Lyon's Bride: The Chattan Curse (9 page)

BOOK: Lyon's Bride: The Chattan Curse
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“Who is this Lady Yvette?” Lady Montvale asked Thea. “Is she a threat? And who else did you invite?”

Thea dodged her curiosity about Lady Yvette with some mumbled comment. She knew Mirabel had just made the name up. As to her other question, it was answered as Lady Lila and her father Lord Corkindale arrived. Within the space of forty minutes, the foyer was a scene of comings and goings. Mrs. Pomfrey and her family were the next to arrive. She barely spoke to her good friend Lady Montvale, a sign the competition between them to bring their daughters to the attention of Lord Lyon was going to be cutthroat.

Two other young women arrived with their parents. Lady Jane Birdinger and Lady Sophie Carpsley were from well-respected families and very much of the same spoiled, indolent ilk as the other women.

In fact, Lady Lila stood out because she came across as bolder and more athletic than her peers.

“Lady Palmer, I must have a rose petal bath prepared every morning,” Lady Montvale informed her. “The petals are necessary for my skin.”

“I must have chocolate in the morning,” Mrs. Pomfrey announced. “And my husband only eats beef. No fish, no fowl, no pork.”

“What time are we hunting on the morrow?” Lady Lila wanted to know.

“I must have a horse for the morrow,” Lady Sophie informed them. “Mine has taken lame. Will someone bring horses up here for me to give a look over?”

So many questions. So many demands. Thea felt as if she was juggling a hundred expectations thrown at her all at once.

All the chatter came to a sudden halt.

Thea felt a sudden awareness tickle the back of her neck. She turned from listening to Mr. Pomfrey’s complaints about the poor quality of the roads to see Neal standing on the stairs. He’d changed into dinner dress and cut quite a handsome figure in his elegant black.

Smiles replaced frowns.

Even on Thea’s face. And she found herself wishing Mirabel’s theory was correct, that there could be something more between them. Here was a man she could respect. Calm, confident . . . kind.

For the briefest moment, their gazes met. She looked away first. She had to, partly out of an awareness of how many eyes were watching his every move and partly because she felt vulnerable around him. Neal could slip past her guard and find his way to her heart.

But he
to marry someone else. He was
to do so.

And what if Neal was attracted to her with the same intensity she was feeling toward him? This horde would tar and feather her. They’d come here expecting Lyon to choose one of their daughters as his lady and, by George, Thea had better deliver.

Having him throw their girls over for the matchmaker would be very bad form.

Neal came down the stairs to welcome everyone and be introduced to those he didn’t know. The young women Thea had thought rather difficult and selfish suddenly became the most pliant of souls. Even Lady Lila toned down her strong personality.

Of course, Neal said all the right things. What had seemed impossible moments ago, the meeting of all the demands and expectations of the recently arrived guests, disappeared effortlessly in his skilled hands.

Mirabel personally escorted the people she dearly wanted to impress, the Montvales and the Pomfreys, to their rooms, and Thea guided the others.

Lady Lila was the last one Thea directed to her room. Her room was next door to her father’s. She looked inside at the blue and green furnishings and gave a dismissive sniff. Thea attempted to not be offended for Mirabel.

“Where is Lord Lyon’s room?” Lady Lila asked.

“In the other hall,” Thea said. “Will you be needing anything else?”

in the other hall?” Lady Lila persisted.

Thea knew where his room was, but she didn’t think it was proper for a young unmarried woman to be making such inquiries.

“Around the corner,” she said, putting a firm note on her words. “We’ll see you in an hour for dinner—”

“Mrs. Martin, when I ask a question, I’m accustomed to people answering it.” Lady Lila dropped her voice, leaning close to Thea. “I intend to marry Lord Lyon. I’ve been waiting for a man like him. You would be wise to help me.”

Thea leaned forward, dropping her voice to say sweetly, “I am helping you, but you would be wise not to threaten me.”

She assumed the girl would back away. Instead, Lady Lila smiled, an expression that did not reach her eyes. “I do whatever I desire.” She then shut the door in Thea’s face.

Thea stared at the wood paneled door and decided right then and there that Neal would not choose Lady Lila.

Who was she to think everyone would jump to her bidding? Well, she’d just met her match.

It took Thea barely ten minutes to dress for dinner. She wore a simple lavender muslin with a demure lace neckline. She liked lavender. It reminded people that she was a widow and gave her an air of respectability that her relatively young age lacked.

When she went downstairs, she found Neal in the sitting room, lounging by the window reading a paper and enjoying a drink. When she entered the room he set the paper aside and rose to his feet.

If he was as interested in her as Mirabel claimed, she didn’t see it. He seemed friendly and cordial, his usual self.

“Well,” she said coming up to him, “what do you think of your prospects?” She took a seat in the chair next to his.

“They are all lovely young women,” he replied, returning to his chair.

“Some not so young. Lady Lila is five and twenty.” Thea had to point that out.

He nodded, took a sip of his drink. “The age of my sister,” he said. Thea wanted to groan, because he said it as if Lady Lila’s age was a credit to her chances.

“Sir James will be arriving on the morrow,” he told her.

“Sir James? I didn’t know he was coming,” Thea said.

“I’m surprised Lady Palmer didn’t tell you. He was supposed to ride with me today, but unfortunately business kept him in London.”

“It will be a pleasure to see him again,” Thea said.

There was a beat of long, uncomfortable silence. She realized an easiness with him was gone, banished by a budding sense of regret.

Perhaps she had been wrong in her thinking. She’d said she’d felt nothing but friendship that summer years ago, and yet his defecting without a reason had stayed with her. He’d hurt her more than if what she’d felt had been friendship alone.

The awkward silence was broken by the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Pomfrey and their daughter, Miss Susanne. Thea had no need to talk as they monopolized Neal.

Very shortly, Lord and Lady Montvale and their daughter joined the group. Lady Montvale was not happy to see the Pomfreys there but didn’t hesitate to elbow the Pomfreys aside.

Mirabel came up beside Thea. “Did you notice the elbow? Interesting how quickly friendship dies.”

“Imagine how it will be if he chooses one over the other,” Thea said.

“All I know is that when I return to London, I shall dine for a week on stories of hosting Vanessa Montvale and Sarah Pomfrey. My tale will be all the more delicious because of this little feud.” She smiled at Thea and then raised her voice. “Come, everyone, dinner is served. Lord Lyon, will you escort me to the table?”

“I would be honored, my lady.”

Mirabel’s chef had prepared an excellent repast of pheasant, venison, and numerous side dishes. There was one hastily cooked beef dish. Wine and cider flowed freely.

After dinner they all returned to the sitting room, where each young woman had the opportunity to show off her talents. Lady Cynthia did indeed have a lovely voice. Miss Susanne entertained them with a complicated piece for the pianoforte, Neal sitting beside her on the bench turning pages.

But the others sang and played instruments as well. Lady Lila had even brought her own violin and walked over to Neal as she played it. She stood in front of him, the music a mournful piece, which she turned into a lively jig.

If this had been another gathering, there might have been dancing, but since each young woman was in competition with the other, the atmosphere was rather tense.

Thea kept an eye on Neal. She told herself it was important she gauge his reaction to each candidate.

She also had a personal interest. She found herself hoping he chose exactly the wrong woman. Then she could label him as shallow, which would put a dent in the noble armor he wore in her mind.

For his part, Neal complimented everyone and managed to spend a few minutes of private conversation with each girl. However, he appeared happy when Mirabel announced that, with the hunt tomorrow, it would be an early day and perhaps they should all retire.

There was a comical moment when not one girl wished to leave before Neal and the others did. They all hovered around him. He was too polite to just leave, so it was up to Thea to extract him from the group. Everyone followed them up the stairs for the night.

Before he turned the corner to go to his room, Neal managed to place himself beside Thea. “This is harder than I thought it would be.”

“That was my wish,” she said brittlely. Yes, the girls were lovely and had impeccable bloodlines and connections—but their characters were sorely lacking. He must see that? Mustn’t he?

He glanced around. The two of them were at the crossway of the two halls. The fathers had gone immediately into their rooms. Their wives and daughters lingered by their doorways. A few of the girls even gave Neal little waves good night.

“And you have chosen well,” he whispered, conscious that they were being watched. “I don’t think I could fall in love with any of them. Thank you, Thea.”

He didn’t say those words happily, and Thea felt a great weight settle on her shoulders. He was pleased. “You are welcome, my lord.”

He nodded and went to his room. Thea watched him open his door and disappear inside, a hollow feeling inside her. Always before, she’d felt good about putting two people together, but not this time. Neal was making a mistake wanting to marry one of these women. She knew it.

And she also felt strangely deflated.

So she took her heart and closed it off.

hea went on the hunt with those who wished to go. It was exhilarating to be on a horse again. She’d practically grown up on them but, of course, had not been riding in years.

Lady Lila truly was an outstanding horsewoman and kept up with Neal the whole way. But it was Lady Sophie with whom he spent a good deal of time. The two of them rode back to Bennington Abbey together and seemed to be enjoying their conversation.

Thea didn’t know who was the more jealous—Lady Lila or herself.

Neal’s face was relaxed, and Lady Sophie laughed with giddy pleasure. Thea knew he’d wanted a woman he could not love, but did that mean he’d wanted a ninny-headed one?

Nor did he and Lady Sophie part company when they returned to the house, even upon discovering Sir James had arrived. Of course, the lawyer could easily take care of himself. He knew most of the other guests and fit right into their company.

“Lyon is showing a decided preference,” Mirabel whispered in passing after dinner. “I would not have thought it. I spoke to Lady Sophie this morning over breakfast. She is not bright.”

“She’s kind,” Thea said.

“Damp praise,” Mirabel murmured.

Thea looked at her. “Do you mean ‘faint’ praise?”

A secret smile came to her friend’s lips. “That, too.” She leaned close. “Of course it shouldn’t matter to you.”

Did Mirabel see she was jealous?
“It doesn’t.”

“Of course not,” Mirabel agreed smoothly. “That’s why you scowl every time you look in their direction.”

Thea’s immediate reaction was to school her features into a smile. She even lifted a hand to her forehead as if in thought, when in truth she wanted to be certain she didn’t have a frown line.

Mirabel chuckled. “Don’t worry. You are not the only one. We have a host of disgruntled women here.” She floated away to see to her guests.

Thea crossed her arms. Mirabel was wrong. She didn’t give a care whom Neal chose.

Still, it wasn’t easy to watch Neal and Lady Sophie with their heads together over a game of cards after dinner. A part of Thea wanted to chide him over not paying more attention to the others. It seemed her responsibility. Then again, if she did approach him, would he think her jealous?

She stayed on her side of the room.

Lord Corkindale came up to her side. “My daughter is disappointed. She had thought there was a connection between herself and his lordship this afternoon.”

“There was,” Thea agreed. “She is a remarkable rider. Unfortunately, I have no control over whom Lord Lyon favors.” If she had, she would have pulled him away from Lady Sophie by now.

“She came here to win him,” Lord Corkindale answered. “Make no mistake of it. She will claim him.”

“I wish her happy hunting,” Thea replied, a comment that did not satisfy his lordship. He went off to repeat to his daughter what she’d said.

And Lord Corkindale wasn’t the only concerned parent. After Thea had dismissed her maid but before she could climb into her bed, she was visited by Lady Montvale
Mrs. Pomfrey. They knocked on her door together. Apparently, the threat of Lady Sophie had restored their friendship. Their concerns were very much along the lines of Lord Corkindale’s, and again, Thea had little help she could offer. “Lord Lyon is free to make his own decision.”

“But you must have
influence,” Mrs. Pomfrey insisted.

“When have you ever heard of the Lyon being easily influenced?” Thea said.

Annoyed with her response, the women left the room, their furious whispers of grievances following them out the door.

Thea sat on her bed with a sigh. Why had she ever agreed to this house party plan? It had been successful in the past, but this time, the stakes were too high. She’d never do it again. It was too stressful for all involved—except Neal.

She lay down with a yawn, but sleep eluded her. Sooner or later Neal should or
ask her opinion. And what would she say to him?

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