Loving the Senator (Capitol Affairs #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Loving the Senator (Capitol Affairs #1)
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“Baby, what’s wrong? You’re shaking.”

“Take me upstairs, Alex.” I cried, nestling my face deeper into him. It felt so good to have him hold me after that visit with Mort.

The bellhop grabbed my bag and purse and handed it to Alex.

“Thank you, I’ll take this.”

He held me up, and we walked to the elevator.

He got us in the room, and I collapsed in his arms. Like a rag doll, my body was limp and lifeless. I think I cried for the past seven years that I held it inside. I hadn’t grieved over my old life, and this was it. This was all the memories surfacing and spilling out.

“Thank God you are here,” was all I kept saying.

“Something told me you shouldn’t have done this alone. I wasn’t going to let him hurt you and leave you here by yourself, Prudence.”

He walked me to the couch, and I sat down in front of him. He took off his blazer and tie, unbuttoned his top button, and took off his watch. He poured us each a shot of vodka from the wet bar.

“Here drink this and talk to me, baby. God, I hate seeing you like this.” The hotel room was big and roomy, with a great view of the city from my window. The sun was setting, and the sky peppered with puffy pink clouds.

“I’m sorry you had to come out here. I thought I was tough and none of this would bother me, but I lost it today. Everything I worked so hard to forget came back to me in full force just being in his presence,” I cried.

“Of course it would, Prudence. I don’t know what you were thinking going up there by yourself. You knew he would upset you. Tell me what he said before I go down there and talk to him myself.”

“The night I was kicked out of the trailer he…” I couldn’t get the words out. Alex sat next to me. He picked up my legs, took off my heels, and began to rub my feet. It helped relax me as I felt the tension begin to fade.

“Did he rape you?” he asked, still rubbing my legs and feet.

“He tried, but no. He did everything but rape me. I pissed him off by walking in on my mom with a couple of customers. My mom left, and he was wasted on something. He broke down my bedroom door. I was in bed trying to sleep. I had school the next day. When I wouldn’t answer him, he burst in and sat on my bed. It was hot in the trailer, so I was wearing just a t-shirt and underwear. He ripped the covers off me and grabbed my breasts. He called me all kinds of fat girl names, and then…” I couldn’t say it.

“Tell me, baby.”

“He ripped down my underwear and tried to stick his nasty fingers in me. I screamed for help, no one heard. I kept screaming as loud as I could. When he continued, I kicked him in his nuts as hard as I could, but that only made him angrier. If my mom hadn’t come in, I’m sure he would have killed or raped me. He blamed the whole thing on me, said I had tried to seduce him. She was messed up, so she went crazy on me calling me a whore and home wrecker and whatever mean thing she could.

I thought if I left for a while, they would be passed out by the time I got back, and maybe they’d have forgotten about what had happened. But that didn’t happen. When I got back, my things were on the grass. Alex, everything from my room was in a heap outside, even my bed and my clothes.” I drank the last of my vodka and set the glass on the side table. My throat burned as I felt it trickle down my chest and warm into my stomach. I moved my legs off him and snuggled next to him.

“I tried to get back in the trailer to my mom. I thought she would let me back in. I had nowhere to go and I was scared. I was crying and banging on the door, begging her to let me in. She came to the door, threw a piece of paper at me, and told me to call Beulah or go live on the street. I stayed at Veena’s that night and the next day, I called my grandma. She drove all the way to Ohio to get me.”

“Jesus Christ, Prudence. How could she do that to you? Baby, no one is going to hurt you again. I promise you.” He kissed my head.

“I don’t want your campaign affected by this white trash crap. If this comes out, and I’m dating you, you could be ruined,” I said, as I wiped my eyes with my fingers.

“It is not going to hurt me. I will handle anything that comes out. I want you to stop worrying about that.”

“I’m sorry you have to deal with this.” I said.

“I don’t have to deal with anything. I chose to be with you and whatever else that comes along with that, I can handle. Like I said before, you are more important to me than an election or job. Have you eaten tonight?” He asked, changing the subject.

“No, I haven’t eaten today, come to think of it. I’m pretty hungry.”

“Let’s get you cleaned up and go get something to eat. I would love a nice dinner somewhere in this town with you. No one will recognize us, and we can act like two ordinary people out to eat.”

I didn’t want to leave the hotel again, but the thought of being in Ohio with Alex was a nice feeling. The last time he was here had been when he got shot, so I was sure he needed closure too.

“Sounds good. Just let me freshen up,” I said. I pried myself off the small love seat and headed for the bathroom.

I reapplied a little makeup, combed my hair, spritzed on some perfume, and was ready to go. Alex was on the phone when I got out, and hung up immediately when he saw me. I couldn’t help but ask him who he was talking to.

“It’s work. I have to get back on the floor tomorrow. Seems that Morris is going to filibuster, and it could be a long night.”

I once again let it go.

“Ready? I rented a car so we can drive around and find the greasiest dive. I could go for a cheeseburger and fries dripping in grease. What about you?”

“Sounds perfect.” I was in the mood to eat and couldn’t wait to find a place with coffee.

Mary’s Kitchenette smelled of onions and burnt coffee. The place was no Blue Basil, but it served hot food, and that was what we both needed. Breaking my vegetarian diet, we both ordered double cheeseburgers, fries with cheese sauce, and coleslaw. Alex was very taken with the pecan pie, which he’d never tried. During our dinner, he seemed distracted, and his phone kept vibrating. Text messages came in nonstop. I didn’t want to ask him who it was; I just assumed it had to do with work.

“This is good. I could eat this every day,” he said, wiping his mouth and smiling.

“I would be as big as that waitress over there if I did. That is what I would look like right now, and I’d be working here if I had not gone to live with Beulah,” I said. I pointed discreetly to a waitress who was at least three hundred pounds and waddling as she walked from table to table. She looked depressed and lost.

“No, you wouldn’t. Give yourself credit, Prudence. You have class in your blood, and brains that I have yet to see in most people. You would have never settled for that.”

“Let’s get out of here. I want to drive by the old trailer before it gets dark,” I said, taking the last sip of coffee and getting up to leave.

“Are you sure? After today, it could be too much for you.”

“No, you’re with me, and when you’re with me, I can do anything.” I smiled and kissed his greasy lips. He left the money and a big tip on the table and we headed for the door.

“That’s how I feel about you, Prudence. That’s why I need you at this fundraiser,” he said, as we left. He held the door for an elderly couple as they walked in and smiled at him. He nodded at them and said, “Get the pecan pie it’s to die for.”

“We still have to negotiate that yet.” I smiled at him as I got back in the car.

“Oh, is that right? What are your demands, Miss Romaine?” he laughed.

Once inside, I made it clear what my demands were as I grabbed him, caressed him, and looked into his eyes.

“My demands are simple. I want you tonight, and then I want you every night until the fundraiser. That’s all. Possibly two times a day on the weekends.” He got hard as I stopped touching him.

“Dear God. You are worse than the mafia with these bribes. I think, it’s something I should be able to handle, and I’ll be able to pay up, if you don’t kill me in the process.”




The trailer was just down the highway, and I remembered how to get there once I began to see familiar landmarks. There was the park that Veena and I hung out; the McDonald’s of course looked the same, and my old school hadn’t changed. We made our way into Whispering Willow Trailer Park, and the place was worse than when I lived there.

“This is a shit hole, Prudence. It didn’t look this shitty when you were here,” said Alex as he looked around. We were out of place in our rented BMW, and when we drove in everyone looked. All the same trailers were there with different faces and different lives. Nothing seemed to change, but the people with the same pathetic issues as the people I had been surrounded by. The memories of walking down the road and waiting for the school bus and coming home, knowing my mom wouldn’t be there, and there would be nothing to eat, all were coming back to me.

“They think we’re here to deal drugs, I bet,” he laughed.

“Yes, Alex, let’s hope so. That would be wonderful to be accused of that along with the fact that you are apparently dating your former girlfriend’s daughter. That will be excellent for your career.”

He squeezed my leg and winked at me. “Lighten up baby. It’s going to be fine.”

We drove by my old place, and it was empty. The windows were boarded up and the steps that were crumbling when I lived there were now gone. The old van we lived in for six months sat in its same spot. It was just a shell with the doors and tires missing and completely rusted out. All the memories of that place hit me like a ton of bricks. The time I came home to no electricity and no food, my stomach hurting from hunger. I remembered the time one of my mom’s boyfriends, who was watching me while she apparently worked, died on the kitchen floor. I had no idea he was dead and stepped over him the entire night thinking he was drunk. Everything made my skin crawl, and I needed to get out of there.

“That is the place I got shot, right under that dying tree. I remember being almost unconscious and thinking it’s going to be the last place I remember before I die,” said Alex, as he pointed to a spot in front of a tree that I used to climb. It seemed like a life that wasn’t mine. Though, it was just a few years ago, it seemed like a hundred. I could feel the panic set in and my head began to fog.

“Let’s go, Alex. This is too depressing,” I said. I snuggled up next to him and closed my eyes. He drove out of the park and out of the memories.

We got back to the hotel, and I was exhausted from everything that happened. I just needed a hot bath, and I wanted to be in Alex’s arms. He ran the water for me and poured a glass of wine. He got our favorite merlot at the local liquor store on our way back.

“Come in with me,” I told him. I watched him undress, and it was a work of art seeing him take off his clothes. His stomach was flat and ripped with muscles. I loved the dark trail that went from his belly button to his perfect cock, which was groomed to perfection. He had long muscular legs speckled with black hair covering his thick thighs and his perfect calves. He turned around to put his clothes on the hook and I was able to view his round bare ass. The ass I dug my fingers into when he was on top of me, looked tight and smooth. He was incredible and mine.

He got in behind me, and my body relaxed against him. We sipped our wine, and enjoyed the silence. I had my hair up, and he kissed my neck with his cold lips awaking my need for him. I turned my head around and kissed him long and sensual. I felt myself begin to get excited, and I was surprised I could after the day I had.

“You’re lips are sweet,” I said, rubbing his thighs under the water. I felt him get hard.

“Are you getting worked up, Prudence?” he asked. He set his wine down and wrapped his arms around my breasts. They swelled and my nipples stood to attention.

“If you are in the room with me, I’m worked up. You are a wonderful diversion to my awful day, Alex. I’m so glad you’re here.” I turned my head again and kissed him as I slipped my tongue inside his mouth. He sucked on my tongue, and I moaned.

“I will always be here for you, baby. Don’t ever forget that you don’t have to face anything alone anymore.”

We sat in the tub of warm, soapy water, not wanting to let go, but turning into prunes. I was totally comfortable sitting on top of him and having him hold me. When the water became cold, we added more and continued to soak and hold each other. Though we thought about it, we were both too tired for sex. I was mentally drained after the day I had. Alex looked exhausted, though he’d never admit it. When we got out finally, we climbed into bed. I felt so warm and safe as I listened to him breathe and was soothed by his heartbeat. I truly adored this man.

When we left the next morning, I was so glad that he had come to rescue me. I got the closure I needed to move on with my new life.

“Thank you for being with me,” I said, as he lay across my body. We got home and made wild passionate love ‘till I was sore. I played with his hair until he fell asleep in my arms.

“I love listening to you breathe at night. It helps me fall asleep,” he whispered.

“I love you, Prudence Jude Romaine,” he sighed.

I didn’t think I heard right, or that I was dreaming, so I didn’t say anything back to him for a while.

“Did you hear me?”

I wanted him to say it again.

I nestled closer, and he said, “I love you, Prudence Jude Romaine, more than I have ever loved anyone.”

“I love you more,” I whispered in his ear.

His breathing get heavier, as fell asleep this time, for the night.

I lay awake wondering if this good thing would last.

Chapter Sixteen


I woke up to find Alex sitting on the balcony on his phone. He was yelling but, I couldn’t hear what he said. He paced and screamed into his cell phone. I had never seen him so angry. He was powerful and vicious when he needed to be, but this side of him surprised me. I walked to the sliding door, and he held up his hand for me to stop. The look on his face told me I should leave him alone and not ask questions. I figured it was a political issue, and I turned away and went downstairs to make coffee. Becket and I were becoming the best of friends. He followed me to the kitchen and sat by his bowl waiting for me to feed him.

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