Love With an Improper Stranger (27 page)

BOOK: Love With an Improper Stranger
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For several seconds, Blake blinked.  He opened his mouth and then closed it.  Shifting from side to side, he narrowed his stare.  “So you will be my friend?”


“You will be my lover?”


“Without argument, you will do whatever I ask?”

“I will do anything.”

Grasping her wrists, Blake pulled her upright and then lifted her in a reassuring hug.  “Then you will be my duchess,” he said, against her lips.  After several heated, desperately passionate minutes, he rested his forehead to hers.  “It saddens me that you still do not understand the simple truth, which I shall attempt to explain, so there will be no more confusion.”  He claimed another searing kiss.  “My lovely Lenore, beneath the impressive title and fancy garb beats the heart of a living man, flesh and blood, who only wishes to worship you for all the remains of his days.  It would be nice if you could let me do that.”

“Ah, such are the trials of your future duchess.”  She giggled and glanced over his shoulder, into their bedroom.  What she spied knocked the wind from her sails, and she broke free.  “Mama’s pianoforte.”

“I intended it as a surprise on our wedding night.”  He chuckled.  “And as you are so accommodating, I shall make a special request, which is that you will play it for me, exclusively, and without benefit of clothing.”

She could not help but smile, as she trailed her fingers along the custom-made, square instrument.  Fashioned in the neoclassic style, the family heirloom featured veneers of mahogany and curly maple, five and a half octaves, with a fully developed double action, and Zumpe-style overhead dampers.  The
pièce de résistance
was an intricate, hand-painted flower motif extending from the central cartouche, which bore the vendor’s illustrious name, Jacobus Ball & Sons.

“So I must entertain you, in a state of complete nudity?”  Telltale warmth invested her cheeks.  “Is that proper?”

“Probably not.”  From behind, Blake squeezed her hips and nipped her ear lobe.  “But we will not let that stop us.”  Then he bent and swept her into his arms.  “Now I must convey you to your temporary quarters, before I do something I shall regret.”

“Why will you not make love to me?”  As he retraced her steps, she tossed aside all the feminine precepts she had been taught and licked his jawline.  “I am yours for the taking.”

“Not until the vows have been spoken.”  He stomped to her four-poster and conveyed her to the mattress with a gentleness that never failed to surprise her.

“But I have it on good authority that more than one Brethren wife yielded her prize prior to the ceremony.”  When he attempted to withdraw, she refused to yield.  “Why should we be any different?”

“Call me old-fashioned, but I believe a duchess should be lawfully wed before her duke docks in her honey harbor.”  Yet he relaxed, and she pulled him down with her.  “And I already told you that I have too much respect for you to treat you less than a lady is owed, so I will observe the proprieties.”

“But you promised you would not leave me.”  She mustered her most potent pout.  “Do you renege, Your Grace?”


“Please.”  Now she whimpered.  “I am frightened.”

He cast a wicked scowl.  “I will sleep in the chair.”



“How can I rest, as the doctor ordered?”  In a small voice, she said, “I am cold, too.”

“Oh, all right.”  At last, he relented and slipped between the sheets.  “Come here.”

That command she obeyed in a flash.  As she made to drape an arm over his waist, she inched a tad low and struck something hard.  “Was that—”

“Not a word, else I shall remove to the
.”  When she shifted, he hissed.  “For the love of all creation, stop moving.”

Tucked beside Blake, in her rightful place, she pondered Lucilla and prayed for her safe return.  The revelatory shiver, the nagging harbinger of fear, traipsed her spine, and she closed her eyes.  Sleep beckoned, an alluring, invisible partner that accompanied the reassuring presence of her soon-to-be husband.  As Lenore answered the call, she knew, without doubt Blake would not fail her.  He would find Lucy.


The drawing room at Elliott House boasted gold damask wall coverings, elegant ceiling plasterwork by John Adams, a marble chimneypiece, and a renowned frieze of the legendary lovers Orpheus and Eurydice.  So it was, perhaps, appropriate that Blake negotiated his marriage contract beneath the gaze of the illustrious couple.

“According to my brother’s solicitor, Lenore’s dowry is five thousand pounds, the sum of which shall be deposited with your lawful representative, and I shall reimburse you for the trousseau you purchased in December, as is customary.”  Samuel Teversham assessed the documents.  “Your Grace is very generous, regarding the pin money, and you have made more than ample provisions for her welfare, and that of any heirs, upon the event of your death.”

“Lenore’s well-being is of paramount importance, Samuel.”  In fact, his stipulations ensured his future wife would want for nothing.  Yet Blake could not quiet the discomfit that plagued him, and he had come to the realization that he had not simply fallen in love with her, although he also discovered there was nothing simple about love.  Oh, no.  In truth, he had been consumed by a power so compelling that even the minutest particle of his being had not escaped his lady’s touch, and he knew not how to manage his wayward emotions.  Revisiting a past conversation with Damian, Blake decided if he had his way, he would most definitely lock her in their private apartment at Pembroke, forever.  “Given my occupation, I would ensure she is provided for, along with any children our union produces.”

“I would argue you have achieved that.”  Teversham cast a sad smile.  “My lone regret is that Lucilla is not here to celebrate with us.  Is there any word of her whereabouts?”

“There is nothing new to report.”  And until the villain was captured and Lucy was recovered, Blake would not rest.  “I am still amazed at his timing, given the date of the first message forwarded from your brother’s deathbed.  It seems remarkably convenient, else it is rotten luck, that the blackguard anticipated your late arrival.”

“Your Grace, I beg your pardon, but you labor under a misapprehension.”  The ladies’ uncle wrinkled his nose.  “I received only one missive, which informed me of Horace’s death and bade me journey to London, and it was from Lenore.”

“But she told me her father mailed a letter, while he convalesced in a field hospital.  And you never got it?”  When the uncle indicated the negative, Blake considered the possibilities, and the implication was undeniable.  In seconds, he tugged the bell pull.  “Somehow, I do not believe it a coincidence that the general’s correspondence disappeared, which benefited our anonymous scoundrel.”

“Yes, Your Grace?”  Jennings bowed.  “And Miss Teversham paces in the foyer.”

“Of course, she does.”  Blake sketched a few lines, folded the parchment, slipped it into an envelope, and scribbled his name across the front.  “Send her to me, and have this note delivered to Sir Ross Logan, at the Ministry of Defense, at once.”

Again, the butler made his obedience and opened the door.  “Miss Teversham, you may—”

“Is it done?”  Lenore rushed to the fore.  “And why did you not hold the proceedings in your study?”

“Er, I had an accident in there.”  Blake steered her to the sofa.  “And everything is arranged, my dear.  So we need only fix a date.”

“But I cannot wed until we find Lucilla, as she will stand with me.”  As she always did, his future wife clutched his hands and bit her lip.  “Have you heard from Sir Ross?”

“Darling, I seem to recall a conversation we had aboard the Tristan, in reference to information posted to your uncle by your father, prior to his passing.”  Blake squeezed her fingers, hoping for a smile, which had become a rare commodity.  “Were there not two dispatches informing Samuel of the sad developments?”

“Yes.”  She nodded.  “Papa planned for every situation, and he was prepared for the worst, as a precautionary measure.  It that significant?”

“Very significant.”  There were numerous positions within the ranks that a scheming opportunist could exploit, and common sense suggested Blake should focus on those closest to the general, in the field.  And he needed to employ an expert to probe the financial history of potential suspects, which could prove tricky, given most secondary roles providing assistance to a general were often filled by purchased commissions for lesser sons of the peerage.

“I beg your pardon, Your Grace, but an urgent communiqué from Admiral Douglas just arrived.”  Bearing familiar stationary resting on a silver salver, Jennings marched forth.

A casual glance at the symbol, which bespoke centuries of proud service, augured concern, and Blake snatched the card and quickly digested the contents.  “Jennings, have the cook alter the dinner menu and ready the grand dining room, as the family will be joining us tonight.”



Massive Venetian cut-glass
and ormolu chandeliers cast vivid mosaics of light and shadow on the finest Sèvres crystal and china.  A tempting array of selections, including chateaubriand, mashed turnips, and blanched asparagus, should have inspired healthy appetites, yet a somber mood permeated the most opulent dining room Lenore had ever occupied.

Seated at Blake’s right, as he brooded at one end, while Admiral Douglas loomed at the other, Lenore studied the faces she had grown to cherish and wondered why everyone was so downcast.  As she admired the crisp linens of aqua trimmed in gold, she sighed.

“Oh, Papa, will you put us out of our misery?”  Sabrina huffed a breath.  “Why have you summoned the Brethren?  What has happened?”

“Sabrina, that is enough.”  Everett took her hand in his.  “Your father will tell you when he is ready.”

“But she is right.”  Frowning, Cara clutched Lance’s arm.  “Father, what is wrong?  Why do you hold us in suspense, and why is my husband so sad?  I beg you, take pity on us and share the news, good or bad.”

“Mark, you spent all morning at the Ministry of Defense.”  Lady Amanda set down her fork.  “Our family is here at your command, and the girls are right, so no more delays, please.”

“Very well.”  The admiral took a sip of wine and toyed with the stem of his glass.  “Intelligence from the Continent reports that on the twenty-sixth of February, Napoleon departed Elba aboard the brig
, which had been painted to resemble a ship of the British Navy, after successfully negotiating a ruse, under the guise of attending a Carnival Ball at the
Teatro dei Vigilante

“How is that possible?”  Lady Amanda grasped the admiral’s wrist.  “Was he not under guard?”

“Colonel Campbell was in charge of surveillance, but he adjourned to Livorno, thus Napoleon seized the advantage to escape exile, and we believe the deposed ruler is headed for Paris.”  Admiral Douglas scanned the vicinity and compressed his lips.  “As such, our forces are ordered to return to duty, and leading the charge, as always, are the Brethren.”  Then the admiral peered at Sabrina.  “But the Vice Admiral requires great sacrifice of everyone, as we anticipate the resumption of hostilities and even larger battles.  As such, both Everett and I have been re-commissioned, and we sail in four days, together.”

BOOK: Love With an Improper Stranger
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