Love and Wargames: A Bad Boy Hacker Romance (46 page)

BOOK: Love and Wargames: A Bad Boy Hacker Romance
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“What happened?” Charlie asks me after I close the door.

We step over to the motorbike and start rolling it towards the back of the truck. “Factory equipment malfunction,” I answer. I notice his lips twitch as we bend down to raise the bike into the truck bed.

“And this
factory equipment
…” Charlie says. “Is it still running?”

I nod. “Yes.”

He sighs and closes the bed. “Good.”




“Protect your face.”

A smile teases my lips as I lower my fists and turn around. Tobias steps into the barn, limping softly on his right foot as he walks. “You should be resting,” I say, catching my breath. “And using the crutch Charlie got you.”

“I don’t need a crutch,” he argues. I wipe the sweat off my brow and pull the velcro tabs free on my gloves. His eyes move down my body, taking in the sight of my tight and sweaty workout clothes. “Looks like you’re taking this pretty seriously.”

I look back at the punching bag. “It helps me think,” I say. I peel the gloves off my hands and toss them into my gym duffel on the floor.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks me.

I take a deep breath. “A lot.”

“Like Amy’s offer?”

It’s been a week since the tournament and the topic hasn’t come up yet. Between his fresh wounds and Mary’s funeral, the last few days have been rough on Tobias. He’s healing, in more ways than one, and we’ve taken comfort in each other whenever possible. It’s been a decent enough distraction, but eventually, we both knew we’d have to talk about Amy’s offer to join the Alpha Dames sooner or later.

“Yes,” I finally answer.

He sighs. “Claire, you don’t want to get involved with them.”

“You did,” I point out.

“That was different.”

“Was it?” I ask.

“Yes. It was a means to an end, not a long-term commitment.”

“You told me I should start over, Tobias,” I say. “That I should be someone better. This is my chance.”

“Binding yourself to an illegal fighting championship isn’t
, Claire.”

“It’s not worse either. When Amy handed me that card, I felt something and — to be honest — it’s the same kind of something I felt when I met you. Like it was the start of something special.” I reach out to him. “I’m sorry, but… I
to see where this leads.”

He flexes his jaw and lets out a long sigh. “Is there anything at all I can say that will change your mind?”

“Well… you’re the
, Tobias,” I tease. “Tell me not to go. Tell me that I’m
girl and no one else’s and that I have to do
you say.”

“I said
change your mind
,” he says with curling lips. “Not
turn you on

I smile, but I let it fade quickly. “Tobias, I won’t do this without you. If the choice is between this or you, I’m going to choose you.”

“I’m not giving you an ultimatum, Claire,” he says. “But Amy’s right. Being a Dame, it commands respect. That kind of respect brings
attention —
attention from people like Pike and Rick.”

“I’ll be protected.”

“I know,” he says. “By me.”


“I’ve already spoken with Amy,” he says. “She says it’s uncommon, but not against the rules for Alpha Dames to bring in their own escorts.”

“You want to be my bodyguard?”

“That’s the deal,” he nods. “I’m never going to be comfortable with you being involved with them, but I can’t stop you either. What I
do is have your back and if you’re going in, then I’m going with you.”

I lean in closer. “What was that about
turning me on

He lays a hand on my cheek and pulls me in. “I love you, Claire,” he says. “Doing so has brought me nothing but trouble, but… I can’t stop now.”

the Unstoppable
,” I quip. He glares at me through narrow eyelids, but I give him a sweet smile. “I love you, too, Tobias. Doing so has brought
nothing but trouble, but…” I lay a smooth kiss on his lips. “What can I say? I live for a little trouble.”




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Copyright © 2016 by Tabatha Kiss

All Rights Reserved.


No part of this book may be reproduced in any form

without written permission from the author.


This is a work of fiction intended for mature audiences only.

Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All characters detailed within are eighteen years of age or older.

No characters engaging in sexual acts are blood-related.


This novel contains explicit descriptions of

erotic and sexual acts that some may find offensive,

including perverse adult language.

Reader discretion advised.


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