Love Unclaimed (14 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Benson

BOOK: Love Unclaimed
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“Eva, you are only eight.” He chuckled, trying to relieve the tension he was feeling in his chest. “What do you think you know about what love is?” he asked after he’d galloped to her side.

“I can read. I’ve watched princess movies, TV, and my grandparents are very much in love with each other. They stare at each other, smile, and touch each other all the time. Daddy and Marissa, they love each other and do the same thing. You and Momma do that, too, when you think no one is looking.” She laughed. “I told Momma yesterday that you look at her the way Grandpa looks at Grammy, not the way Uncle Travis looks at Trudy.” She rolled her eyes.

“Sounds like you don’t like Trudy.” Better this than the subject of Audree and him.

“Have you met her yet?”

“No, I haven’t. Uncle Travis never brought her with him when he visited me and when I came here, she was never around.” Gavin shrugged, like it was normal that he hadn’t met his brother’s soon to be wife. Gavin stayed away from home as much as possible and Travis showed him pictures of her; she seemed familiar to him, but he couldn’t place her. He didn’t think he had ever actually met her; at least he didn’t think he had.

“That’s just weird,” she said, shaking her head. “You’ve never met the girl your brother is going to marry.” She looks over at him. “She lives right down the road from us. I don’t know how you could have missed her.” Eva giggled, shaking her head.

“Eva, what do you mean, she lives down the road from you?”

“Trudy is Mr. Meager’s daughter. They are the farm next to Grandpa’s, the one with the huge house and stable.” She didn’t see Gavin’s eyes glaze over and his face go pale. “She seems kind of spoiled to me. Like the snotty girls on TV that everyone doesn’t like, but are afraid to say so. I don’t know why Uncle Travis is marrying her. She doesn’t seem to be very nice to him and hardly ever comes to visit with him.” She shrugged again. “Want to race back to Grammy and Grandpa’s? Momma is probably still there.” She didn’t wait for him to answer and tapped her horse’s sides, taking off—away from Gavin.

“Hey, Eva, wait up.” He woke from his stupor and chased after her.



“You are an amazing rider, Audree,” Scotty said with a smile from his seat on the horse next to her, as they rode behind Ruby and Harry.

“Thank you, I’ve been riding since I was a baby. I have pictures of my parents riding horses with me in one of those baby carriers strapped to their chests. Of course, one of my grandmothers thought it was too dangerous, but my dad said that, if I was going to be a farmer’s daughter, I was going to be taught all of the ins and outs of being one.” She laughed when he smiled at her.

“Well, you make a lovely farmer’s daughter.” His smile widened when she blushed.

“So, you are from Washington? I know you went to school with Travis and now you are trying to start up a business; what else can you tell me about yourself?” She felt stupid asking the question, but he seemed like a very nice guy and, since the guy she wanted kept pushing her away, she would take Ruby’s advice and not close the door to other options.

“Well, I am the youngest of three. I have an older brother and sister. They are both married and living back home. My parents have been divorced since I was seven; both are remarried and are much happier. I have a brother and sister from each of them. My mom is still in Washington and my dad is in Virginia. I met Harry our freshman year in school and Travis, junior year. I guess, because of your daughter, you transferred back here to finish school, which is why we never met.” He looked over at her.

“Yeah, Eva was quite the surprise my sophomore year. I couldn’t be that far away from her, so I transferred back here and don’t regret it one bit,” she stated truthfully. She loved Eva and was happy with her decision to keep her; her one real regret was that Eva didn’t belong to Gavin. She loved Brooks and they were still very close; he was still one of her best friends, but she had always secretly wished she had gotten pregnant with Gavin’s baby. Maybe then, he would have stayed with her or, at least, she would have a piece of him with her, always. Gavin was still very adamant about the condoms, so there was very little possibility of that ever happening.

“I didn’t mean to offend you. I think it is great that you have a kid. Travis talks about you guys all the time, I’m glad we have finally been able to put a real person with the pictures and stories. He is wild about Eva; he loves her a lot.”

“He actually offered to marry me before, and again after, she was born. Eva’s dad moved back to the west coast after school.” She laughed at the memory of how nervous Travis had been when he told her that he would marry her and take care of Eva like she was his own. As much as she loved Travis, there was no way she was going to marry him, or anyone else, just because she had a baby. Besides, she’d still had her heart set on Gavin.

“Her dad is still a big part of the picture?” He sounded almost disappointed. “That is a good thing. My dad kind of wigged out after the divorce and disappeared for about six months. Travis said Eva’s dad is a good guy and you guys have a great relationship.”

“Travis sounds like an old washerwoman, talking over the clothes line,” she said tightly then giggled when he laughed.

“You guys are his family, and he loves you very much.”

“Yes, Brooks is still very much involved in Eva’s life. He’s one of my best friends, and I love him dearly. We just weren’t meant to be more than friends, and we both knew it. We have Eva and …”

“And then, there is Gavin.” He turned back when she stopped her horse.

“Gavin and I are not together.” Audree cringed when she said it.

“Oh, well, I thought … the way he was looking at you and the way he was dancing with you, I …”

“Gavin has never asked me to be his…” Well, anything, she thought sadly. As she moved her eyes away from Scotty, she saw Eva riding toward them from over Scotty’s shoulder.

“I got the impression that….”

“Gavin has made it quite clear we cannot be together,” she interrupted, almost too quietly for him to hear, but she knew he had.

“Are you okay with that? I’d like to take you out sometime.” He took out his cell phone. “Put in your number and I’ll call you and ask you out properly.” He held the phone out, almost like a dare. He watched her as she looked over his shoulder at Eva then saw as Gavin appeared next to her. Audree took the phone from his hand, pushed the buttons, and handed him back the phone just as the two horses and their riders arrived at their side.

“Momma, we had such a good time,” Eva shrieked, out of breath. “We rode out to the lake and had a picnic and Uncle Gavin promised to take me fishing,” she said excitedly. “Who are you?” she asked Scotty.

“Eva,” Audree said, reproachfully.

“Excuse me.” Eva ducked her head. “Hello, I’m Eva Edwards.” She guided her horse so that she and her horse were next to Scotty and she offered her hand.

“Hello, Eva, I’m Scotty,” he said and shook her hand. “I’m a friend of your Uncle Travis.” He looked down at her horse. “That is a beautiful horse and you are a great rider, just like your mom.”

“Thank you.” She ran her hand through the horse’s mane and patted its neck. “Uncle Gavin gave me Star for my birthday last year. Isn’t she wonderful?” She turned and beamed at her Uncle Gavin.

“You are a very lucky girl.” Scotty winked at Audree, and she blushed knowing Gavin was watching them. Audree was sure Scotty could also feel Gavin’s heated glare. She was also sure that Gavin witnessed the cell phone exchange and watched Scotty put the phone back in his pocket.

“Momma, can we go home and go swimming?”

“That sounds like a great idea.” Gavin pulled his horse next to Audree’s. “No bikinis, though,” he growled and moved away from her. “I’ll race ya back,” he directed at Eva.

“Where did Ruby and Harry go?” Audree turned in her saddle looking for Ruby and Harry. “Let me call her so they can meet us back at the house, too. And I’ll call Travis.” She laughed, thinking about what Ruby and Harry might be up to, as she pulled out her cell phone. “As soon as we get the horses taken care of, we can make a BBQ out of it.” She smiled at Scotty.

“Uncle Gavin grills a really mean steak,” Eva blurted out, causing Audree to turn and laugh at him as she walked the horse up next to her daughter. “Eva, do you want a head start, or is this all even? Last one there has to wipe
the horses down?” She smiled over her shoulder at Gavin, then Scotty. She lowered her sunglasses and winked at Eva, telling her to take a head start.

“I want the head start.” She giggled at her mother. “You have to count to twenty before you start.” With that, she turned her horse in the direction of her house. “Ready, set …,” she was gone before she said start.

“One, two, three… ten…” Audree kicked her horse’s side.

“Damn it, Audree, can you ever be fair?” Gavin called behind her after her horse had taken off. “She always cheats.” He laughed and kicked his own horse, before a stunned Scotty could even move. “If you don’t get going sometime soon, you will be washing down all four horses,” Gavin called back to him, with a laugh, knowing he could out run Scotty, but that Audree was the one to beat.


“So you left Scotty to clean all four horses?” Ruby laughed, sipping her beer.

“No, I stayed down and took care of Star and Sun.” Gavin smiled at Audree, who had Eva on her lap. Eva was in her nightgown, and Audree was combing her wet hair. “As usual, Audree cheated.” He tipped his beer bottle in her direction, smiling.

“Momma didn’t cheat!” Eva yelped.

“Yes, I did, baby, but so did Uncle Gavin. He ditched the last man back and then tried to bump my horse. That is an automatic forfeit.” Audree stuck her tongue out at Gavin.

“The bumping is a bullsh… is a dumb rule,” Travis said from one of the lounge chair rafts in the pool. “Sorry, Eva.”

“You owe me a dollar, Uncle Travis.” She laughed and clapped her hands.

“That doesn’t count. I only said three quarters of the word,” he objected.

“Then you owe me seventy-five cents.” She put her hand out toward him.

“You’ll have to get me tomorrow, kiddo, no pockets.” He patted his swim trunks.

“Speaking of tomorrow, you have school, young lady.” Audree kissed the back of Eva’s head and pulled her into a hug.

“Two more weeks and I’m outta there.” She giggled and threw her hand up in the air and danced around excitedly.

“Yup, two more weeks then we put you to work on the farm.” She laughed when Eva stopped dancing and put her hands on her hips. “Kids will be here tomorrow, so you have to change as soon as you get home, if you want to hang out with them before dinner,” Audree said as she started to stand up.

“I want Uncle Gavin to read me a story.” Eva smiled at Audree then at Gavin.

“Haven’t you had enough of me yet, kid?” He winked at her when she shook her head.

“I will be up in a bit to tuck you in.” She hugged Eva as she moved toward Gavin. “Say goodnight to everyone.”

“Goodnight, Uncle Travis.” Eva waved to him.

“I’ll come up with your momma and kiss you goodnight, princess.” He blew her a kiss from his raft.

“Goodnight, Aunt Ruby.” Eva walked over to the side of the pool where Ruby and Harry were sitting with their legs in the water.

“Goodnight, sweetie.” Ruby hugged Eva.

“Goodnight Mr. Harry, Mr. Scotty.” Eva waved to the two men who both tipped their baseball caps at her.

“Goodnight, Miss Eva,” they said in unison.

“Piggy back, Uncle Gavin.” She laughed, taking his hand as they made their way from the pool and headed toward the house.

“You are getting too big for piggy back ride.” He laughed as she jumped on his back.

“No I’m not. I saw you give Momma a piggy back ride to the barn the last time you were here, after you were out riding.” All eyes went from Gavin and Eva to Audree, whose face turned at least four shades of red before she looked down at Eva’s wet towel in her lap.

“Anyone want another beer?” Audree asked, getting up and moving to the cooler at the end of the pool. When no one answered, she tossed her empty bottle into the recycle bin by the grill then grabbed another bottle.

“Who wants to go swimming in the lake tonight?” Ruby jumped up, breaking the now awkward silence.

“I’d love to, but I gotta get in and call Trudy; she was out wedding shopping all day today.”

“Ugh, whatever,” Ruby said, not at all hiding her dislike for Trudy. “Yet again, too good to come hang out with us common folk.” She rolled her eyes when Travis flipped her the bird.

“I got the kids and work tomorrow, and only four and half more weeks till I gotta leave with Eva, so I have to make sure everything is in order.” Audree sat down on the edge of the pool and started swinging her legs in the water.

“You and Eva going on a trip?” Scotty asked, sitting down next to Audree who shot a look at Ruby, begging her not to leave.

“Well, we are headed out to see the lake and then Harry is going to take me back to my house for a nightcap.” Ruby chuckled when Audree glared at her. “I’ll come over tomorrow and we can talk more about the barn expansion and catering needs,” she kissed Audree on top of the head. “Love ya, girl.” She took Harry’s hand and they made their way from the pool. “Trav, will you be around to brainstorm some ideas?”

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