Loved by the Sheikh (4 page)

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Authors: Eve Jordan

BOOK: Loved by the Sheikh
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"You seem to have developed a softness for my brother."

"I was only trying to ease him off you." She shrugged. "I know what it's like to have an older sibling." Knowing that he wouldn't understand, she continued, "It's hard. It's as if you're a tiny shadow of a person and no matter what you do, you'll never be good enough."

"So, you want me?" Sadiq asked dangerously as he wrapped his arm around her waist, bringing her body to his.

Jenny was surprised at his sudden change of demeanor, but she was thankful. She didn't want to fight. Not when they could be doing other things. Oh, so many other things.

She tried her best to act coy.

For some reason, Sadiq's jealousy was turning her on. She sent an obvious glance towards the doors. "I guess you're all right."

His laugh rumbled through his body, sending shivers through her core. He pulled her closer to him, crushing her body to his and growled into her ears. "More than alright," he said hotly into her ear. "You seemed to think I was pretty damn good when I was kissing you this afternoon. You were moaning as if you would die if I stopped touching you."

Her cheeks blushed at the reminder. She'd been practically grinding against his erection. What must he have thought of her? "But that was before I met your handsome brother," she said playfully, trying to downplay her earlier deed. But the minute she said it, she cursed herself for bringing Raja up.

Sadiq's eyes flashed amber as he tightened his grip on her. "You will not speak of him in our bedroom."

She lifted her chin. "Then you'd better keep my lips occupied."

Sadiq gladly took her advice and captured her mouth in a kiss. He groaned as their lips mated. Deepening the kiss, he took all that she had and more.

Moaning, she dug her nails deeper into him. He smiled inwardly as he unzipped her dress. She had meant to make him jealous. But tonight, he would leave no doubt in her mind that she was his. All of her, from her dark brown eyes to her soft luscious lips to her tiny feet.

He looked on appreciatively as the dress fell and all that was left on her alabaster skin was her lacy black bra and panties. He freed her breasts from her bra and licked his lips at the sight.

Keeping his eyes on her, he cupped one, massaging and tweaking the tight bud. Her breath hitched and her eyes darkened as she watched him, transfixed.

Without taking his eyes off of her, he slowly bent down to bite her nipple and laved it, nibbling at the taut peak. Her eyes closed as she arched towards him, moaning sweetly into the air. "Open your eyes." He wanted her to see that it was him who was giving her this pleasure, that it was him who was making her feel this way.

She opened her eyes and he got harder when he saw that the desire in them matched his own. Bending, he took her other nipple in his mouth. Moaning, she clutched aimlessly at his shirt.

"Sadiq," she moaned breathlessly and he continued teasing her, loving the way she seemed to be going out of her mind from his touch. "Sadiq!' Just when he thought that he couldn't take it anymore, she gripped his shoulder as she screamed.

Without missing a beat, he carried her to his bed and eased her down. Ripping off her panties, he moved in between her legs and dove his tongue into her sweetness.

She was intoxicating. As if she was a sweet vintage wine, he drank like a man on edge. Satisfaction tore through him when she wrapped her legs around him. He rewarded her by nibbling on her nub and felt like laughing when she pulled him closer with her leg.

He stopped when he sensed that she was close.

"Sadiq!" He smiled at the frustration in her voice. He leaned in and kissed her lips, loving the way her small breasts pressed against his naked chest. He groaned when she began stroking his hardness. Her hands were like pure heaven.

He pulled away before he wasted himself. "Enough." Leaning into her, he breathed into her neck. "When I come, it's going to be in you, my love." He quickly removed his clothes and grinned when he saw her looking hungrily at his body. Oh yes, she liked what she saw.

He brought his pants down slowly and felt pure male satisfaction course through him at the way her eyes widened.

He went back into her arms and groaned as he entered her. She was so tight and sweet.

His head pounding with arousal, he began moving.

She wrapped her legs around him and matched him stroke for stroke as he bent down to nibble on her breasts. Pleasure flowed through his body as she clasped onto him, moaning. He pumped in and out of her, giving into the pleasure of her hot pussy.

He shuddered when he felt her spasm around him. Groaning, he moved faster until his vision blurred. His grip on her waist tightened when she screamed his name and he spilled his seed into her.

Knowing that life didn't get any better than this, he plopped down by her and gathered her into his arms. He buried his face in her hair, letting the smell of vanilla engulf him.

A few minutes later, reality began to set in and he realized that he hadn't worn any protection. He quickly wiped the worry from his mind as he decided that he would just have to marry her.

Smiling, he closed his eyes as he thought about doing this every day.

If he had impregnated Jenny, she was stuck with him and Raja would just keep have to keep his hands away.

"What are you smiling at?" She said laughing as she turned around.

"Nothing." He doubted she wanted to hear that she was stuck to him now.

Accepting his word, she rested her hand on his chest. After a few moments, she spoke. "By the way. I'm on the pill." As if sensing his unhappiness, she explained, "I don't like having my period every month. Once a year is fine with me."

His stomach dropped. Maybe he could find her pills and replace them with some placebos...

He cursed himself inwardly. What was the matter with him? Thinking about getting her pregnant behind her back when she was offering what he'd always wanted - endless sex without any notion of a real relationship.

But though it was what he'd always wanted, he felt empty inside.

He stared blankly at the gold-decorated ceiling and realized that he wanted it all with her. Children, love, marriage.

He stopped. He hadn't even known that he was interested in marriage. But he had this crazy urge to claim her and make her his.

Not sure what to do next, he kissed her. At least in bed, he always knew what to do.


Chapter Seven

Ignoring the blabbering that was going on between his father and Raja, Sadiq looked into his coffee cup and smiled.

Even with everything that was going on this past week, he couldn't remember ever being so happy. And it was all thanks to a little brunette named Jenny.

He'd never imagined that happiness could come from a woman. Pleasure, yes, but certainly not happiness.

The thought still boggled his mind. Having always done everything for himself, it was unsettling to know how much he had come to rely on her.

There was just something that felt so right when she was around. She made him feel

With her, he felt as if he had everything that he could ever want and that nothing could touch him.

But sometimes, she had the ability to drive him to madness.

Just seeing her look at another guy brought a jealousy out of him that he had never known to exist.

He didn't understand it at all. He knew that her smiles to those other men meant nothing, but that didn't stop him from wanting to pound them until they could no longer see straight.

He'd never understood the idea of covering women up and keeping them at home, but the idea was starting to appeal to him.

He'd never lived with anyone else, but it felt right for Jenny to move in with him when they got back. They had spent the last week in Atal so close together that seeing each other for only dates didn't seem like enough.

And there was no way that she would refuse him. Even if she didn't love him, it was the reasonable thing to do. He'd seen her apartment and his Park Avenue apartment was easily five times as large.

And in the small chance that she said no? He could bribe her tenant to kick her out or buy her apartment building flat out himself, leaving her no other choice but to stay with him. Either way, he would get her.

He groaned inwardly at the thought. What was Jenny doing to him?

He never played dirty with good people, but he couldn't risk the chance of losing her.

It would be wrong to force her, he knew. She should want to move in with him, because she loved him, not because she didn't have an apartment anymore or just wanted a bigger apartment.

Suddenly unsure of himself, he frowned. If he wanted her to move in and she was willing, why should he care if she didn't love him?

A strange sensation gnawed at him, like the one he'd felt after their first time together and she had told him that she was on the pill. It just didn't seem right.

"So, what do you say, Sadiq?"

Sadiq looked up to his father, confused. He hadn't been listening to the conversation and wasn't sure how long his father had been trying to get his attention.

He tried to think back to the beginning of the conversation, but his mind drew a blank. He looked to Raja for a clue and instead of helping, Raja slammed his hand on the table, anger written all over his face. "Damn it, Sadiq! Are you going to help or not?"

Sadiq smiled at his younger brother. "When you put it like that, how can I refuse?"

"Good," his father said. "In case you need help, we can send Rishi or someone else to New York to perform some of your duties while you're here."

"While I'm here?" What had he just agreed to?

"Well, of course." Raja laughed condescendingly as Sadiq began to regret his quick acquiesce. "You can't run the new trading commission from New York, can you?"

"Don't take that tone with me." Remembering his brother was under a lot of pressure, he gave him a little more leeway than he normally would. "You need me."
Did he just say trading commission?

Raja breathed in and sighed. "It will only be a couple of months," he said in a consolatory tone, as if that made things any better.

Sadiq groaned at the thought of spending more time in Atal. He'd already been preparing to go back home, have Jenny move in with him and have hot blazing sex night after night. He didn't want to put a hold on that.

But they could do that here, as they have already been doing, he realized. Jenny wouldn't mind. She would understand that he needed to stay for his brother and she did seem to be enjoying her time here. He could always bring her to Dubai or Singapore on the weekends when things settled down. After seeing all the photos she had taken of Raan centre, he knew that she would love the buildings in Dubai.

And besides, he had liked the routine that they had in Atal. Awesome sex, cuddling, more awesome sex. "Very well, then."




Jenny frowned as she listened to Sadiq's even breathing. She didn't know where to begin or if this was even the right time to talk.

She had meant to talk with him when he'd come back from his meeting with his father and brother, but one glance from him and she was in the mood.

But after their lovemaking, it didn't seem right to talk about her leaving. But she had to. There was no more time left. She had to be back at work on Monday.

She chewed her bottom lip as she figured out what so say.
So, um, I was trying to book my flight out of here and they said that there was something wrong with my visa.

She would've asked him for help first, but he'd always been busy. Besides, she didn't want him to pay for her ticket. He'd given her so much already.

Her heart twisted at the knowledge that their days were numbered.

She didn't want it to end, but she had a job to return to, bills to pay.

Her throat tightened when she thought of him finding someone else after she left. While she pined for him, he would've already forgotten about her. Her resolve weakened. She didn't really need a job, did she? Sadiq would take care of her.

Until he tired of you
, a voice told her. She hated to think it, but it was true. If she stayed, Sadiq would eventually tire of her and not only would she be heartbroken, she'd be jobless as well. Reluctantly, she lifted her head from Sadiq's chest. "Sadiq, there's something wrong with my visa."

His laugh rumbled through his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. "What do you mean?"

Not being able to face him, she fingered a hair strand on his chest.

She loved him, she realized.

Love. It was hard to believe, but it was true. She loved Sadiq.

After everything, she now knew that what she had felt for David wasn't love. When she compared her feelings, it seemed as if what she'd with David was more for convenience's sake than anything. It was nothing, not even a shadow, of what she felt with Sadiq. While losing David had been hard, the thought of losing Sadiq had her heart twisting and aching.

She was familiar with the phrase that it was better to have loved than not at all, but she was pretty sure that whoever said that wasn't feeling the anguish she was feeling right now.

She felt empty at the thought of a life without Sadiq, but there was nothing she could do about it. It was bound to happen. Multimillionaires did not marry poor struggling artists.

She took in a deep breath and bit the bullet. "I tried booking my flight back to New York this afternoon and I'm having trouble getting my exit visa."

There. That wasn't so hard.

"Book a flight? Did something happen?" His concerned eyes roamed her face and she began to feel guilty for not having a better reason to leave than work.

"No, no. Nothing's wrong. It's just that-"

"Because I thought you were going back with me."

"Oh." She cheered up at the thought of staying with Sadiq a little longer. "When will that be?"

"A couple of months. I've just been appointed head of the new trading committee."

"But how about Grocer Dan and and your company?"

"The media has cut down on their attack since my father's heart attack and I can work from here. It's just for a few months."

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