Marriage by Law (10 page)

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Authors: N.K. Pockett

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Seriously? Can’t he just ask me what I want?


Great! Looks like I wasn't going to have a proper meal today either. I sighed, tapping my fingers as he went back to texting on the phone.


"Well, hello there, babe. Wanna join us for dessert?" I glanced up as two men walked by winking and making a gesture at me. I wrinkled my nose and looked at Darius who barely glanced at them.


"Seriously?" I asked.




"You're just going to let them walk off?"


"Of course. They didn't say anything to me," he said.


"Oh my god," I said, leaning back in my chair. I was his bloody wife. Whether he likes it or not. Other guys get possessive over the smallest things and this guy looked like he was going to hand me up to the first guy who bids a million or something.


"What else do I do?"


"What other normal guys do," I muttered under my breath, playing with the cloth.


"What's that?" he asked, hearing me.


"Well, punch them of something."


"So you want me to bash them up?"


I looked up at him. Would he? For me?



Chapter Ten




6 Months Ago



Opening the door, I stepped out carefully, wrinkling my nose. After twenty minutes of mother pounding on the door, I had finally stepped out. My mother’s face was worth it, especially when she saw the jeans and top I was wearing.


"I said wear a dress."


I shrugged. If he didn't like me when I looked my 'worst' according to my mum, then he didn't deserve me in my best.


I walked down with her and entered the drawing room, it going eerily quiet. 


"Where is Darius?"


"He had a phone call. He'll be back later," said my father and I smiled. Yes! Victory! 


I walked over to sit down next to my dad and looked at the couple across from us. The woman had long blond hair with sparkling green eyes with features that belonged on the catwalk and I frowned. Damn it, why did some people get lucky?


The man wasn't any worse. He looked like a male model with his sharp features and dark eyes and dark hair. He actually looked deadly. 


Then it hit me.


My parents were making me marry a mafia gang lord! 



Present Time



I sat up, smiling. Well, maybe things were finally looking up.


"You will?"


He snorted, going back to his phone.


"I don't know how to fight."


"What?" I asked in a surprised and loud voice that made other couples glare at me. He shrugged carelessly and put his phone down as the waiter approached with our plates.


"I never needed to and I don't need to in the future," he said, grabbing his fork. I couldn't help but stare at him. Really? Not even to protect your wife?


Oh great, maybe I should take up self-defense classes. I looked down at the plate and sighed at the piece of orange fish. Maybe it was salmon with herbs and vegetables. Hey, a tomato! Something I know.


I poked the tomato with my fork and placed it in my mouth, trying not to gag at the fishy taste that surrounded it. I didn't know why but I just could not stand seafood. It was a gag reflex.


 I poked my food around with the fork and ate a piece of vegetable or something now and then. I looked over at the other tables that were enjoying lasagna and my mouth nearly drooled. Damn it. Why was I stuck with a seafood-loving freak?


I leaned back in my seat and waited till he finished. Without even excusing himself, he got up and walked off and I stared. I quickly shoved the piece of fish under the table and looked around to make sure no one saw me, pleased with myself.


I finished my first piece of salmon! Yea!


After a good five minutes, he returned and I stood up.


"Ready to go?" he asked, calling the waitress. So much for dessert. I waited quietly while tapping my foot as he paid the bill. I looked around, making eye contact with the idiots from before. They waved and I gave them the middle finger, smiling smugly. Yea, a girl can take care of herself!


They stood up and I turned around.


"I'll wait in the car," I told Darius before hurriedly walking out. Last thing I needed was a fight because Darius can't even fight. Darius followed behind unaware and I rushed to the car as fast as my legs could take me. I just wanted to get home, change out of this horrid wet clothes and sleep.


The second I stepped out of the doors, the cold air blew against me and it made it worse that I was half drenched.


"Shit, it's cold," I yelled, rubbing my hands together.


"Should have brought a jacket," said Darius, walking in front of me. And that’s when it hit me. There were spare clothes sitting in the car the whole time and I completely forgot. I stomped my foot, groaning. How did I forget that I packed spare clothes? And hell, why did he not remind me?


Was it only in books and movies that the guy gives the girl his coat even without asking? Here’s my arrogant hot husband walking ahead with his jacket uselessly draped across his arm, not even caring.


I hurried behind him. At least the car would be warm and I didn't want the idiots catching up. I wasn't ready to fight. First I needed to learn how to.


I had a plan. I would get home, or whatever that place was for the week, shower, change, then find something to eat before I starve myself. Maybe I should buy a box of food and store it somewhere secretly.


Putting the seat belt on, I looked up to see the idiots walk out of the place and I smiled. Yea, take that, suckers!


I watched out of the corner of my eyes as Darius turned the car around and drove back.


He was actually quite good looking. I know we figured that part out but still, damn him. He could have all the good looks but he didn't have the right attitude. That sucks.


I could see his green eyes focusing on the road and flickering every time something bright caught his eye.


I sighed, leaning back and closing my eyes. There was another pair of eyes in my life that used to do that to me. Except they were gone and I never wanted to see them again.


To say the house was quiet was an understatement. It was so quiet I could hear the walls creak in this stupid place. Opening up the laptop, I Googled different places I can go to. I needed a plan for tomorrow.


Only this morning I thought we were finally getting on good terms but obviously we weren’t. I jumped when I heard a loud bang of something.


"No, you do what I say!" barked the voice. I shivered. For god’s sake he was scary. Did I also mention how the walls here were literally invisible? It felt like that when you can hear the other person sneeze in the room next door.


And for the last half an hour, Darius had been on the phone, for business most likely, yelling his head off and I was sitting here trying to ...well, anything. I sighed, closing the laptop and turning off the lights. Maybe I could get some sleep at least.


I lied on the bed staring at the ceiling. At the old house I can look after my beautiful blue orchids. But I was stuck here listening to Darius. I rolled on my side and closed my eyes counting sheep and then blue orchids.


Just go to sleep, Ivory


Chapter ELEVEN




6 Months Ago



Yes, mafia gang lord. That was the only proper reason.


"What do you say?" 




I looked up to see everyone staring at me. I managed to space out again.


"Sounds great," I said with a shrug and my parents broke into a smile.


"Two weeks it is."


"Two weeks is what?"


"The wedding, of course. I just asked you. We want to get it over this month before Darius goes away to finish his course."


My eyes widened and I stared at them.


A wedding?


In two weeks!?


I needed a plan and fast. 



Present Time



I woke up to the sound of something breaking. I heard movement downstairs and a curse. Darius.


I rolled around and checked the time and sat up. Half past eleven! Why didn't the fool wake me up! My stomach grumbled and I realised how little I had eaten ever since this man came back with his seafood frenzy.


I got up, quickly grabbing blue jeans with a barely visible soft flowery pattern on them and an aqua green shirt that was like a hoodie. Might as well enjoy wearing jeans and pants for as long as I can. I rushed to the adjoining bathroom and stood under the water's warm spray.


Ahhh, this could have been my life. Waking up, going to work and actually earning money for a living. Enjoying the small beauties in life and not taking advantage of everything. Working hard and knowing the value of life.


I opened my eyes. Would Darius let me find a job? It was awfully boring sitting at home doing nothing. I can probably get a small part time job, maybe in an ice-cream parlour or something. It might make a difference in my boring life.


I mean, I did finish high school and was on my way to getting a medical degree before some parent of mine pulled me out and shipped me over to get married.


In high school I had studied my ass off to get into Med School, but there was no point to it now. Of course, I can return to uni and finish my last three years, but would it be worth it? Would he actually even let me work?


I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I looked in the mirror and saw my dull lifeless face stare back. The black eyes that used to sparkle just stared back dull, so dull that they were nearly a dark brown colour. My lips had gone slightly pale and I checked under my eyelids. It was no longer blood red.


Iron deficiency.


Add that to my problems. I got ready and combed my hair into a ponytail and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Darius sat on the counter drinking his coffee and reading his newspaper.


I walked over and noticed in the bin broken plates and smiled. I could smell something burnt. Did he try to cook?


"Do you want breakfast?" I asked, trying to cover my grin. He gave me a curt nod and walked off and I broke into a wide smile. Apparently, my man has an ego problem. Doesn’t want to ask anyone for help.


I looked at the time. It would be more like brunch.


I scratched the back of my head. He wanted breakfast and I was sure I wasn’t a better cook than he was.


I looked in the fridge, glad to see vegetables but I had no idea what to do with those. I could make us both sandwiches - or better yet, pasta. I found a packet of pasta and ready-made sauce. Perfect. I can’t screw this up, can I?


By the time I finish, it would be lunch and maybe afterward we can go watch a movie or something.


I mean, this was supposed to be a week for us to stop working and just relax, right? To get to know each other. All he needed was a bit of a push.


As I put the pasta in the pot, I heard my phone ring upstairs. I quickly turned up the heat and ran upstairs just as the final rings came and picked up.


"Hello?" I asked, panting into the phone.


"What the hell are you doing, girl, running a marathon?"


"Rose, hey. Yea, sorta like that," I said, sitting on the floor. I caught my breath as she filled me in on her week. She had gone to parties and finished her knitting and was basically having fun. Not what I would consider fun but oh well.


"So how are you and lover boy going?"


"You mean, worker boy," I muttered going back downstairs. Might as well finish my pasta and talk.


"Oh no."


"Mmmm," I said, trying to talk as softly as I could. I didn't want Darius picking up on any of my conversations. I stirred the pasta. It had expanded in size so I assumed it was done and switched the stove off. I took the pasta sauce, pouring it out of the bottle and into a pot.


"That sucks. Did you try to do something?"


"Yea, we went to the carnival on the first day and yesterday we went to the reef for snorkeling but he left half way and left me with a hormonal teenager who tried to pretty much grope me and then took me to a restaurant and ordered fish."




"Oh yea," I muttered as I drained the paste with one hand.


"Oh, did I mention he didn't offer me a jacket when I was drenched after I had to swim from the pervey guy and also refused to fight two guys who made a pretty shit comment?"


"Wow....and here I thought he could be a movie star. I mean, he sure looks like one. With his bea-"


"Rose," I groaned. "Save it, I don't care."


"Oh wait, I know," she said. I heard excitement in her voice and frowned. That was never a good sign.


"What?" I asked, pouring the sauce into the pasta and grabbing two plates and setting them on the table.


"I'll call you later," she said.


"What? Rose!" I sighed when the line went dead. I chucked the phone aside and served us both helpings and grabbed the forks when I heard him come in.


"Here," I said, pushing a plate toward him. He gave me another nod and I followed him into the living room but grabbed the remote control before he could.


Ha, TV is mine. I am not watching another boring documentary on some stupid war in the 1800s. I turned it on and found a movie on some channel and sat back to enjoy.


"Did you make this?" he asked, breaking the silence.


"Yep, why?" I asked. Crap! I forgot to ask if he was allergic to anything. He rubbed the back of his neck and opened his mouth just as his phone rang.


I was going to take that as a compliment since Mr. Ego found it hard to speak. I took a taste of mine and choked. Okay, maybe it wasn’t a compliment. I looked at the pasta in my bowl; it looked okay but tasted like absolute crap.


Maybe I should stay away from the kitchen. I dumped mine in the bin and started cleaning up. I hoped he didn’t eat all of that.


I cleaned up and was drying the plate when he walked in with his.


"What was that about on the phone?" I asked. Let's see if he could try and make a conversation.


"Work," he said.


Okay...that was a start.


"Well, do you want to go to a movie?" I asked. He checked the time and shrugged.


"Okay. Get ready in ten. I'll go grab my stuff." The last word was barely out of his mouth before I started running upstairs. Yes, movies!


Now I felt like a teenager again, sneaking off in the night to see a movie with –


I stopped, finding myself thinking of that memory. It should be gone from my system by now. I grabbed a jacket, since I know he would never offer me his, my wallet and phone, and went back downstairs.


Darius came down dressed again in casual clothes and I tried not to drool. Why are some people just genetically advantaged? It never made sense.


"Let's go!" I said, giving him a huge smile. I walked past the car toward the gate when he called out.


"Aren't we taking the car?"


"No! It's only a ten-minute walk," I said. He shrugged and caught up with me, which was easy given that he has longer legs than me.


It was a very quiet walk and I opened my mouth too many times and closed it without uttering a word. I don’t know what to say and how to start a conversation.


"So... beautiful weather, eh?" I asked, glancing up. He looked at me with his green eyes sparkling and chuckled with a shake of his head. I smiled. That was definitely a start. I don't think I have ever heard him chuckle. It was soft yet masculine and did funny things to my stomach.


"Yea, if you like the smell of wet ground," he said. I didn't realise what he was saying till it started raining.


"Aw crap," I muttered. His laughter trailed behind me as I broke into a small jog, his footsteps echoing close by. I broke into a full sprint as I raced the last corner and into the building. A few people turned to look at me as I came in gasping and panting. Darius followed seconds later looking more like a model than me, who was a disheveled mess.


I rolled my eyes as I went to the counter and ordered the movie tickets. That was the thing about small town cinemas: they only had a movie running each week and today was some random movie. Grabbing the tickets, I motioned for Darius to follow me.


"Do you want popcorn or drinks?" he asked as we entered.


I shook my head. "No, thanks. I don’t really like popcorn." I grimaced to prove my point. He shook his head, a small smile on his face as we stepped inside the theatre, both our faces getting covered by darkness.


I located vacant seats and wrinkled my nose. Great, some stupid tall guy was sitting in front of my seat. And next to me was a group of teenage guys eyeing me. Hormonal boys.


I sat down with Darius beside me and I sat tall, trying to see past the head in front of me.


It wasn't that bad. I could pretty much see 90 percent of the screen but my eyes seemed to zone in on the bold head and how I wanted to bash it right now.


Why can't tall people get the back seats or something?


The movie started and the last bits of chatter died down. I nearly took the guy’s popcorn next to me and chuck it at the screen when I realised it was an old black and white movie. Great, just my luck.


It wasn't even an hour in and I was already bored. I looked around at Darius who seemed to watch the movie with interest. With a deep sigh, I slouched in my chair. My eyes felt heavy and the theatre was warm, making me fall asleep instantly.



Something or somebody stepped on my feet and I opened my eyes and sat up. Where am I? I looked around and realised I had fallen asleep. What a shame....that looked like an amazing movie.


"Is it over?" I asked, yawning and stretching in my seat as much as it would allow. Darius raised an eyebrow and I stopped mid–stretch, turning back and sitting down.


"No, interval break," he said.


"What? Since when do we have interval breaks?" I muttered. They would be so handy in normal movie places, especially when you were busting to go to the toilet but the best scene was on.


"Right, I'll be back then." I urgently needed to pee-pee.


I got up. All the seats to my left were with the high school boys and they must have gone or left so it was easy to walk without falling over someone's feet.


I walked past the drinks area and to the bathroom. Washing my face, I stared in the mirror at my sleepy eyes. I really needed to get a good night’s rest. There are only four more days for Darius and I to bond and so far it was not in any progress. One second he was all nice and then he was like a cold-hearted bastard the next.

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