Luxe Glamour (The Glamour Series Book 5) (23 page)

Read Luxe Glamour (The Glamour Series Book 5) Online

Authors: Maggie Marr

Tags: #FIC027020 FICTION / Romance / Contemporary, #FIC027240 FICTION / Romance / New Adult, #FIC044000 FICTION / Contemporary Women

BOOK: Luxe Glamour (The Glamour Series Book 5)
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My cock hardened. She grasped the bulge in my jeans and I pressed forward against her hip. I pulled my lips from her mouth and let them travel down her throat. My kisses were thick with need and want. How long would it be before I kissed her again? I needed to believe, I wanted to believe that there was love in her heart. Perhaps unknown to her right now, but I knew love was there, deep in her heart.

I pressed my hand to the edge of her shirt. I could feel her skin under my fingertips. I pulled her shirt up and tugged it from her body. I unsnapped her bra, my execution nearly perfect. She pressed her hips toward mine. My lips clasped her tight nipple and a loud moan came from her throat. Her moan sounded so fucking good.

“Oh, Trick.”

I didn’t even have her pants off and already she was moaning my name. I slid my hand down her front and unclasped her jeans and pressed them over her hips. Ah, I felt a tiny slip of lingerie that was just covering her pussy. With a twist of my wrist I snapped the thin string that held the little bit of fabric together. She was naked now and in my room. I was so hard. I was so fucking hard. She reached her hand to me and she scraped it upward, needing to get my T-shirt off my body. Her fingernails scraped along my skin, causing my erection to grow harder still. She pulled my shirt over my head and then I pushed her down onto my bed and then slid out of my jeans.

She lay before me, her body firm and wet and full. Her hips moved as I caressed her with only my eyes. My eyes roamed over every inch of her flesh. How long before I saw her again? I soaked in this vision. This vision of near perfection. Her thick black hair, those deep large brown eyes, the full lips, her swan’s neck and full breasts. Round hips that were nearly too full for runway work, but with a face like hers and the Legend last name how could any designer say no? She was the whole package. I did everything I could to burn this image into my brain.

When I first met her I’d thought that her beautiful exterior was all she had going for her. I’d remembered her as vapid and hurtful and entitled. But she’d proved me wrong. Maybe she’d even proved herself wrong. She had worked her ass off these past few months. She had confronted her fears. She’d even managed to fall in love with a dog—something I was pretty fucking sure that she thought would never happen.

“Please, Trick, I want you to

Yes, she did. She might think this was our last night together. She might be soaking in this experience. Soaking in the way I looked, the way I was going to fuck her. Let it sear into her memory, because I knew … I knew when she missed me that the memories would rage through her brain and, right now, she might think that the memories of me and the life she was building for herself would be enough. But they wouldn’t be. She would be back. Perhaps not because she wanted to be back, but because there would be no other choice.

I slowly leaned forward and straddled her on the bed. I wasn’t going to fuck her right this moment. I was going to give her a head full of memories to remember, to examine, to soak in, so that she would remember each exquisite touch and remember where it came from and know that she could return to this place and my touch and my bed and experience all of this pleasure again.

I pressed my lips to her chest and then pulled her nipple into the hot wetness of my mouth. My hand slipped down the front of her body and I pushed open her thighs. My finger trailed down the center of her pussy. She was hot and wet and ready. Her hips bucked upward against my hand.

“Oh my God, Trick. Please. Please.”

Her thick black hair whispered across the pillow and she thrust her head back and forth.

I pulled my lips from her nipple and pressed my kisses down her body. The fingertips of my hand pressed to her clit and she threw her hips up. I grasped her hip tight with my hand.

“God please, please.”

I slipped two fingers into her body while my thumb gently circled her clit.

She was hot perfection. And not just her body. Her whole being. She spoke to me in a way that no other woman had. Her sexuality was compatible with mine, but it was who she was inside that made her unbearably sexy to me. She intrigued me. She interested me. Sophia was a gift that I wanted to unwrap over and over and over again.

My lips slid down her flesh. I lifted her leg and rested the crook of her knee on my shoulder. My lips scraped down her thigh. I reached down and picked up her other leg. A soft moan crossed her lips. Her hips pressed up in anticipation of the pleasure and the release that my mouth would soon provide. I stayed above her. I waited for Sophia to open her eyes. Heavy-lidded and lust-filled, her brown eyes looked at me. A tiny smile crinkled my lip. Yes, she would remember this moment. I would make her come and come and come again for the entirety of this last night together.

“You’re mine.” I leaned down and my tongue pressed into her hot center. Then up through the heat of her to that engorged spot. I pressed my hand onto her hip, anticipating her body’s response. My tongue drifted across her clit.

Her moans were louder now. Her hips bucking with more force. I pressed my mouth to her clit again and this time my lips circled the wet nub the same way I had caressed her nipples. I pulled her clit into my mouth and my tongue caressed this sensitive spot back and forth, back and forth. A shriek tore from Sophia’s mouth.

Heat surged through me. The muscles in my legs tightened at hearing her pleasure. All I needed was her pleasure.

“Yes, yes.”

I pressed two fingers into her tight pussy and the walls throbbed against my fingers, pulsing and pulsing for me. Her hips rolled beneath me and still I held her. My tongue now furiously licking and sucking her body. My cock was hard and ready to explode based on her pleasure alone. I watched her. Her body thrashed about the bed. Her hands clawed the sheets. Her teeth bit her beautiful bottom lip.

“Oh my God, Trick!” she yelled, and every muscle in her body tensed. My body jolted as she fell over the edge. Her tits pressed up and my hand found her breast. I pressed her nipple. She grasped my hand and pressed my fingers into her mouth. The rolling motion of her hips slowed. Tiny moans came from her. 

“Please Trick, please, I want you inside me. Please.”

I pulled my lips from her pussy and pressed them to her mouth. The deep growl that surged from her throat let me know she wanted me with a deep and uncontrollable lust. Her hand grasped my cock and she rubbed up and down, pressing the tip to her core.

“Please,” she begged. “Please, I want you. I need you in me.”

I reached for the drawer by my bed and pulled out the foil wrapper. She took it from me and straddled me as she opened it and unrolled it over my cock. I could barely hold it together. My cock throbbed with a need to be inside her even after a month of nightly sex. But, fuck, yes I loved her on top of me, her tits swinging and bouncing, her clit right there so I could make her come and watch her body as she came again and again.

She grasped my cock with one hand and leaned forward. Then she placed her hand flat on my belly and pressed the tip of my cock against the tight ring of her pussy. Slowly she pressed down over my shaft, the heat of her body taking me in slowly. She was so tight as she clenched around me.

“Fuck,” I said through my teeth. How could I hold myself back? I reached forward and pressed my finger to her clit and her head dropped back and she pulled her body up to the tip of my cock and then plunged down again. My body thrust up to meet her. I grasped her ass with my other hand and again, now faster, she pulled up and thrust down, pulled up and thrust down, her teeth biting her bottom lip and my finger circling her clit.

“That’s it, baby, that’s it. Come for me again.”

She opened her eyes and stared at me. Pure pleasure flooded her face. She smiled.

“Trick, oh my God, Trick I’m going to come again.”

“That’s right baby. You come for me again.” Her body tightened and she was losing control. “Hold on to me baby.” She grasped my shoulder and in one swift motion I flipped her over onto her back, and pressed deep into her pussy.

“Trick!” Her fingernails clasped my ass. I pressed deep into her, thrusting hard and fast. Heat raced up the back of my thighs. A deep fire building was in my balls. A force shot through me like fire. Come burst from my cock.

My body shook and shivered. The pleasure so deep and so full. I fell to the side of her. My body spent. Le Petit mort. Damn, but I was fucking in love with Sophia. I pulled my head off the pillow and pressed my lips to her. I looked into her eyes. I wouldn’t say the words now. I couldn’t say them now. To say “I love you” after sex would taint the words. I wanted her to see my love for her in my face, feel it in my touch. I stroked her beautiful face. Did she know? I sure hoped she knew.





Trick loved me. I could see his eyes were filled with a deep love. His face was relaxed and content. In his features, in his touch, in his eyes was love.

My belly clenched and my heart beat furiously, and not because we’d just finished having sex. But love wasn’t part of the deal. Pawtown was a pit stop. A little place I had to go to regroup and get my real life on track. I put my hand on his shoulder and scooted out from under him. Suddenly I felt closed in and claustrophobic—I was aware of a clutching sensation in the pit of my gut and then the feeling cascaded through my heart. Loss? Fear? Anger? Love? What I was feeling could not be love, I could not love Trick. I didn’t have the time, or the desire to become involved with him. Trick was not the type of man I wanted or needed.

I turned my head away and faced the wall. Heat built behind my eyes. I pressed my hand to my face, hopeful that he wouldn’t notice, that he couldn’t see my tears.

“Hey, are you hungry?” I asked. I’d do nearly anything to escape this moment. To escape Trick’s love. To pretend that I didn’t know how he felt about me, and how I, for some unfathomable reason, felt about him.

“Sure,” he said. A sigh came from his mouth. “What do you feel like? I’ve got stuff to make burgers or sandwiches or, since you’re back on the runway in two days, how about a salad?”

“You certainly understand a model’s life.”

“I haven’t forgotten some things.”

“While I should have the salad, let’s go with the burgers.”

“Really?” Trick sat up and then leaned over the side of the bed and grabbed his shirt and jeans. He slipped on his T-shirt. “Well, you know I love a woman who can eat.” He stood and pulled on his jeans. “Let me see what I can throw together.” He opened the bedroom door and walked toward the kitchen.

Tears dripped down my face. Yeah, Trick did love me. So why was I so sad?


Chapter 21




“You wanted to see me?” I pulled work gloves off my hands and rested an arm against the door jam. Angie’s gaze flicked from her computer screen and met my eyes.

“Nobody really
to see you right now, so that’s why they left this meeting to me.”  She rolled out from behind her desk. “Come on in and shut the door.”

My brow furrowed. Her tone was pleasant. Her demeanor soft. What the hell? This wasn’t my tough-as-a-beaten-down-rusty-nail sister. “Come on, Estrella,” I called. The pup wagged her tail and stood up from where she’d planted her butt on the floor in the hallway. She walked past me and toward Delilah. They nosed each other and then curled up into balls together.

“See you have your shadow with you.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. Yes, I took Estrella with me everywhere. Off-leash was against Pawtown policy, but fuck it. I owned the place and if Estrella was the reason Angie had hauled me into her office then we were going to have one very loud and unpleasant conversation.

“Sit down.” Angie waved her hand toward a chair. “You hear that Rose got mainstreamed last week?”

I nodded. Rose was another Pawtown success. She wasn’t ready to live in a home with people, but she could at least be with other dogs. My sister hadn’t called me to her office to discuss Rose. “What’s up, Angie?”

She took a long breath and curled her lips inward as though she sought patience. Maybe she did. I don’t know. I’d made myself scarce for the last six weeks. Even I knew that I wasn’t fit companionship for any living being, human, feline, or canine. Aside from Estrella and my own pack I really didn’t want to see or talk to anyone. I’d been dedicating my efforts to building a new dog run and kennels on the back five acres. It would be the beginning of a Pawtown expansion that we wanted, but couldn’t yet afford.

“Okay then,” Angie said. “Look, I know you’re hurting—”

I held up my hand and shook my head. I was going to cut big sis off before she could utter the words. “If you called me in here for a pep talk, or a heart to heart, or some bullshit like that, then save your breath.” I reached for the doorknob. Estrella’s head popped up, totally aware of my every move.

“Stop. No. That’s not it.”

I lifted cocked my head in question. Angie’s lips twisted into a frown. “Okay, that’s not all of it.”

“What’s the rest?”

“There are two other things. First. I’ve been asked to speak to you because you’re unbearable to be around.”

I rolled forward on my toes and looked up at the ceiling. I took a deep breath and then looked at Angie. “That’s exactly why I’ve been working on the new project. So that nobody has to be around me.”

“Right, but they do, and we are, and you’re … we’re …”

Angie searched for the right words. Her gaze went from me to the wall of pictures of families and four-legged furry creatures getting their forever homes. “We’re a family here, and when one of us is suffering it doesn’t matter how far they might try to remove themselves, we all feel it.”

My gaze landed on Angie. This was a fair statement. She was right.

“Okay,” I said, my voice slow and calm. “I get it, but I can’t change how I feel right now. If I could I would. But this is how I am, and working on this new project is how I’m handling”—I scrubbed my hand down the back of my neck and tilted my head back and stared up at the ceiling—“these feelings.” I looked at Angie. “I’m trying to work through this without being an ass to everyone around me.”

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