really that close. He was almost surprised when she hugged him, but only because she actually smiled at him warmly while she did it. She pretty much had to return the gesture, or it would be rude, but she seemed to mean it.

"This is a friend of mine, Sherilyn Bonner. Baronetta." He moved on, not adding in the number, because he wasn't really certain what that was, to be honest. "She's a homemaking student up at Lairdgren."

The rest of the people were mysteries to him, so he turned to Ali, hoping she'd know their names. Before she could speak, Sherri did, smiling at the tall boy and girl that were hanging back.

"These others are Mitchell Thom and Demis Sandis. They're staying with the rest of us at the school for the holiday and came to help. Mitch is over in the fighters section, but promised to do any lifting and totting that we need done. Demis is in homemaking, with me."

They started to unload the goods from the back of the craft, which had a lot of food in the mix, as well as some evergreen boughs for decorations. They were clearly fresh cut, the scent of pine coming off of them so strong that for a half moment he felt like he was at home, in Two Bends.

There was enough food for about two hundred people, but no one had known what the situation was really going to be. It wasn't a bad idea, and actually reminded him of something, once he thought of it.

"Right, Judy, as soon as we get this into my cottage, will you help me with something? I need to bother your Countess and it will look better if I have someone she actually knows on hand." It was probably jumping over the line a bit, going to the woman about some fish, but who else was going to have communications devices there yet?

"On it. Just the one kitchen? I don't know much about cooking, but don't we need more than that?"

It was a real point, so he went to his trunks and found the small stash of magical houses that he'd made. He had seven left now. Getting two of them out he handed them to Demis, as if he knew her. It wasn't his reasoning, it was just that, out of all of them, she was the one carrying the least in each trip so far.

"Can you set these up? They have water pumps built in, so if you..." He didn't finish explaining, since Sherri ran over to help her. It would mean taking longer to get all the work done, but it wouldn't take that long. After all, it was just what was in the one craft.

Before anything else was done, he got a batch of winter cakes going, the thick batter made even denser by all the dried and candied fruit he put into the mix, along with chopped tree nuts. A simple baking sheet would be enough for them, since they were a dry dough, meaning they wouldn't stick very easily. He had to find that in the Countess's kitchen, but the seedy and disreputable man from earlier helped him find the right person.

"You'll want to go to Mr. Combs, I believe. Excellent man, he and some of the others have been doing what they could to help those in need with the Countess's single healing amulet. He is, if I'm correct in my thinking, the butler here." The very man was pointed out and he sent a girl scurrying for the needed pots and pans directly, once he figured out what was desired. Then he set to taking the decorations in, trying not to seem hurried as he moved.

"Thanks. Sorry, I missed your name? I'm Timon Baker." He didn't add the title, since the man didn't seem to be the kind to care about things like that overmuch.

"Brent. Brent Cavetti. I'm a Servant of the Heavens. You probably haven't heard of us, but my meeting place is just down the street, so I came to help when I saw the people headed this way earlier."

That made some sense. Most places had at least one, and sometimes several, religious leaders. The Servants of Heaven were a smaller sect, but they actually backed up their beliefs with hard work, and tried to help those in need, when possible. Timon had seen a few of their meeting halls while he was doing deliveries for the family business.

"Nice to meet you. Sorry to get your help and run, but I have some cakes to put together."

The man didn't say anything, just nodding a bit and stepping back, so that he could get to his work, even if making cakes had to sound cold, given the rest of the day. He didn't look disapproving. Just pensive.

Then Tim scrambled fast, keeping the trays moving in and out of his oven two at a time. It was all he had room for in the smooth black magical construct. Judy finally found him, just as the last batch was going in, the whole place smelling of rich spices. Cinnamon and clove mainly, with just a hint of ginger underneath. No one was in with him, they did keep running in to get supplies. The undercook for the Countess, the same girl that had given them the pots and pans earlier, was doing her own work inside, but had to borrow some things to round out the pantry.

It had been hard to get deliveries for a while after all.

She was leaving just as his tall friend came in. Judith smiled at the much shorter woman, who couldn't have been fifteen, making her actually fit in with the rest of them well. The overcook had died it seemed, so ready or not, the girl was in charge of that section now. She seemed a bit shy and had the look of a commoner, being shorter than Timon and with hair nearly as dark. There was a wide eyed nod back, but the girl didn't speak at all, being busy.

"You still want me here to hold your hand while you talk to my cousin?" The words were a little harsher than actually needed, but the girl didn't take them back or anything. She just looked at him, as if he were acting like a baby.

Was he? It made sense to him, to have someone make the introduction, but was it really needed?

"I suppose not. I was just thinking that she'd be a little more likely to take your call than mine, but I guess it might be that she won't talk to either of us?"

"Don't be dense. You're a
, course she'll talk to you. Here..." The tall girl pulled her own, new style, communications device out and tapped the name in, to bring it up on her display. It took a few seconds, but a decently young sounding female voice spoke before she could hand the device over.

"Happy Noram's Vigil! This is Holly, how may I help you?" She sounded happy and festive. Also possibly a little drunk.

That could come in handy.

The device was thrust into his face, since Judy clearly wasn't planning on coddling him as far as introductions went at all.

"Hello! Happy Vigil! This is Timon Baker, I hate to bother you, but the Kingdom managed to open up County Montblanc yesterday. Things are peaceful here, but we could use some extra food and sundries I suspect. No one has really asked for anything yet. I can get gold for it, from the special fund, the King has already cleared that, but I kind of need an amount? I still have to clear it with Prince Alphonse and Gerent Lairdgren." He figured that would cover most of what the woman would need to know, but instead of answering with the needed amount of coin, or telling him to call in a few days, the woman on the other end of the device... giggled.

"Right oh! Tim Baker? Aren't you supposed to be in classes here in town? We held a place for you, but you never showed up."

It hardly seemed to be that important now, did it? They had a war going on, a full blown rebellion, not just a polite squabble or two, which happened every few years. It seemed fair enough to him that he'd be late. That had nothing to do with the original problem, did it?

"Sorry about that. I had a bit of a problem with funds. You pulled my scholarship, if you remember? Two weeks before the term was to start. I have the coin for it now, but I had to earn that before I could afford to go." There was no bitterness in his voice, but a soft gasp came from the other side of the device anyway.

"Crap. I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I wasn't trying to put you on the spot, word had just reached me that someone was paying for you. From Collette Coltress. I guess I need to have words with her."

Timon had suspected that's where things had come from originally. It really was based on something that Tor had said, and wasn't her fault overly.

"No need. I already did. Thanks. I don't suppose I can get in next year? I can pay in advance now. I'll understand if you think that I'm unreliable. I should have come and explained it all to you myself." Or at least sent a letter. Too late for that now.

"I think we can arrange that. You should come visit the school and see if it's to your standards. Maybe bring Tor with you? He hasn't been out to see it yet and it was his idea. His funds are paying for it even. He doesn't want that known, I don't think, so be careful in what you mention that way."

"Sure. I'll ask. Not to be a pain, but can I get a good deal on some fish?" Somehow he managed to make it sound funny enough that the woman laughed.

"Right, we can get you fourteen tons, dried. That will cost about ten gold per ton. We might also spare some winter saved vegetables and a few fresh greens, and some other things. Call it... A thousand gold in all? It won't go over that at least. That doesn't cover shipment. You'll need to get with someone else for that. Duke Morgan does a good job there and has been known to give discounts for Kingdom work." She sounded more serious now. Less drunk too.

"Alright. I'll set that all up. Can it be ready for delivery inside the week? I'll try to bring the funds for it as soon as I can. I don't know how long I'll have to beg to get it."

"I think so. I'll put the word out with the store house to get it ready." There was a long pause then, and a clink that made it sound like something was being poured into a glass. In the background there were people singing.

It was Noram's Eve Vigil, and should have been dark there already, if only just.

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