Magestorm: The Awakening (2 page)

Read Magestorm: The Awakening Online

Authors: Chris Fornwalt

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

BOOK: Magestorm: The Awakening
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The winter chill made
shiver as he walked from the car to the steps and up t
o the door
.  Or maybe it was who he was about to meet that made him shiver.  Either way, he didn’t like
the feeling

The building before them was dark and
old, but
in excellent condition. 
It was two stories tall and dark red with white trim. 
The werewolves took pride in their home, even if it was a prison
of sorts

The s
buildings freshly
painted and kept up,
it would make you question whether they were
any more
humans were.

A servant opened the door as soon as Cassandra reached the top step and she stepped
inside without hesitation

paused, took a deep breath,
followed her
  The door slammed
shut behind him
and he
  The room was darker than necessary, and he could see movement in the shadows
as he froze

“Enough with the games,” Cassandra declared.

She raised her hand high in the air and
spoke a few words, and
an immense burst of light removed every shadow from the room.  The beasts were no longer hidden. 
wasn’t sure if this was better or worse.

The creatures were each
ten feet tall, walking crouched on hind legs, teeth bared with eyes squinting from the light.  They began to file out until only Cassandra and
were left.  Finally he started breathing again and lights began to turn on throughout the apartment building.  Doors opened and closed
as the werewolves returned to their rooms.

“They spot a new person and try to intimidate,” she whispered as the welcoming party finally appeared.

First to enter was a very polite and well-dressed man who presented himself as Adam.  He was about six feet and four inches tall,
well built
and handsome.  His short blond hair and soothing smile
did wonders to hide what he was inside. 

He bowed as he presented himself and held out an elbow for Cassandra to take.  She glanced at
, the look of disgust showed her displeasure with following their customs, but she took his arm anyway and
proceeded down the hall.

glanced around the room,
the cur
stairwell, and de
ep purple carpeting covering the floor
He wondered if that was to hide any bloodshed that might occur. 
There were tapestries on the walls that looked like they
belonged in castles long ago.  Gold trim here and there finished off the room
with gray walls. 
All the doorways had curved arches. 
was about to follow them, when from the top of the stairs a beautiful Asian
woman appeared. 

He wasn’t sure her
nationality, but she was taller than most
Asian women
, standing
at about six feet
.  She was very curvy, her hips, her breasts, and the dress she wore was so tight he wondered how she could breath.  Her short hair was a mix of black and brown, and was pulled back into a bun.  She navigated her way down the stairs in high heels that made her much taller than
.  At five foot eleven, he wasn’t all that tall to begin with.

She reached the bottom and stepped up
directly in front of
.  She bowed and held out her hand for him to take.  He wasn’t sure he should, but if Cassandra followed the customs, he probably should as well.  He took her soft
yet firm hand and she led him down the hallway after the others.

They arrived at a large parlor room and Adam proceeded to prepare a drink for Cassandra.  It was obvious she had made this trip a few times, as he never saw her ask for anything, or even mention what she would like.

“Sire, my name is Amelia, but you may call me whatever you like.  May I prepare a drink for you?”

“Uh, sure.
  What do you have?”

“I will make something very special for you.

He watched her
over to the bar
, arriving
just as Adam was finishing with Cassandra’s drink. 
glanced to Cassandra, who was staring hard at him.  She mouthed
five simple
words: “don’t
drink or don’t

A quizzical look came across his face, and she looked even sterner as she repeated the words.  He simply nodded.  He had no intention of doing any
thing inappropriate.  The last thing
he wanted to do was unleash the wrath of these beasts by putting his hands on one of their women.

Adam presented the drink to Cassandra and she accepted and tasted it.  She nodded her approval and Adam bowed,
then removed his shirt.  He knelt down before her and she put her hand on his broad chest. 
wasn’t sure if she was touching him for pleasure, or to keep him away.  Suddenly his vision was obstructed by Amelia.  She knelt down on her knees as she presented him with a glass of an unknown red liquid.

“I believe you will find this most delightful.”

“Thank you.”

With a nod he took the glass and tasted it immediately, just as Cassandra had done.  At first he didn’t taste anything at all,
then it came to him all at once.  First it was cherries and chocolate, followed by a sensation that tingled through his body.  Finally he felt the gentle touch of a thousand hands over every part of him.

He wasn’t sure what to do.  He could barely hold on to the glass, and suddenly an erection filled his pants. 
Unsure as to why,
sat the glass down quickly and tried to compose himself.

“You do not like?”

She looked hurt, like it was a personal insult against her.  He knew he had to act quickly to quell her displeasure.

“It’s very… unique. 
In a good way.
  It’s like nothing I’ve ever tasted.”

She smiled widely
and knelt down in front of him

“Of course you haven’t, it’s a taste of me.”

Her hand was on his knee, then moving to
his inner thigh and towards him.  He wanted to jump back, but would that be an insult
as well
?  He remembered Cassandra’s words.

Don’t touch.

He wasn’t sure if that meant he should stop her, or simply should let her do whatever and just keep his hands to himself.  Amelia’s other hand was unbuttoning the front of her dress and he was ready to panic.  He looked to Cassandra but couldn’t see her.  Adam was blocking the view, standing before her, looking down.  What was going on here?

“Sire, you may do as you wish with me.”

swallowed hard and then a
escaped his lips as her hand reached fully between his legs.  His eyes were wide and wild as she revealed her breasts to him.

“You can do… anything to me.”

He was going to pounce on her, he was sure of it.  She stood and dropped the dress to the ground.  Naked before him, his pants were ready to burst.  Surely he would let her do whatever she wanted to him.  But she did nothing.  She stood, waiting for him, occasionally moving a hand across her breasts, or tugging her nipple, or even sliding across her trimmed hair between her legs.  Now he got it.

This was sort of a trap.  She was presenting herself to be ravaged, but she couldn’t initiate it.  If he didn’t start touching her, nothing further would happen.  He looked again to Cassandra.  She was smiling as she looked at him.  Adam was now naked as
and sitting on the floor next to her.

“You do not wish to lay with me sire.”

It wasn’t spoken as a question, but more as a fact.  He wasn’t sure what to say, but Cassandra spoke up for him.

“It’s not a matter of wishing to lay with you.  He doesn’t want to be enslaved, however.  Release him so he may do as he wishes without consequence, and he may choose differently.  That is, if you really wish to serve him.”

“Yes, madam.”

Amelia took the glass she had presented
and returned to the bar.  After several minutes, she returned and presented him with a new glass. 
This time the liquid had a blue tint.  He tasted it, and could imagine the look on his own face.  It was bitter and all around unpleasant.  This was not something he ever wanted to taste again.

“Now sire, will you accompany me

He looked again at Cassandra.

“Everything will be fine now.  You can go with her.  We won’t meet with Sebastian for another hour probably.  He’s always late.”

Amelia took
hand and he rose and followed her to another room.  Inside
room it was filled with blue and white tiles from floor to ceiling, and in the center
was a small pool, or large bathtub, he wasn’t sure which. 
It was really just a hole in the floor to step down into. 
She took off his shirt and pants and stripped him naked.  Into the pool they went, and he was surprised to find a seat beneath the water.  He could lay back and stretch out, like a recliner, but still keep his head above the water.

Suddenly the jets turned on and bubbles filled the pool as she approached with a sponge and cleaned every inch of his body.  Then she massaged his neck and chest, his arms and legs, and finally
working between them.  First her hands clutched him and massaged him until he was rock hard.  Then she climbed on his lap and teased him, but wouldn’t let him inside her.

He was enjoying this to the point that he didn’t even remember where he was.  It was all like a dream, a beautiful woman all over him like this.  He carefully touched her nipple with his fingers, unsure how she would respond.  A purr told him he was safe, and he
took full advantage.  He massaged her breasts and teased her nipples until they
were stiff
ing out

His mouth then took one inside and he sucked and massaged with his tongue, pulling hard which caused a moan to escape her lips.  Even if they weren’t in a pool she would be wet as could be.  He dared to slide a hand down to her inner thigh and she caught him.  He gulped as she rose up and turned around.

To his surprise, she climbed back on him, straddling his legs, her rear facing him.  
With full access now, h
e touched her all around, then inside his fingers slid.  She moaned in approval and he leaned forward.  His tongue didn’t hold back, tasting her, penetrating her.  Moans filled the air as he did whatever he wanted.  His tongue finally had her panting and she was obviously getting close.

She leaned up and pushed gently on his forehead.  He leaned back and she sat down, taking him fully inside her with a gasp.  She leaned back and began to move her hips forward
and back, rising up and down slightly as she did.  His hands went around her body and clutched her breasts, pinching her nipples as she worked him over.

It seemed to take only a minute or two for him to reach the point of no return.  He let out a cry as he finished, but she didn’t let up.  She started slamming harder as she panted and moaned, the slapping in the water filling the air.  Finally she jerked and
let out a howl as
her fingernails d
into his sides. 

She leaned back against him and rested as both of them caught their breath.
  She climbed off him and walked over to where towels were stacked.  She retrieved one and walked back over to the pool.  Kneeling by the side, she simply waited for him.

He got the hint
that this was over now
and got out of the pool.   She dried off every inch of his body
delicately and thoroughly
before helping
put his clothes back on.  Once he was fully dressed, she escorted him, still dripping wet, back to where Cassandra was waiting.  Amelia kissed him hard, then bowed and left. 
sat down and looked around the room.  Adam was gone.  Apparently Cassandra didn’t partake in the same thing he had just done.  Now he felt guilty.

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