Marrying Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy) (7 page)

BOOK: Marrying Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy)
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“Give me your phone then Alvez! I’ve let everyone know we’re here safe, no more phones now until Monday!”

Jackson is insistent on having no communication while we’re here. I don’t know if it’s so that we can focus on each other or so that he doesn’t have to speak to Sasha, but either way I’m happy to oblige.

“Will you still call me Alvez when we’re married?” I ask as I hand over my phone and Jackson laughs,

“Probably, is that ok?”

“Yeah, I like it!”


t’s a beautiful day so once we’ve put some things away in the kitchen and the master bedroom we decide to go out for a walk around the village and get our bearings. It’s beautiful; it feels really comfortable as it reminds both of us of the villages that we grew up in. As we walk and talk we both wonder what we’re doing in London.

“I’m such a country girl
Jackson; I hate the grey harshness of the city. Don’t get me wrong, I do love my life in London, especially now that I have you, but it’s so not me.”

We’ve stopped for a pint outside a lovely pub and can’t help but discuss village life versus city life some more.

“I know. I do love London but I think I’ve had a different experience to you because I’ve been a single bloke down there, earning great money and having the time of my life, you’ve spent the majority of your time down there in a shitty relationship!”

“Yeah, and don’t forget there was Michael too!” I wink and take a sip of my cold cider, Jackson laughs.

“Seriously though, I think people like you and I, and Rafe and Pippa too, the young village kids with aspirations to make something of ourselves. We see the road to London like the yellow brick road to OZ!”

“Ooh! S
hotgun being Dorothy!”

“Shut it you, I’m Dorothy
!” Jackson responds and we laugh,

To be fair, I’m more like one of the munchkins! I hate being so short!” I stick out my bottom lip and Jackson laughs again as he leans in and nips it with his teeth.

so cute! You’re perfect Rosie. I love that you’re little, it makes it easier to chuck you around the bedroom!”

winks as he stands and heads into the pub to get us another round of drinks. I lean my head back to enjoy the heat of the late afternoon sun on my face. I open my eyes and look around, what am I doing in London?

As we walk back to the
cottage we’re fairly quiet, just content and peaceful. It’s so nice to just be together, not having to rush around from place to place. Our phones aren’t ringing or buzzing constantly as they normally do, we have no work to do and most importantly Sasha is miles away and can’t contact us. If there’s an emergency she can go to Rafe who has the number for the landline at the cottage, but Rafe will determine whether it’s really an emergency or not, so I don’t think we’ll be hearing from her.

k you for this Jackson, Its bliss!” I am so content right now that I don’t think I ever want to go back to real life,

“You’re welcome
gorgeous, let’s never go home!” He laughs as he reads my mind and I can’t help but wish that was a possibility.



“What is that?”

I laugh as I step out onto the terrace to see Jackson fiddling around with different dials on the massive hot tub in front of him,

“What does it look like? Go and get your bikini on Alvez!” He isn’t
smiling; he’s frowning as he tries to figure out how to work it,

“Jackson, I did
not bring a bikini to the Lake District!” I am standing in a towelling robe with a towel wrapped around my hair as I’ve just got out of the shower.

“Yeah, but I did! It’s in
the side pocket of your bag!” He grins at me and I just shake my head,

“Always one step ahead James!” I call as I head back toward the bedroom.

“Refill Miss Alvez?” Jackson holds up the bottle of champagne and I nod as I hold out my glass to him across the bubbling water.

“I love this! We’re in a hot tub, l
ooking at this stunning scenery with only the sheep to spy on us. It’s perfect!” I sip at my champagne and Jackson grins at me, I know that grin.

“Come here!”

He summons me across the tub and I obey. When I get close he places his hands on my hips and pulls me into him as he kisses me hungrily.

“I’ve missed you Rosie

I feel him pull at the strings on my hips and seconds later he throws my bikini bottoms out of the hot tub, “You don’t need those!”

Jackson licks his lips and pulls me back into a kiss. His right hand moves between my legs and he dips the tips of two fingers inside me then hums in appreciation. He runs his fingers upward and starts to circle my clit as his left hand pushes aside the triangle of my bikini. He takes my nipple into his mouth and flicks his tongue across it deliciously. I’m unable to move, frozen to the spot by the pleasure coursing through me.

Jackson stops and places his hands on my bare hips, turning me around and lowering me onto him. He pushes inside slowly and I inhale a shaky breath as I adjust to the fullness.

His left arm wraps around my stomach and firmly holds me in place and his right hand returns to its rightful place between my thighs. We’re still but for the working of his fingers on my clit, and the pressure of him inside me is incredible as I feel my orgasm building.

Jacksons grip across my body tightens as I start to clench around him and I tip my head backwards onto his shoulder as my whole body starts to shake. I try to arch my back away from his chest as I come but he holds me in place. My breathing is shallow and fast as I ride out the waves of my orgasm and I hardly register as I feel the hard plastic of the seat under my knees.

I open my eyes to realise that I’m on my side of the hot tub again, kneeling and waiting for Jackson to take his pleasure from me. I grip the side of the pool and brace for impact, realising that I’m no longer wearing my bikini top.

Jackson grips my hips and starts to pound into me. It’s hard and I know he’s waited weeks for this. I’m vaguely aware that
I’m calling out loudly with each thrust into me but I couldn’t care less, it’s incredible.

The water is bubbling and sloshing about around us and the sensations of warm water and then cold air on my nipples is fantastic. I feel Jacksons fingers dig into my hips and I know he’s close. He starts to rub hard and fast on my clit
with his left hand and I groan as I push back onto him and feel the familiar clench yet again.

“I’ve fucking missed this Rosie!” Jackson
groans through gritted teeth as his right hand moves up my neck and I feel his fingers in my hair. He pulls, tipping my head backward and me over the edge. He pounds into me, pulling on my hair as I call out loudly in response to the incredible orgasm flooding my veins. Jackson grips my hips firmly with both hands, pulling me back aggressively as he moans with the strength of his own release.

“Jesus baby, maybe we should go without more often!”
He’s breathing hard and I can still feel him pulsing inside me, I can’t speak.

Chapter S



“How many people have you slept with Jackson?”

We’re lying on the duvet in front of the open fire, Jackson is propped up on some pillows and my head is on his chest as I trace the pattern of his abs with my fingers. I’m wearing one of Jackson’s t-shirts and he’s just wearing some loose fitting trousers. We had a picnic on the living room floor after the hot tub and decided to just stay put and enjoy a few glasses of wine together.

“Why are you asking that babe?
It doesn’t matter does it?”

He sounds worried, like he’s waiting for me to fly off the handle, but I
won’t. I know it’s going to be high and I’m too happy and calm to react badly.

“I’m just curious. Y
ou can tell me, I won’t be mad!”

“I don’t know Rosie, I didn’t really keep count.”

“Ok, so how many women have you had a regular thing with?”


“Four? That’s less than I thought
.” I’m surprised.

“I never saw the fun in being with the same girl over and over before you Rosie
, and the other three were just…convenient.” He’s opening up to my line of questioning, I think. “What about you?” oh!

“What? How many women have I slept with?” I try to joke so that I can put the attention back on him,

“Well now that you mention it!” He laughs as I hit him gently on the chest, “Come on, tell me, how many men have you slept with Rosie?”

, including you.” I blush at my lack of experience and feel his heart start to beat slightly faster,

“Oh! Thank god. I
still want to kill all of them, but I am glad it’s low. I knew it would be, but I’m glad!” He knew it would be?

“What do you mean? Am I shit in bed?” I can’t look him in the eye so sit up with my back to him,

“What? No! Why are you asking that?” He sits up and kisses my shoulder,

“Because you said you knew it would be low, is that because you can tell that I don’t have
as much experience?” I’m embarrassed,

“Rosie, no that’s not what I
meant at all, sex with you is fucking incredible! I just mean because you’ve got too much self-respect to have fucked around all over the place, it’s one of the things I love about you. That’s no reflection on a certain photographer that we know by the way, it’s more about me. I’ve slept with about two hundred women Rosie, and that fact disgusts me!”

I gasp and feel him back away slightly, two hundred!

How do I even process that information? How has he fit that in? My mind starts trying to do calculations but I don’t have enough information.

“How old were you when you lost your virginity?”


Ok so that
’s fifteen years. Two hundred women over fifteen years. That works out to about thirteen a year average, that’s one a month with two at Christmas.

“I can handle that!” I turn and smile, Jackson visibly relaxes and lies back down. I follow suit.

“How old were you Rosie?” Jackson asks as he strokes my hair,


Oh my god, Rosie I’m so sorry I didn’t realise that was your first…” He knows that I was sixteen when Jonah took what he wanted and he stops as the realisation that I lost my virginity to the guy who raped me sinks in,

“No, i
t wasn’t that time, but it was him. Don’t think about it Jackson. Old news!” I kiss his chest to let him know its ok. “Enough about me, I want to know more about you. Have you ever had a threesome?” He takes a deep breath before answering,

I’ve had six Rosie”

“Six! Christ Jackson!
Two blokes or two girls?”

Mostly two girls, one was two blokes but the sight of some dude’s balls bouncing around kind of puts you off what you’re doing. I left them to it and went home!”

I should be appalled but I burst out laughing, that’s hilarious.

“Would you want to have a threesome with me?” I ask tentatively,

“What? No, would you?” he sounds annoyed,

“No but if you’ve had five two girl threesomes then you must like them, I don’t want you to resent me for making you give stuff up!”

“Rosie no,
I was single. You should never bring shit like that into a relationship. One of us would enjoy it more than the other, guaranteed! And that leads to jealousy and all sorts. Plus, they’re a good laugh but nothing compared to what we have, most of them ended with me just watching and having a wank anyway!”

e kisses the top of my head like he’s just said the sweetest thing to me and I laugh again.

After a while of lying quietly and listening to the ‘Chill
Mix’ I have one more question that for some reason unknown to me, I need to ask.

“Jackson, have you ever done anal?” I’m sheepish as I
ask; Jackson lets out a brief laugh before he answers,

“Given or received?” O
h I hadn’t thought that far ahead…

“Erm either?”

“I’ve given yes. Why are you asking that?” Oh I knew I shouldn’t have opened that can of worms, he sounds hopeful.

I’ve so far managed to keep Jackson well away from my rear end. The
boyfriends that I had before Michael had tried to get me to do it but I didn’t want to, Michael thankfully had no interest in it at all; he thought it would mean that he was gay if he did. But I know men generally love it and now it’s on Jackson’s radar too.

“I don’t know, just wondered I guess. Forget I asked!” I try to brush it off,

“Have you?” He’s more hopeful now,

And I don’t really think I want to babe, it freaks me out a bit.”

“Have you eve
r tried? With fingers or anything?” Oh god, why did I open my mouth?

BOOK: Marrying Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy)
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