Love in Disguise (22 page)

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Authors: Nina Coombs Pykare

Tags: #Regency Romance

BOOK: Love in Disguise
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If only Morgane wasn’t gone out, she thought with trepidation. But it was still early and the Earl seldom made early calls. He would be home, he
be home.

As the minutes passed she took to pacing round and round the circular carpet, clenching and unclenching her hands. And then, finally, when she was about to give up all hope, came the longed-for knock on the door. It was not
knock, she knew that instantly.

And then Henry was at the sitting-room door. “It’s Hercules, Miss Fancy. He’s gotten out again.” Henry shook his head. “I don’t see how it happened. But the Earl sent his footman to say you’ve got to come after him. He don’t feel like bringing him home today.”

Henry’s frown indicated that he expected some evidence of temper from Fancy, but she had no energy for counterfeiting anger. “All right, Henry. Where is his leash? I’ll go get him.”

Henry departed, to return speedily with the leash and a look of dawning comprehension. As he helped Fancy on with her fur-lined pelisse and handed her the leash, he whispered softly, “Good luck, m’girl.”

Then Fancy was outside, pulling the cloak around her, hurrying down the wet steps and across the walk up to the Earl’s door. For just a moment she stood trembling at the audacity of her actions and then she gave the knocker a brisk rap.

The door opened almost immediately to disclose the Earl of Morgane. Fancy’s heart skipped a beat as her eyes met his.

“Come in,” said the Earl formally. “I do not know why you cannot keep that abominable creature under control.” He took her cloak and laid it aside. “He came bounding into my library and hurled himself into my lap to the absolute devastation of my inexpressibles.” His lip curled derisively. “It would save us both a good deal of trouble if you would accept my offer. The dog would obviously be happier, and I shouldn’t have to fear being assaulted by that great furry beast every time my door is opened.”

Fancy’s heart still pounded in her throat. There he stood, the man she loved. And all he could speak of was clothes and dogs!

Suddenly the whole thing was too much for her. The tears rose unbidden to her eyes and poured down her cheeks while great sobs shook her body. She had been an utter fool to want to see him. Nothing would ever work between them.

Blinded by her tears, she turned back toward the door and ran into a broad chest. As the Earl pulled her to him she fought frantically. “Let me go,” she sobbed. “You - you are the fool. Not to know love.”

The arms around her tightened more forcibly and Fancy, giving up to the misery that overpowered her, stopped fighting and sobbed miserably against a warm waist-coat.

It was some time before she became conscious that one of his hands was patting her back in a comforting motion, almost as one would pat a baby. And she grew aware that in Morgane’s arms she felt warm and secure, not at all menaced.

Suddenly she recalled the expression on Ethel’s face as she commented that the Earl might know some things about love that Fancy didn’t. With those warm arms around her things began to fall into place. Perhaps he
love her. After all, that girl in Germany had hurt him badly. Perhaps he was afraid to speak of love. And they had been always at cuffs - an unlikely situation for such disclosures.

Snug in the circle of those arms, Fancy made a decision. Love was worth risking for. It had to be.

Then, before she could frighten herself about the future, she spoke. “Morgane, I have come to accept your offer.”

The Earl put her from him so swiftly that she almost fell. “My offer!”

Fancy nodded. “Yes, I will marry you.”

The Earl seemed stunned. “Are you mad?”

Fancy shook her head. “I think not. What’s the matter, milord, have you second thoughts about having an actress for a wife? Or wasn’t your offer genuine?”

“Of course it was genuine!” The Earl’s eyes flashed. He moved away from Fancy suddenly and took several turns around the room.

When he stopped in front of her again, he had regained his composure. “I am honored at your acceptance,” he said gravely. “I shall have the banns called. But why, why the change of heart?”

It was now or never. Fancy thought as she brought her eyes to meet his. “I discovered something,” she said. “Something important.”

“The value of my estate perhaps or a sudden taste for emeralds.”

The tears brimmed again in Fancy’s eyes. What if she had made a mistake? What if he really were only cold and hard? But she forced herself to continue. “I’m afraid those things are beyond my control,” she said, fighting to keep the tears back. “Actually, I should prefer you
to have them. But the simple fact is this: I discovered that I love you.”

For long moments the Earl stood silent, and Fancy, hoping frantically for some sign in his face, could see nothing there. Her heart sank, but she would not give up, not until she was sure.

“I know that you believe love is an illusion,” she went on. “But it is not. It is the most important reality. And I warn

you -” Her head went up and she took a step toward him. “I warn you. If you marry me, I intend to teach you to love.”

For one silent moment their eyes met and then Fancy threw herself into his arms. As his mouth sought hers, she was praying. Dear God, she must be right. He must love her.

The kiss was warm and tender, passion-ate in a way Fancy had never before experienced. And when the Earl released her lips it was only to fold her close against his chest and whisper hoarsely into her hair, “That will not be necessary. I have already learned to love you.”

Fancy looked up into his eyes, eyes suddenly gone warm and loving. “I hoped,” she whispered, “but I could not be sure.”

“I believe I loved you in Bath,” Morgane explained. “But a woman once betrayed me and I vowed vengeance on their kind. And when you resisted me -”

“We did not get off to the best of beginnings,” agreed Fancy. “But that doesn’t signify now.” She sighed in contentment. “I’m so glad I let Hercules out.”

“You! Let him out?”

Fancy nodded, laughter bubbling in her throat. “But what I don’t understand is why he always comes here.”

The haughty Earl of Morgane took on a strangely sheepish look. “You! You arranged it!” Fancy cried. “But how?”

The Earl smiled, and taking her hand in his, led her to a door which he opened. There, in a small sitting room, reclined Hercules, a great bone still plentifully supplied with meat between his paws.

Fancy burst into laughter. “You fed him!”

The Earl chuckled. “The first time he came was an accident, but I knew he was yours and I made sure he would return.”

“But you warned me away - out of the neighborhood,” Fancy was suddenly grave.

Morgane’s arm tightened around her waist. “I knew my feelings for you were different and I had resolved not to love again.”

“And I had resolved
to love,” said Fancy with a smile. “But love was too great for both of us.”

And there, in the doorway of a little sitting room, Fancy Harper put her arms around the neck of the man she loved and raised her lips for his kiss. And the great dog continued to chew on his bone and wag his tail appreciatively. Humankind behaved strangely sometimes, Hercules thought, but now that these two had finally gotten together, things were definitely looking up.








Copyright © 1990 by Nina Coombs Pykare

Originally published by John Curley (ISBN 1555045766)

Electronically published in 2007 by Belgrave House/Regency Reads




No portion of this book may be reprinted in whole or in part, by printing, faxing, E-mail, copying electronically or by any other means without permission of the publisher. For more information, contact Belgrave House, 190 Belgrave Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94117-4228

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This is a work of fiction. All names in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to any person living or dead is coincidental.

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