Lost Alpha P2

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Authors: Jessica Ryan

BOOK: Lost Alpha P2
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

A Note from Jessica

Other Books By Jessica Ryan

Lost Alpha: Part 2

By Jessica Ryan


Copyright © 2014 Jessica Ryan

All Rights Reserved


Published by Jessica Ryan Books


Cover Art by Christine Savoie


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


: This short story contains adult material with explicit sexual situations and language. All sexually active characters in this work are 19 years of age or older.



This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains sexually explicit scenes, graphic language and may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors


Chapter 1

Travis stood on Paige’s wooden front porch for a long time, hoping she would open the door and let him back in. He considered kicking the door and yelling, but after several minutes of silence he gave up and started to leave.

She’ll come back around,
he thought.
She has to, I’m her alpha. I’ve claimed her.

He started to walk by her little red car when he noticed the dent his body had left in the fender.

“Guess I’m lucky I wasn’t seriously injured,” he said as he rubbed his hand in the dent.

A devilish thought crept into his head as he continued to caress the indention his body made.

“She is mine,” he said, looking around for anyone else. Paige was still in the house and there was nobody else in the vicinity. Her home was surrounded by a wooded area with tall oak trees dotted over the landscape. Many of the leaves had begun to fall off leaving the ground a crunchy minefield, impossible to hunt on. He craned his neck to look down the hill the house was situated on, seeing the store she worked at in the distance. You’d have to be standing at just the right angle from the backdoor to see this far up. Nobody could see him; he was free to mark his territory. Without a second thought Travis unzipped his pants and pulled his penis out of his pants. He had just used the bathroom at her house, but his primal instinct instantly began releasing his musk on the fender of her car.

“You have been claimed by the Bowshot alpha,” he said as he finished up. “You don’t know what you’re missing out on. You will have love and protection like you never thought possible.”

Satisfied that he had made his point Travis stalked through the woods, looking for anything resembling the wererat scent. He was positive they lived in this town or around it, but he had to be sure. Tonight he would question the vampire about his motives; hopefully things wouldn’t turn violent just yet.

He spent the next hour walking through the woods, searching for any clue. There was nothing though, nothing for him to discover. Frustration began to set in; he didn’t want to
in case he needed to be in human form soon.

“It’s hopeless,” he said, throwing his arms up as he stood alone in the middle of the woods, far behind Paige’s house.

Paige’s house,
he thought, his eyes traveling back in the direction it would be located.
Damn her.

Travis quickly realized he wasn’t finding anything because he couldn’t concentrate. Every time he envisioned the wererats and their beady eyes his mind replaced them with the beautiful sight of Paige. She was stuck on his brain and there was no way to get her off.

He imagined them together, in his cottage back in Bowshot, as she got down on all fours in front of him. Her round, curvy ass looked amazing from behind and he couldn’t wait to mount her. In his fantasy he got down behind her, sliding his large cock deep into her wet, juicy, receptive pussy. She moaned in pain as his massive girth stretched her out. He was the alpha, so he didn’t care if she was in pain; he was going to give it to her however he wanted. With his powerful hands on her hips he began to thrust himself into her, repeatedly banging into her rear as he slammed his rigid mass into her warm hole. Eventually the cries of pain went away, replaced with moans of pleasure as she got used to his size and thrusting power. She would moan and bang on the ground, wanting him to spill his seed into her. When the time finally came he let out a great howl and released everything he had into her.

Travis realized he was standing in the middle of the woods, one hand rubbing the outline of his manhood through his tight jeans.

“I need to get her back,” he said. “I can’t let her get away from me.”

It was as if she was already imprinted as his mate in his mind. He was powerless to fight instinct, but he felt something else for her, something beyond the prison of mating. Sometimes a wolf was left with a mate he didn’t even like, but because he was captured in the thrall he was forced to copulate and take care of the female. He didn’t feel that with Paige, he actually wanted to be around the human. He had enjoyed her company over the last day and he wanted to spend more time around her.

“My mother,” he whispered. Nobody had ever asked him about his mother, but she had and she cared. Not even Jacob gave a damn about his past life and where he came from; he wanted to raise a worthy successor. Past human emotions were weakness; the alpha had to be strong.

Jacob always preached holding onto your human side, but it was the human side you had within the pack. Your past life was nothing if not a distraction; Travis’ real life didn’t begin until he joined the Bowshot pack.

Travis cursed loudly and spun around, kicking a tree hard. An angry squirrel chattered at him from a tree branch above, throwing an acorn down on his head. He spun around, baring his teeth at the furry creature. It wasn’t impressed, continuing its angry chatter.

“I can’t even scare a squirrel away,” he said, laughing. “What right did I have to treat her like that?’

It was true, humans were weak compared to wolves, but he didn’t need to broadcast it to the very human he wanted to be coupled with. She was obviously proud of who she was and where she came from; it did no good to make her feel badly about her station in life.

“I’m a fool,” he said, squatting down next to the tree and trying to gather his thoughts. He looked up at the sky, hoping Jacob was up there listening. “You were never arrogant, you never put others down. How could you let me be like this? Why did you never correct me? I may have thrown away my chance to repopulate the pack thanks to my arrogance.”

The overcast clouds remained; there was no divine response from Jacob. Travis was still alone with no answers. He had been foolish when dealing with Paige; he may have ruined his chance at mating for life with her.

“Can I really learn to live with these humans?” he asked, standing up and looking around at the forest. “I feel so at home here in the woods.”

Just like the clouds, no answer came from the trees around him. He had messed up pretty big with Paige and now he had to fix it.

He began stomping through the woods, heading for her trailer. Hopefully she would be waiting for his return, ready to accept his apology and move on. He could definitely use her help in getting some of the town people to trust him; it wouldn’t look good for a gigantic stranger to bust in on people, demanding answers.

Finally, after a tediously long walk, he found his way back to her trailer. Walking up the steps to the porch he took a deep breath, ready to swallow his pride. He was still an alpha, still royalty to these humans, but he had to be delicate when dealing with this one. If any other human dared to question him they would find themselves in a world of hurt, but he was going to compromise with this little flower.

“Paige, open up!” Travis called. “I need to talk to you!”

He banged on the door hard, rattling the entire wall as he went. No answer came from within. He put his ear to the door, listening intently. There was no movement from within, no sound and no fresh scent. She must have left for the day.

Where the hell is she?
he wondered. He stepped down off the porch, his eyes searching for any sign of her. Her red car was still sitting in the driveway, so she couldn’t have gone far. He looked down at the store, a light bulb going on inside his head.

“I bet she went down to her work,” he said aloud. He began walking confidently down the road that led to her store, hoping she wouldn’t cause a scene in public.

As he drew closer, the front of the store became visible. His eyes fell on a scene in the parking lot that made his blood boil. His lips curled into a snarl and he fought hard to keep himself from
out of pure instinct.

There was Paige in the parking lot; a large man had her by the air yanking her around while a skinny little woman stood beside him hurling insults. The man had a bandage on his nose, indicating he had been in a fight recently.

Travis exploded, running full speed down the trail for the store. If he wanted to fight someone then Travis was going to give him a fight.


Chapter 2


Paige pulled herself off the couch, sniffling and trying to stifle any tears. Travis had left her life as quickly as he joined it; there was no need to be so upset.

“I don’t need him,” she said to herself. She looked around her trailer, feeling the sting of disappointment as she looked at the mismatched furniture around her. “I need to make a change. I have to do something about my life.”

This was it; she was going to do something. She was barely scraping by working at the store and paying for her little trailer. Why couldn’t she just do the same thing in a bigger city?

I can move to Lawton or Oklahoma City,
she thought.
I’ll sell the trailer and use the money to rent an apartment, and then I can get a job somewhere else.

It wasn’t optimal: she still wouldn’t have spare money and would probably still be filling the place with her old furniture, but at least she wouldn’t be stuck in the middle of nowhere anymore.

Paige stood up, clenching her fists, determined that she would start making changes in her life immediately. No more sitting around and feeling sorry for herself, she was 23 and it was time to make something happen. As she stood there, proud of herself, her stomach rumbled and she began to feel lightheaded.

She reached over and grabbed the arm of the couch for support, trying to steady herself. She hadn’t eaten a thing yet today and she had taken a nasty bump on the head. After she composed herself she headed down the hallway to hop in the shower and prepare herself for the day.

“I have the whole weekend off,” she said to herself as she soaped her body up in the shower. “What will I do?”

She had no idea; maybe she should head back into Lawton or somewhere and just enjoy her Sunday with no responsibility.

A tight pair of jeans and a low-cut blue Oklahoma City Thunder top was enough to complete a sexy outfit. For the second time in two days Paige thought she looked damn good.

“That dumbass Randy doesn’t know what he’s missing,” she said, pushing her breasts up in front of the mirror and checking herself out. “I’m looking fucking hot and he threw it all away for that skinny bitch.”

Randy had always been a boob man. He loved to motorboat Paige any chance he got, sometimes in front of her brother which drew the most hateful looks Paige had ever seen. When they had sex he couldn’t get enough of her tits, he even got off a few times putting his cock between them and fucking them.

I wonder what it would be like if Travis did that?
she thought, her mind drifting back to her naked 24 hour visitor.
I bet I could lick the head each time it came through.

Randy was definitely not packing in that department, especially compared to Travis. She wondered how much Travis would have stretched her out and how rough he would have been in bed - she liked it rough.

I wonder if it would be like my dream?
she thought as she felt her vagina begin to tingle with the exciting thoughts racing through her head.
No, stop. He’s gone and good riddance. You don’t need to be dragged into that world. He’s probably off humping a human sized rat to death right now.

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