Lovers and Takers (27 page)

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Authors: Katherine Cachitorie

BOOK: Lovers and Takers
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He opened his eyes.
When he realized it was Dena, naked and on top of his naked body, going down on him hard, something odd happened to him.
Everything within him should have tossed her ass as far as he could throw her.
Where did she get off doing something this crazy?

But he didn’t do it.
Because she was naked.
Because she was on top of him naked.
Because she felt, and smelled, and looked so good.
And he felt trapped.
He should have pulled away.
No good could come of anything this nonsensical!
But he didn’t pull away.
The love he used to have for her, the hate he had for her, the anger and rage all mixed up together and was so unresolved that it crippled him.

She kept mouth-fucking his cock, and he hated that it felt good.
But it did.
It felt so good!
And when she moved up, to his mouth, her titties shredding him as they scraped his chest, he knew he was in trouble.
Her drooped, sensual eyes smiled at him, and he was caught in her wiles.
And when she kissed him he remembered that kiss.
He felt the surge of that kiss.
And he couldn’t move.
He didn’t want to move!

He took her.

He wrapped his arms around her slender brown body and began kissing her back in a furious kiss.
He wanted to hurt her and love her at the same time.
He thought about how she used to feel in his arms, and how he never forgot her taste, and he couldn’t stop kissing her.
Her womanhood began rubbing against his naked cock, and he had to have it.
He had to have it in an urgent way.
They kissed so passionately that Jake felt as if his entire body was inflamed.
He moved down, to her gorgeous neck, and then took her breasts in a violent takeover.
He licked and sucked and lifted her nipples.
And he did so repeatedly.

Outside of the bedroom, Pam heard the scrambling in her father’s room.
When she peeped inside and saw that her mother was on top of her father, she quickly, but quietly, closed the door back.
And she smiled.
She had hoped Roni Wingate had what it would take to please her father and get him distracted enough to leave her relationship with Druce alone.
But it seemed her mother had what it took.
Pam was so excited she hurried back to her bedroom.
She wasn’t in her best of health yet.
She was still feeling the effects of her latest flare up, but happiness was her dominant feeling.
Because she had to tell the news.
Her mother was trying to make a comeback.
It might not work, and Pam didn’t want it to work if it would cause pain to her father again.
But it was a remarkable turnaround.
She couldn’t wait to tell Druce the news.

And Jake couldn’t wait to lodge his dick inside of Dena’s pussy.
His need was so urgent that he flipped her on her back and moved his swollen member between her legs.
He inched her legs further apart with his penis, and prepared for entry.
He used to call her cunt his haven.
It was just that sweet.
And he was ready for that sweetness again, as if this moment in time had been fourteen years in the making.
And Dena was ready too.
He could feel her wetness just by touching the folds of her entry.

“I can’t prep you,” he said as he kissed her breasts even more.
“I’ve got to have you now!”

“Have me!” Dena cried.
“Have me now!
Oh, Eddie, take me!”

And it was as if a brick wall had suddenly stopped Jake’s every movement.
At first he thought he had misheard her.
Who the fuck was

But almost immediately he realized what had happened.
Dena realized it immediately too.
All movement froze.
Her big, gorgeous eyes flew open.
She knew she had done it now.
She knew she had just blown the one chance she was likely to get.

And Jake looked into those damning eyes.
His dick was literally at the precipice of her pussy, and she had the nerve to call him by some other man’s name.
And he had the nerve to have even considered going down that road with this lying bitch again.
A blow to the gut would have been less painful.

“I said Jake,” Dena immediately tried to correct her blunder, but that only made it worse.
That Sammy Davis, Jr. song started singing in Jake’s ear, the same one that played on his car radio the night he left her ass for good.
What kind of fool am I
, sang in his ear.

And he came to himself again.

He got out of bed and walked to his huge walk-in closet.
He slung a pair of pants off of a hangar, causing the hangar to fly wildly from the rack.
He put them on and then hurriedly slung a shirt over his head.
He stepped into a pair of loafers, walked over to the nightstand and grabbed his wallet and keys, and then headed for the exit.
He stopped at the door, causing an upset Dena to sit up with hope.
But he kept his back to her. As enraged as he was with her, he was even more enraged with himself.

“Be out of my house,” he ordered, “when I get back.”

And he left.
He walked straight out.
And Dena could have kicked her own ass.
She was so close.
She was so near.
And it felt oh so sweet!
But what did she do?
Call Jake by some loser that dumped her months ago.
The same loser who broke her heart so devastatingly that it made her reassess her entire life.
And to reemerge in Miami, back with her children and the only man who had ever loved her, ready to make amends.

She slung a pillow from the bed, and threw it across the room.


Across town, Aubrey was at first stumped.
Why would Druce’s assistant need to see him at this time of night?
But he gave permission for him to enter the condo building, and opened his front door when Troy made his way to the penthouse apartment.

“Mr. Varnadore, hi,” Troy said cheerfully, although he was nervous as hell.
“Thanks for seeing me.”

“Come in,” Aubrey said, curious to know what this interruption was all about.

When Troy entered his apartment, Aubrey could see that he had a sealed envelope in his hand.
“I take it this couldn’t wait?”

“That’s correct, sir.
Mr. Lincoln asked me to bring these papers over for your immediate signature.”

“I see.
And why didn’t he use one of our couriers?” Aubrey asked.

Troy played dumb.
“Don’t know, sir.
He just told me to come.”

Aubrey was tired of Druce’s need to be on top of sales campaigns that wasn’t under his purview, and he wondered if these “papers” fell into that category.

“Let me see what we have here,” he asked and Troy handed him the envelope.
He then walked over to his Queen Anne desk behind his sofa and grabbed the letter opener.
Troy followed behind him and positioned himself exactly where he knew Kara had placed one of the cameras.
When Troy pulled out the papers and turned toward him, Troy moved up closer and kissed him on the lips.

Aubrey, astounded, immediately slammed his fist into Troy’s pretty face, knocking him to the floor.
“What’s the hell is wrong with you?” he asked to his downed subordinate, angrily wiping his lips with the back of his hand.
“Are you out of your
damn mind?!”

“I thought---”

“Get the fuck out of my house and get the fuck out now!”

Troy was aghast by his reaction.
It was exactly as he feared, and exactly as Druce said it wouldn’t be.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Varnadore,” he decried, hurrying to his feet.
“It wasn’t my idea.
I told him you
like that.”

“Get out and get out now!” Aubrey insisted, as Troy began hurrying for the front door.

“But he told me you would want it!
He told me you wanted to have sex with me!”

This stopped Aubrey cold.
He frowned.
“Who told you something like that?”

“Druce told me,” Troy said, determined to get out of this unscathed.
“I told him you would fire me if I did something like this to you, but he said that wasn’t true.
He said you told him you wanted it.
He said you told him you wanted to be with me!
He hates you, Mr. Varnadore.
He wants to be second in command. He wants your position.
He hates you!”

“Just leave,” he said to Troy.

“He wants to marry the daughter and take over the whole company when your old man dies, which Druce will try to make happen sooner rather than later.”

“Just get out of my sight!” Aubrey demanded.

“Please don’t fire me, sir,” Troy begged, but knew he was wasting his time.
He left.

He could just kill that Druce Lincoln!
And one day, he thought, as he hurried away in shame, he very well might!

Aubrey closed the door behind him and locked it.
And then just stood there.
He knew Druce was ambitious, and wasn’t any friend of his.
But to send some wannabe like Troy Brackston here to entice him?
That was taking ambition to an entirely different level.
What in the world, he wondered, was Druce Lincoln playing at?




















Roni put on her robe and hurried to her front door, as the ringing and knocking was becoming furious.
When she looked out of the peephole and saw that it was Jake on her front porch, she quickly opened up.

He looked unhinged to Roni.
His deep blue eyes looked like glass.

“What’s the matter?” she asked as she stepped out onto the porch and began tying her robe.
His look alone had her concerned.

Jake just stood there, shaking his head.

“What?” she asked him in a tone that all but begged him to explain himself.

“I can’t,” he started, and then stared at Roni as if she could finish his sentence for him.

“You can’t what?” she asked, genuinely puzzled.

“I can’t give you what you deserve,” he said.
“I’m not that man anymore.
I can never be that man anymore!
I thought, when I met you, that maybe I could . . . I could maybe. . .” His eyes were too intense, like staring eyes.
Then Jake shook his head and turned to leave.

“I should never have come here.
I’m sorry to disturb you.”

“Jake,” Roni said desperately.
What in the world had happened to him?

He turned toward her.
And that pitiful look in his eyes caused her heart to go out to him.
She ran to him, and they fell into each other’s arms.

After a few moments in his arms, she looked up at him.
“I’m scared too,” she said.
“I’ve had my heart broken too.”

Jake was amazed at how quickly she understood.
But he also knew she didn’t know the whole story.
She didn’t know the half of it.

“I was with my ex-wife tonight,” he said.
“I was in bed with her tonight.”

Roni stilled herself.

“I would have gone all the way with her, Roni.
I was going all the way with her.
Until she mentioned another man’s name.”

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