Marriage Can Be Murder -- Every Wife Has A Story (A Carol and Jim Andrews Baby Boomer Mystery)

BOOK: Marriage Can Be Murder -- Every Wife Has A Story (A Carol and Jim Andrews Baby Boomer Mystery)
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Marriage Can Be Murder



Every Wife Has A Story

Praise for The Baby Boomer Mysteries

Moving Can Be Murder
is another great read from an author who knows how to keep you turning pages as fast as possible. Susan Santangelo also provides a handy quiz to help readers determine their own right answers to the ‘moving’ question.” –
Anne Holmes
“Boomer in Chief”

National Association of Baby Boomer Women

“This is a fun chick lit investigative tale starring Carol Andrews super sleuth supported by an eccentric bunch of BBs (baby boomers), the cop and the daughter. Carol tells the tale in an amusing frantic way that adds to the enjoyment of a fine lighthearted whodunit that affirms that “every wife has a story.”
–Harriet Klausner, national book critic

“The over-50 crowd will love this….I love this lighthearted mystery. Susan Santangelo combines humor and mystery to create a great read. I am so glad to see a female lead character over 50….This is a must read!”
–Readers’ Favorite

“Not since picking up one of Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum books have I ever laughed or enjoyed a book so much as Susan Santangelo’s
Retirement Can Be Murder.

–Suspense Magazine

“Santangelo … captures well the anxiety of a wife who must face the reality of her life turning upside down. Good thing she has her friends to help.”
–Blog Critics

“Finally a cozy mystery with a heroine who’s middle-aged, married, and a mother….What really makes
Retirement Can Be Murder
special is the author’s uncanny knack for finding humor in everyday situations…. One of the funniest cozies I’ve ever read, and yet all of the humor flows naturally from the characters, the plot, and the dialogue.”

Patricia Rockwell
, Author of
Sounds of Murder

“Susan Santangelo may be the next Jessica Fletcher, the mystery writer and amateur detective portrayed by Angela Lansbury in the award- winning television series
Murder She Wrote
…. Susan’s found a niche in the mystery-writing genre that just might find its way to the television screen, judging by the popularity of her first book,
Retirement Can Be Murder.
” –
Shoreline Times

Moving Can Be Murder
is jam-packed with Carol’s cast of best buds and signature Santangelo fun! As I watched the story unfold before me, I couldn’t help but chuckle at every turn…. Carol has learned the subtle art of keeping her mouth shut – when it’s absolutely necessary. However, that doesn’t stop her mind from working overtime with the quick-witted, sarcastic remarks she allows to roll around in her mind…. Santangelo has done it again. She has penned a magnificent cozy that will leave you panting from the excitement, laughing at the characters, and – no surprise here – begging for more.” –
Terri Ann Armstrong,
Author of
How To Plant A Body

Moving Can Be Murder
is a superb read!”

Lori Gondelman
Lori’s Reading Corner



Can Be Murder


Every Wife Has A Story

A Carol and Jim Andrews Baby Boomer Mystery

Third in the Series

Susan Santangelo


Marriage Can Be Murder

A Baby Boomer Mysteries Press Book


Baby Boomer Mysteries trade paperback edition/First Printing, July 2012


Baby Boomer Mysteries Press P.O. Box 1491, West Dennis, MA

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.

All rights reserved. Copyright 2012 by Susan Santangelo

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles or reviews of a critical nature.

Cover and Book Design by Grouper Design, Yarmouthport, MA.

Cover Art: Elizabeth Moisan

ISBN 978-0-9857799-0-0

I’d like to thank the following…

My Personal Beloveds: Joe, Dave, Mark, Sandy, Jacob and Rebecca. You are all blessings in my life.

Denise Hall, Frances McCarthy, and Molly McKeown, my Nantucket connections. Jamie Bohlin, Cape Cod wedding planner extraordinaire, for tips on planning a destination wedding. And who bears no resemblance whatsoever to the wedding planner in this book!

Elizabeth Moisan, author of
Master of the Sweet Trade
, and talented artist, for the wonderful book cover.

Donna Schaefer, my own personal Deanna.

Melanie Lauwers,
Cape Cod Times
Book Editor, for her support of Cape Cod authors. Carole Goldberg,
The Hartford Courant
, for her support of Connecticut authors.

The Paperback Cafe really exists, in the beautiful Connecticut shoreline town of Old Saybrook. Try the cafe’s pineapple bread – it’s delicious!

The First Readers Club, especially Sandy Pendergast, Rhea Marrison, Kimberly White, and Marie Sherman.

Marie Sherman, Cape Cod Justice of the Peace, and author of
Say I Do! Wedding Tales of a Cape Cod Justice of the Peace
, who shared her wedding expertise with me.

Readers from all over the country who’ve been so positive about this series, and who’ve shared their own stories with me at countless book events and via the Internet.

Everyone who e-mails me with chapter heading ideas. Keep them coming!

to Frances Hill, co-owner with Lynn Pray of Jake (Ch. Pineridge John Jacob Jackson) and Chance (GCH. Pineridge Jake’s Best Chance, RN), who won the raffle prize – to name two dogs in Marriage Can Be Murder. The raffle was held during the 2012 National English cocker dog show in Gettysburg, PA.

A special shout-out to
JoAnn Borsari, whose courage and grace inspired me to name a character in this book after her.

Author’s Disclaimer:
The scenes in the Nantucket police station are entirely figments of my overactive imagination, and I’m sure bear no resemblance whatsoever to what really happens there. I have it on good authority that the Massachusetts State Police does have a presence on Nantucket, however, and work in close collaboration with the local police to solve crimes.

The Three Wise Wives
Used a G.P.S.
Arrived a day early with a case of Pampers and a dozen frozen casseroles.
Helped deliver the baby.

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