Lucky Charm (19 page)

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Authors: Carly Phillips

BOOK: Lucky Charm
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Mary turned back to Gabrielle. “I'd be happy to discuss my family with you,” she said, surprising Gabrielle. “Let me make the appointment myself.”

She pulled a set of keys from her purse and walked over to the double doors, letting herself into her office. Since she didn't invite them in, Gabrielle waited where she was, despite her curiosity.

Mary returned with a leather-bound appointment book in her hand. They agreed on a morning appointment during the week and both wrote it down.

Gabrielle glanced at her watch and realized, with a start, how late it had gotten. Derek was expecting her. “I really should be going,” Gabrielle said. “Nice to meet you, Lauren.”

“Same here.” The other woman nodded. “I'm only here for a short time, but hopefully I'll see you again soon.”

Considering this woman was related to Mary Perkins and could offer insight into her psyche, Gabrielle nodded. “Count on it,” she said, before heading out the door.


ring Derek's doorbell. He flung it open as soon as she set foot on the front porch. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her inside, locking the dead bolt behind her.

“Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick. I thought maybe something had happened to you!” A muscle throbbed in his left temple.

She winced. “I'm sorry. I got caught up on an errand. Why didn't you call my cell?”

“I did! Have you checked it lately?”

With a frown, she pulled her phone from her purse. “Did I forget to turn it on?”

He snatched it out of her hand and fumbled with it for a few seconds. “You forgot to charge it,” he muttered. “What kind of errand was so important?”

Considering his mood, she didn't think he'd appreciate her answer. “I stopped by Mayor Perkins's office to make an appointment.” She treated him to her sweetest smile, hoping to ease her way back into his good graces.

He shut his eyes and groaned.

Obviously it didn't work. He stalked toward her, pushing her back until she hit the wall. His eyes were flashing fire but his gaze quickly darkened, his anger shifting to desire.

“I was so damn scared something had happened to you,” he said, his voice husky.

The sound found an answering yearning inside her. Her heart beat faster and her breath quickened. “I'm fine.”

“I didn't know that.” He placed his palm flush with the wall, his arm bracketing her shoulder.

“I'll call next time.”

He tipped his head, his lips close to hers. “You'd better.” And then his mouth came down hard against hers.

His touch was electric and welcome.

Today had been stressful and frightening, but she'd held herself together enough to pursue her interview. She hadn't realized how much she'd needed the emotional connection to Derek until now. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. A hollow need settled in the pit of her stomach and she knew only he could fill the urgency pulsing inside her.

She wrapped her leg around the back of his thigh and pulled him close, aligning his body with hers. His shirt rasped against her chest. Beneath her tank top, her nipples puckered into rigid peaks and she arched her back so her breasts thrust forward, brushing against the material of both her top and his. Her nipples beaded even tighter, and warm dewy moisture trickled between her thighs.

His hands were everywhere, touching, plucking, caressing her through her clothes until she was beyond thought. Beyond reason.

When he stepped back to undress, she did the same. He didn't suggest the bedroom and neither did she.

“I'll be right back.” He darted up the stairs.

She didn't ask where he was going. She knew. And then he was back, condom in hand.

She took the plastic square packet from him and ripped it open, holding the damp sheath in her fingertips. Slowly and with care, she knelt in front of him and rolled the condom over his turgid length. It was erotic, really, to take control and feel him pulsing in her hand, knowing he'd soon be inside her body.

She glanced up to see him watching her intently. She deliberately prolonged the act until he placed his hand at the top of her head.

“Enough. Unless you want this to be over now.”

She rose to her feet and met his gaze. The urgency between them was a tangible thing. Gabrielle stood on her tiptoes and placed a gentle, lingering kiss on his stubbled cheek. “I definitely don't want this over too soon.”

He laced his fingers with hers and led her to the couch.


This intrigued her and she did as she was told. He placed a hand on each of her thighs and spread her legs open wide. Her leg muscles quivered at his touch.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

She smiled at his concern. “Couldn't be better.”

Gabrielle had always loved sex, especially with him, but when they were younger, it had always been a fast, missionary kind of thing. Her experiments with other men had been limited because she hadn't trusted them. With Derek, she felt safe.

He knelt down and eased his big body between her legs. His hands shifted to her waist, his touch burning her sensitive skin. Leaning forward, he pressed a reverent kiss on her belly, pausing to flick his tongue over her belly button, inside and out, then around until his tongue landed on her stomach, taking a damp path downward.

Her legs stiffened and he glanced up. “Relax,” he urged with his deep, reassuring tone.

It wasn't that she was nervous. No, she was strung tight and so excited her body quivered of its own volition. But she eased back against the cushion and let him take control.

He lifted her legs over his shoulder, first one, then the other. Before she could react, he dipped his head and touched his tongue to her femininity and she was lost. Desire overwhelmed her as he laved her outer lips, softly, gently, arousing her with every lick, every touch. Up and down, back and forth, he glided his tongue, lulling her into a false sense of security that the sweet-tasting, gentle laving would continue.

Without warning, he switched tactics. He latched on to the tiny bud at her core and began to suckle with insistency. He maintained a determined rhythm that took her from delicious complacency to being on the verge of screaming in delight. Her hips jerked upward and the sensations he evoked rippled into every nerve ending, every distant part of her body.

Her fingers curled into the couch cushion and her hips continued to lift off the seat. And just when she didn't think she could take the light grazing of his teeth and the soothing lap of his tongue against her another second, he thrust one finger inside her, filling her at the same time he worked her into a frenzy.

He thrust into her, then slid out, in again, farther this time, then out. And all the while, he concentrated on the one place sure to make her come…and she did. Every one of his movements was designed to build to a crescendo. The waves built higher until she peaked and a glorious orgasm hit, taking her up and over the edge, spiraling outside of herself.

Her body was still quaking, her breath still short and quick as he stood. He lifted her off the end of the couch, moving them to the end of the high table right behind the sofa.

“For leverage,” he said with a wink.

“You're doing great so far,” she told him, her arms wrapped firmly around his neck so she could gaze into the face she adored.

He paused long enough to brush the long strands of hair off her face and place a lingering kiss on her lips, then giving her time to lean back on her elbows before picking up where he left off. He pulled her nearer to the edge of the table and eased himself closer until he was poised at her moist entrance.


“Hmm?” He met her gaze, his hands drifting to her breasts, toying with them as he spoke.

She glanced down, aroused at the sight of him erect and hard, almost inside her but not quite. “I don't want to know where I begin and you end,” she said honestly, pouring her heart into that one statement.

Then he thrust hard.



And she took all of him, wrapping her feet around his waist and sealing his body against hers. Her eyes shut tight and stars sparkled behind her lids as she let out a heartfelt moan. He felt so good. “I can't wait.” He pulled out, then thrust in again.



Finally, he ground himself into her, extra hard, extra deep, so she
all of him inside her body. Inside her heart. He was a part of her, a perfect fit. Her other half. Her soul mate.

Her heart swelled and she wished she could reach for him but she needed to keep herself braced. She held on as he moved inside her, a rhythm that was unique and all their own.

The emotions rising inside her defied description as his hips continued to shift and roll against the most intimate part of her until once again, the glorious waves began. She went with them, losing herself to her second orgasm of the night. This one seemed to go on and on and she squeezed her inner muscles around him, wanting to feel every inch of him inside her.

“Oh, yes,” he muttered, pumping his hips harder and faster. Then his body stiffened and he thrust one last time, coming along with her.


,” Derek said. “My daughter or father could walk in here any minute.” His arms were still braced on either side of Gabrielle, his body no longer inside her. But close.

She frowned. “I thought you locked the door.”

“I did. We should still go on upstairs.” He held out a hand and she followed him to the bedroom.

“Last one in the shower is a rotten egg,” she said, darting around him into the bathroom he and his father had remodeled together.

He stepped into his bathroom to find Gabrielle already in the shower, adjusting the water temperature. “Join me?” she asked, crooking a seductive finger his way.

He figured it was a rhetorical question and stepped under the warm spray along with her.

“I don't have my shower stuff unpacked yet. In fact, my clothes are still in your car. So let's see what you use in the way of soap.” She turned to find his plain old bar of Lever 2000.

She wet the bar in her hands, soaping them up, and began to lather her body, beginning with her arms, working her way up to her chest. Her breasts, pale compared to the rest of her tanned skin, called out to him.

“Let me.” He took the soap and worked his own hands into a lather. “Turn around.”

Her eyes glittered with understanding as she pivoted around. Water sprayed against his back and steam flowed around them. Beginning with her feet, he worked his way upward. He knelt down and slid his hands over her toned calves, her knees, her thighs. He lingered at her luscious behind, cupping her cheeks in his hands and smoothing his palms over and around, letting his fingers dip into hidden crevices.

She wriggled and groaned, then braced her hands against the shower glass. His hands traveled lower, finding her most sensitive spot. He moved his fingers back and forth before easing one inside her.

“Derek,” she moaned, and clenched her inner walls tight around him.

His erection throbbed hard against her cheeks and her hips gyrated, the motion nearly taking him over the edge.

“I need you inside me,” she whimpered.

He clenched his teeth. “I don't have protection.”

“I'm on the pill and I'm safe.” She wriggled her backside against his straining hard-on. “Please.”

He couldn't resist her plea.

Couldn't resist her.

He wrapped one arm around her waist and positioned himself at her entrance. He already knew she was slick and wet, hot and ready for him.

“Bend lower,” he whispered against her ear.

She bent over and he thrust inside.

She cried out his name and pushed her hips backward against him, their bodies grinding together. Nothing had ever felt so good or so right, but he couldn't remain still long enough to savor it. The urgency building inside him was too great.

He pulled out, feeling every inch of her, and lunged back in, cocooning himself in her hot sheath. His movements were frenzied and fast and she met him thrust for thrust, accepting all of him, deeper and harder, inside her.

“Derek, please.” Her breath came in faster gasps as she cried out his name.

The sound wrapped around his heart. He wound his fingers in the back of her hair. Maybe it was the fact that he was really inside her, with no barrier separating their bodies. Maybe it was just the effect Gabrielle had on him. But he didn't last long, riding out the orgasm and continuing until he'd taken her up and over, too.

His heart was still galloping inside his chest as he slipped out of her and turned her around, sealing his lips against hers for a long, intimate kiss.

Sated and wiped out, he helped her out of the shower and, wrapped in towels, they made their way to the bed, collapsing together in exhaustion.


of distant voices. It took her a moment to realize she was in Derek's bed, in his loft, and the sounds from downstairs were Derek and his daughter. Memories of last night came back and she snuggled closer into his bed, inhaling his scent in the sheets.

He'd shared her bed last night and she'd slept with him cocooned around her. Never had she felt so warm, safe or wanted. But he'd set the alarm early and rose to shower and dress before Holly came. If his daughter asked, he'd slept in Holly's bed last night.

Gabrielle had left her suitcase in the car and she realized she'd have to borrow one of Derek's shirts and, hopefully, a pair of sweats so she could go downstairs and get her things. She stretched and rose from the bed, keeping the sheet over her exposed breasts when she caught sight of her suitcase on the floor near the bathroom.

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