Love in the Afternoon (2 page)

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Authors: Yvette Hines

Tags: #interracial bbw

BOOK: Love in the Afternoon
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She's vivacious, pretty and succe—”

A wild card is more like it. Why can’t anyone get a hold of her?” Kalan placed her hands on her hips and stared at me. “And her ass isn’t any prettier than any other eligible woman…especially not you.”

Wow. Where the hell did that come from?
That ship had sailed and I knew better than to entertain my friend’s fanciful ideas. Kalan had known about my past attraction to Chase, but that was over. All the time Kalan had invited me to the gatherings, we both knew it was in hopes that Chase would not only get used to having me around but that maybe he’d start to see me as more than just the fifth wheel in the family unit. That never happened. Kalan was just as smart and single as I was. I told her many times that it was best for her to concentrate on her own life status. My best friend was a corporate finance major in college and had a successful career in her field. I knew, just like me, she found it a lot easier to focus on other people’s problems than her own. At least weekly, I reminded her to step up and talk to a guy she’d been crushing on at work, but Kalan refused. I knew my friend was afraid that if the man turned her down, the workplace would be awkward for her.

Shaking my head, I said, “Girl, I’m not even going to try and figure out the mind of a—”

There was a sound from overhead, a thump as if something dropped on the floor or hit the wall.

Shh.” Kalan placed a finger to her lips as we both stared toward the ceiling.

Before we could investigate, there came the sound of footsteps on the front tile and keys being tossed into the chrome dish we all knew was by the door in the main hallway. “Leeza, you home?”

It was Chase’s voice coming from the front room.

Kalan’s face lit up with excitement as she waved me back into the kitchen where the rest of the family had set up the food and drinks on the counter. All low murmurs of conversation had immediately halted as we all listened to Chase’s footsteps on his hardwood floor as he went up the stairs.

Okay, everyone. We’re going into the family room, so we can surprise Chase as he comes down the stairs. He won’t see us from that side until we yell surprise.” Kalan was doing more mouthing of the words than she was actually speaking, but her hand gestures as she pointed toward the dining room exit made it clear what she wanted us to do.

I watched all of my friend’s family faces glow with the thrill of the moment. There were soft giggles as we all moved out, tiptoeing through the house with presents in our hands.

I was the last one in the sneaking procession moving through Chase’s house. Above me, I could hear voices, Chase’s deep baritone and Leeza’s high pitched screeching. I was a little taken back that Leeze had been upstairs the entire time everyone had been setting up for the party. Now, I realized that the noise Kalan and I heard upstairs must have been Chase’s girlfriend. Maybe we should have checked the house when we got in.

Unable to keep myself from listening, even though I couldn’t make out any words, I recognized the tone of Chase’s voice; he was furious. Was he angry at Leeza for not being available for his calls, even though apparently she was at home and didn’t have any other plans.

That would surely piss me off. I began to get a sinking feeling that maybe this wasn’t the best time for us to be here. Being a witness to a couple’s discord wasn’t my thing. I started moving through the crowd trying to make my way to the front and tap Kalan on the shoulder and tell her that maybe we should head back to the kitchen to give Chase and Leeza some privacy. However, before I could reach her, Chase’s angry voice erupted through the house.

You son of a bitch. Dillon, you fucker!” Chase yelled.

Listen, Chase, I can exp—” Dillon Cross, Chase's accountant’s normal deep voice had a high pitched sound to it and tremors.

Something was struck. I wasn’t sure if it was a wall or someone.

Chase! Stop!” Leeza screamed.

A bumping happened along the steps and more than one set of feet came charging down.

You hit me! Fuck, my nose is bleeding.” The whinnying became louder from Dillon.

Your whole face is going to be bloody when I finish with you,” Chase roared.

Glancing around, I saw how the family’s faces became stretched and distorted with shock. Everything was happening so fast. I could almost hear the questions rolling through their minds. ‘Do we go out and let Chase know we’re here?’ or ‘Do we hustle back to the kitchen and pretend we never heard a thing?”

Before any decision could be made, Dillon leaped off the landing of the stairs and around the corner into the den where the family was huddled. With nothing but a sheet around his hips, held tight in his fist, Dillon skidded to a halt. His face was a mask of horror as he looked from one set of Henderson angry eyes to another while blood ran from his nose and dripped off his chin onto his bare chest.

The twins stepped forward like mountains of fury as they squeezed their fists and cracked knuckles.

Oh, shit!” Dillon cried.

Next Chase rushed in with Leeza hot on his heels. Chase stopped, his hands balled tight, jaw clenched and his gray eyes dark and stormy. Leeza crashed into his back. The impact didn’t cause his body to rock forward. He stared over his shoulder at her, shooting daggers at his girlfriend from his eyes.

Leeza hustled back and snatched the sides of the green satin robe closed over her nude, willowy form. Her red hair was wet and water caused the material to cling to her body.

Since we hadn’t heard a shower running, we assumed Dillon and Leeza had been caught in Chase’s large garden tub in his bathroom.

Surprise.” Grandma Pauline squeaked out, the smile on her face appearing more painful then excited.

Chase closed his eyes and exhaled loudly.

My gaze ate up the sight of him as my heart broke at the emotions that must have been rocketing through his soul—embarrassment, sadness and betrayal. Everything, but joy of turning thirty-five.

Chase, honey—”

He raised a hand. “Mom, don’t please. Not now.” His voice was heavy and his eyes were clouded with disillusionment when he lifted his head and he looked at his mom.

I could see the pain in his eyes and it caused an ache in my belly. No man should have to bear such a moment in his life. It was too much.

Right now could you all please leave.” Chase’s voice was strained.

Dillon didn’t wait for another order. The backstabbing accountant made a wide arc out of the room ensuring he was out of reach of Chase. A few seconds later, the front door slammed.

Of course.” Mary Ann Henderson crossed the room to her son and stretched up on her tiptoes and aimed her pursed lips toward her son’s cheek. The fifty-ish year old woman with her coal black and silver curly hair matching the waves of her son’s was only five-seven to Chase’s six-three height.

If Chase had not leaned forward, Mary Ann would never have reached him. He gave his mother a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Nodding, Mary Ann stepped away. Donald patted his son on his back then led his wife toward the front of the house. The rest of the family didn’t speak or say anything as they set his gifts on the den table and followed the example set by Chase’s parents. Jax was the only one that paused just to tap Chase on top of the shoulder lightly with his fist. Chase glanced at him and the two communicated some sort of a ‘male understanding’ through the look. Chase nodded and Jax left after that.

The only ones that remained in the room were myself, Kalan, Chase and Leeza, whose face continued to alternate between discomfiture and haughtiness. As my feet felt rooted to the wood floor, I couldn’t understand that last look. How could the woman not feel sick to her stomach that she’d messed up so fucking bad a relationship with a great guy? Chase would have given her the world on a solid gold platter or killed himself trying.

Kalan moved to stand before Leeza, both of them around five-nine in height, only an inch shorter than me. I watched Kalan eye the woman from head to slowly and gaze back up at the woman with disgust glowing bright in her expression. “You bitch. I will never forget how you hurt my cousin tonight.

I saw Kalan flex her fingers as if she wanted to claw Leeza’s face up.

Chase’s gaze met mine, his dark gray stare appeared darker and with sparks of anger flashing in them—a terrible storm brewing.

The urge to go to him and wrap my arms around his broad shoulders and lend him my comfort was overwhelming. I wanted to soothe his hurt to the point I felt ill all over with the thought of his pain.

He shook his head then said, “Oriana, take Kalan out of here please.”

Were my thoughts apparent on my face?
Pushing that away, I inhaled and went to Kalan. “Come on Kay, let’s go.”

Taking her arm, I gave a firm tug to lead Kalan away from Leeza before she dug into the other woman’s face. Not that Leeza hadn’t earned it, but I had no doubt that it would probably only add to Chase’s stress.

As soon as I was sure Kalan wasn’t going to turn around and head back to Leeza, I let go of her arm.

At the front door, Kalan stopped. “Shit, Oriana, we left all that stuff in the kitchen.”

I had forgotten in the craziness about the kitchen and dining room being decorated. That was the last thing Chase needed to concern himself with.

Don’t worry about it. Just make sure his parents and the rest of the family get to their cars and home safe. I can handle it,” I told her.

There were low tones coming from the den. I hoped Leeza had sense enough to plead for mercy and beg for Chase’s forgiveness, not that she deserved it.

Folding her long blond bangs behind her ear, Kalan asked, “You sure? I can get the relatives off and come back.”

Positive. I’ll be quiet as a mouse. I can get things straight and sneak out the back.” I gave her a smile hoping it reassured her. Kalan cared deeply for her cousin, I knew that. Even though Chase was about four years older than both of us, he was like a brother since neither of them had siblings.

She hugged me and said, “Thanks. I’ll call you tomorrow after I talk to Chase.”

Nodding, I closed the door behind her and moved quickly to the back of the house. My goal was to try and put Chase’s house back to rights and then leave and give the couple the privacy they needed to sort their relationship out.
Or not.

I buried that thought as I started closing up plastic containers filled with fruit, vegetables, hot wings, pinwheels and so much more. I wondered for a moment how the family thought we would eat all this food tonight. The Hendersons loved food as much as they did family get-togethers. I should not have been surprised; it was always like that no matter the occasion. I was thankful that Chase’s refrigerator wasn’t overstocked so it was easy to find a place to put things. During the two months he was gone, Leeza must not have grocery shopped or cooked much. The crispers were practically overflowing with fresh fruits and vegetables, proof that Chase got deliveries of farmer goods to his house also, but that was it. I was pretty sure the housekeeper had put things up.

I took the Champagne bottles out of the freezer that were in there chilling, moved one to the refrigerator and stored the others in the pantry with Donald’s box wine and the beer. Twenty minutes later, I was in the dining room with a trash bag filling it with balloons and streamers as quick as I could.

The house was eerie, silent. I wasn’t sure if Chase and Leeza were still in the den or if they’d taken their conversation upstairs.

Not your business.

Almost done, I hustled around the twelve person table and grabbed one end of a ticker tape that had ‘Happy Birthday’ writing in blue and green alternating colors. I rolled it around my hands, following it to the other corner.


I screamed and jumped as I turned around to face Chase. Caught up in my own actions, I hadn’t heard him moving through the house.

Sorry to scare you.” He stared at me, questions etched into his features, both his hands buried deep in the pockets of his slacks.

One hand on my pounding heart, the other pressed against the wall with tape sliding from my wrist to the floor. “My fault, I should have been paying attention… I mean not listening…but I—” I groaned. I didn’t want Chase to think I wanted to hear what he was talking about with his girlfriend, intruding on them.

Pulling his hands from his pocket, he waved one before his body, dismissing my confused words. “I thought everyone had left.” He peered toward the archway that led to the kitchen as if he were looking for others in his family.

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