LycanPrince (12 page)

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Authors: Anastasia Maltezos

Tags: #paranormal, romance, shapeshifter, werewolves, Lycans

BOOK: LycanPrince
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She gasped sharply, opening her eyes. His hand was on her mound, caressing her gently. Her breathing quickened and she turned and buried her face in his neck. She inhaled his male scent, squeezing her eyes as he continued his sensual exploration of the top of her mound.

Instinctively, she spread her legs. He dipped his hand further down and caressed her most intimate spot. Alex moaned, biting into her lower lip as an ache pulsated and grew in her limbs. His fingers slid over her moistness, circling, pulling, kneading, until he slipped one into her and she threw back her head and released a strangled gasp.

She closed over his finger and convulsed with spasms, digging her nails into his back, as racks and racks of ecstasy cascaded over her body. She felt spent as she waited for her exquisite spasms to subside. She couldn't believe what had just happened to her. It had been so sudden, like waves upon waves crashing over her, thrashing her back and forth in the ocean.

He withdrew his finger, slid his hand back up her body and cupped her breast. Then his mouth was on hers and she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him. He groaned deeply and she moaned as he moved and covered his body over hers. He brought a knee in between them and opened her legs. Instinctively, she spread them further and she felt his hard member press against her moist warmth. She knew what he was going to do and she braced herself knowing it would hurt for a brief moment.

He lifted his head and looked deeply into her eyes, his expression taut with desire. He found her entry and plunged himself deep inside her.

A blinding, hot flash pierced her as he stretched and filled her. She threw back her head and stifled a scream in her throat. She felt him stiffen violently and she looked up at his face.

He was staring at her with a possessive glint in his eyes.

"You have been with no other," he stated hoarsely.

All she could do was shake her head as she felt the pain subside.

"And you will never be with another," he said roughly, his expression a mixture of pride and desire.

She gasped as he began to move. At first, he withdrew and entered her slowly. Her body responded and she moved in harmony with him. He moved with more urgency and she met his moves as her body began to quiver and shake. She felt like she was soaring, higher and higher, to a point in the sky where she could find release.

All of a sudden, she splintered into a million pieces as wave upon wave of ecstasy fell over her and she screamed her climax for the second time that night.

Vasilis stiffened violently, threw back his head and roared his release as he spent his seed into her womb.

He lay silently over her, his hands braced on her sides so she didn't feel his full weight on her, their heavy breathing slowly subsiding. After a few moments, he turned on his side and with one arm under her, brought her close to him.

She closed her eyes and marvelled at all the sensations in her body. She was tingling all over and her heart swelled with feeling. This was love, she realised. It must have been if he was able to make her respond so intensely to his touch.

"Do you remember when you asked me why I wanted to marry you?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied softly.

He turned to her and looked into her eyes. "I love you, Alexandra. I have loved you from the first moment I saw you standing on that boulder pointing your arrow at me."

His declaration filled her with elation, staring at his ruthlessly handsome face. He loved her. She couldn't believe it.

"Say something," he continued, his tone hinting desperation. "Say anything. Tell me you'll be with me forever. Tell me you love me, too. Tell me I'm not crazy to think a beautiful woman like you could ever love a beast like me."

Slowly, she rose on her elbow and looked down at him. She brought her hand to the side of his face and stared at him with all the love she felt shining from her eyes. His expression lit with hope.

"I will be with you forever," she began slowly. "I love you. And you're

He brought his hands up and cupped her face, bringing her head down as he lifted his head from the bed.

"I love you," he murmured, trailing kisses all over her face. "God, how much I love you."

She slid her body over his and he growled appreciatively. He was aroused again and she gasped softly as he brought his hand between them and guided his member to her opening. His face darkened passionately and her stomach jolted at the look of desire on his face as he pushed his hard tip a bit past her opening.

Then, with a grim face, he slid his hands to her waist and lifted her over him, pushing her down hard on him, impaling her. Alex gasped loudly, throwing her head back, as a rush of intense heat coursed through her body. Instinctively, she closed her womb over him and watched him grimace in sheer pleasure.

"You're so deep," she whispered hoarsely.

He was gritting his teeth, his eyes hooded, his mouth tense, as he tightened his hold on her waist and lifted her slightly from his sex. He pushed her down and then repeated the process when she realised what he wanted her to do. She rose and fell over him, her pace rising in speed and he threw his head back on his pillow and squeezed his eyes, growling. Then his hands were on her breasts. She was moving faster, her hands on his chest and they both climaxed at the same time, leaving each other spent and sated.

She fell over him, gasping for air.

Chapter Eleven

Alex woke up to an empty bed, but she'd expected that. Last night, Vasilis had explained that on every full moon the castle was busy preparing for a possible attack.

She'd shown immediate concern, but he'd put her at ease, telling her they hadn't been attacked in over fifty years. The Lycans in the mountains knew the castle was well protected with a fleet of Lycan warriors.

She rose from the bed and dressed in the riding outfit Vasilis had had the maid fold neatly in one of the drawers. She frowned only for a fraction of a second, recalling last night when Vasilis had told her he didn't want her leaving the grounds without him. He was worried for nothing, she decided. She'd take her horse out for a short run this morning and then spend the day with Ariel. Besides, Vasilis was busy in the great hall with his father and his guards organizing their night when the full moon rose.

She was looking forward to riding her black steed. For over a week now, she'd been sitting in a wagon and she missed the freedom she felt when she was galloping on horseback.

Thirty minutes later, she was riding out into the fields, past the village below the mountain. The wind on her face and the sun on her back were calming her heightened senses. Since last night, she felt different. She couldn't explain it, but it was as though she heard and smelt everything.

Ridiculous, she scoffed inwardly, gripping the reins. There were many explanations for it and she opted to choose coincidence.

Alex frowned, pushing her thoughts away as the hair on the nape of her neck rose. Glancing sharply behind her, all she could see was the vast expanse of empty fields, but she was still tense. Why did she feel like someone was following her?

She galloped harder and faster, leaning forward on her horse when a curious tingling persisted on her back. She turned around again and gasped. She could see a black shadow far into the fields gaining incredible distance on her. She crouched over her steed and clicked her tongue as her horse raced ahead. At one point, she turned around and gasped. The black shadow was almost behind her. It was a massive black wolf. Alex screamed.

"Faster, boy. Faster," she urged her steed, but it was useless. The wolf was now racing at her side.

She glanced down and frowned. It looked familiar and this close to it, she was oddly unafraid. Was it Vasilis?

The wolf made a strange sound and she gasped. It was a curious mixture of a yelp and a howl. She looked back down at it and saw it snap its gaze to her. It made a curious motion with its head, almost as though it nodded and she brought her steed to a thunderous stop.

She dismounted as her heart raced in her chest. The wolf stopped and remained motionless before her, gazing at her with its amber eyes.

She then gasped as it transformed into the tall, muscular form of Vasilis. He was in his human form and very naked. Her heart flipped over in her breast. She ignored his clenched fists at his sides. He was angry.

"I forbade you to go riding alone," he practically roared. "Damnation, woman, do you not understand there are dangers everywhere."

"I'm…I'm sorry, but surely you can't be serious? What can possibly happen out here? Look around, there's nothing but fields upon fields."

He grimaced. "Did you not see how I gained speed on you?"

She worried her lower lip. He was right. He did move incredibly fast and any other Lycan with deadly intentions could have easily caught up to her.

"I'm sorry," she said in a small voice.

With a grim face, he reached for her and drew her in his arms, hugging her close. "Do you not realise what I would go through living the rest of my immortal existence without you? I would take silver to my own heart if that happened."

"I'm sorry," she repeated against his chest. He kissed her on the top of her head and she wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her body against his.

She felt him stiffen. She lifted her face and looked at him. "What is it?" She saw his expression darken with desire as his gaze skimmed her face. She raised her face and parted her lips invitingly.

With a strangled groan, he brought his head down and kissed her, his arms drawing her body close to his. Alex sighed against his mouth and pressed her lower body against his erection.

A low groan emitted from his throat and she opened her mouth as their tongues mingled and meshed. She could kiss him forever, she realised. In his arms was where she felt complete, whole and she never wanted to lose this feeling.

Startled, she felt him lowering her to the ground. She grasped him around his shoulders and looked up into his face. He was regarding her with a taut expression, his mouth thinned as though he was suppressing something violent at bay. She shivered in spite of the sun's heat and her warm riding skirt and closed her eyes. She trusted him. She loved him.

With a rough hand, she felt him raise her skirt to her waist and grab her undergarments, ripping them away from her silken folds and then touching her.

Alex gasped with pleasure.

"You are ready for me," he said huskily.

She didn't know what that meant and she didn't care. She spread her legs and squeezed her eyes, clutching his shoulders.

"Do it now," she said hoarsely.

Without another word, he positioned himself over her and plunged deep into her warmth. Her tight sheath accommodated his generous size and they moved together in unison.

His hands slid over her bottom and he crushed her to his heat. Alex was spiralling again, out of control, and she arched her neck, gasping for release.

Her body exploded with sheer pleasure a moment before he buried his head in her neck and growled his release.

They lay there for a few minutes, their laboured breaths recovering, when he slowly raised his head and stared down hard at her.

"Never leave the grounds without me again," he said hoarsely.

"I…I won't," she replied.

He rose, helping her up and fixed her skirt over her.

She stared at his naked magnificence and smiled. "Somehow, I don't think you should be parading all your male glory through the town."

His mouth quirked with dry amusement. "When I realised you went out riding, I followed you on horseback. I knew you were too far ahead and I was worried your safety so I left my horse just outside the village, along with my clothes."

She looked down at her riding attire. "I don't have anything to give you."

He shrugged. "No matter. I'll return as my wolf and dress when I return to our chambers. Come."

He shifted into his massive, black wolf form. Before she climbed her horse, she leaned over him and ran a hand over his thick black fur.

He threw back his head and howled just before he brought his mouth to her hand and licked it. She smiled, climbed on her horse and they rode back side-by-side.

Chapter Twelve

Alex saw Vasilis briefly in the courtyard later in the day when she took Ariel outside for some playtime. Her heart skipped a beat as she watched his impressive form adorned in warrior garb striding toward her, his expression intent.

He greeted Ariel with a smile before he turned a serious gaze on her. "I won't be coming to our chambers tonight."

"I know."

"Make sure you stay with Hesta and Carla in the bower tonight."

"I will."

"I will see you at sunrise."

Without another word, he grabbed her by her shoulders and kissed her.

She gazed up at him in a daze after he released her. "Be careful," she said.

A few hours later, she was back in the bower staring out of the window. The full moon would be up soon, she thought, looking up into the night sky. She would be lying to herself if she didn't admit she was worried. Even though Vasilis had said an attack was unlikely, she couldn't contain the nagging fear that nothing in life was certain.

She glanced over to Ariel who was sound asleep. Hesta had given her a mild sedative. All human children were on every full moon, Hesta had explained. The human and Lycan adults didn't want them to witness something they weren't ready for.

Trumpets blared throughout the castle and Alex jumped in fright. "What was that?" she asked, tossing a sharp glance at Hesta and Carla. They both looked shocked.

"The castle is under attack," Hesta whispered, her expression stunned.

Alex stiffened. "What? What do you mean?"

"Child, we haven't heard these trumpets in over fifty years."

Fear raced through her veins. "Vasilis told me an attack was improbable. He said the castle hasn't--"

"Calm yourself, child! We are prepared for this."

Alex snapped out of her dazed fear and ran to the chest by the dresser. Quickly, she lifted the massive lid and grabbed her weapons. She attached her sword on her belt, tucked her dagger in the waistband of her skirt and slung her harness over her shoulder. She turned around and gasped, watching Hesta and Carla shift into their Lycan forms.

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