Love is Blind (15 page)

Read Love is Blind Online

Authors: Shayna B

Tags: #romance, #love, #young adult, #disabilities, #guide dogs

BOOK: Love is Blind
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“Yeah, it was pretty nice. Did you have a good

“I had a great time. It was nice going out with
you,” I told him.

His fingers started playing with my hair
lightly. “So am I allowed to kiss you again?”

I lifted my head and looked at him. “You’re
allowed to kiss me whenever you want.”

“Good,” he replied before taking my face gently
in his hands and pressing his lips to mine.

The kiss was gentle and tender, and it made my
heart melt a little. He didn’t try and deepen it; he just kept it
nice and soft. When he pulled away, I was smiling. “You’re good at
that,” I told him.

He chuckled quietly. “I’m glad you think so,
considering I’m out of practice.”

I put my head back on his shoulder and his arm
went back around me, holding me firmly to his side. When the song
Country Girl came on, my eyes lit up. I got to my feet and tugged
on Blake’s hands until he stood up as well. I started dancing
around, still holding his hands, but he just stood still. “Come on
Blake, dance with me.”

“I am not dancing Hailey.”

I pouted a little. “Why not?”

“I’ll look like an idiot.”

I stared at him for a minute to see if he was
serious. When I realized he was, I shook my head. “You seriously
think that I care what you look like when you dance? I look like a
moron, but I don’t care.”

“Well, I can’t exactly see you,” he replied

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be an ass. You’re
dancing with me.”

“No I’m not,” he said stubbornly.

I frowned. How was I going to get him to dance?
Suddenly, an idea came to me and I grinned wickedly. I sidled
closer to him and slid my arms around his neck. He automatically
put his arms around me, so I moved closer to him until our bodies
were pressed lightly together. “Please dance with me,” I whispered
into his ear.

I felt him shiver and his arms tightened around
me. “No,” he said, but there wasn’t as much conviction in his voice
this time.

I placed a soft kiss on the side of his neck,
and I was pleased when I heard him inhale sharply. “But I want to
dance with you,” I said cajolingly. “It’ll be fun.” I started
moving my hips a little to the beat of the song.

He remained still for another moment before
letting out a long breath and moving with me a little. I smiled in
triumph, but I didn’t say anything. We continued to dance until the
song ended, and then he tried to pull away. But I just tightened my
arms and kissed him lightly. “Thank you,” I murmured.

“You’re welcome. I can’t believe you made me
dance,” he muttered.

“The art of female persuasion is amazing, isn’t
it?” I teased him.

He let out a short laugh. “Yeah. Somehow I
think I’m going to have trouble saying no to you from now on.”

I nodded. “The quicker you learn that, the
better. I’ll always try to get what I want. And I’m not afraid to
play dirty either.”

He grinned. “Are you trying to say that you’re a
dirty girl?”

I was momentarily shocked, but I quickly
recovered and burst out laughing. “Who knew that there was a
pervert hidden in you?” I mused.

He gave me a dry look. “I am a guy, Hailey. Of
course I’m a pervert.”

I kissed him again. “Well, I’m kind of glad. I
thought I was going to have to rob you of your innocence or

Before I could process what was happening, he
had me spun around and pressed up against the wall. His lips
hovered over mine. “Trust me, I am anything but innocent,” he said,
before crushing his lips to mine.

This kiss was different. It was more demanding
and a little possessive. My body was alive with energy as he nipped
lightly at my bottom lip, demanding entrance. I complied eagerly,
more than happy to let him take control.

When he pulled back a few minutes later,
neither of us was breathing steadily. He put his forehead against
mine as he dragged in a ragged breath. “We may end up killing each
other before this is over,” he informed me.

I chuckled. “You might be right. But it’ll
definitely be worth it.”

“Hell yeah,” he said. He lifted his head and
kissed me gently. “I didn’t hurt your back when I pressed you
against the wall, did I?”

“No, but I wouldn’t say no to a massage

He chuckled and pulled away, grabbing my hand
and leading me to the bed. He pushed me lightly until I was lying
on my stomach, and then he sat beside me. He pushed my shirt up and
then trailed his fingers over my back, causing me to get goose
bumps. When he started rubbing my muscles, I sighed in relaxation.
Jared was good at massages since it was part of his job, but he
didn’t compare to how Blake’s hands felt on me.

Blake massaged me for fifteen minutes and then
leaned down to kiss my right shoulder blade. “Relaxed?” he asked

I murmured in agreement, finding that it was too
much effort to actually talk. Blake kissed my shoulder again and
then trailed his lips up to my ear. “Do you want to stay here

That snapped me out of my relaxation. “Blake…” I

“I didn’t mean it like that, Hailey. I’m not
going to rush into anything with you; I want to do things right.
But I also know that you’ve been having trouble sleeping, so maybe
I can help you.”

I allowed my body to relax once again. “Oh. Well
in that case, sure. Let me just call my uncle to let him know.”

“Will he mind letting you stay here?”

“No, he’s pretty cool that way. He also trusts
me. Will your aunt mind?”

“Definitely not. She’s so happy that I’m
actually talking to someone that I’m pretty sure you could move in
here and she’d welcome you with open arms.”

I laughed. “That’s good I guess.” I rolled away
from him so I could dig into my pocket and get my phone. I quickly
called Liam and let him know what was happening. He was fine with
me staying, which I had expected, though he did tell me to be
careful. After I hung up, I snuggled into Blake, who had stretched
out onto his back. “Do you have something I can wear to bed?”

“Yeah. You can either wear one of my shirts or
ask Sophie to borrow something.”

I shrugged. “I’m good with just wearing one of
your shirts. It’s getting late, so I don’t want to bug Sophie.”

He sat up, bringing me with him. We got off the
bed and he led me to his dresser. He ran his hands along the front
of the drawers, and I leaned in to look a little closer. I realized
that there were stickers over every drawer and I assumed that there
was a difference to each one, which was how he knew which drawer
was one he wanted.

He located the right drawer and pulled it open.
He grabbed a pair of pajama pants for himself and a t-shirt for me
and then shut the drawer. He handed the shirt to me. “Here you

I took it from him and moved back to the bed. I
looked at him over my shoulder. “I guess one advantage to you being
blind is that you can’t peek while I get changed,” I said

“You think of it as an advantage, I think of it
as a disadvantage,” he replied.

I laughed. “You really are a pervert.” I
quickly pulled off my jeans and shirt and put his shirt on instead.
It fell to about mid- thigh because he was so much taller than me.
When I turned to face him again, he was wearing the pajama pants
and nothing else. I let my eyes wander down his chest and subtle

He chuckled from where he was standing. “I can
hear you drooling,” he teased.

I tore my eyes away from his body to look at his
smiling face. “Hey, I’m allowed to look,” I said. “How do you stay
in such great shape?”

“Well, I haven’t had much to do in the past two
years, so my aunt had a home gym installed for me. I spend a lot of
time in there.”

“That makes sense.” I watched as he made his way
over to me. I was struck once again by how confident he was in
moving around his room with nothing to guide him. “How can you move
around here so easily?”

“Again, I’ve spent the past two years pretty
much stuck in this house. I learned how to maneuver around the
whole house without running into anything.”

“But you’re comfortable in my house too, and
you’ve only been coming there for a couple of weeks.”

He stopped in front of me and shrugged. “I
learn things pretty quickly. As long as nothing moves without my
knowledge I only need to go somewhere once before I learn where
everything is.”

“How did you avoid everything you’d thrown on
the floor that morning that your dad called?”

He shrugged again. “I’m the one who threw stuff,
so I knew where it all landed.”

I started to reply, but a huge yawn interrupted
me. Blake chuckled and climbed onto his bed. I followed behind him,
stifling another yawn. Once Blake was lying on his back, I scooted
closer and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped one arm around me,
holding me firmly to him. His free hand traveled to my chin, and he
tilted my head up so he could kiss me.

When he pulled away, I snuggled closer to him,
letting out a sigh of contentment. It felt… right, being in his
arms. As if I was meant to be there. I kissed his chest before
letting my eyes close. “Good night,” I murmured.

“Night Hales,” he replied.


Waking up in Blake’s arms was something I could
definitely get used to. We had shifted in the night so that he was
spooning me from behind, his left arm wrapped snugly around my
waist. I tried to move so I could go to the bathroom, but his arm
tightened around me, not letting me leave the bed. “Where do you
think you’re going?” he asked sleepily.

“I have to go to the bathroom,” I replied.

“Hmm, well I’m not done sleeping, so you can
hold it until I feel like letting you go.” He buried his face in my
hair and inhaled deeply

I laughed. “Oh you think so?”

“Yeah,” he replied.

I managed to flip over so that I was facing him.
I put one of my hands on his chest and started tracing patterns on
his skin. “I’ll come right back,” I promised.

“Uh uh, you’re not allowed to leave the bed
yet,” he said, kissing the top of my head.

I moved my head closer to him and pressed my
lips against his neck, smiling when his breath caught briefly.
“Please?” I asked, my mouth still against his skin.

He let out a sigh and finally loosened his hold
on me. “Fine, but you better not take too long.”

I climbed out of the bed. “I’ll be back in a
minute,” I said and scurried over to his attached bathroom. Once I
was done, I went right back to the bed and returned to my previous
spot, curling into him once again. “See? Told you I’d be right

He put his arms around me and nuzzled at my
neck. “It was cold without you,” he whined.

I chuckled. “Poor baby.” I kissed him softly.
“Warmer yet?”

“Not yet, maybe another kiss will help.”

I complied, pressing my lips lightly against his
again. But this time his hand came up to the back of my head,
preventing me from pulling back. He made a sound of pleasure as he
rolled us over so that he was hovering over me, not breaking the

I allowed my hands to play over his smooth back.
I loved the feel of his skin; it was so silky and soft. Blake
pulled his lips away from mine and ran them over my jaw and down my
neck. He lightly sucked on the skin on the side of my neck and I
wasn’t able to prevent my back from arching, pressing us together

He pulled away immediately. “Okay, I think I’m
warm now,” he said breathlessly.

I smiled. “Yeah, me too.”

He rolled off of me and sat up. “I need to get
better control of myself, or I won’t be able to take this

I sat up as well and rubbed his back. “I’ll let
you know if you’re going too fast, Blake. You just found a
sensitive spot on me, which is why I reacted like that.”

His lips tugged up into a smile. “How many
sensitive spots do you have?” he asked.

“You’ll just have to find out for yourself,” I
told him cheekily.

He groaned and rubbed his hands over his face.
“Come on; let’s go get some breakfast before I never let you leave
my room.”

“Okay, let me just get dressed first.”

He shook his head. “No, I like thinking of you
wearing something of mine. Is that weird?”

“No, it’s a good thing because I like wearing
your stuff. But I can’t go out in the house wearing just your
t-shirt. What if Sophie or your aunt are awake?”

“Go to the top right drawer of my dresser.
There’s a bunch of boxers in there that you can wear underneath the

I climbed off the bed and went to the dresser. I
opened the drawer he told me too and grabbed a pair of plain blue
boxers while he went to the bathroom. I put the boxers on and
waited for him at the door.

He came out of the bathroom and walked to my
side without missing a step, which made me frown a little. “How the
heck did you know where I was standing?”

“I could hear you breathing,” he replied.

“Wow, your hearing really is good.”

“Told you so. Are you hungry?”

“Yeah, I’m starving.”

He opened his door and ushered me into the hall.
He took my hand and we went into the kitchen. Sophie was sitting at
the table eating a bowl of cereal, and she looked up when we came
in. Her jaw dropped when she saw me, but she quickly recovered.
“Morning Blake, morning Hailey.”

“Good morning Sophie,” I replied cheerfully.
Blake just grunted in response and I rolled my eyes. We walked over
to the table and Blake motioned for me to sit down. I did as he
asked and watched in mild interest as he went around the kitchen
gathering bowls, spoons and milk, placing them on the table before
moving to another cupboard.

“What kind of cereal do you like?” he asked.

“Whatever you’re having is fine.”

He nodded and grabbed a box from the cupboard,
then came and sat next to me. The three of us ate in silence, lost
in our own thoughts. Abby wandered in at one point and flopped down
beside Blake’s chair. Blake absently rubbed her with his foot and
that made me smile a little. For someone who pretended not to
really care about anything, he obviously loved his dog.

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