Lucky Catch (37 page)

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Authors: Deborah Coonts

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Lucky Catch
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About the Author


y mother
tells me I was born a very long time ago, but I’m not so sure—my mother can’t be trusted. These things I do know: I was raised in Texas on barbeque, Mexican food and beer. I currently reside in Las Vegas, where my friends assure me I cannot get into too much trouble. Silly people. I am the author of WANNA GET LUCKY? (A NY Times Notable Crime Novel for 2010 and double RITA™ Finalist), LUCKY STIFF, SO DAMN LUCKY (a national bestseller), LUCKY BASTARD and four digital novellas, LUCKY IN LOVE, LUCKY BANG and LUCKY NOW AND THEN, Parts One and Two. The fifth novel in the series, LUCKY CATCH, is coming in July. I can usually be found at the bar, but also at





the shifting sands of the Mojave, the publishing business is changing by the hour. So too the experience of bringing a story to market. Yet, amid all of this confusion, the act of infusing life into a story remains one of the heart, unchanged, constant.

And the people who populate my world, who love me in spite of myself, who support, encourage, commiserate, inspire, who critique, brainstorm and applaud and who buy wine … they remain the bedrock upon which I find the courage and the fortitude to keep writing these stories. The mention they receive here can’t possibly compensate for all they do, all they give, but perhaps it’s a start.

A heartfelt thank you to:

My kids: TYLER and LISA COONTS. They remind me everyday that no matter how the stories do, or don’t do, life is perfect. Being a mom—there is nothing better. Being their mom is heaven on earth.

My writer friends: BARB NICKLESS, MARIA FAULCONER, NANCY MARTIN, ALLISON BRENNAN, DIANE MOTT DAVIDSON, PIERRE O’ROURKE. You make me laugh, you hold my hand, you kick my ass, and because of each of you, I am a better writer and a better person.

JERRY LAMBERT: For your smile, your sincere friendship, and for pimping my books out to everyone you know… and for the great hair cuts

SCOTT LARGENT: For your calm kindness and warm heart. And for insight into the commercial cooking world. If I got things wrong, it’s not your fault…it’s mine entirely. And remember, this whole adventure began with the smoking gun… that part
your fault.

ALEX RAMSEY: You inspire me. You challenge me. You are always there. No one can ask for more. I am blessed.

JEN TALTY: For all the hard work and brilliance. For making my books better. For showing me the way. You’ve restored my hope in the future of storytelling. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for working with me, for caring so much.

BOB MAYER: For charting your own course in the publishing business, then for shining the light, illuminating the path ahead, and for allowing the rest of us to follow your lead. Thank you (and JEN TALTY) for accepting me into the COOL GUS PUBLISHING fold. I’m am thrilled to be a part of the future of publishing and am honored to be a member of such a great team.

And, finally, and very importantly, to BOB GARDERE, you are the missing piece that fills the hole in my heart.




Copyright © 2014 Deborah Coonts


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance of fictional characters to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the author and publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


Books may be purchased for educational, business, or promotional use. For information on bulk purchases, please contact Jennifer Talty at Cool Gus Publishing 585-703-5969 or contact us at


ISBN-13: 978-1500194529 (library edition)

ISBN 978-162125828 (trade paperback edition)

ISBN 978-162125811 (digital edition)

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