Love's Road Home (23 page)

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Authors: Lisa Lewis

BOOK: Love's Road Home
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He stood up. "Like this?"

"Yeah, except you still had jeans on."

Tom glanced down at his lower half before recapturing her gaze. "We’re past that. What’s next?"

She spoke softer. "You looked at me, then gave me a massage and kissed me."

His eyes wandered over her body, lingering on spots guaranteed to respond to his attention. His arousal grew more and more noticeable as she watched him watching her.

"I’m not much of a masseuse, so why don’t you just tell me where I kissed you." His voice was nearly unrecognizable, it was so thick with desire.

"All over," she whispered, falling further under his spell.

"Hmm," was his response. "I don’t think that helps. I need more specific information. Somewhere to start."

"You sucked my toes." Beth clapped a hand over her mouth, but the detail had already slipped past her lips.

"Interesting." Tom moved to the foot of the bed and took hold of her ankles.

"Tom, no—oh!" He pulled her down so quickly she banged her head on the headboard. "
!" She rubbed the back of her skull.

"Sorry." That funny sideways twitch flashed across his face again. He trapped her left leg between his thighs then lifted her right leg high, keeping a firm grip on it although she tried her best to pull it away.

, how am I supposed to pleasure you if you don’t cooperate?"

She couldn’t believe he was actually going to do this. Please God, don’t let there be carpet lint between her toes.

And she couldn’t imagine the view he must be getting with her legs spread open like a Thanksgiving turkey.

"Tom, I don’t think..." She trailed off as his tongue darted out to lick the tip of her big toe.

One of his hands kept a grip on her calf while the other slid up from her ankle to grasp her foot, his thumb pressing firmly into the arch.

And she flipped out, crying, "Oh, my God, stop! That tickles!"

The more she flailed around, trying to get her foot free, the more his fingers brushed over her sensitive sole. Ultimately he must have decided it was better to release her than to get kicked in the head.

Beth lay on the mattress trying to catch her breath. And staring disbelievingly at Tom, who was doubled over, holding his stomach because he was laughing so hard.

"What, may I ask, is so funny?"

He took a couple of deep breaths and stood up straight before answering. "You, sweetheart."

"You’re laughing at me?"

That sobered him up quick. "Oh, no

But Beth caught on rather quick herself. "You were never going to do it, were you? You were just leading me on. Teasing me."

Tom knelt on the bed next to her. "No, I wasn’t going to do it, and yes, I was teasing you. But I’d hoped it would lead to fun for both of us." His finger traced a random pattern on her thigh. "And I’d also hoped to move my mouth to a more, shall we say, middle of the road location."

Just like that, her irritation melted away and desire filled her. Again.

"I didn’t mean to tickle you—that was an honest mistake. But I really do love to tease you, sweetheart." Tom’s hand stopped moving as his burning gaze locked with hers. "And I just really love you."

Chapter Thirteen

Tom hadn’t meant for it to come out that way, but he was glad his feelings were out in the open. Settling back on his heels, he waited with bated breath for Beth’s response.

Thankfully he didn’t have to wait long.

Her beautiful, silver-blue eyes welled up and a tremulous smile formed on her face. "I love you, too, Tom."

He squeezed his eyes shut and let out a deep sigh of relief, for he knew then that everything would be all right. The lurking specter of Eric Sharpe, Beth’s dislike of his musician lifestyle—there was nothing they couldn’t overcome together.

He stretched out beside
, leaned over to caress her smooth cheek and kiss her still shaky lips. "I love you so much," he said, brushing his lips against her chin, cheek, nose. His hand cupped her breast, fondling its tip until it grew taut. Then he slid down to take her hardened nipple into his mouth.

Over and around, his tongue flicked out to randomly sample her delicious berry-scented flesh. He reveled in the feel of her hands pressing against his head, urging him to taste her more fully.

After giving equal attention to her other breast, Tom shifted to lay between Beth’s thighs. He bent her knees and slid his hands beneath her shapely bottom. Her hands drifted over his ears and hair as he kissed his way down her torso.

He paused to dart his tongue in and around her belly button, causing her stomach muscles to clench.

"Tom," she moaned.

." His goal was within reach, and he would not be deterred from it.

He pushed up on her rear end, at the same time nuzzling through her dark blonde curls to find the sensitive nub hidden within. He gently clamped onto it with his teeth, then circled around it with his tongue, causing a high-pitched cry to emerge from
’s throat.

It immediately became his favorite sound, and he was determined to hear it over and over again.

Using every bit of sexual knowledge he possessed, Tom set out to bring Beth to the most powerful climax of her life. Tongue, teeth, lips, hands, his very breath—all were used to pleasure her the best he knew how.

He touched every inch of her womanly center, paying close attention to which areas, and which maneuvers, made her squirm the most.

In the end she made little sound at all.

As he brought her to a shuttering release, tasting her moisture as it flowed over his tongue, she just emitted a long, soft sigh. Her arms fell to the sides, and her chest heaved with each deep breath.

Pleased with his results, Tom placed light kisses on Beth’s inner thighs as her body slowly regained equilibrium. Then she leaned up on her elbows, causing her nipples to point at him like two mauve missiles.

"Is that all you got?" she asked with a teasing smile.

He had to laugh. God, he loved her sense of humor.

His arousal was back full strength, and he made sure she could feel it as he eased back up the rumpled bedspread to lie against her.

’, I’ve got plenty more to give you." He wrapped his fingers in
’s tangled hair and kissed her, allowing her to taste her own juices. She ran her hands over his shoulders, holding him close.

Although he wanted to immediately plunge into her warm, wet depths, he pulled back from her embrace and grabbed another condom from his pants pocket. Beth sat up, too, continuing to touch his upper body as he covered himself. When he finished, he found himself flat on his back with
sitting astride his hips.

She leaned down to kiss his jaw, then whispered, "I think it’s time for me to give you something."

And she did just that.

Something exhilarating. Something amazing. Something which totally turned him inside out.

After lavishing his face and chest with soft kisses, her long hair brushing over his sensitive skin, she reached between them. Lifting her hips, Beth proceeded to slide onto his shaft so slowly, so sweetly, that he couldn’t help but thrust his own body upward.

"No," she said. "Let me."

He lowered his pelvis, and she grabbed his hands and placed them on her breasts. Suitably preoccupied, Tom skimmed his fingers over her soft curves as she rode him, her own hands alternately stroking and clutching his chest and stomach.

As her rocking motion drove him nearer to the edge, he ran his hands over her hips and up her back. He drew her down until they lay flush against each other.

"Love you," he murmured once more. Then he hungrily captured her mouth, conveying his feelings in a way that couldn’t be confused. At the same time he thrust upward, driving deep into her. Beth’s moan vibrated through his mouth, and he thrust again.

He pushed her upright and guided her hips up and down. Her moist sheath welcomed him again and again, and she dug her short fingernails into his skin as they moved together, faster and faster.

At last she flung her head backward and let loose with her now familiar moan of pleasure. When he saw her in the throes of release, her wetness clasping hard around him, he let go, too, and experienced his second life-altering climax of the night.

Beth collapsed on top of him, stretching out her long legs as she tucked her head under his chin. Tom wrapped his arms tight around her and kissed the golden crown of her head. He would’ve liked to stay in that position all night, but he was still inside her and couldn’t risk a leaking condom.

Not to mention the fact that Beth would be an icicle by morning if the air conditioner continued to crank out its Arctic waves directly toward her. And despite her warm body on top of him, Tom was starting to feel somewhat chilled himself.

"Sweetheart," he said, giving Beth’s shoulders a little shake. "We have to move."

She took her time sitting up, turning to brush a leisurely kiss across his lips before doing so. Her impish smile and bedroom eyes almost tempted him to have her once more, but Tom resisted the urge.

They both needed rest, and there was still one other thing to do tonight.

So he shifted
onto the mattress and went into the bathroom to clean up. It might seem spontaneous to some, but Tom was sure of what he wanted: Beth at his side for the rest of his life.

However, as he returned to the main room, he realized his question would have to wait until the next day. In the short time he’d left her, Beth had crawled under the brown and green striped bedspread. The steady rise and fall of her back indicated she’d already succumbed to deep sleep.

After dousing the overhead light, Tom made his way to her side and slid in next to her. He pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder and draped an arm around her waist.

His last thought before sleep overcame him was that, despite its horrific beginning, tonight had been the best night of his life.

Last night she’d made the biggest mistake of her life.

That was the first thing to cross Beth’s mind when she woke to find Tom’s arm wrapped tight around her and his head resting on her back.

She didn’t regret what they’d done—she’d never enjoyed herself more—but she was afraid uncomplicated sex was now permanently out of the question.

He’d said he loved her, and she had said the same to him.

So how was this going to affect their parting next week?

It won’t, stupid. Guys use the L-word all the time when they’re about to get some. It’s standard terminology for pre-sex schmoozing. It doesn’t mean anything.

Her inner voice was right yet again, but she was sick of listening to the damn thing. Couldn’t she just live in the moment for once? Enjoy her time with Tom and escape into the fantasy of happily ever after?

Carefully she rolled to her back, wanting to look at him. He stirred a little as she repositioned herself but otherwise remained unaware of her observations.

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