MageLife (34 page)

Read MageLife Online

Authors: P. Tempest

BOOK: MageLife
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The server brought them over to the table and seated them before hurrying off.

“Sorry we took so long but we had to fix Sophia’s face.”

I looked at Sophia, she turned her head so I could see.

Her bruise was gone or hidden, I couldn't tell which. I gave her my very best smile to hide the anger I felt welling up.

She should never have been hurt. I'm a failure, my thoughts taunted me.

Lyphia laid a hand on my arm and lent into me.

“Let it go Tristan,” she whispered.

“We should order now that everyone is here,” I said.

“Yes I'm starving,” Sophia said.

Airis said nothing, his own eyes rested on the side of Sophia’s face.

“What do I have a smudge or something?” Sophia said to Airis, her hand came up to rub at her face.

“Don't. You don't want to smear the makeup,” Lyphia said

Sophia froze in mid motion. “Is there something wrong with my face? Airis keeps looking at me. You said I was pretty.” she turned to Lyphia.

“There is nothing wrong with your face Sophia. Tristan back me up here.” Lyphia said.

“There is nothing wrong with your face.” I echoed dutifully. Which earned me a little jab in the ribs. I grinned at the girls.

“Men” Lyphia said while rolling her eyes at Sophia.

“I'm sorry Sophia you look nice,” Airis said then looked down at the table.

“Thank you Airis,” Sophia said smiling widely at him.

I raised my arm to call a server over.

“Yes sir, what can I get you?”

I looked over the others at my table, my family in a way.

“Could we have the specials all round please, and some drinks? Tristan, hey Tristan.”

I felt a nudge.

“Oww, what?”

“You drifted off again. Please focus. The young man here needs to know what you would like to drink.”

“I'm sorry, could I have a glass of the house white wine please?”

“I will have the same, just the one though. Kids?”

“Can we have wine?” Sophia asked looking at me.

I looked at Lyphia. She nodded after a moment’s consideration.

“Half wine, half juice please. We can’t have them missing the show.”

“We can do that. I will be back in a moment with your drinks, your meals won't be long either” the server said, before diving back into the crowd.

“Thank you,” Sophia said. She turned to Airis and started animatedly telling of her war wound and her makeover in a hushed voice.

“You knew about the show?” I asked Lyphia.

“I did, I thought it would take everyone's mind off things,” she said.

“You are a genius.”

“I know,” she smiled broadly at that. Her hand came to rest on mine on the table. She looked me deeply in the eyes. “Stop shaking, I'm not going anywhere. We are going to have a nice night together. The four of us. Then just the two of us.” her gaze sparkled at that.

I found myself chuckling. Her hand tightened on mine. I hadn't even realized I’d been trembling.

I gripped it back.

Our drinks arrived.

The server said, “Your meal will come next. The show is just about to start so if you could keep the talking to a minimum please.” He passed our drinks to us, then hurried off as the lighting began to dim.

Sophia nearly jumped out of her seat in excitement, a small squeak escaped her.

“Shush,” I whispered.


Our table was right on the edge of the ‘stage’. It was the only part of the room lit. We could see the once empty chairs now had people in. Two men and two women all in their mid-twenties bar one an older man in his late forties, they sat perfectly still with their hands clasped in their laps around foci. Small wands, they looked specially made. Very complex glyphs engraved down the sides.

The older man spoke. His voice was deep and clear, not loud but I was certain everyone in the room could hear it.

“Tonight we will be telling the tale of the elemental child.”

I recalled bits of the story and that I’d wanted to get a copy for Sophia, she reminded me of the story. I leant forward in my chair and raised my glass to my lips. The wine was lightly chilled and tart, the alcohol sharp on my tongue.

Small glimmers of light danced around the foci as each player started channelling their magic through them. Ghostly images formed in the stage area, pictures of a forest. Trees grew up from the sanded floor, which had shifted to look like a deeply shadowed glade deep in the woods. A rounded pool took shape in the centre, the dappled light cast strange shadows on the depths. The air in the room stirred, and the audience grew quieter. The focus on the unfolding scene was almost palpable. Faint sounds reached my ears, the creak of branches, the lapping of the water against the stone edge of the poor. Snow started to fall from a cloud over the stage, fat flake drifted to coat the trees, the pool froze with a loud crackling. Waves of cold radiated so strongly I felt goose bumps ripple across my skin. The trees continued to grow as did the thickness of the snow. The scene before us now looked like a winter forest.

“Deep in the winter woods by a frozen pool, there was a child.” the older man's voice echoed through the faint sounds of the scene.

In the centre of the glade a tiny flame sprung into existence. It slowly grew into a small person. Shifting from flame to something else, almost solid. The girl because that’s what it clearly was. She had red hair and pale skin, like Sophia.

She started to dance

“Another child had gotten lost in the woods, the sudden snow had confused her, and she stumbled into the glade.”

From the tree line came a small dark figure wrapped in furs, the effort of moving through the snow filled woods evident in its every motion.

The flame girl danced around the pool, slow measured steps, in her wake the snow melted. Each step sending out tiny flares of heat. She didn't notice the shadow of a person on the edge of the glade.

The shadow child fell into the centre of the glade just as the fire child had completed the first circuit round the pool. Still the flame child didn't notice.

A loud crack sounded through the room. I jumped. From the titters of nervous laughter I wasn't the only one. Sophia and Airis were enchanted with the scene before them. Lyphia held on tightly to my hand, a faint smile on her face as she watched.

The ice in the pool shattered and still the fire child danced.

“The shadow child bathed in the warmth after so long lost in the cold it felt like coming home.”

The shadow child stripped off her heavy furs, a glove dropped onto the freshly revealed grass followed by another. Her thick coat fell to land with her gloves. Revealing the face of the shadow. Young and clear skinned, her pale blond hair a tangled mess. She was young girl, her lips were chapped, and she shivered.

I felt myself shiver in response.

The fire child leaped over the pool, flickers of flame swelled around her fast moving form, the rushed out in a bright wash of colours. Steam obscured the images in a billowing cloud that filled the room.

“The elemental child, saw the shadow girl and stopped her dance.”

When the steam cleared, the glade looked as if spring had returned. Buds of greenery had grown on the trees, small wild flowers dotted the grass.

The elemental child stood to the edge of the pool looking at the blond shadow child, a confused mix of curiosity and puzzlement on her tiny face.

The shadow child, had her mouth open in wonder, her large blue eye wide as she gazed upon the glade.

The red haired girl stepped lightly forwards like a cat investigating the new thing in her presence.

The shadow girl fell back, she landed on her back in the thick grass.

“The elemental child was curious, for she had never seen another before.”

The flame haired girl leant over the fallen girl. She peered intently at the girl’s hair before reaching out and touching it.

The shadow girl smiled and offered her hand.

The elemental child looked at it, tilting her head this way and that, then she took it.

The shadow girl pulled herself up from the ground. Her mouth moved but there was no sound.

The elemental child leapt back in surprise but didn't let go of the hand.

“She had never heard a voice, the sounds of nature were all she knew.”

The shadow girl was pulled along with her. A momentary tussle which had them both smiling.

The elemental child looked at the shadow girl, down at her thick boots. She lifted a foot and danced a step.

The shadow girl copied her.

They were soon dancing round the glade, spring flowing from their feet.

Birds sung, and the trees sighed, the sound of dripping water under that. The last of the snow was melting.

“From the day forward the shadow girl and the elemental child danced away the last day of winter together.”

The scene reset, winter snow and winds.

The elemental child and the shadow girl, this time the shadow was a bit older, her face stronger and her body taller.

They danced.

Spring came.

The snow melted slowly, and the sun shone down.

The scene reset. Winter again.

An elemental child and a shadow woman, her body certainly a woman this time. The first flush of youth was gone, replaced by a surer step and a more knowing gaze.

They danced, not like young children skipping but a more certain partnership.

Spring came in a rush, sharper. The scent of spring flowers drifted across me in the warm crisp air that flowed over me.

The scene reset.

The elemental child the same as always, the years left no mark on her. The trees grew taller and the moss around the pool spread into a verdant carpet. The shadow girl was a woman, heavy with child. Her steps were careful and solid.

They danced gently like a mothers love for her unborn child. Soft but with such feeling behind it I could feel tears tugging at my eyes.

I took a sip of my drink to cover drying my eyes and idly wondered where our food was.

The scene drew my attention again with such a prolonged snapping. It was like rain on hot cobbles.

Spring came.

Trees shook off their winter clothes. The branches pulsed with life. The birds swooped in the sky above the forest, a few flew over the tables, one landed on Sophia's hair, which made her laugh.

The scene reset.

The winter was harsh this time. Ice covered the trees, not just snow but solid ice thick and unmoving. The cold pervaded the room. Frost formed on our glasses. My hair crackled in the chill.

The elemental child stood on the icy surface of the frozen pool, her eyes fixed on the path that the shadow girl always came by. A sense of impatience came from her.

The shadow girl arrived. The years had passed, leaving lines, of many happy days and nights etched into her face. Her gait was slow and laboured, her walking stave carried most of her weight.

She collapsed in the centre of the glade, her skin turned a waxy shade. Her breath came in fits and starts.

The child looked on curious then rushed forward an expression of pain on her face. She knelt next to the shadow girl.


A pained smile slowly transformed into one of such peace that I could feel myself relaxing despite knowing the end was near.

The shadow girl’s chest rose no more.

For a long moment no sounds could be heard. The trees didn't creak. The wind didn't stir. The birds did not sing. The audience held their breath. A pregnant moment that couldn't last.

The elemental child looked down at her friend, a single tear fell on to shadow girl.

“The elemental child had never seen death in one like her before.”

Flames spread from the tear, bright and soft. A rippling wash of fire.

And up rose the shadow girl as we had first seen her, her older self-looking out of her eyes.

The girls danced, fast and hard like a summer storm with the same boundless energy. The trees grew buds and flowers sprung up in profusion. The ice melted in a torrent of water and a light rain fell. The sun shone down brightly. Birds sung in celebration.

“The elemental child and the shadow girl are there still, dancing, bringing spring to the whole world. Love and friendship changed their world.” The older man’s whisper carried through the room.

The scene faded into wisps and the lights came back up.

Sophia and Airis were staring at the stage, wide eyed and open mouthed.

Lyphia was looking at me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“It’s not how I remember it,” I said.

“It’s an old story. There are probably loads of different versions.”

“I guess.”

“You don't have to pick apart everything, just enjoy it. Oh, look dinner is coming.”

The server was indeed making his way to our table.

“Sorry for the delay. We didn't want to interrupt the performance,” he said as he handed out our meals.

“It's fine, the show was wonderful. I was wondering if I could speak to the players later. Would that be alright?”

“I believe so sir, I would have to check.” the young man looked over toward the players now empty chairs. “I will get back to you. Also your evening is on that gentleman over there.” He pointed, at the man who I’d had a little chat with earlier.

I raised my glass to him, he did the same and smiled broadly.

“Could you pass on my thanks to him please?” I asked the server.

“Very well Sir. Please enjoy your meal.” He hurried off.

I looked around the table at the others.

Sophia and Airis were still smiling. Lyphia was looking towards the man who had paid for our evening. She turned back to me with a question on her face.

“Later,” I said softly before tucking into my dinner.

For a long while we ate in silence, the only sounds were simple things. Comments on the food. A few small giggles between Airis and Sophia at stuff I could only look on befuddled by.

The evening wound down to a close slowly. The server came to take our plates and to inform me the leader of the players would speak to me.

I nodded my thanks to him and excused myself from the table.

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