Lovers and Takers (20 page)

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Authors: Katherine Cachitorie

BOOK: Lovers and Takers
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“Oh, Roni,” Jake said as his eyes now closed and his head now leaned back and he relaxed to her expert handling.

And he loved the way she handled him.
That was why he turned down any and all offers to have some random woman in his bed.
He wanted this woman.
No one else.
He wanted Roni.
Because she knew how to do him.
She knew how to lick him just right, and suck him just right, and go all the way down on him just at the moment that he needed to feel her in full.

And she also knew when to come up for air, and allow him to give as
as she gave.

He slid off her skirt and panties, removing them over her heels, and then moved in
legs and mouth-fucked her pussy.

Roni got on her elbows and allowed him to take her to that place.
And he gladly took her, opening her folds and licking his way inside of her, and grabbing her ass cheeks and squeezing them as he licked.
Her lower body was naked and on fire, and Jake’s tongue was putting oil on the flames.

And when they both needed to mate together, Jake removed his pants, slung off his shirt, and took her right there, on the sofa, with the great sights of Moscow swirling just beyond them.

And what both of them wanted to happen in the two weeks since they had last been together, did happen.
They made love again.
Jake’s cock slid inside of Roni and his gyrations made her feel as if she had suddenly become filled with a drug.
She held onto him as his naked body lay on top of her, wrapped her in his arms, and they fucked in silent rhythm for the longest time.

His heart melted as he fucked her.
It wasn’t just the feel of her that had him over the top.
It was the sense of her.
She was the one he wanted.
Nobody else was going to ever do again.
Somehow he knew it.
Because every time he entered her, he felt as if he was home, in a safe place, with the one woman he felt would stay in his corner.
No matter what.
That was why her sex made him so emotional.
Because it was always more than just her sex.
It was her.
It was

She placed her arms around his neck and opened her mouth, and they kissed passionately as he fucked her.
They kissed as if it had been years.
Roni became emotional too, when she saw the tears in his eyes.
And as soon as they both saw the others’ affection, they came.
But this was different.
This was a hard, agonizing, and yet it was an electrifying cum.
It was everything good and bad that they knew would face them if they went down this road together.
Because they were both well aware that their relationship had changed.
When he phoned and asked her to come, and when she agreed to come, it changed the game.
Good, bad, and ugly, it changed everything.










After a morning meeting in the suite’s boardroom, Jake, fully dressed in suit and tie, returned to the bedroom expecting to find Roni still comfortably asleep.
Instead, to his delight, she was showered and dressed and ready for whatever the day might bring.

“There’s my lady,” he said smilingly as she sat like a sweet innocent on the made up bed.
She wore a light yellow cardigan sweater and a pair of straight leg, form fitting jeans.
She looked simply irresistible to him.
“Why didn’t you come up front?” he asked her.

“I certainly thought about it,” Roni admitted, “but I was able to field phone calls from my own staff.”

“You’re a workaholic,” Jake said to her pointedly as he walked toward her.

“Takes one to know one, babe,” Roni replied and he smiled.

“What about you?” she asked.
“Was this morning’s session ultimately productive?”

“Hell no,” he responded as he put his arms around her.
“These morning sessions rarely are.
It’s usually late at night, when everybody’s so tired and frustrated, that one side or the other will give in.”

“So you kick the can down the road until what?
It stops rolling?”

Jake loved her intellect.
And that is exactly why,” he said, pulling her closer, “we meet and we meet and we meet until we have meetings coming out of our asses.”

Roni laughed.

And then, when the laughter turned into silence, they just stood there.
Because Jake was mesmerized by the view.
Roni seemed to look more beautiful to him every time he laid eyes on her, which was hard for him to fathom.
She was already beautiful in his eyes the first
met her, how could she possibly continue to impress?
But she did.
And it wasn’t always about a certain look, either.
But a certain style about her.
The way she laughed.
The way she shifted from foot to foot whenever she stood.
The way she looked at him as if he were impressive to her, too.

He kissed her.
And he purposely didn’t mean for it to be a passionate kiss, but, instead, a possessive one.
This is mine
, was how he felt about it.
And it was a uniquely odd feeling for a man like him.

So odd, that, after the kiss, he quickly moved away from her.

“Good news,” he said as he began removing his coat and tie for more casual wear.


“I have put all parties on notice that I am not to be disturbed for the next three days.
The only way they are to interrupt me,” he added, tossing his coat and tie onto a chair and unbuttoning his shirt, “is if they have a contract on my terms and in need of nothing but my signature.”

Roni snorted.
“Good luck with that,” she said.

Jake agreed, heading toward his massive walk-in closet.
“That’s why we shouldn’t be bothered at all.”

“Oh, Jake,” Roni remembered, prompting Jake to turn around.
“I already took the liberty of getting you something out to wear.”
She pointed toward a clothes rack in the room.
A pair of teal-colored, slim-leg, chino pants, and a Merino wool V-neck sweater, were hanging on the rack.

And Jake just stood there, staring at the clothes.
To Roni it was heartbreaking.
Had she gone too far?
But for Jake it was exhilarating.
Because he didn’t just see clothes hanging there, but the fact that she had to think about, and then go to his closet and find exactly what she thought would look nice on him.
She then had to remove the clothes, walk them into the bedroom, and hang them up, ready for her man to take possession.
He’d never, not even when he was married, remembered anyone caring enough for him to do something as endearing as picking out an outfit for him to wear.
He knew he was being overly sentimental, but he couldn’t help it.
Just as she did yesterday, Roni was taking care of him this morning.
And just the thought of it alone pleased him beyond measure.

Roni, however, thought that his hesitation alone was evidence that he was completely displeased.
She knew she was taking a risk when she did it, but she just wanted to do something for him.
He, after all, had flown her on his own private jet around the world just to be with him.
She wanted to show him that she wanted to be with him, too.
Although, she also knew, he should have had no doubts about that after what she did to him repeatedly yesterday.

“You don’t like it, do you?” she asked him.

And it was only then did Jake look at her.
When he realized he had distressed her, he walked over to her and placed his hands on her small arms again.
“I love it,” he said.
“And it’s not because of what you picked out for me, but because you took the time, and the care, to pick it out for me.”
Tears actually welled up in Jake’s eyes again, which astounded Roni.
Tears Jake quickly tried to suppress by smiling. “In truth,” he said, “I would have worn
a sackcloth
if you would have picked that out for me this morning.”

Roni shook her head. “Not if you planned to hang out with me you wouldn’t have.”

Jake smiled and pulled her into his arms.
“Thank-you,” he said softly, his mouth against her hair.
Roni closed her eyes and enjoyed his embrace.

But just as she expected, the more he pressed against her, the more he became aroused.
And soon they were kissing passionately, and she was aroused.
This wasn’t what she had wanted.
She could hardly wait to see the sights and sounds of Russia, as Jake had promised to show her.

But that would have to wait.
Because Jake wanted to show her Moscow, but he wanted to
her first.
And within minutes of their passionate kiss, he was pulling down her panties and pulling out his cock.

Not that she was complaining, she thought wildly, as her eyes closed and her head lobbed backwards to the feel of his
dick as it slowly, deliberately, probingly, slid inside of her.


Moscow became a maze of cultural education for Roni as Jake took the long view and gave her a very scenic, exhaustive tour around the most populous city in Europe.
They toured Red Square and the Kremlin.
They walked arm in arm along Alexander Gardens and Victory Park.
They took panoramic pictures atop Sparrow Hills, and Roni was simply awed as soon as she stepped foot inside the sixteenth century treasure that was St. Basil’s Cathedral.

They sat in Gorky Park, they ate outside at the Beige Café,
visited the Borodino Panorama and Moscow State University.

By day two, after sleeping in until midday, a wonderfully incredible feat for two workaholics, they visited The White House of Russia, the Okthoni Ryad Mall where Jake lavished Roni with gifts.
And that night, to Roni’s amazement, she actually attended a performance of the world renowned Bolshoi Ballet.

It brought tears to Roni’s eyes as she watched the performance.
Not because she thought they were somehow more impressive than any other ballet.
They, in fact, weren’t as impressive as the Alvin Alley dance troupe out of Harlem in Roni’s estimation.
But the idea that she, this working class girl from Tennessee, could be sitting inside the Bolshoi Theater, at such a historic place, that it was amazing to her.
And to be sitting there with a man who continued to wow her and endear himself to her was downright incredible.
She cried because she understood the beauty of this moment.

And afterwards, when everybody were so happy and friendly, as if they, too, were as enthralled as Roni, she could not imagine that an open, welcoming city like this could have once been ground zero for the hellish regime that was once the Soviet Union.

“Happy?” Jake would ask her the next day, as they snuggled close and took a carriage ride through downtown Moscow.

Roni looked at this handsome man by her side.
She saw how women in this eastern European megacity were responding to Jake.
She saw how he had had more second looks than a bomb expert entering a room with a live bomb.
And he was hers.
He wanted to be with her, not any of them.
And, to her delight, she wanted to be with him most of all, too.

“Yes,” she answered him.

Jake looked at her and placed his arm around her.
These few days with Veronica Wingate had been the nearest thing to perfection that he’d ever experienced in his life.
And that was as settling as it was unsettling.


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