Love Under Two Benedicts (23 page)

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Authors: Cara Covington

BOOK: Love Under Two Benedicts
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“My brother Morgan organized that,” Adam said, then he smiled. “Hell of a welcome home for him. Steps foot in town and immediately gets drafted. I’ll be getting the report when I go back to the office.” Then he looked at Matthew. “You head on home now. Take care of your woman.”

Kelsey bristled just a little. She raised one eyebrow and skewered Lusty’s sheriff with as stern a look as she could muster. The man simply smiled and winked at her. She wondered then if he’d said that just to get a rise out of her.

“I’m not going to sit around in case he changes his mind,” Matthew said as he got to his feet.

The brothers Benedict would have rushed her out the door in seconds, but Kelsey insisted on thanking the dads not only for the coffee and cookies, but for sitting with her while the others gathered evidence. When each man, in turn, gave her a very tight hug, she thought she just might start to cry.

“Come on, sweetheart,” Steven said.

They got in Matthew’s cruiser. Kelsey insisted on sitting in the back seat, thinking the front would be easier for Steven with his injured arm.

“It’s just a graze,” he said to her. “And when we get home, I’ll prove it.”

For the first time in a couple of hours, Kelsey felt her spirit lighten. “Is that a fact?”

Matthew met her gaze in the rearview mirror. “Fair warning. Once Benny is asleep, you’re going to be in for it. What do you have to say about that, darlin’?”

Kelsey would have thought her hunger and need for these two men would have abated by now, or at least leveled off. Instead, they had a knack for making her wet with just their words. She felt wanted, and loved, and most definitely aroused.

Kelsey smiled. “Bring it on, deputy. Bring it on.”






Chapter 20


The promise of private time and the decadent pleasures that would bring kept Kelsey’s blood humming all evening. Benny was delighted to see them all home at the same time. When he saw the bandage on Steven’s arm, he asked if he’d fallen off his horse.

Since that seemed the easiest answer to give the inquisitive four-year-old, he said yes.

It was all she and Matthew could do after that not to laugh. No one delivered pitying looks the way a small child could.

They fired up the outdoor grill and cooked hamburgers for dinner. Steven redeemed himself in Benny’s eyes by playing with him and his fleet of trucks on the back lawn while Matthew manned the grill. They had so much fun that, after dinner, Matthew joined them.

Kelsey wondered if that was just an elaborate ploy on the part of the men to get out of after-dinner clean up. Since they did seem to enjoy playing with the little guy, she really didn’t mind.

Kelsey could see them from the kitchen window as she finished up the dishes. Hearing Benny laugh and watching the way both grown men were able to relate to him filled Kelsey’s heart.

They’ll make very good fathers

When the males came into the house, chased by encroaching darkness, Kelsey scooped up Benny and took him upstairs for his bath. He seemed to enjoy the water, especially when he could have boats to captain. Kelsey smiled as he made different engine sounds for each one.

He didn’t argue about brushing his teeth. When she tucked him into bed, he begged for a story. Kelsey complied, but as she expected he would, he fell asleep before even a couple of pages had been read.

She sat for a moment in the chair beside his bed, watching him sleep, the stuffed walrus clutched tight. All through the evening, through dinner, then a bath, then a story, she’d felt echoes of the past, echoes of Sean.

There would always be a hole in her heart because he was gone. But the sharp edge of grief that even so recently had slashed at her seemed less somehow.

She’d opened her heart to this child and to the brothers Benedict, and she thought that she was beginning to understand. It wasn’t time that could heal all wounds. It was love.

Sounds coming from across the hall told her the men had come upstairs. She took one more moment to smooth the blankets over Benny and to give him a tiny kiss on his head.

Then she went across the hall, ready for her own nighttime routine.

They’d turned off the lights. She watched them, both shirtless, as they went about turning on soft music and turning down the bed.

Though she’d entered the room silently, they both looked up at her at the same moment. They wore twin expressions of longing and lust and love.

Right then, Kelsey understood that for these two brothers it had
been just about sex. Bernice had said this room belonged to the three of them equally. Built large enough for four adults, she knew of a couple of families where the husbands numbered three, this bedroom in this house was meant to be a sanctuary for love. An old-fashioned concept, the marriage bed, had kept this room empty until these men had brought her here.

Until she’d arrived that first night.

A town founded on the fundamental ideal that freedom meant freedom to love, and to live, as a person chose. This town was filled with families, descendents of the original founders, who stood with open arms and open hearts not just for their own, but for those who needed them and those who made this town their own. This was their heritage. How had she ever gotten so lucky as to come here?

“Can you tell us what you’re thinking to put that beautiful expression on your face, sweetheart?” Matthew asked.

“I will if you’ll answer a question for me. How many divorces have there been in your family?”

Steven raised one eyebrow. And then he smiled as if he understood her thoughts completely.

“Just Benedicts? Or Benedicts, Kendalls, Jessops, Parkers, and Joneses?”

“All of them.”

“Of the family members who remained here in Lusty, none.”

Kelsey smiled. “That’s what I thought.”

“That thought couldn’t have been the author of that smile,” Matthew said. “Your eyes sparkled with love.”

“Because I was thinking about how much I love you both. I was thinking about how profoundly grateful I am that I came here and that you were waiting for me.”


Until they came to her, until each reached out to brush her cheeks, she didn’t realize tears streaked down her face.

“I love you, Kelsey. I never knew I could love anyone this much. It’s only been a few weeks but already it feels as if you’re a part of me.” Steven’s words melted her heart. She leaned in, leaned up, and laid her lips on his. Reverence reverberated in her kiss, the touch light yet trembling with love.

She straightened and turned to Matthew when he stroked her arm.

“I love you, Kelsey. The first moment I laid eyes on you, I knew, deep down, you were meant to be ours. That first time you laid with us here my world finally came right.”

As she had with Steven, she kissed Matthew, showing him how deeply his words had touched her. When she straightened, she said, “I need you, both of you, inside me. I want to be so full of you that I can’t tell where you end and I begin.”

“Yes, we want you naked between us,” Matthew said.

She wanted them naked, too. She wanted to reach out, undress them, and caress each new bit of flesh she uncovered, but they had a different idea.

With movements fast and economical, they stripped the clothes from her, baring her body to their sight and their touch. Her nipples became hard pebbles as first gazes and then fingers touched and teased. Matthew bent to suck one hard peak into his mouth while Steven turned her face toward him. He kissed her, his lips hot and wet, his mouth opening wide over hers, claiming her. His tongue swept her mouth, drank her, and Kelsey wanted nothing more than to submit to him, to give him whatever he wanted.

Matthew brushed his hand over the hot, swollen flesh above her slit, and her knees buckled.

“You are so incredibly responsive to us, baby,” he sighed.

“She was made for us,” Steven said.

“We were made for each other,” Kelsey said.

Matthew lifted her and laid her on the bed. Their gazes never left her as they shucked the rest of their clothes. With their corded muscles, chests sprinkled with hair, cocks erect with desire for her, she would never get over how beautiful they were, the two of them.

And they were all hers.

Her cunt flooded with the dew of her own desire as they came to her. Lips and hands, tongues and fingers, they tasted, they touched, they took. Kelsey took as well. She stroked and gripped, cupped and caressed. No words were needed here as bodies, hot, aroused, and attuned spoke on a level so basic, so pure, response was immediate.

Matthew kissed her, his mouth hungrily tasting hers, taking and giving as she used her tongue to consume him. When he lifted his lips, she turned her head, kissed Steven, his essence and flavor just as necessary to her, just as fundamental now to her existence as his brother’s.

“You’ve both got me so hot.”

They spread her legs wider and stroked the inside of her thighs, teasing across her slit to barely brush against her clit. She cried out and chased that touch, her hips bowing off the bed.

“Mmm, you are hot. You belong to us,” Steven said.

“Only ours,” Matthew said.

“Yes! And you’re all mine.” Kelsey said

“No one else’s.”

“Only yours.”

Kelsey rolled over, on her knees, and began to kiss her way down Matthew’s chest. She paused at his nipple, bit it, then sucked the tiny nub into her mouth. He hissed his pleasure and combed his fingers though her hair so as to hang on to her, hold her.

She turned her attention to Steven, needing to taste them both, needing to taste every inch of each of them. Their flavor fed her. Their heat sustained her.

“I was so alone, just existing before you came to me.”

“Not any more, baby,” Steven said. “You’re ours, and we take care of what’s ours.”

“We’ll keep you warm, inside and out. You’ll never be alone again,” Matthew said.

These men had changed her, saved her. She was theirs, and they were hers. She needed more. One flesh.

“Please.” She reached over Matthew, opened the bedside table and took out two condoms. She put one in her mouth, then tore open the other with her fingers. She stroked Matthew’s cock, then slid the latex in place.

She needed them so badly she shook with it. Tossing her head to get her hair out of her way, she opened the second package, twisted her upper body, and smoothed the latex onto Steven’s cock.

“Now. I can’t wait. Please.” She didn’t wait for an answer, just straddled Matthew and took his cock deep into her cunt.

Matthew clamped his hands on her hips, held her down, and held himself deep. “Squeeze me with those marvelous muscles, Kelsey.”

Kelsey flexed her pelvic floor muscles, caressing his cock with a long, slow contraction.

“Fuck, baby, I love your cunt.”

Kelsey felt wicked and free. Laughing, she looked over her shoulder and gave Steven what she knew had to be the come-fuck-me look of all time.

“I need your cock in my ass, lover.”

“Oh, God, yes. I want that hot little ass of yours.” Steven moved, working his way behind her, finding a place for himself there. He placed a hand on each ass cheek and spread her. He reached to the bedside table for the lube. Then, he bent forward and gave her bottom hole a couple of wet, lavish licks, and applied the lube.

Then he moved again, placing his cock at her tiny pucker.

The first feel of him there made her shiver. Matthew lifted his head off the pillow and captured a nipple with his lips. Nibbling, laving, then sucking, he distracted her as his brother began to push his latex-covered cock into her.

“Baby, your ass is so tight. I don’t want to hurt you,” Steven said.

She felt him restraining himself. She didn’t want that. She wanted his full-out passion. Matthew’s, too.

“Fuck me. Take me. Hard. Fast. Deep. I need your cocks pounding into me.”

Steven pressed his cock into her, and Kelsey moved back against him, taking more of him at the same time she pressed down onto Matthew’s cock.

“Yeah, that hot little pussy just got hotter and tighter.” Matthew surged up into her, his hands still anchoring her hips to his.

“So tight. I’ve never felt anything so tight and so good.” Steven pulled out a little then slid back in. He repeated those motions, solid and steady, almost exactly in sync with the way his brother fucked her cunt.

Kelsey felt on fire, desperation for more clamoring inside her. “More, damn it. Give me

The men stilled for just a moment. She’d closed her eyes, already striving for her orgasm. Now she opened them to see Matthew give Steven a look she couldn’t read.

“Maybe this will help,” Steven said.

Fast and hard, his open hand landed on her bare ass.

Kelsey gasped, the heat and the pain from the slap spreading through her, reaching out to tickle her clit.

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