Loving Rowan (11 page)

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Authors: Ariadne Wayne

BOOK: Loving Rowan
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Chapter Twenty-Four

own a row
, picking apples, I heard a low wolf whistle behind me. Rolling my eyes, I stepped down off the ladder to find David walking towards me, a stupid grin on his face. I’d managed to avoid him for the first week, the orchard big enough for me to tuck myself away. My luck had run out.

“Looking good, Rowan. How have you been? First time you’ve stood still long enough for me to talk to you.” His blue eyes twinkled, as if we were friends or something.

“I’m fine. And busy.” I turned back towards the tree.

“Didn’t expect to see you back here. I thought you’d got all high and mighty and found a real job.”

“Yeah I did, but I’m back for a short time.”

“How come?”

I turned back towards him. “Not really any of your business. I just want to help my dad out.”

“He had real trouble finding workers this year. I think he’s really struggling.”

“It’s always up and down. He’ll be fine. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get on with what I’m doing, as I’m really close to finishing.”

He took a step closer, and I swallowed hard, uncomfortable in his presence.

“We never got to finish, sweetheart. Maybe you’d like to revisit that this time around?”

“That would be a no. Dad said you were married, anyway.”

He grinned that charming grin that had gotten me into trouble so many years ago. “So you asked about me?”

“Uh, no. I was surprised Dad hired you again, that’s all. I don’t care what you’ve done with your life.”

“Whatever.” He leaned forward. “I still remember you on your knees with your lips wrapped around my …”

“Rowan.” Dad was calling from another row. He was out of sight, but maybe his Dad radar was going.

“I’m over here, Dad,” I called back, smiling at David.

“Lucky,” David whispered. “I was about to ask for a repeat performance.”

“Well, let’s just say that unless you learn to suck it for yourself, no one around here will be doing it.” I grinned, and moved around him towards my father, who was looking at me curiously. David stared at me open-mouthed. I would never have said anything like that to him the last time we saw one another, but then, I wasn’t that girl anymore.

“Everything all right here?” Dad asked.

“Everything’s fine,” I said.

He put his arm around my waist. “Your mother is cooking a pork roast for dinner tonight, and I reminded her that you knew how to get the crackling just perfect. Do you want to go in early?”

“Sure.” I pecked him on the cheek. That was as good excuse as any to get me out of this situation.

He eyed up David and grabbed my arm, leading me back to the house.

“Was he being difficult?” he asked, when we were a distance away.

“A little. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

He frowned. “If it does bother you, I’ll get rid of him.”

“Don’t worry about it, Dad. Get the season’s work out of him. You need the staff. I’m not going to interfere with that. It can’t be that hard to stay away from him. I think he got the message.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

avid had stayed away
from me since the day I slapped him down, and he looked terrified when I smiled sweetly at his wife when she brought him his lunch one day.

The satisfaction that I got out of that moment was the only solace I had in what was one of the most difficult times of my life. As the days ticked by, being reunited with Kyle grew less likely, and after trying to reach out to him for three weeks I realised I needed to come to terms with it being over.

For such a short time, I had known what it was to be loved. To find perfection in a world surrounded by lies and deception, uncertainty and fear. Now, the only man to ever truly love me was gone, no calls returned, not a word from him.

I knew he was acting childish, that he should have stayed and talked to me, but I understood why he freaked out, knowing everything he did about my past, and my feelings for Andrew.

I just really missed him.

Dad kept me busy. It had been a bumper crop, and he was going to do well this year. I was glad that I could help. There were so many memories tied to this place, though, not just of Dad, but of Andrew. In many ways this was the best and the worst place I could have come.

There were only a few days left of picking, and I looked at the tree in front of me, sighing at the thought of having to find another job. None of this was fair.

Slowly, I climbed the ladder. Somewhere in the distance I heard a wolf whistle. Rolling my eyes, I ignored it, climbing the rest of the way until I was at the right height to pick the apples.

Someone grabbed my leg a few minutes later and I squealed, turning around to see who I was about to kick. “I told you to leave me alone, you dirty …” I swear to God that my heart stopped. It was Kyle.

“You haven’t seen me in a while, and you’re calling me names?”

“I … It’s complicated. I didn’t know it was you.”

“Well, surprise.” He grinned that perfect grin that made my heart ache. I wanted more than anything for him to just kiss me.

“What are you doing here? After you walked out and ignored me, I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

Now he looked sheepish. “I was pretty childish. It hurt seeing you with Andrew when I thought we had a thing.”

“It wasn’t what it looked like.” I came back down the ladder and stood facing him. Despite everything, all I wanted was for him to take me in his arms and love me. The whole job thing didn’t matter. I’d work in the orchard forever if it meant he was part of my life.

I’d dithered for so long, not realising he felt the same way I did. Now, all I wanted to know was why he was here, and if this meant we had a chance. All these thoughts ran through my head, but I couldn’t find the words to speak. If I did, I’d start crying, and telling him how much I’d missed him.

He wasn’t helping. He just stood there, and looked back at me. An eternity passed as we stood in silence.

“Rowan, I …”

“What are you doing here, Kyle? I thought that you were well and truly finished with me after I basically lost my job.”

He put his hand to his heart, the one I hoped still belonged to me. “I had no idea that had happened. After that day at your apartment, I left town for a while. I ignored your messages, that much is true. It hurt too much to think about it all. When I came back, I found out what Dad had done. I’m so sorry.”

I looked over his shoulder, too afraid to meet his eye. Regardless of that, I could feel the tears building after I’d been sure I’d cried all the tears I had over him.

“I came after you that day, you know. When it sunk in what had happened, I ran out, but you were already gone. I was such a mess.”

He took a step towards me. “I understand. It caught me by surprise. Here we were, ready to move on with our relationship, and next thing, I think you’re with Andrew. It threw me, Rowan and I screwed up big time, not knowing how to handle it.”

I took a deep breath. Was this really it? Either he was here to tell me to my face that it was over, or he wanted me back. It sounded like the latter; I hoped more than anything it was the latter.

“If you’re going to put me out of my misery, just do it,” I whispered, choking back the tears.

“I love you, Rowan. That’s all there is to it. Can you forgive me? If I’d been there, I would have stopped Dad from that stupid restructuring. He did it for me, thinking it would be what I wanted, but nothing could have been further from the truth. All it did was give Ross what he wanted, and to hell with him.”

Gasping for air, I let go of the tears as the words sunk in.

“Rowan. Please?” He moved closer. I could smell his aftershave now, that subtle, sexy smell I had come to love. He loved me, despite me keeping him at arm’s length for all that time.

“I love you too. I was so stupid, holding onto the past for so long when what I needed was right in front of me. I’m the one who’s sorry.”

Before I could take another breath I was in his arms, and he kissed my tears away before he kissed my lips. He was so loving and tender, I began to cry all over again.

“Stop crying, baby,” he said.

“I thought … I thought I’d lost you.”

Kyle picked me up off the ground, spinning me around until I laughed. “Never,” he said, kissing me again and again.

He smelt so good and I clung to him, terrified it would all turn out to be a dream.

“Rowan, I’m not going anywhere. I swear.”

I closed my eyes, feeling his strong arms around me. These past weeks I’d tortured myself not knowing if I would ever see him again. Now everything was as it should be.

“Is everything all right, Rowan?” My father’s voice came from behind me.

I turned towards him, my arms still tight around Kyle, and I nodded. “Things are fine, Dad.”

Kyle stiffened, and I felt it as he extended his hand. “Mr Taylor.”

Dad nodded, and I could see his uncertainty at shaking Kyle’s hand. This was, after all, the man I’d been crying over the past few weeks.

“Kyle and I are sorting things out. Everything is good now.” I smiled at him. I must have lit up like a Christmas tree, as my father’s expression showed he understood completely.

“That’s good. Come up to the house, and we’ll have a coffee. Rowan’s mother has made a cake, if I’m not mistaken, from the smell.”

“That would be great, Sir,” Kyle said.

We watched my father walk away. I looked up at Kyle. He had the same silly grin on his face I was sure I had.

“You know, Rowan, one day I’m going to marry you among the apple trees,” he said.

I laughed. “It’s too soon to be talking marriage. We’ve only just become a real couple.”

He nodded. “I know. Just making my intention clear. It’s so beautiful here. All I want to do now is to carry you home and go to bed.”

“If you’re staying here, it’ll be a celibate night. We were lucky we got away with so much last time without a stink.”

He looked at me in mock horror. “What? You mean I have to wait?”

“Well, maybe I could sneak down the hall. I’m assuming you’re not running back home tonight.”

“I don’t want to go without you. If I go back, I want you with me. Otherwise, I guess I have a new career picking apples.”

I squeezed his hand, laughing. “Kyle, I love that you feel that way, but I need to sort myself out, save some money before I can go back. I need to find a job.”

“Your old job is waiting for you. It didn’t really go anywhere. You can stay with me, or find somewhere by yourself nearby. I’ll help you.”

I took him by the hand, leading him towards the house. David was skulking in the trees as we drew closer, and I saw him raise an eyebrow at Kyle.

I grinned, wrapping my arm around Kyle’s waist. He stopped walking for a moment, pulling me in for a kiss.

“Are we going to get to the house?” he asked when I let him go.

“Dad will send out a search party if we don’t.”

He stroked my face with the palm of his hand. “Wouldn’t want that to happen.” I felt him run his hand down my back as he had at the wedding. “I love you, Rowan, and I’m never going to stop telling you.”

“How did you work out the truth?”

He grimaced. “I went home yesterday, and went out for a drink last night. I wanted to forget, and coming home just made me think about you. I ran into Andrew at a bar with some girl. When I told him I was surprised he wasn’t there with you, he told me that you’d kicked him out. He was really drunk so told me quite a lot. I got the whole story.”

I buried my face in his chest, breathing in his scent. It felt so good just to be together again. I wasn’t planning on letting him go any time soon.

“I listened to all your messages. I’m sorry for hurting you so much. I guess we both need to work out how to have a real relationship. Missed you,” he whispered into my hair.

“You too.” I tilted my face to be kissed again. There would have to be a lot of kisses to make up for our separation, but I was sure Kyle would oblige.

Chapter Twenty-Six

he door creaked
as I pushed it open, and I closed my eyes, thinking for some reason this would stop Mum and Dad hearing. Kyle sat on the side of the bed in just boxer shorts, and looked surprised as I padded across the carpet in bare feet.

“What are you doing here?”

I slid the straps of my nightgown down my arms, letting it fall to the floor. His jaw dropped as he looked over my body, his breathing growing heavier.

“Rowan,” he whispered.

I walked to the side of the bed, bending to kiss him. He slid his hands down my back, stroking the tops of my thighs as he pulled me closer.

“You’re not wearing any underwear.”

I grinned. “I didn’t see the point.”

“Is this really what you want?”

I nodded, chewing my bottom lip. “At least we have more room in this bed.”

He laughed, and pulled me closer, teasing my nipples with his tongue one by one. “The thought of these drove me crazy,” he said. He sucked my nipple into his mouth, probing between my legs with his fingers.

“Kyle,” I whispered.

“Get in this bed, now. You won’t be leaving it tonight.”

“I thought you didn’t want to have sex under my parents’ roof?” I teased.

“I’m over waiting. We’ll just have to be quiet, and if we get caught, I’m pretty sure I can outrun your father.”

I laughed, climbing over him and into the bed.

Reaching into his overnight bag, he pulled out a box of condoms. “I think we might need all of these.”

I laughed. “All of them?”

“You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about this. How many times you have left me with the biggest erection I’ve ever had. Seriously, I could have stabbed things some nights.”

I covered my mouth, giggling as he leaned over to kiss me.

“I love you. Nothing is going to come between us now,” he said.

I nodded and he nestled beside me, taking me in his arms to kiss me. “Do you remember what I told you about those freckles of yours?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“I’m starting my exploration tonight. It might take me some time.”

“Take as long as you need.”

He reached between my legs, sliding his fingers between my folds, stroking my clit. “I’m sure there are plenty down here. I might have to thoroughly investigate with my tongue.”

A shiver went through me. I’d never had anyone go down on me, and the thought of it made me moan with desire.

“I want to be your first for everything, Rowan. First and last.”

I nodded, and he kissed me before going back to work on my nipples. They were hard with anticipation, and sensitive to his tongue. His strokes grew faster as he sucked and lapped, and my body grew warm as my climax approached.


He stopped what he was doing long enough to look at me.


“I’m glad it’s you. It feels so good.”

He grinned. “You ain’t seen nothing yet, baby.”

I could feel my body giving in to him, could smell my scent as his fingers continued their work. “Kyle,” I whispered more urgently.

“Let it go, Rowan.”

His lips were on mine as I cried out his name, trying to stop me from making too much noise. My muscles contracted as I came, each wave hitting me harder than the last. I shuddered, and he moved his face between my legs, his hot breath on my sex nearly sending me over the top again.

He rolled his tongue over my clit, still so sensitive from his fingers. He stroked my breasts as he tongued me, pinching my nipples as I grew close to coming again. This time I didn’t make a noise, gasping for breath as my body shook.

“You’re so wet, baby,” he said, reaching for the condom box. “Are you really ready?”

I nodded, unable to form words. Watching as he rolled the condom on, I wanted to touch him so much. He leaned over me, and I ran my hand up his chest. “I want to make you feel that good,” I whispered.

“You will. There’s plenty of time for that.”

I could feel his tip at my entrance. “Last chance. Is this what you want?” he asked.

“There’s nothing I want more right now.”

He grinned, slowly pushing into me. I gasped again at the brief discomfort before closing my eyes as he pushed all the way in. “Rowan, look at me.”

I opened my eyes. Every emotion he was feeling showed in his expression. “I love you so much,” he said.

He began to move, and with every stroke the discomfort lessened, and I was left with the feeling of him filling me. I wanted him so deep inside me we’d become one, and I moved my hips to meet him, driving him in as far as he could get.

“Holy shit, Rowan.”

“I missed you so much. Don’t ever leave me again.”

He shook his head. “Never, baby. You’ll never get rid of me now.”

I laughed and he leaned over to kiss me. “I love you more than anything. Nothing is going to keep me from you.”

He bent his head to suck at my nipples again. I’d been so self-conscious even as I’d stripped off my nightgown, but that seemed to disappear as I gave him every part of me. He liked my breasts, even if I hated them. He loved all those things I hated about myself. This was perfect; he was perfect.

I felt him tense as he moved faster, hammering into me as if he were driving it home that he was inside. “Oh God,” he said.

I smiled at the look on his face. He was floating somewhere; I had done that to him. He fell back to earth as he groaned in my ear, slowly pulling out of me and rolling to my side.

“That was amazing.” He kissed me tenderly, nuzzling my nose with his own.

“For me too.”

“I hope it didn’t hurt too much.”

I shook my head. “It was wonderful. You’re wonderful.”

He rolled off the bed, pulling on his boxers. “Where are you going?”

“To the bathroom. I need to get rid of this.” He held up the condom.

“Grab a bin liner from the cupboard. We’ll throw them all out in the morning discreetly, rather than flush them. Knowing my luck, it’ll get stuck if you flush,” I said.

Kyle laughed. “Always practical. I’m impressed you said
. Do you really want to see if we can finish the box?”

“I don’t know about that, but I think we could make a dent.” I grinned.

Lying back in the bed while he left the room, I was sure my body glowed from the love we had just shared. I felt warm, wanted, loved—everything I ever wanted to feel.

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