Lyon's Pride (40 page)

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Authors: Anne McCaffrey

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The few Human captains and commanders who had not followed all his impassioned speech were quickly given its gist. Even Shepherd looked approving. Spktm bowed to Thian from its mid-section with great dignity and resumed its chair, thus acknowledging Thian's points.

Hey, bro, good points!

Thian, you're marvelous
, came Alison Anne's comment.

I'm with you, Lyon
, was Kloo's enthusiastic acknowledgment.

This is
to be a high-level top-secret strategy meeting but, Kloo, kiss that ensign of yours who had the wits to compare astronomical tapes!

Not quite. I'll leave that for you…or Rojer!

Ashiant rose and banged the gavel to restore order.

“I observe that most of us here are in accord with Prime Lyon's excellent suggestions, although I'm sure he'll be the first to admit that we haven't solved
the tactical problems facing us. But our priorities are now clearly defined. Yngocelen, figure out what sort of payload would be needed to destroy a sphere if 'ported into the engine room?”

“I'd need a few details but, considering the fuel Hive
ships use, a rather compact package of the right stuff would set off a fuel reaction nothing could stop.” The gunnery officer was unable to stop grinning at such a satisfactory prospect.

“Do we have the requisite components on board?”

“Sir, I believe we do.”

“That's all well. Our Talents need to reserve their energies for exportation rather than importations.” Ashiant's little witticism took a moment to sink in but Rojer caught it and gave a laugh which he tried to smother behind both hands. A few more chuckles allowed Ashiant to grin in response. “So, I've preempted the
for my scout crew; you gentlemen had best decide on how to man the other five scouts the
carries so we can implement the next task on our list—finding the damned star now we know what its spectrum is.”

Thian took that opportunity to lean towards Ashiant.

“Sir, if I may excuse myself briefly to inform Captain Soligen of the diy…”

“The diy, Prime?”

“Yes, sir, the destroy-it-yourself…. Captain Soligen will be very anxious to deal with those three Spheres as soon as possible…and she should. Who knows how many more we'll have to deal with! She's got the Talent to get the…ah…exportations…”

A flicker of a smile crossed Ashiant's face. “By all means, inform her of the strategy, Prime. And also inform Earth Prime. Some of those anxious boots back in Alliance territory can take the byte and use it themselves to good advantage.”

“I'll ask about communications, too, sir.”

Ashiant flicked his hand to speed Thian on his message round.

Stay, Rojer, Clancy, and keep our end up!

*   *   *

Thian made contact with Flavia on the

Didn't Rojer give you the course headings? We'll let you know the moment they alter
, Flavia began, somewhat startled to have two contacts in such a brief time.

No, we got that and the ones you're chasing are on the same heading Number Three is. However, I've got good news. Can you get Captain Soligen in with you so you can voice to her what I'm about to say? She can think up her questions as we go along

She happens to be in here right now, Thian, so go ahead

Flavia, you know how a
ploy works? Well, we've got a variant to try on the Spheres fore and aft of you. Are the ones you're pursuing very far ahead?

No, and Vesta's closing the gap daily. I once thought Klml was trigger-happy, but sight of two strong ion trails have altered not only Hptml until its poll eye's gone fuchsia, but Captains Steverice and Hsiang are nearly as blood-thirsty. They want those Spheres worse than Klml wanted the one it got. And I'll bet that's one bad-tempered 'Dini on Clarf, thinking of what it's missing here. So what's this variant on the

When Thian had explained, he could hear her startled exclamation—and possibly an echo from Captain Soligen. And the relief that flooded her mind. She'd been trying to sound so cool and composed. Now he realized that she'd been as scared as he had been until he figured out the advantage Talent was giving both elements of the Fleet. Indeed, the entire Alliance.

What did you just say to Flavia, Thian?
Zara demanded.
She's sounding like she's in pain but she's grinning as if you proposed or something

I didn't propose marriage, little sister, but listen

By the time he had explained the stratagem, her mind was focusing tight on his words.

Thian, that's marvelous news
, Flavia said.
You can't hear how everyone is cheering

Now, let's not celebrate prematurely. I don't want anyone
we've got the upper hand

What else would you call it, Thian?
Flavia demanded.
We've skills they don't have and never will have, given their mind set

There's still the scouts to contend with, and who knows how many other Sphere ships will come on course. And the Hivers do communicate together on some level

What good would that do us, Thian?
Flavia replied.
None of us know what medium they use for communication

The queen made sounds
, Zara said, an odd note in her mental tone.
There were tapes and tapes made of her clicks and stutters and glottal stops. I know I'm in a minority, but I still feel sorry for that one and I'm not ashamed of myself for it

Nor should you be ashamed of a genuine act of empathic kindness
, Thian replied firmly, sensing Zara's curious ambivalence. She had, after all, saved the queen once without ever understanding how she knew why she felt so compelled to act.
Did anyone ever make any sense out of those sounds, Zara?
Thian asked kindly.

, Zara admitted in a melancholic tone, then more briskly:
Have any of you bright boys figured out the frequency on which they communicate?

Thian chuckled.
I'll bet they're swarming the Refugee right now trying to figure that out. Probably going over the one Klml brought back to Clarf. Look, I've got to tell Granddad all this, and get him off the hook, with the Alliance in a state of utter panic. One of us will get back to
you as soon as Commander Yngocelen's figured out the specifications of the surprise package

You know, it's so strange how things work out, Thian
, Flavia said.
If we hadn't worked on the Refugee, we'd never be able to do what we are about to do

Though Thian felt the same reverent awe that she expressed, he could never have stated it. He was glad that she could.

And if Rojer hadn't been forced aboard the Xh-33, we'd not have had a useful strategy
, Thian added.

Oh, someone would have thought of something else

Well, there're more minds to merge this time round

By the Cluster, Thian, against how many Spheres?
Flavia sounded aghast at that prospect.
It's just as well there're more sensible alternatives available!

She broke off contact then and her final indignant remark left him chuckling. He wasn't chuckling by the time his grandfather, very much Earth Prime throughout the lengthy interview, had winkled every scrap of all the conversations Thian had overheard in the
's ready room, and had Thian repeat his reply to Spktm—rhetoric which made Thian squirm on the couch as he recited it. Verbatim it sounded more pompous and impassioned than it had when the phrases and ideas had just formed in his mind and issued from his mouth.

Then there was that long pause before Jeff spoke again, more Granddad than Prime.

I concur with Flavia, Thian lad. There has been a remarkable inevitability, starting at Deneb years ago, that leads inexorably to this confrontation. Perhaps the Hivers had had warnings as far back as Deneb that their sun would turn nova. You may be sure the High Council will be relieved to hear of this turn of events. Not to mention every other frightened citizen of this Alliance. And grateful
to you and that young astronomer…what was his name? You didn't mention it

name is Cyra Charteris

Thank you. If Ashiant doesn't give her a field promotion, she'll get official word of one very soon. So get on with the workings and keep me up to speed. Or let Clancy make the contact if it's just information. Spare yourself as much as possible. You're in the catbird seat out there, boy. How do you like it?

No more than you ever did, sir. But I'm here

And I…am here for you, Thian

*   *   *

Thian never knew until much later who decided the deployment of the
scouts, but the three Talents, with a little help from three T-2s brought into the ready room for this mass 'portation, got the six scouts into their assigned positions.

None of the Talents liked using Number Three as the reference point—they all caught the heavy sting-pzzt—but they got the scouts safely past that obstacle without alerting the Sphere to their passage.

Yngocelen had the help of every other munitions expert in the Fleet. Late that night, when he came to the Tower ready room so he could be present while Thian passed the requisite instructions to Captain Soligen, he told the Talents that it took more time to hear everyone's theories than it did to make up sufficient “surprise packages.”

“We made a lot more than I hope we'll ever need,” Yngocelen said, shrugging his bony shoulders and grinning. “But hell, once we got started, we kinda just continued. They're compact, handy little mothers!” He grinned again and then yawned.

“Don't do that,” Thian said, answering yawn with yawn as he slipped onto the couch.

Oh I'm so glad to hear from you, Thian
, Flavia said.
We've got three behind us unless our sensors are seeing triple

Don't fret. Is Captain Soligen nearby? And your gunnery officer?

I called Rhodri. He can take down the information and save you more effort. You're tired

Never mind. Link with Rhodri so he can ask any relevant questions. Here's the way Yngocelen's made the surprise package

Hey, coz
, came the unmistakable tones of Rhodri Eagle,
that is one neat little dealie. We've got everything on board, too. Ah, Captain just arrived. I'll see if she has any queries

Oh, Thian
, will
this work?
Flavia was trying very hard to maintain her usual composure.

These men know what they're doing with explosives. And we know how to deliver. Remember where there're all those connecting pipes in Refugee's engine room, Flavia?

Yes, yes, I do

That's where you plant it. Detonation can be set just before you 'port it. Yngie suggests no more than five seconds because it just might be noticed. They see better in the dark than we do

I've got that. Captain Soligen sends you her most profound thanks and Lieutenant Commander Searles says it's neat, easily assembled, and he's just left to do it. Vesta says she's going to do the ones behind us first. She says it makes her nervous having those things rolling up our backsides

I'd agree. Clancy's taking the first watch so let him know what happens

There was a brief pause when Thian knew that Flavia had not yet broken the contact.

Good luck, Thian Lyon!

Good luck right back at you, Flavia Bastianmajani! And give Rhodri a chance to help 'port. He'll never stop bragging but that'd be better than his complaining he was left out

I had actually decided to bring him in on it.
Flavia's mental tone held a ripple of amusement.

*   *   *

While Thian slept, curled around Alison Anne, with Mur and Dip snuggled against his back, he had good dreams. And while he slept, Flavia, with assists from Rhodri and her brother—Zara flatly refused to have anything to do with the 'portations—delivered the packages.

“She said,” Clancy reported to Thian over breakfast, “that everyone joined the countdowns and saw the distant bursts that marked the destruction. Captain Soligen reports all four Spheres removed and she's running at top speed to join us. Flavia said that Earth Prime was delighted.” He waited a beat, ducking his head, his expression full of chagrin. “I thought we should have waited until you were awake and could do the honors. Rojer spoke out, too, but once Yngie had assembled the bombs, Spktm couldn't wait to see if they'd work, so Captain Ashiant ordered us to despatch 'em.”

“What're you looking like that for, then, coz? You didn't muff the job, did you?”

“Hell, no!” Clancy said on a nervous laugh,
but I really think it was totally unfair for you not to be able to plant one

Thian gave Clancy an affectionate clout on the shoulder. “So long as you left Number Three for me…” and he fixed his cousin with a stern stare.

Clancy raised his hands and recoiled slightly at the thought of such perfidy.

“Okay, then! Relax. So long as Number Three's

“Only because Captain Ashiant wants to be
said Rojer, joining them then, “it leads us to the right star.”

“'Twinkle, twinkle, little star / Tell me, please, which one you are!'” Clancy said, grinning with devilment.

The two Primes groaned in unison.

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