Mate of the Alpha

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Authors: Marie Mason

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Short Stories, #Werewolves & Shifters

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His animal was restless. An instincti
ve uneasiness as if a storm was fast approaching. He felt charged, wired. On edge. And those feelings were centered on his personal assistant, Lily Reynolds. It was the damnest sensation, unlike anything he’d ever felt before in connection with a woman.

It bothered him to the point that his work suffered. Hell, his whole
life was one big jumble. He barely slept, eating was out, and his skin crawled every time a man spoke to her.

He pictured her in his mind. She
was decidedly not a classical beauty. She had flashing brown eyes, a headful of thick brown curls, and a kiss-me-if-you dare mouth. And she was curvy. Oh, the curves were sweet, mouth-wateringly sweet, but far removed from the stick thin women he’d fucked in the past, which covered a huge expanse of time considering he was a wolf shifter.

, his wolf growled, reminding him in a not-so-subtle way that every sexual encounter he’d have from now through eternity would be centered on Lily.

His mate.

The reason for his suffering.

His wolf growled again.
The wolf was not nearly as confused or hesitant as the man was to embrace his fate. Fate had given him Lily six months ago. His reluctance to claim such an innocent woman had kept her from his arms but hadn’t stopped him from falling in love.

For six long months, he’d been in
a state of constant arousal. Ever since his mate had walked through his office door looking for a job. Today she hadn’t arrived at work alone. One of the other administrative assistants had accompanied her into her office. It was still a few minutes before eight and the two women were chatting about how the workload had increased and how hard it was some days to keep on top of things. He snorted, he knew about getting hard and there was only one thing he wanted Lily to get on top of – him.

Every morning he played this little gam
e of control. How long before his cock became hard with arousal? His wolf growling in frustration? He sighed at his body’s immediate response to the mere idea of her presence, the muted sound of her voice. And her delicious scent wafting through the air. What would she taste like? He had yet to kiss her, but he dreamed of how her slick juices would taste on his tongue. But the time wasn’t right. Not yet. His damn wolf just didn’t understand. It wanted to claim her, fuck her, and mate her. It had been years, long years since his body had broken free of his mental control. It had been even longer since his wolf had broken free. Now he was battling both.

exerted his considerable will power over his physical reaction. It required a lot of deep breaths and a tug-of-war with his wolf, but he won.

He always won.

His mind circled back to the women’s conversation. Was he working Lily too hard? Maybe he should consider getting
an assistant. His wolf growled at the idea and he had to agree with the horny beast. With another person in the office suite, it would be impossible to take their mate when and how they wanted.

Newly mated shifters had a difficult time keeping their urges under
control. Add in the fact that he’d been battling his desires for months, and he was as randy as a teenager. Not that she’d be working long. Once he bred her, she’d stay at home preparing for their pup’s arrival.

Yeah, he was a
s chauvinistic as they came – for either a man or a wolf. His instincts told him to protect and defend. They also told him to love, care for, and respect her like no other.

Lily tapped on
the doorframe of his office and waited. She never invaded his private space without permission. The thought of her pregnant with his child had caused him to miss the other woman saying goodbye and leaving.

“Come in, Lily.

“Do you have those contracts ready for me to finish, sir?” She s
tood by the door, her hands clasped in front of her.

While he
had every intention of making her call him sir in the bedroom – mainly when he had her tied to his bed or spanking her luscious ass – he didn’t want her to do so in the office.

, really?
If his wolf had had eyebrows, they would have risen in disbelief. They both knew one of the first things they planned to do after they claimed her was bend her over his desk and fuck her while she screamed,
harder, sir; faster sir

His co
ck, which had been half-hard since she’d walked through the door, sprung to life so fast, he actually felt faint for a moment as all the blood in his body rushed south. His wolf snickered.

“Ethan,” he said with firm determination, wanting to hear his name on her lips. “I told you to call me Ethan.”

She drew in a deep breath, which lifted her breasts into prominence, and both the man and the wolf whimpered.

“Ethan.” Her voice was shy and breathless and he almost came in his pants.

He reached to the side of his desk and handed her a folder. “Here are the contracts. If you could have them done before you set up for the meeting, I’d appreciate it.”

A departmental lunch meeting had been
scheduled in the large conference room next to his office suite. What he really wanted to do was call the meeting off, claim Lily and take her again and again until they were both raw from fucking.

Then he wanted to do it all over again.

The only thing standing in his way? Lily Reynolds. In his mate, he sensed a reserve. There was a wariness within the depths of her pretty, brown eyes that spoke of something, he suspected, that had to do with a man. It made him angry to think anyone had ever hurt his mate. But knowing he’d have to overcome her natural resistance
some asshole’s past behavior was a challenge.

A sense of challenge
in regards to a woman, especially a mate, was arousing as hell.

hankfully, there wasn’t so much as a hint of feeling intimidated by him in her demeanor. Fate would not have given him a woman who would be cowered by his dominance. She would have given him a mate who completed him, who balanced the arrogance of his wolf.

There were other reasons for his reluctance to claim his mate. T
here was an air of such pure innocence surrounding Lily that it frightened him. He was a creature of the forest, an earthy, sexual being. He knew mating with him would expose her to his wolf’s – hell, the man’s – ferocious carnal appetite, the constant craving. The need to dominate her sexually. Of course, he would protect her and provide for her as no other male ever could. He was her mate, too. Designed to fulfill her needs and wants and desires. He just didn’t know if she was ready to be the mate of the alpha.

He smiled as he handed
her the contracts. Slowly, sensuously, sending a silent message he hoped she was starting to understand. He wanted her and he was going to have her. She was careful not to touch his hand as she took the sheaf of papers. Noting her stealth to not so much as brush his fingers with her own, Ethan’s eyes danced with deviltry.

“I’m sure I can manage it,
” she said primly before she turned and walked back to her office, unaware of the big, bad wolf ogling her rounded ass and curvy legs.

he sensation of simmering expectancy inside Ethan ratcheted up to rioting anticipation. The man and wolf both thought –
tonight is the night


Lily had beaten a hasty retreat to the sanctuary of her office after her early morning encounter with Ethan. He was in a strange mood today. A dangerous mood. A sexy mood. His smile as he’d handed her the unfinished sales contracts had been pure, sinful sex. So hot and sensuous, her pussy had clenched with a spasm of need.

Shivering in the new
awareness of herself as a woman, and him as a man in pursuit, Lily breathed a sigh of relief as she finished the contracts and took them into his office. Thankfully, he’d left the office about an hour ago and would not return until right before the lunch meeting. Crossing the threshold into his inner sanctum had become so torturous for Lily she tried to avoid entering his office when he was inside. Every time they were together she was struck, weakened by the sensual waves of attraction pulsating between them. The sensations aroused within her were breathtaking, exciting. On each occasion, she exited Ethan’s office feeling shaken, a yearning hunger for more…and so damn horny she was ready to buy a vibrator just to take the edge off.

Each day that passed,
she found herself one day closer to flinging herself in his arms and begging him to take her. She knew the dark passion was not one-sided. Just like the smile and the maneuver to force her to touch his hand, she knew he was baiting her. From the moment she’d walked into his office for an interview, he’d been baiting her. But…why?

She was not an ugly woman, but
she was certainly nothing like the women she knew he dated. She’d never actually met one, but the office grapevine provided plenty of gossipy details and so did the internet. Each of his past girlfriends could have been a runway model, so beautiful and thin they made Lily want to weep with envy.

urvy, well-padded, plush, cuddly, sturdy, well-fed, big-boned – she’d used all those words at one time or another to describe herself. Now, she’d accepted what she looked like and knew somewhere was a man who would love her unconditionally. Forever. Even if Ethan could not be that man, she really, really, really, wanted to know what it felt like to be on the receiving end of all the sexual tension swirling between them. She’d had two boyfriends, but only one had been her lover. He’d been a big, fat, zero in bed, and her biggest regret. But she’d been lonely, hungry for a man’s touch.

She’d been inexperienced when it came to work as well. She’d applied to Wolfe Enterprises
straight out of college, the proud recipient of a business degree and wet behind the ears as far as practical experience went. She’d applied for a junior mid-management position but had been offered the job as the CEO’s personal assistant. She’d taken it, needing the income to support herself and her newly divorced sister. It had been the best decision she’d ever made. She’d grown to respect Ethan, both as an employer and a male. He was polite and old-fashioned in his behavior and she’d realized quickly she’d learn more working as his assistant then she’d ever learn climbing the corporate ladder.

And now. Well, now she di
dn’t know if she ever wanted to do anything else.

Anything else but jump her boss’ bones.

His teasing, flirty manner was not helping. Neither was his overbearing, protective, caring attitude. Some days she thought he had a split personality. He would make the coffee before she came in or answer his own phone when she was swamped. At those times, she felt cherished and wanted. At other times, when he became cold and insensitive, keeping her at arm’s length with no explanation, she felt like the redheaded stepchild. Or an ex-lover.

He was driving her freaking crazy.

Lily placed the folder with the contracts inside on his desk chair and moved to the conference room. Standing by the cherry serving table, she quickly ticked off the tasks already completed by another assistant. Bottles of imported water were on ice. The coffee was ready to brew and the gourmet sandwiches and desserts were scheduled to be delivered at any moment. No five dollar subs for Wolfe  Enterprises’ employees.

All the materials were ready
for the presentation as well. Last night she’d stayed late to finish the folders that she’d placed neatly around the matching cherry conference table. In the evenings, she usually had to babysit for her sister who was taking night classes to finish her degree, but last night had been a school holiday so everything had worked out great. She hated asking for time off for personal reasons. She always felt obligated to explain why she needed the time off. Ethan made her feel guilty without saying a word. Guilty was the wrong word. She sometimes felt compelled to tell him things. As if, he had the right to know every intimate detail of her life.

She shivered remembering earlier when he’d asked her to call him Ethan. She did
that every day. In her head. Calling him sir put a barrier between them that helped her keep her distance. She knew she needed to get control of her infatuation with the man, but something inside her kept drawing her closer and closer.

Enough, Lily. Concentrate on the job at hand
. Glancing at the folders again, she thought of her sister. Margaret was taking classes to become a graphic designer. Her sister had married young and now had a broken marriage and twin girls to rear by herself. Lily loved her older sister, but she’d made some bad life choices.

Not that Li
ly was doing much better. She was twenty-six and suffering from, yes, she’d admit, not just infatuation, but unrequited love for her boss. Every night when she went home frustrated and horny, she regretted not cornering the man in his office and begging him to fuck her. And love her.

t woman didn’t want to be the mate of a hot, alpha wolf shifter?

Some days she still found it difficult to believe that what
the world had once considered just fairy tales, myths, and legends were grounded more in reality than many were comfortable acknowledging. Always feeling slightly different herself because of her weight, Lily hadn’t found it difficult to accept her friends and co-workers when they finally ‘came out’. Except for the demons. Those, she did try to avoid.

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