Marriage by Law (37 page)

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Authors: N.K. Pockett

BOOK: Marriage by Law
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"Hey," he said, walking up to where we were standing. 


Adrian and I both lifted a hand up in a wave, keeping our heads slightly positioned to the ground. Would he be able to tell the difference? No. He looked over the railing as he loosened the tie and I frowned. I spent good time doing that tie up. Adrian ribbed me and I looked away, realising I was glaring at him. Well, it was my time, or a tie I did.


"It's cold,” Darius observed. “Where is your jacket?"


"Don't speak," whispered Adrian from beside me and I scoffed. Please, I can act like I was sober.


"Cold air hot take," I said, waving a hand and stopped. Darius stood up, raising an amused eyebrow at us as his eyes went from one to another.


"Are you drunk?"


"She did it, not me." Adrian pushed me, making me trip over yelping as my head hit the railing. 


"Are you okay?" Two hands grabbed my shoulder and pulled me up. I laughed, turning around to look at Darius. Aww, poor guy looking concerned.


"Don't worry. Nothing damaged," I said as I leaned back against the railing. 


"Are you okay?" he repeated, pulling me upright. I held up a finger till I stopped laughing and then looked up at him. Whoa, was he always this tall?


Were his eyes always this green? 


"You have green eyes," I said the obvious.


"I know," he said. Was he smiling?


"Guess what color of eyes I have?" I said, yawning. I moved closer so I could lean my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes. Can I just sleep? 


Darius spoke. "Come on. Let's get you a seat."


"I don't want a seat, like who even thought about the word ‘seat’? It is such a 
word, isn't it?" 


 "Sit," Darius ordered and I obliged, placing my butt on it and folding my hands on my lap. He sat on the other bar stool and I looked up and smiled as the bartender winked at me.


"Back for more?" he asked, walking toward us with two glasses.


"Enough for her," said Darius with a shake of his head. I frowned as I looked at him, making him know of my disapproval. Party killer. Did he even party?


I tapped my fingers while looking around the bar, bored. The music was loud, maybe I should go dance. I looked up at Darius who had his eyes on me, with an unhappy look on his face.


Maybe not. Something told me that he was probably not going to let me go party. After all, he was the party pooper.


I slumped in my chair thinking, can we just go? Then realising that I couldn't see a dock or pier in the distance, I resigned to the fact that it was going to be some more time before they let us go. A waiter walked by carrying a tray of alcohol and I plucked myself a glass while Darius got distracted by something else.


"Thanks," I muttered, raising the glass to my lips but Darius's hand wrapped over mine, preventing me from downing the glass.


"Hey, I was going to drink that!"




"But I am thirsty." Duh.


He signaled for the bartender and ordered something clear. Vodka?


"Drink this," he said as he gave me the glass.




I took the glass, gulping down half of it before I realised what it was and wrinkled my nose. "Ew."


"It's water."


"Exactly. Ew," I said. Who drinks water these days? 


 I leaned on my hand that was on top of the counter as I watched him type away on his phone. Does he ever go anywhere without his phone?




I yawned and looked around for Adrian. The party was boring without him. Where did he go?


"Dairy," I muttered, playing with a strand of my hair that came out of the bun.


"Dairy," I called out louder.


"Yes?" he said, not even glancing up from his phone. What was so important? I reached over and plucked it from his hand before he could react. I looked at the screen. 


Emails? Ew.


"Ivory, I was working."


Ooooh, Ivory, so scared. I moved my hand before he could grab it and hopped off the chair.


"This is a party, so you party," I said, walking off. I could hear his footsteps as I walked toward the railing. Maybe I could just throw it over.


"Aluminium," he groaned as I leaned over the railing. Just a bit more and then it will join forces with the water. But, of course, Darius seemed to know exactly what I wanted to do and pulled me back, trying to get the phone.


"No. At a party you don't use phones." 


I changed it over to my other hand and held it behind my back.


"Can I have my phone back?" he pleaded.


"Magic word."






"I said please."


"That wasn't the magic word."




"Darius," I replied, matching his commanding tone. He looked down at me and I looked right back up, not scared by his face. Actually, it was a really nice face; there was no reason to be scared of it. 


Unless he saw a dead rat. Then he’d look scary. Or was it a dead cat?


"See, it's a beautiful day, and we are on a boat cruise. You can't be working. It's called taking a break, or a kitkat, okay?"


He sighed in resignation.


So I thought of something. "I'll give you your phone back if you don't take it out for the rest of the night."


"Deal," he said, placing his palm out. I watched him, curiously thinking, would he behave? I shrugged and placed the phone back in his hand and he kept it in his pocket. He held his hands up, palms faced toward me.


"Good, let's go," I said, turning around and heading back toward the loud music. I grabbed a glass from the waiter and turned around.


I didn't realise how close he was following me and ended up sloshing the liquid all over him. 


"Oh no!"


His shirt was stained by the brandy and I frowned. "What a waste of good alcohol," I said, and he replied, "It's okay. I have more suits."


I looked up to meet his eyes. "Oh right, poor shirt." 


No, the shirt was not poor at all. I can't believe I wasted good quality brandy on him. He took out his handkerchief and wiped his face. 




"It's fine," he said, shrugging.


"I was talking to the alcohol."


He smiled, putting his handkerchief back in his pocket and looking down at me. "How much did you have to drink?"


"Not much," I said, realizing that he missed a spot on his face. A drop of brandy remained on his lips. Before I could double-guess what I was doing, I tiptoed and wrapped my arms around his neck, or tried to in my half-drunken state. Only now I realised that even in my heels I was short. I pulled his lips to mine.


I could taste the strong essence of the brandy on my lips. Then I realised what I was doing and pulled away but Darius wrapped one hand around my waist, holding me in place while his other hand was in my hair pulling at something.


I shivered, feeling my stomach churn. Was I seasick?


We pulled apart and I didn't feel so cold anymore. "Don't put your hair up," he said and that was when I realised that he took away the clip holding my hair and now it was in a messy tangle. That took me a long time to do. That bun was my finest bun!


"You ruined my hair."


"You ruined my suit, so I guess that makes us even."


I huffed. I guess he has a point. Maybe I can buy him a new suit, like how he bought me a – I leaned back up, placing a quick kiss on his lips.


"What was that for?" he asked and I realised that I had never made the first move. Until now.


"For getting me the dog, even though you said no."


His eyebrows knotted and he looked confused. "What dog?"


"The dog from earlier, the husky?"


"I didn't buy it," he said and my jaw dropped. 


"But I saw a sold sign!"


"Someone else could have bought it," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. I felt sad, and to think I kissed him.


"I want my kiss back."




"Fine," I snapped and realised what he said. Fine? He was willing to give it back? He leaned forward and I leaned back. "What are you doing?"


"I'm giving your kiss back."


"Nah, I don't want it anymore. Give it to Adrian." I shook my head and placed my hands on his chest, trying to push him away. 


"No refunds." 


His hair fell across his forehead, framing his emerald eyes, as I stared at him. Was he serious? He was serious.


"I need to pee," I blurted out just as his lips touched mine. He pulled back, raising an eyebrow. I gave him a sheepish smile as he let go. What the heck was that? 


Did I want him to kiss me?




Then why did I have to yell that out?


"Rain check. Go."


I nodded, turning around and heading through the crowd. Do I need to pee? 


Yes, that's why.


I rushed into the bathroom, my heart hammering in my chest. I washed my hands and looked in the mirror, wincing as I caught my reflection. My lipstick smudged and my hair a bird’s nest. 


So attractive. I washed my face and wiped the lipstick off. I pat my face dry with tissues and ran a hand through my hair as I walked out.


"There you are!"


I looked up to see Adrian and waved, walking up to him. I looked at the glass in his hands.


"For me? Thank you." I grabbed it before he could say anything and drained every last drop as he laughed and shook his head.


"Haven't you had too much?"


I shook my head. Since when did the lines on his suit move?


"No. Let's get some more," I said, waiting for the buzzy feeling to pass. I grabbed his hand and looked around for Darius before rushing to the bar.

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