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Authors: Zuri Day

Lovin' Blue (20 page)

BOOK: Lovin' Blue
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The brooder had rendered the talker speechless. Eden opened her mouth, but for the life of her not a word would come out.
Jansen fixed her with a smoldering look that made her shudder, walked to her side of the car, and helped her out.
Still, from Eden, no words.
They walked to the front door. Jansen unlocked it, let them in, closed the door behind them, and walked into the living room. Eden followed. Quiet. For the first time she understood the phrase “the cat's got her tongue.” Except, in this case, instead of a cat, it was a baby-making idea that had her mute.
Eden sat on the couch while Jansen walked into his office. She could hear him fumbling around and clicking computer keys as he checked e-mail messages. He began to whistle Maxwell's “Pretty Wings.” And words still continued to elude Eden's mind, much less her speech.
After five minutes or so, Jansen returned to the couch. “What are you thinking, baby?” he mimicked, taking Eden into his arms, laying a sheet of paper he'd brought out with him to the side.
She smiled, heart pounding with a sudden rush of love for this passionate, sensitive alpha male. “Why are you asking me that?” she whispered, parroting his earlier comment.
“Because . . . that's the only way I'll know.” His tone was playful, yet Eden beheld the sincerity in his eyes, his need for an answer and more.
“Well . . . I can tell you that while I'm open to the idea of babies, I'm not ready to make one tonight. But I am very interested in practicing our techniques so that if we do decide to cocreate a human being, we'll get it right.”
“I took an AIDS test,” he murmured into her hair.
Eden pulled back. “What? Why?”
Jansen reached for the paper that announced his negative results. “Because I want to love you with nothing between us. I want to feel all of you and want you to feel all of me.”
Eden couldn't help but be amazed that just when she thought she knew the man beside her, he flipped the script to a new, wonderful page.
“Have you been tested since your last partner?” Jansen asked.
Eden nodded. “Last year during my annual gynecological exam.”
“Eden, as long as we're together, I'll be faithful to you. Do you trust me?”
Eden nodded against his chest. “Yes, but we still have to practice safe sex, Jansen. I'm not on the pill.”
Jansen placed soft kisses against her temple. “I'll be careful.”
“I think that's what my daddy told my mama the night I was conceived.”
“Ha!” Jansen's tone turned serious. “Would having my baby be so bad?”
“I want children.” Eden pondered the question for several seconds. Her heartbeat increased as she continued. “But only if I'm married to their father.”
Once again, the brooder brooded. They stayed that way, cuddling, silent, for a long time.
Finally, Jansen pulled away and stood. “Come on, little garden,” he said, reaching out his hand to her. “Let's go practice.”
Monday morning came, and Eden was still floating on the cloud she and Jansen had created. They'd spent the rest of Saturday night and all day Sunday talking . . . and practicing. They'd discussed Tami, Jansen's ex-wife Yolanda, and even Chandra Brockman. Eden opened up more about Gregg—the first time he hit her, and what happened when she left. It was while driving home at 6:30 the next morning that Eden happened upon a revelation: this was the first time she'd truly been in love. The other times, including those spent married to Gregg, had only been warm-ups to this moment. Until she'd experienced Jansen's deep, all-consuming love, Eden was unaware that there were sheltered parts of her heart that had never seen the light of day, that she'd never felt comfortable enough to open up and allow others entry. But she had on Saturday night. And all day Sunday. She thought that as long as she was with Jansen, which she hoped was forever, she'd remain open, to allow their love unlimited access. She'd been stuck on “Pretty Wings” since the concert and hummed the tune as she entered the building.
“Well, looks like somebody had a good weekend.” Alex was standing by the coffeepot when Eden entered the kitchen.
“I did,” Eden replied. “How was yours?”
“Great. The weather was gorgeous—took a few friends out on the boat.”
“Sounds like fun.”
“What I love most about LA is living on the beach.” Eden reached for her perfectly doctored tea and was almost to the door before Alex stopped her. “Eden, did you check your e-mails this weekend?”
“Negative, doctor. I didn't even turn on my computer.”
Alex chuckled. “Good for you. I sent a note on Saturday about a lunch meeting today. You'll be meeting the coordinator of next month's mini health fair.”
“What time?”
“Twelve-thirty. You can ride with me if you want.”
“Thanks, but I have to run an errand. I'll meet you there.”
“No worries.” Alex told Eden where they were meeting, and Eden headed to her office.
The morning passed quickly, and at half past noon, Eden pulled up to the restaurant where she, Alex, and the coordinator were meeting. She quickly checked her makeup, grabbed her briefcase, and headed inside.
Once inside the restaurant, Eden spotted Alex right away. He'd garnered a corner booth and immediately waved her over.
“You know all the cool veggie spots,” Eden said once she'd sat down.
“It's the company I keep,” Alex replied. “Christina, the coordinator for the health fair, is also vegetarian. This was her choice.”
A waiter came over to take their orders. Alex explained that they were waiting for a third person. Just then an attractive brunette walked to their table. “Sorry I'm late,” she said as Alex stood and she kissed first one cheek and then the other. She turned to Eden. “Hello, I'm Christina. I've heard wonderful things about you.”
“They're all true,” Eden said, laughing. She held out her hand. Christina shook it but also leaned over and offered Eden the same two-cheek greeting.
“I'm famished,” Christina said. She immediately picked up a menu. The three shared small talk until the waitress came over and took their orders.
“I'm very excited about this fair,” Eden said to Christina. “How did you get involved?”
“I met Alex several years ago, when my sister was a patient. We became friends, and when he accepted the position at the center, I knew I wanted to help spread the word not only about the facility but about the idea of living holistically. By inviting the community in to experience free samples, if you will, of what we offer, we not only educate attendees about how to live healthy but hopefully gain new clients as well.”
“Christina is being modest,” Alex said. “Before retiring, she was one of London's preeminent cardiologists.”
Eden's eyes widened. “You're a doctor?”
“Yes, though I no longer practice. I used to spend seventy, eighty hours a week on the job. After my dad died, and my sister almost did, I realized life is too short not to spend it doing what one wanted. I still consult and try to educate the public with events like this one.”
The three discussed the health fair during most of the meal before it veered more toward the lives of those at the table. Christina asked Eden about life in Washington, and Eden learned about Christina's career in London.
“I haven't traveled through Europe much,” Eden said after Christina had commented on England's lush countryside. “But London is one of my favorite cities.”
“Have you visited Greece?” Christina asked.
“No, but because that is my boss's birthplace, maybe I should schedule a visit.”
“You absolutely should visit my country,” Alex said. “I'll be your personal tour guide.”
“You should take him up on that, Eden. I've had that experience and, trust me, it's amazing.” Christina winked at Alex before leaning over to kiss him, this time on the mouth.
Oh, so it's like that?
Eden remembered her conversation with Ariel about how naturally flirty was the doctor and how rumor had him being quite the ladies' man.
“He's revered in his country, especially in Parieus. There he is a superstar.”
“I'd say it's a smart group of people who recognize the importance of doctors.”
“Ha! His skill with a scalpel is only part of the allure. In addition to being extremely handsome, I'm sure you know that Dr. Alex Kostopoulos is a very smart man.”
“I think intellect follows anyone with an MD behind their name.”
“Yes, but not many see those initials before they turn twenty-five.”
“Oh, come now, Christina.”
“Look who's being modest now.” Christina's voice took on a sultry tone. “Alex has a one-forty IQ, was one of the youngest to ever graduate Stanford University, and donates a third of his salary to relief efforts throughout Europe. He has a very big heart . . . among other things.”
Eden and Christina laughed heartily at Alex's obvious embarrassment. She liked this feisty woman, obviously brainy but equally down-to-earth. It also relaxed her knowing that Alex's amorous attention was elsewhere.
Maybe Ariel is right. Maybe I have read too much into Alex's statements.
He was a big flirt and, for now, involved with at least one person of which Eden was aware.
“It was such a pleasure to meet you,” Eden said once the lunch was over. “I look forward to getting the materials you promised to send.”
“My pleasure as well,” Christina responded. “You have excellent energy. I'd love to spend time with you socially. Alex, perhaps we should invite Eden over next weekend to hang out with us on the boat.”
“Sounds like a great idea,” Alex responded.
Shortly afterward, Eden left and returned to the office. She was feeling better than she'd felt in years, maybe ever. She was so glad to know that the little hitch in the giddyup that she'd perceived—Alex's interest—was simply a product of her overblown imagination. Ariel had been right. Instead of worrying about her boss's intentions, Eden simply needed to focus on what she wanted instead of what she didn't want. She worked the rest of the afternoon and then headed down the hall for her visit with Dakkar, the master masseuse. As she walked the short distance down the hall, she counted her blessings: the job of her dreams, a man she adored, and a brother about to become a husband and father in short order. Life was grand, couldn't be any better . . . could it?
“Baby, I'm tired. Why can't you come to me?”
“I was there all weekend. Why can't you come to Santa Monica?”
“True that, you did spend the weekend. But seriously, Eden, since you've moved I've logged the most mileage.”
It was true. And Jansen didn't know the reason. Other than their first auspicious meeting, and the conversation at Michael's house, they'd not talked about guns in general or Eden's abhorrence to them in particular. Thankfully, his fleshly weapon had kept her mind off the steel ones, but still, the visit had not come without continual mental adjustments on her part. She'd skirted the issue, but just like she'd had to come to grips with other unpleasant occurrences in her life, having to deal with this one was just a matter of time.
“Who do you think works harder? Me or you?” Jansen had put in a ten-hour day. It had not been pleasant, and he wanted, no, needed Eden to help take his mind off the day's events.
“Jansen, your job is harder. But mine is also challenging. Work is work.”
“What, you don't want to see me?”
“You know that isn't true.”
“Then come over.” Although Jansen would never admit it, or perhaps even acknowledge it, this was now just as much about her capitulating to his demands as it was about the travel.
Eden sighed.
I might as well deal with this last little stickler so I can go on and enjoy this man.
“Okay, Jansen. But I'm not spending the night. I'm only going to stay a couple hours.”
Forty-five minutes later, Eden knocked on Jansen's front door. He answered almost immediately, pulling her into his arms and, as per usual, kissing her as if he'd not seen her just yesterday.
“How was your day?” Eden asked when she came up for air.
“Better now.” Jansen reached for her hand, pulling her toward his office.
Immediately, a vision of the large handgun resting in the top desk drawer came to Eden's mind. “Wait, let's hang out in the living room.”
“In a minute. But first I want to show you what I have for you.”
Once again he moved toward his office, but Eden resisted. “I don't want to go in there.”
Jansen scowled. “Why not?” Then, shrugging, he continued. “Fine, wait here.” He walked into his office and returned with a small gift bag.
“What's this?”
“Just a little something to keep me on your mind.”
Eden removed the tissue from the top of the bag and then reached inside. Her response was deadpan. “Pepper spray? Really, Jansen, we might have to work on your romance skills.”
“Baby, protecting the one you love is about as romantic as you can get. I checked out the area around where you work and found that crime is very much a part of the landscape. I'll feel a lot better with your having that on your key chain. I also want to show you a couple defensive moves, as your carrying a gun is probably not an option.”
“Not at all.”
“So that's my compromise. Look, don't even think about it as for protection, if that will make you feel better. Think of it as just another girlie thing you have in your purse.”
Eden's look was sarcastic even as she had to admit that the jeweled case the spray came in was quite attractive.
“Thanks, Jansen, but . . . I don't know how comfortable I'd feel carrying this around. It's almost as if in consciously protecting oneself, you're subconsciously saying there will be a need to in the future.”
“That's a bunch of BS, baby, seriously. Do you lock your doors at night? Well, do you?”
“Of course.”
“And does that mean a burglar is waiting in the bushes, or is that just good common sense?”
Eden stared at Jansen for a long moment. He didn't blink. “Okay, point taken.” She put the spray back into the gift bag and placed it near her purse.
“Why don't you go ahead and put it on your key chain.”
“I'll do it later.”
“Humor me and do it now. Please.”
Eden huffed and puffed before pulling her keys from her purse.
“Here, baby, I'll do it.” Jansen easily attached the spray to Eden's chain, placed the chain back into her purse, and pulled her into his arms. “You know I'm only looking out for your best interests, right? That I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you?”
“Nothing is going to happen to me, Jansen.”
“I know, baby. As long as you're with me, which I hope is for a very long time, I'll make sure of it.”
They retired to the master suite where Jansen relayed an abbreviated version of the day's events. They'd arrested Terrell Ford, the man who'd assaulted Mayleen “Sassy” Smith, but Jansen didn't feel they had evidence sufficient enough to hold him long.
“It's one of the things that frustrates me about the system,” Jansen concluded. “There are innocent men behind bars and guilty ones walking free. I've met dozens of Terrells—master manipulators, skillful liars.”
“He denied breaking into that neighbor's house?”
“Of course he did. Denied ever having committed a crime in his life, even though we have the rap sheet to prove otherwise.”
“Turn over. Let me give you a massage.” When he complied, Eden straddled the small of Jansen's back and began to work on his tense neck and shoulders. “Even Superman couldn't save the whole world, Jansen. We have to feel good knowing we've done the best we can. That's all that's required of us.”
They fell silent then, Eden kneading, sending subliminal love rays to Jansen's body, Jansen moaning his appreciation. Shortly thereafter, she was the one moaning while Jansen massaged her body from the inside out.
Later, back in the living room, Jansen was making his argument for her delayed departure. “Baby, it's late. You can spend the night, leave here when I do, around six, and have plenty of time to get to work.”
“No, I won't.”
“Yes, you will. You said your hours are nine to five.”
“On paper. But I'm normally there from eighty-thirty to six.”
“Why? Who are you trying to impress?”
“Myself. I plan to be fully up to speed on everything concerning the center within six months. Then I plan to plug into the national network and work my way into the upper eschelons of the holistic community's movers and shakers. I love this job, Jansen, helping people live better lives.” When he continued pouting, she added, “I love you, too.”
Ten minutes later, Eden was in her car headed home. She let out a yawn and, to keep herself awake, turned the satellite radio to a station playing upbeat tunes. Jansen had that way about him—he sexed her with such an intensity that afterward she could fall asleep straight away.
It would have been nice to spend the night,
she mused. And then,
I wonder if he'd be willing to get rid of all except his service revolver, and even place it in the garage for the night.
Eden switched lanes, turned up the volume, and bobbed her head to a song about airplanes and making wishes. Even for the fairies Ariel adored, Eden felt her desire would be a tall order. Jansen, ridding his home of weapons at her request? Eden yawned again, glad that she was less than fifteen minutes from home. “I doubt it.”
BOOK: Lovin' Blue
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