Read Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10) Online

Authors: Tina Folsom

Tags: #Romance

Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10) (17 page)

BOOK: Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10)
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Luther’s eyes turned darker. He growled softly, then kissed her breasts, nibbling and sucking on them. She loved the way he devoured them, almost as if he were feasting on them, while farther below, he rocked against her in a slow but steady rhythm, igniting her desire for him even more.

“Take me,” she begged.

Finally, he listened to her and slid one hand down to the juncture of her thighs. He slipped his fingers underneath the thin lace fabric and combed through the soft curls. When he slid past her center of pleasure, she undulated her hips.

Luther groaned. “Fuck, Katie, go easy.”

But even though he cautioned her to take it slow, Luther apparently didn’t feel that the same rule applied to him, because a second later, he bathed his fingers in her wetness, caressing her folds, exploring her.

She gasped at the delicious sensations he sent through her body. She spread her legs wider, urging him to give her more. She felt him probe at the entrance to her channel, and sighed. Finally, he drove a thick finger into her.

Katie pressed her head into the pillow, arching off the bed. Then Luther’s thumb was on her clit, spreading her juices over the sensitive organ.

“Yes!” she encouraged him.

A second finger joined the first, adding more friction.

“God, you’re tight!” Luther groaned. “You’re gonna make me come in ten seconds.”

“I don’t care,” she cried out. “Just fuck me already.”

He pulled his fingers from her and freed her of her panties so fast she could barely blink. She tried to slip out of the open bra, but he stopped her.

“Leave it on. It’s sexy.” He positioned himself at her center, his huge cock rubbing against her wet folds. Then he locked eyes with her, and in one long continuous stroke, he seated himself in her.

Her eyelids dropped, her breath rushed from her lungs, and her heart stopped beating. He filled her completely. “Oh God!” Katie wrapped her legs around his thighs, imprisoning him.

“Perfect,” Luther grunted, the chords in his neck bulging. “You’re fucking perfect!”

Luther began to thrust, deep and hard. Every time his cock drove into her, his pelvic bone slammed against her clit, making her shudder. Her heart beat erratically now, her breaths came in shallow pants, and her head swam with a myriad of sensations. The passion and wildness Luther unleashed on her was something she’d never experienced before. None of her previous lovers had ever taken her this hard and made her body hum so intensely with pleasure that she thought she was floating on a cloud.

She felt weightless, held by strong vampire arms, safe despite the powerful thrusts Luther delivered. In his eyes she saw the same lust and desire that she felt radiate back at her. Like molten lava, his eyes glowed. They looked like flames now, like the flames that raged inside her and threatened to incinerate her. And what she saw peeking from his lips now should have scared her, but instead the sight of his white fangs flashing fascinated her. They had descended fully, ready for a bite. She knew it, had seen her vampire friends and family often enough to interpret the signs. To know when somebody was about to lose control of his human side and unleash the power that was pure vampire.

And while she saw all the signs in Luther’s face now, written as clearly as if printed on a piece of paper, she felt no fear. No regret at having taken this risk and put herself at the mercy of a vampire who’d committed unspeakable crimes. Because the payoff was worth it. For once in her life she could forget the bitter memories of her past and live only in the moment. The moment of ecstasy.

She turned her head to the side and swept away her hair, exposing her neck. “Luther.”



His name rolled over Katie’s lips like the call of a siren leading a sailor to his doom. Luther recognized the invitation. Temptation curled through his body, making him thrust faster and deeper. As if sex could wipe away his need for blood. He knew it wasn’t so. If anything, his desire to drink from Katie had increased several fold the moment he’d plunged his aching cock into her.

He knew he would succumb to it, particularly now that she was offering him what he so desperately needed.

“Katie,” he ground out.

When she stretched out her hand as if to touch his fangs, he snatched it, and pinned it to one side of her head. Without a word, he dipped his head and took possession of her lips, willing his fangs to retract. They did, but only halfway. He didn’t have the strength to bend them to his will. His vampire side was ruling him now, and the vampire in him wanted blood.

Luther pumped harder into her, thrusting and withdrawing. Her wet and warm sheath was like paradise. Too good to stop. And too good to continue. He’d been teetering on the edge of his climax for several long minutes now, pushing back his urge to come whenever it tried to overwhelm him. But as Katie’s muscles squeezed him harder with every thrust, and her juices enveloped him in her silken depth, he realized he was losing the fight with his self control. A few more seconds, and he would have to give in to his release.

He ripped his lips from her, breathing hard. “God, Katie! I need you to come with me.”

With wide eyes she stared up at him.

“Tell me what you need.”

“Bite me!” she demanded.

Luther threw back his head, almost howling like a dog. “No!” Damn it, not only was it wrong that he was sleeping with her, knowing she was drugged by his blood, but accepting her blood would be the lowest to which he could sink.

“Luther, please.”

He looked back at her, slowly shaking his head.

But she didn’t accept his answer. “You asked whether I was acting when I invited Bauer to dig his fangs into my breasts. I wasn’t.”

Luther froze in mid-stroke, shock coursing through him. “What?” He grabbed both her wrists and pinned them on either side of her head.

“In method acting we portray only the emotions we feel. When I invited him to bite me, I didn’t offer it to him. I offered it to

All the air rushed from his lungs. “No, that can’t be.” He tried to shake the image from his mind’s eye. “You don’t know what you’re doing, Katie.”

Katie wiggled her hands free and slipped them to his ass, gripping him firmly, shoving him deeper into her. The action made his cock jerk inside her, sending him dangerously close to the edge.

His fangs automatically lengthened again, and this time he couldn’t force them back into their sockets. From the sparkle in Katie’s eyes he could tell that she’d noticed it, too.

Slowly, he began to thrust again, in and out, while his gaze drifted down to her bouncing boobs. They rocked with every thrust from side to side. Hard nipples sat on the top of each breast, pink and ripe for the taking.

“Right there,” she murmured.

“Yes, right there,” he agreed and increased his tempo, while taking her hands again and pinning them to either side of her head. He lifted his gaze back to her face. “You can’t escape now.”

Her breath hitched, and he could hear her heart thunder. The sound of her blood rushing through her veins made his glands salivate. He swallowed hard. “You won’t be able to stop me.”

Katie’s chest heaved. “I know.”

He searched her face for any sign of fear, but found none. Did she have any idea what she was doing? Or had the lust drugged her to a point where she couldn’t be held responsible for her actions? Did she realize that freely offering blood to a vampire other than to save his life meant submission?

“You’ll feel my fangs the moment you start to climax.”

He drove his cock deeper, enjoying how her muscles clamped around him, holding him like a tight fist.

Her lids lowered halfway, and a moan left her lips. “Luther, yes!”

He shifted his position slightly and drove deeper once more. When he felt her muscles spasm around him, he let go of the last vestiges of his control and gave in to his release, joining her in her climax. As his semen shot from the tip of his cock, he lowered his face to Katie’s breast and scraped his fangs against her soft skin.

“Luther!” she cried out and thrust her breast into his mouth.

He opened his mouth wider and set his fangs on either side of her nipple.

“Get the fuck away from her or you’re dust!”

Luther reared up, letting Katie’s breast slip from his mouth.




Several things happened all at once. Luther spun around, pulling out of her, and jumping up from the bed. In the blink of an eye he snatched one side of the sheet and pulled it over her naked body, shielding her. Katie shot up to a sitting position, glaring at the three men who’d burst into the room: Blake, Grayson, and an utterly pissed-off looking Wesley.

She didn’t get the time to glare back at her brother, who’d been the one issuing the threat directed at Luther. The sound of something smashing against the wall tore her gaze to Luther. He’d trashed the chair and broken off a wooden leg to use as a makeshift stake.

Improvised weapon in hand, he leapt toward the three Scanguards men. The three lifted their weapons—small-caliber handguns—and pointed them at Luther.

“No!” Katie screamed and jumped up from the bed, unconcerned about her nudity. “Don’t hurt him!”

She charged toward them, but Luther blocked her way, holding her behind his broad body with one arm.

“Stay back, Katie!” he growled, his other hand holding the stake above his head.

“How dare you order my sister around?” Wesley spat, glowering at Luther.

“Wes, stay out of this!”

She peered past Luther’s arm and could see how Wes ran his eyes over Luther’s nude body, a look of disgust on his face. Then he met her gaze.

“How could you, Katie? What happened? Did he force you?”

“I didn’t fucking force anybody!” Luther snarled.

Grayson flashed his fangs. “I should kill you right here and now.”

“Oh look at the little pup! Feeling all strong in the company of his friends,” Luther scoffed.

Grayson made a move toward him, but Blake pulled him back. “Stand down, Grayson! Now!” Blake exchanged a look with him. “I’ll handle this.”

Grayson took a deep breath. His jaw set into a grim line. Grudgingly he said, “You’re the boss.” It was clear that at this moment he wished he were in Blake’s shoes.

Blake looked back at Luther before his gaze landed on her. He slowly shook his head. “You disappoint me, Katie.” There was a resigned tone in his voice. “I thought I could trust you, and what do you do? You’re sleeping with the enemy. Literally!”

“Blake, please…” she started. “I can explain.”

He motioned to Luther, who had lowered his weapon. “It’s pretty self-explanatory from where I stand.” Disappointment spread in his eyes. “But to let him bite you?” He shook his head.

“He didn’t,” she said.

“He was about to,” Wesley interrupted, “if we hadn’t gotten here in time.”

Katie looked at Wes. “Damn it, Wes, I’m an adult. Don’t treat me like a little child. I can make my own decisions.”

“You’re still my sister.”

“Still doesn’t give you the right to interfere in my life.”

Hands at her hips, she tried to walk past Luther, but he pushed her back behind him. “You’re naked, Katie.”

Then Luther exchanged a look with Blake. “If you don’t mind, a little privacy so Katie can get dressed without you guys ogling her.”

Blake gave a stiff nod. “Two minutes. And don’t try to escape out the back. We have another man watching the outside. You wouldn’t get far.”

Blake shooed the other two out before turning away and closing the door.

Alone with Luther, Katie let out a breath of air. “Shit!”

Luther turned to her. “You could say that.” He ran his eyes over her. “Let’s get dressed. Those guys saw more of you than they ever should have.”

He took the towel from earlier and brought it to the juncture of her thighs, gently wiping away his semen. “This wasn’t exactly how I imagined this ending.”

“It’s not over,” she said.

Luther took the towel and cleaned himself off, before turning to collect his clothes from the floor. Katie closed the clasp of her bra and searched for her panties.

“Is there something between you and Blake?”

The sudden question surprised her and made her spin around to look at him. “Why would you think there’s something between me and Blake?”

Luther shrugged. “He seemed hurt, as if you’d betrayed him.”

Katie rolled her eyes and reached for her panties, pulling them on. “Men! We’re friends. Have been for a long time.”

“Maybe he wants more,” Luther hedged.

Katie pulled on her jeans while Luther stepped into his pants and zipped up.

“Blake is under stress because Isabelle was his responsibility. He’s just lashing out.”

“You do know that we can hear you, right?” Blake’s voice came from the other side of the door.

Katie cursed. “Damn it, Blake, what part of privacy did you not get into your thick skull?”

A grunt was the answer, then footsteps shuffled away.

When she turned, she caught Luther grinning at her.

“What?” She walked to where her bloodstained shirt lay on the floor and picked it up.

“Looks like you know how to handle these guys.”

She gave a one-shouldered shrug and fed her arms into the sleeves. “They’re just big boys with toys. Underneath it they’re—”

“I can still hear you, Katie,” Blake warned from the hallway.

“Screw you, Blake!” she cried out. Maybe she was overreacting a bit, but damn it, Blake and the others had interrupted her at the height of sexual ecstasy and prevented her from feeling Luther’s bite. She felt cheated out of an experience that she’d been told was out of this world. Who wouldn’t be a tad pissy about that?

She charged toward the door, but Luther pulled her back. He leaned down to her and whispered into her ear, “Don’t let him rile you up. Though you do look utterly sexy when you’re mad!”

She didn’t get a chance to reply, because Luther’s warm lips captured her mouth for a kiss that robbed her of her breath.



“Let’s deal with this,” Luther said and opened the door to the hallway, leaving the bedroom ahead of Katie.

BOOK: Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10)
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