Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish (34 page)

Read Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish Online

Authors: Margarita Madrigal

Tags: #Reference, #Language Arts & Disciplines

BOOK: Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish
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ow that you have completed eleven lessons this is a good place to pause and see what you have learned. The following test is chosen from the categories of words that you should know at this point. Let’s see how well you have learned them.


Fill in the blanks with the Spanish equivalents of the following English words. You should be able to complete this test in fifteen minutes.

  1. the actor ________________________
  2. natural ________________________
  3. the president ________________________
  4. the favor ________________________
  5. elastic ________________________
  6. probable ________________________
  7. the restaurant ________________________
  8. artistic ________________________
  9. the cable ________________________
  10. superior ________________________
  11. the doctor ________________________
  12. important ________________________
  13. urgent ________________________
  14. the client ________________________
  15. personal ________________________
  16. the license ________________________
  17. the aspirin ________________________
  18. descriptive ________________________
  19. curiosity ________________________
  20. the situation ________________________
  21. delicious ________________________
  22. flexible ________________________
  23. the agency ________________________
  24. attractive ________________________
  25. the sardine ________________________
  26. terrible ________________________
  27. the dentist ________________________
  28. generous ________________________
  29. the invitation ________________________
  30. insignificant ________________________
  31. the optimist ________________________
  32. famous ________________________
  33. the action ________________________
  34. the pianist ________________________
  35. meticulous ________________________
  36. the university ________________________
  37. the tractor ________________________
  38. prosperity ________________________
  39. the telegram ________________________
  40. the production ________________________
  41. the distance ________________________
  42. the medicine ________________________
  43. television ________________________
  44. the coincidence ________________________
  45. active ________________________
  46. electricity ________________________
  47. the recommendation ________________________
  48. excellent ________________________
  49. the responsibility ________________________
  50. the tendency ________________________

That was a fair test. Each word illustrated something you have learned by now if you have read the lessons seriously.

Now check your words with the correct answers below. If you have made no more than six errors you are doing superior work. Continue to read the lessons as carefully as you have before.

If you have not written more than twenty-five words correctly, you are only hitting the high spots. I suggest that you review the categories before you go on to the next lesson.

  1. el actor
  2. natural
  3. el presidente
  4. el favor
  5. elástico
  6. probable
  7. el restaurante
  8. artístico
  9. el cable
  10. superior
  11. el doctor
  12. importante
  13. urgente
  14. el cliente
  15. personal
  16. la licencia
  17. la aspirina
  18. descriptivo
  19. curiosidad
  20. la situación
  21. delicioso
  22. flexible
  23. la agencia
  24. atractivo
  25. la sardina
  26. terrible
  27. el dentista
  28. generoso
  29. la invitación
  30. insignificante
  31. el optimista
  32. famoso
  33. la acción
  34. el pianista
  35. meticuloso
  36. la universidad
  37. el tractor
  38. prosperidad
  39. el telegrama
  40. la producción
  41. la distancia
  42. la medicina
  43. televisión
  44. la coincidencia
  45. activo
  46. electricidad
  47. la recomendación
  48. excelente
  49. la responsabilidad
  50. la tendencia

This test will show you how well you have learned the verbs. Fill in the blanks with the Spanish equivalents of the following English words. You should be able to complete this test in ten minutes.

  1. I prepared. ________________________
  2. Did you take? ________________________
  3. I didn’t invite. ________________________
  4. I visited. ________________________
  5. I talked. ________________________
  6. Did you talk? ________________________
  7. Robert talked. ________________________
  8. I bought. ________________________
  9. Did you buy? ________________________
  10. I’m going to invite. ________________________
  11. Are you going to visit? ________________________
  12. I’m going to Cuba. ________________________
  13. I didn’t prepare. ________________________
  14. I invited. ________________________
  15. Robert visited. ________________________
  16. Are you going to buy? ________________________
  17. I’m going to take. ________________________
  18. I’m going to talk. ________________________
  19. Are you going to talk? ________________________
  20. I’m going to study. ________________________

This test is not easy. If you have 15 or more correct answers your work is superior. If you have less than 10 correct answers you should review the verbs before you go on to the next lesson.

Check your verbs with the correct answers below.

  1. Preparé.
  2. ¿ Tomó usted?
  3. No invité.
  4. Visité.
  5. Hablé.
  6. ¿ Habló usted?
  7. Roberto habló.
  8. Compré.
  9. ¿ Compró usted?
  10. Voy a invitar.
  11. ¿ Va a visitar?
  12. Voy a Cuba.
  13. No preparé.
  14. Invité.
  15. Roberto visitó.
  16. ¿ Va a comprar?
  17. Voy a tomar.
  18. Voy a hablar.
  19. ¿ Va a hablar?
  20. Voy a estudiar.

The following test will show you how well you can understand Spanish sentences written on the subjects you have learned. Write the English equivalents of the following Spanish sentences. You should be able to complete this test in ten minutes.

  1. Es importante.
  2. El programa es muy interesante.
  3. Preparé la lección esta mañana.
  4. Tomé la cena con Roberto anoche.
  5. María habló por teléfono.
  6. Hablé de México en la clase.
  7. ¿ Copió usted la composición?
  8. Mi papá estacionó el auto.
  9. ¿ Quién habló por teléfono esta mañana?
  10. ¿ Quién entró?
  11. El paciente preocupó al doctor.
  12. ¿ Cómo está usted?
  13. Compré una blusa esta mañana.
  14. ¿ Qué compró Alicia esta tarde?
  15. ¿ Cuándo compró usted la casa?
  16. ¿ Dónde está mi sombrero?
  17. ¿ Va a estar en Cuba mañana?
  18. Voy al cine esta noche.
  19. Voy a tomar la cena en el tren.
  20. ¿ Quién va a comprar los boletos?

This was an easy test. If you have eighteen or more correct answers you are doing superior work. If you have less than twelve correct answers you are not reading the lessons carefully enough. Try to do better on the next lessons.

Check your sentences with the correct translations below.

  1. It’s important.
  2. The program is very interesting.
  3. I prepared the lesson this morning.
  4. I had dinner with Robert last night.
  5. Mary called up.
  6. I talked about Mexico in the class.
  7. Did you copy the composition?
  8. My father parked the car (auto).
  9. Who called up this morning?
  10. Who came in? (Who went in?)
  11. The patient worried the doctor.
  12. How are you?
  13. I bought a blouse this morning.
  14. What did Alice buy this afternoon?
  15. When did you buy the house?
  16. Where is my hat?
  17. Are you going to be in Cuba tomorrow? (Is he, she going to be in Cuba tomorrow?)
  18. I’m going to the movies tonight.
  19. I’m going to have dinner on the train.
  20. Who is going to buy the tickets?

la fábrica

a a comprar” is a third man form and means:

you are going to buy
are you going to buy?
he is going to buy
is he going to buy?
she is going to buy
is she going to buy?

In fact, it refers to anybody (singular) in the world except yourself.

When pupils reach this point they often ask, “How do you know who’s going to buy, if it can mean so many different persons?” The answer is that people always know the subject of their conversation. If they are talking about Charles, it obviously means that Charles is going to buy. If they are talking about Mary, it means that Mary is going to buy, and so on.

In Spanish you always establish the subject of conversation and continue to talk in the third man form indefinitely. Everyone knows that if you are talking about Charles, everything you say is about Charles, although you don’t mention him again. Then,
when you want to change the subject, you mention somebody else. For example, “Is Mary going to San Francisco too?” This starts a whole conversation about Mary.

One day, one of my pupils asked a Mexican visitor, “How do you know what you’re talking about?” The Mexican smiled and answered, “Señorita, Mexicans always know what they’re talking about, don’t Americans?”

  1. ¿ Va a comprar la casa?
    Are you going to buy the house?
  2. ¿ Va a comprar la casa su papá?
    Is your father going to buy the house?

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