Marrying Mari (13 page)

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Authors: Elyse Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Marrying Mari
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“And college?” Ethan pressed.

Mari sighed. “After two years, I had some money saved but it wasn’t enough to get me through even three semesters of city college. Then a friend from high school told me she knew how we could make a lot of money quickly, that she had relatives in Miami who would put us up for free.” She paused again, sipped the coffee, and went on. “I thought I earned enough money in Miami to get me all the way through, but it only lasted six semesters, even though I’m still working. If I can finish the last two semesters and keep my grades up, then score high on the MCATs, I might consider taking out a loan for med school.
.” She repeated, more to herself.

“What about your mother? Can she afford to help you pay for classes?” Gabriel studied her face.

Mari shook her head. “The divorce and Paolo’s infidelity changed Mama. She’s focused on security, on saving money, on staying in our apartment. Even now that she earns a decent salary, she won’t give up her first job entirely. Everything goes in the bank, nothing’s spent on frivolous things. And she told me that earning my own way, paying for everything myself is the only way. That’s why she stopped supporting me, so that I would be independent. She thinks college is a waste of money. A vocational program makes sense maybe, but college? So I could go to med school? Ridiculous!”

They were all silent for a moment, and then Ethan said, “Here’s what we propose. You cut back your hours during the time we…explore the possibilities between us, and we’ll give you enough money to cover the next semester of classes. No strings.” He held up a hand before she could speak. “Consider it a present and a thank you for agreeing to our terms, not a payment for services rendered, in or out of the bedroom. We’re not buying you, Mari. We’re demonstrating our respect for what you’ve accomplished and our honest intention of becoming your mates. We know it is also your choice to enter into this triad, and we want to prove that we’re worthy of you.”

She stared at Ethan, meeting his intense look. She turned to Gabriel, and found his golden gaze just as intent, as serious. Tears threatened, suddenly, and she drew a shaky breath. They continued to touch her heart in surprising ways.

“All right,” she said quietly.

Gabe cocked his head. “All right, what?”

“I’ll cut back on my hours, I’ll think about med school, I’ll let you give me the money for classes next semester and I’ll let you buy me some clothes.
clothes,” she added quickly as Gabriel grinned again. “Only what I need,” she emphasized, frowning at him.

“Scout’s honor. Only what you need.” He nodded solemnly.

She rolled her eyes. “I bet.”

Ethan stood. “Shall we get going?” he asked, checking his watch. “Eli will have the car out front in ten minutes.”

Chapter Nine

Two hours later Ethan, Gabriel and Mariella were zooming north on the New York State Thruway in the back of the big, black German-made SUV while Eli drove. She had noted this was the third vehicle she’d heard about and assumed there were more, including Gabriel’s beloved cycle.

She ran her hand over the buttery soft leather upholstery and sighed. “This car is bigger than my apartment,” she said.

Ethan laughed. “Not quite. But close.” The two men had settled somewhat uncomfortably in her tiny studio while she filled three boxes and two suitcases with clothes, books and necessary items for her stay uptown. Ethan had stood, leaning against the closed door to the hallway, while Gabriel had lounged on the futon. Both had been patient, but Mari had been painfully aware of the difference in square footage between the duplex and her tiny sanctuary.

The men had carried the boxes and bags downstairs to the car, leaving her to trail behind with her stuffed backpack. All of it was now in the car’s trunk. Waiting to be unpacked in her new bedroom.

She shook her head and looked at Ethan, sitting next to her. “Tell me about your family.”

Ethan smiled at her. “They’ll love you.”

She cast a quick glance at Gabriel, predictably sprawled across the opposite seat. He nodded his golden head. “They will, sugar. Ethan has a classic sitcom family. Better, in fact, because they’re real.”

“Ahuh. You’ve brought home potential mates before?”

“No mates. But I’ve brought home lots of girls, when I was a teenager.” He tapped the end of her nose. “And a few since.”

“Not all.”

“No, not all.” Ethan settled back, took her hand. “They’ll be thrilled to meet you, however, especially after I let them know you’re our potential mate.”

She waggled his hand. “So spare some details, Mr. Close-to-the-Chest.”

“My mother is Allison, my father is Nathaniel. They’ve been married thirty-three years now, and I grew up in the very house we’re going to. My younger sister, the middle child, is Irene, and the baby is Anthony. Tony. There.”

Mari rolled her eyes. “It’s like pulling teeth. Gabriel, help, please?”

Gabe grinned. “Nathaniel used to run the bank, until Ethan got out of business school. Now Ethan’s father is on the Board of Trustees. Little sister Irene is four years younger than Ethan and a teacher at the middle school in the Colony. She used to be the family wild child. Used to drive Ethan, the perfect child, crazy, as I’m sure she’ll tell you.” Gabe winked. “Irene is a very pretty, very sexy young woman, in fact, who would make someone a very nice wife.”

“Hey,” Ethan growled. “That’s my sister.”

She studied Gabriel. “And have you, y’know, with Irene?”

He frowned and sat up. “If ‘y’know’ means what I think it means, absolutely not! Besides the fact that I more or less grew up in that house so that Irene was like my little sister too, Ethan would have killed me.”

“Bare-handed,” he agreed.

“And I’m not her type,” Gabriel added, relaxing back against the seat.

“What’s her type?”

“Tall, dark and dangerous. Or used to be. Non-Colony too.”

Mari smiled at him. “You’re plenty dangerous,

He smiled cheekily back. “Gee, thanks. I see why we’re keeping you around.”

“Children,” Ethan spoke lazily. “Get it out of your systems now.”

“Okay, Dad.” Mari laughed.

“My brother Tony might not be there. He’s a little unpredictable right now.”

Gabe snorted.

Ethan continued, ignoring him. “Unfortunately, Tony seems to be directing his wild energy at me. He’s been angry with me for some time, and I have no idea why.”

“No idea.” Gabriel studied his friend and partner. “Really?”

The other man shifted uncomfortably. “He’ll get over it.”

“You mean he’ll grow up, eventually, and stop being a resentful prat. I hope so, man, and soon.” Gabriel studied the passing landscape, speaking in a bored tone. But Mari heard the sharp undertone of warning.

Ethan spoke to her, “You’ll find out Gabriel knows everything about my family. There are no secrets.” He kissed her fingers. “Sometimes it’s a lot of drama.” He shrugged. “Like any family. Tony is the youngest. He just finished college. Unlike Irene and me, he isn’t so certain about what he wants to do with his life. He’s living with my parents until he figures out the next step.”

Gabriel laughed without humor, still looking out the window.

Ethan glanced at him sharply. “And Gabe is part of our family. He has been since he was five years old and broke my arm wrestling in the schoolyard. The very first day of kindergarten. He brought me home and apologized to Mother. He’s been part of our family since.”

Gabe met his friend’s level gaze. Sighed and said, “That’s true. And God knows what would have happened otherwise.”

Mari was silent, feeling the undercurrents of unspoken emotion between the men. She envied them that deep connection.

“And your mother?” she asked quietly.

Both men smiled.

“Ah, Allison.” Gabe said.

“Allison, my mother, is a force of nature. In a good way. She’s always lived in the Colony, born and bred, like my dad. Her family line stretches back to the first members. Most of her adult life has been raising the four of us and running Colony committees, boards, fairs and events.”

“What will she think about you bringing in an outsider?”

Ethan frowned at her. “You’re not an outsider, you’re with Gabriel and me.”

“I was raised in New York. Never heard about the Colony until this week or set one foot in it until today.” Mari stared at him. “Do you think they know my mother?”

The men paused. Ethan said, “I hadn’t thought of that. But my parents probably do. I think she’s a little younger than Mother.”

“Anna is forty-two.”

“Then, yes, Allison is a decade older. But they probably do know her, at least by sight. It’s hard not to know everyone in the Colony. There aren’t many residents.” He took her hand. “Mother will love you. She’s been eager for me to meet someone and settle down.”

“And she knew, your parents both knew you and Gabriel would be sharing a mate?”

The other man spoke reassuringly. “Yes, sweetheart. Like we said, a triad is common practice among Colony families.”

“I know Ethan’s parents didn’t practice that tradition. Were your parents in a triad?”

Gabriel snorted. “My parents were barely in a couple.” He stretched. “My folks tried several times to establish a triad. No one could stand them, either of them, longer than a couple of nights. Maybe a week. They’re not at all like Ethan’s folks.”

“When will I meet them?”

“Plenty of time. I don’t want to scare you off too soon.”

Ethan said, “They’re not that bad, Gabe.”

Gabe lifted an eyebrow.

“All right, they are. But that doesn’t matter, does it?”

“Why?” she asked.

“Because they won’t get close enough to you to do more than say hello,” Gabriel growled. “And I’m debating about that.”

Wow. The tension rolled off her big golden mate in waves. She shifted across the space to sit beside him and put her arms around his neck. “Okay,” she said calmly, and nuzzled her forehead against his throat. “Put your arms around me. And scoot over.” Mari felt Gabriel’s chest rise and fall with a deep breath, and then he shifted, drawing her across his lap and circling her with his strong arms. He rested his chin against the top of her head and sighed again, a lighter, easier breath.

“Damn,” he said, and cuddled her gently.

They rode like that for a while, the three of them silent and close. The crowded streets thinned out, and the hills began. They crossed a bridge and headed north. Mari lost track as the car left the thruway at an exit and began winding through the landscape on increasingly smaller roads.

Then they were back on a new, smooth road, and there were villages and a mall and people. And then another quiet road, with tall pine trees and a view of mountains.

A simple bluestone wall with the words “The Colony” set inside a plaque. And a gate, tall and made out of iron. It looked old, but secure.

Eli leaned out and pressed numbers on a keypad. The gate opened, and they were in. After a quarter-mile or so, houses began to appear. Then more houses. Suddenly, there were shops, a gas station, something that looked like an official building, a village green with a tall statue, a school, more shops and simple office buildings, and they were beyond it, on another well-paved road.

Ethan sat up a little. “Not too far now,” he said.

In a few minutes, Eli pulled the car between two short brick posts, onto a flat, curved drive. After about a quarter-mile, the car stopped. Mari looked out the window, but she was turned the wrong way to see the house. Ethan pushed open the door.

“Don’t worry. They really will love you,” Gabriel murmured in her ear before he shoved her gently out the door. She stood, seeing several people emerging from a lovely, old, white frame house in fantastic condition. It was big and imposing, with green shutters on many windows, a porch, an upstairs veranda and several cupola towers.

Then she realized Gabe was behind her, and Ethan was speaking to her.

“Dad, this is Mariella Amorini. Mari, this is my father Nathaniel.”

Nathaniel Stone was slightly shorter than his son, with the same lean frame and dark good looks. He wore perfectly pressed khakis and a soft blue sweater the color of his eyes. He smiled down at her warmly and held out a hand. “Hello, my dear. I am so very pleased to meet you.” She shook hands and smiled back, involuntarily.

“And this is Irene, my sister.”

A beautiful blonde siren in jeans and pink cashmere twinset leaned forward and hugged her. “I cannot tell you how glad I am Ethan brought you up here.” She rolled her eyes. “Hi, Gabe. God, you both look disgustingly happy.” She laughed and clapped her hands. “Who woulda thunk it?”

“Brat,” Ethan said, putting an arm around Mari’s shoulders.

Nathaniel shook his head. “You don’t have to tease your brothers all the time, y’know.”

“But it’s so easy.” Irene twinkled.

“I thought you were all grown up now, teaching kids and being responsible?” Gabe tweaked Irene’s hair.

“Monday through Friday, yes. I am very dignified and responsible. But this is the weekend. Oops, here comes Mom.”

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