Masters 01 Master of the Mountain (21 page)

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Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Masters 01 Master of the Mountain
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Her head came up, and she stared at him. “What?”


His eyebrows drew together, his eyes turning cold. “Try again, sub.”


No no no
. Whatever he wanted to do, this couldn't be good. “No. I won't. I don't want whatever you're going to do.”


“Do you know what I'm going to do, Becca?”


She shook her head. “But—”


“Do you think it will hurt you unbearably?”


“No, but—”


“Have you ever been raped or assaulted?”


“No, but—”


“Then you're saying you don't trust me to do what I think is right for you. Is that it?”


“Dammit, Logan, you can't just do stuff to me without asking me!” She stomped, but her bare foot didn't make a sound.


“Yes. I can.” His jaw tightened, and a quaking started inside her. “That's what domination is all about. And it's something you want, but you're too afraid to relinquish control. That control is what I'm taking away from you, one step at a time.”


She couldn't look away from the intense blue of his eyes, and despite the chill in the air, she could feel a sweat break out over her body.


“Now, either use your safe word and we will stop, or say, 'Yes, Sir,' and do as I ordered. And take the punishment that comes with your defiance.”


She didn't want to stop. No. She wanted him to hold her and say he would do what she wanted. She wanted his hands on her, not something in her butt.


No expression on his face, he waited, looking down at her, making her feel small. Naked.


Just standing next to him made tremors run through her until the jewelry on her breasts jingled softly. She thought of his strong fingers attaching the clamps…his touch. Even as her mind screamed no, she sighed. “Yes, Sir.” She turned and bent slightly.


A growl of exasperation, then his powerful hand grasped the nape of her neck, pressing inexorably down until she could almost touch the floor. “Spread your cheeks. Now.”


Her breath came in small pants of humiliation as she moved her hands to her bottom.


He squirted a cold liquid between her cheeks. Then something pressed against her rectum, trying to slide inside, and she whined, “Noooo.”


One of his hands pressed against her mound, the other inserted the…the thing. It slid in, stretching her rectum, and seemed to plop in. She could feel it inside her. Foreign and hard.


“This is called an anal plug, sugar,” he murmured. “It opens a whole new set of nerves and also stretches you a tad. I'm not going to take you there, not this weekend. You're too tight, and I'm too big. But this gives you an idea of what it would feel like.” He pulled her hands down, and she realized her fingernails had been digging in her buttocks. “Stand up now.”


Her cheeks closed over the plug, and it felt as if she had a rock between her buttocks. She shifted uncomfortably.


He moved to her front and wrapped a belt around her waist, yanking it snug. A piece of leather dangled from it. She looked at him questioningly.


He chuckled. “You'll see.” His voice softened, and he caressed her cheek. “I'm glad you're still here, Becca. I know this is scary, especially for you. You're a woman who likes everything under her control.”


Warmth filled her. He knew she was scared. He understood that and understood her.


And then he took a dildo out of his bag, and she backed away so quickly that she tripped.


He grabbed her by the wrist. “Nope, you're not moving. This is what you earned with your defiance.” It looked horrible. Shaped like a Y, one arm was the traditional phallic shape, and the other was shorter with a pointy end. “You ever used a rabbit?”


She shook her head. She had an old vibrator she'd picked up in college from a porn store. Ancient. And it lived somewhere in the bathroom.


“Spread your legs, sugar.”


He'd stuck something up her butt, and now he wanted to stuff something else into her? And why did his patient waiting drive her into doing what he wanted? She spread her legs, closing her eyes in humiliation.


The damn thing slid in easily. She was horribly wet, and he had to have noticed. As he adjusted it, she realized the short leg of the Y would be positioned right over her clit. Smiling slightly, he brought the leather between her legs and fit the end of the vibrator into a small hole. He tightened the leather, pushing everything up inside her even more, and secured it to the belt. “Good enough.” He smiled into her eyes, then arched a brow. “A mite upset, sweetie?”


She glared at him. “May I talk now?”


He studied her for a minute. “Nope. You'll say something I can't overlook, and you've already got one punishment coming. Go in the kitchen and get us both some water. Use the red glasses.”


How could she walk with this stuff in her?


He raised an eyebrow.


Damn, damn, damn
. She knew she was walking bowlegged. With every movement, the rabbit thing rubbed against her clit and the anal thing moved inside her. And somehow it all started to turn her on.


She found red glasses—plastic ones—and got the water. On the way back to the living room, suddenly the rabbit came alive. The thing pulsed and rippled in her vagina. Over her clit, it vibrated. It seemed to bump against the anal plug, and she felt everything inside her coiling tighter and tighter, so fast and fierce, she barely had time for a breath before she came in a mind-blowing orgasm.


When her vision cleared, she realized the vibrations had stopped. And somehow she'd managed to hold on to the glasses. She wobbled back into the living room.


Logan sat on the couch, arm over the back, watching her. “Iron control. Very impressive, sugar.”


Scowling, she handed him a glass, trembling so violently, the water splashed over the rim. “You did that on purpose.”


His jaw tightened slightly at her nasty tone. He pointed to the rug beside the fireplace. “Over there. Slave position.”


She started to ask him to remove the things now he'd made his point. His stern expression warned her against it. In front of the fireplace, she eased to the floor. The kneeling position pushed everything up higher inside her and rubbed the front arm of the rabbit against her swollen clit.


She stared at the rug, her body so sensitive, her skin seemed able to feel him approach. His feet appeared in the small circle of rug where her eyes had focused.


He walked behind her and buckled wrist cuffs on her. The inside of the snugly fitting cuffs were soft with fur. He clipped the cuffs together. “Sugar, I don't want you to move, to speak, or to look up. Any infraction will result in you spending more time here. The cuffs are to help.”


Help? He didn't think she could sit still and keep her hands behind her back? She huffed a breath and gave a mental shrug. As punishments went, this wasn't so bad. She didn't mind kneeling.


She heard the couch creak, then the sound of pages of a book being turned…and a hum as the vibrator inside her turned on. She managed to keep from gasping. In this position, she could feel every vibration course through her. The part of the rabbit just inside her labia rippled, and the front arm made a tapping sensation right over her clit. Arousal shot through her, and her insides coiled as she approached an orgasm. Oh God, oh God. But she could handle it and not move. She kept her eyes down, her back stiffening as—


Everything stopped. Surprise rolled through her, followed by frustration. Her body hovered right on the edge. Held by the cuffs, her hands fisted. Then relaxed as the pressure of the stalled climax receded.


Heavy footsteps thudded outside Logan's quarters, coming up the stairs. A knock. The door opened, and Rebecca closed her eyes. She waited for Logan to shove the person back out the door. To say something. Or cover her.


He did nothing.


Horrified, she looked up to see Logan's brother just inside the door. She stared at him in disbelief. She was naked, damn it! Naked with breast clamps and objects inserted into her. Embarrassment paralyzed her legs, or she'd have fled.


As she gaped at Jake, his face turned dark with disapproval. “Eyes down, sub,” he snapped with the same authority as Logan…or a Dom.


She averted her gaze from him, looking at Logan instead.


He was watching her, and his eyes were gray. Cold. He tapped his watch. “Another ten minutes added on.”


Oh God. Oh God. Oh God
. She dropped her gaze, the heat of humiliation making her feel as if she sat in a sauna. How could Logan do this to her?


“Very pretty pet you got there, bro,” Jake said. “Not trained very well, though. You got a minute, or is this a bad time?”


“I'm not busy for a while. Sit.”


Sit? He invited his brother to sit? Now fury alternated with the embarrassment. She clenched her jaw against the need to scream at Logan. And his brother.


And then the vibrator turned back on. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to react, not to show anything for the bastards, damn them. Her body heated, jumping straight to the precipice despite Jake's presence. Her hands tightened into fists as her focus narrowed to the thing over her clit, to the coursing, pulsing, almost there…


Everything stopped.


The tiny moan escaped her. She stayed frozen. She couldn't believe he'd done it to her again. And he didn't even seem to be paying attention to her. She could hear the men's low conversation now that her ears had stopped ringing.


“Gonna collar her, bro?”


Logan snorted as if Jake had said something funny. “I'm no full-time master.”


“It can just mean commitment. You know, going steady.”


What the heck was a collar? she wondered. Like a dog? Who was Jake talking about?


“Enough, asshole,” Logan growled. “Not going to happen.”


“Your loss.” And Jake started talking about a series of storms due tomorrow and plans for the club members.


As their discussion continued, Rebecca slowly brought her breathing back under control although her entire pussy burned.

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