Read Mated & Blooded, A Blood Ties Novel, Book 1 Online

Authors: Kalalea George

Tags: #vampire, #werewolf, #hybrid, #alpha, #mates

Mated & Blooded, A Blood Ties Novel, Book 1

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& Blooded

Blood Ties Novel

Book 1

by Kalalea George

Copyright K. George 2013
Published at Smashwords

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I would like to thank my Wattpad fans for
helping me to finish this book. Without their input and comments I
might never have finished my first book. Thanks to all of you and
especially my husband Michael George and my children Heather, Katy,
Tara and Jayden

Chapter 1

"Ugg," I felt the covers being ripped off me.
It was the first day of my senior year of high school, and Mom was
still waking me up by pulling off my covers and tickling me.

"Mom, come on. Stop tickling. I’m awake," I
said in a sleepy voice.

"Good thing, cause I was just going to start
tickling your tummy, if you didn’t wake up soon."

My mother made a habit of making sure to have
a lot of physical contact with me. She loved to tickle, hug and
give me kisses all the time.

Mom stepped out of the room and I groaned as
I got myself out of bed. I wish I could be as happy as my mom. Mom
was always so happy; she never wasted a moment or took anything for
granted. She always said

"Baby, life is what you make it. You can
choose to be happy or sad. I choose happy."

I could never really understand how my mom
could be so dang happy. She lost her mate when she was pregnant
with me, and had to raise me as a single mother, shunned from the
rest of the pack. If not for the vampire blood, she was injected
with after the death of my father, we would both be dead. Then
again, me being dead would be okay with me, since I am a freak and
there is no one else like me. I am a werewolf-vampire hybrid.

I am lonely and alone. I am seventeen years
old and have never had a friend, not one. In fact, aside from my
mother, I have never had anyone voluntarily touch me, which was
really hard given my werewolf side. That side of me wanted to be
touched all the time. My wolf is a pack animal, she wants to be
wanted and touched. As a pack animal, she only wants what the rest
of them want, to be included and loved. That, however, is never
going to happen for her. The wolves in our pack really dislike me.
Sometimes they abuse me, and most of them refer to me a blood
sucking bitch.

The vampire side of me doesn’t mind being
alone. It’s a bit more comfortable without others being around all
the time. But even that side of me gets lonely. I remember when I
was in middle school, I tried to befriend a few of the vamps, and
it didn’t work out. They didn’t like me anymore than my pack did.
In fact, I think more than a few actually came to hate me. When I
pass them in school now, they call me a dog and say I stink.

Strange though, because when I look in the
mirror, I think I am a very attractive female. I believe, if not
for the vampire blood I carry within me, I would have been a very
popular she-wolf. I have beautiful, shoulder length, curly, red
hair. I have a powerhouse body- five foot seven and one hundred and
thirty pounds. I am athletically built with curves in all the right
places. Despite being physically attractive, I have never been
invited or gone to a party, school dance or on a date. Chances are,
aside from my mom I will never have anyone ever touch me. Even
doctors avoid flesh to flesh contact with me.

Sometimes when Mom finds me crying alone at
night, she tells me I will find my mate or possibly even my
blooded. A mate is a werewolf’s soul mate. All werewolves have a
soul mate; it is the other side of your wolf. The wolves call to
each other across great distances so that they can be rejoined to
the other half of their soul. Your mate completes you. I’m afraid
my mate, if I have one, will reject me. He too will probably not be
‘okay’ with my vampire side. Sometimes, when I tell mom my mate
isn’t going to want me, she rubs the back of my head and says,

"Well, who knows, maybe you will be a
vampire’s blooded." A blooded is a vampire’s equivalent of a
werewolf’s mate. Chances are though, I have neither. I would have
been born a normal she-wolf, if my father hadn’t been killed by
wolves while my mom was still pregnant. He died in her seventh
month. Since most mated couples die within months of each other,
the pack doctor decided to experiment on my mom.

She had collapse and gone into a coma the
moment my father was killed. She’d been taken to the pack hospital
to be kept and cared for until her soul passed on. The doctor
there, had decided to give her daily injections of vampire blood to
see if he could keep her alive long enough to give birth to me. It
worked better than he could ever expect. My mother regained
consciousness two weeks after my father passed, and instead of
withering and dying she got stronger and healthier every day.

I was born two months later as a full term
healthy pup, a miracle they said. Before my mother not a single
known she-wolf had survived and mothered a pup after her mate had
died. The doctor was being heralded as a genius!

Then, things started to go wrong. I didn’t
react like a normal pup. I developed sensitivity to sunlight. I
would welt up if left in the sun for more than ten to fifteen
minutes. I couldn’t keep enough food down and I wasn’t gaining
weight. My mom and the doctors tried everything. My fangs emerged
just fourteen days after birth, instead of nursing like a normal
pup I had struck at my mother’s breast with my fangs and had drank
her blood. It was then they discovered their error.

By treating my mother with Vampire blood
while I was still in the womb they had created a monster. I was
part vampire and required fresh blood on a regular basis to
survive. In addition to my fangs, sensitivity to light, and need
for blood, I eventually also grew the elongated ears of the
vampires. In fact, if not for my beating heart and warm blood, one
could say I visually looked more like a vampire than my full
blooded werewolf parents.

Mom didn’t care. She too was somehow changed
by the vampire blood. She didn’t need blood to survive, but she
also needed very little food, and always found the good side of
everything. Oh, well… Time to shower and go get the education my
mom insists I have.

I was pushed twice, had my books knocked out
of my hand, and I swear that dick put his foot out on purpose so I
fell down the stairs, and I have only been in school for an hour.
This is not going to be a good day.

I know they hate me but do they need to
torture me? Maybe mom would let me switch to night school for my
senior year. I know from experience the humans and vamps don’t like
me any better but at least they keep to themselves. I just don’t
think I am going to be able to take much more of this being pushed
around. In fact, the next time it happens I might just snap!

Just as I had that thought, I could hear two
males wolves behind me making nasty comments about my smell and my

"Do you think it is that freak hybrid?" one
of them said,

"Must be" said the other.

They continued to talk nasty about me.
Knowing full well I could hear every comment they made. Suddenly,
shouts erupted behind me and some started shouting freak I sensed
it before I felt the shove, but there wasn’t going to be enough
time; I was going down another flight of stairs face first.

It happened too quickly for me to even
protect myself. More than one set of strong hands shoved me from
behind. I felt myself being propelled into the air, and struck my
head on the wall before collapsing onto the stairwell. No one
stopped. They stepped on me or over me and just continued to head
to their next class.

Most of them snickered and made comments as
they stepped. Then something changed. I felt an electric pulse
thickening in the air. Suddenly in front of my eyes was the most
gorgeous male I had ever seen. He must be new I thought to myself.
If I had ever seen him before I would know it.

He had the most beautiful bright blue eyes,
his dark brown hair was cropped short and he had an amazing smile.
I watched as he reached his hand out towards me. In that moment I
realized he was actually going to touch me. He must not know what I
am. Just before he made contact with my hand, I found my voice and

"Don’t touch me, don’t you know who... I mean
what I am?"

I didn’t want to ruin his chances of being
fully accepted into the pack. Touching me, hell just talking to me
was going to make things harder on him then they needed to be. He
looked at me with his head tilted slightly to the side. Grinned
even wider

"My mate." he said, simply and lifted me into
his arms.

Chapter 2
(Lucas POV)

I smelled my mate. I knew it had to be her.
The smell was the most wonderful thing I had ever smelt in my life.
It was a combination of tangerines and fresh lilies. I would never
have believed that anyone could smell that good. I looked to my
left and right but couldn’t pinpoint where the smell was coming

I heard a commotion ahead of me and decided
to figure out what the pack was so excited about. That’s when I saw
her. Lying in stairwell her neck twisted in a strange angle. Her
head was bleeding, and it was clear that her arm and possibly her
left leg were broken. My pack members were taunting her and
stepping roughly on her as they passed. I felt my wolf emerge and
bellow in rage.

That is my mate down there. How dare they
hurt her? How dare they mock her pain? I growled in anger. The hall
cleared immediately. They had to obey I am their future alpha and
they know it. Today might be the first time I joined them in the
public school, but they all knew with one glance exactly who I

I rushed to her side intent of lifting her
and taking her to the pack doctor. She opened her eyes and looked
at me. Suddenly her pert lips parted and she whispered,

"Don’t touch me, don’t you know who... I mean
what I am?"

I would have been unable to understand what
she said if not for my excellent hearing. Of course I know who she
is. I tilted my head and smiled at her. I could tell she was losing

"My mate." I said and lifted her into my arms
just as she passed out.

I carried her down the hallway towards the
school nurse. I could tell my beautiful mates injuries were too
severe for a simple nurse to heal, but I figured she could call the
pack doctor and he could come here to treat my mate.

I felt her warm blood dripping down my arm as
I carried her through the hall. She seems to be healing slower than
the average she-wolf. I reached down to push the hair from her face
and that’s when I spotted her ears; Vampire ears.

I stumbled and stopped moving. I stared down
at my mate. It’s her, I thought. The hybrid I am mated to the
hybrid. This is Kalli Brooks the vampire-werewolf freak hybrid and
she is my mate. The future alpha of the largest pack in North
America is mated to the hybrid.

The fates really screwed up with this one.
No, my wolf thought. There is no screw up. She is our other half.
She completes us. She is our mate. He’s right, I thought. I agree
with him. Kalli is perfect and she is mine, my mate. I took a deep
breath and continue to walk towards the nurse’s office. Mary the
school nurse screeched when she saw me walking in carrying Kalli in
my arms.

"Oh my God Lucas! Put her down before she
contaminates you!"

She continued to huff and puff and swat her
arms in the air like there was a swarm of bees attacking her. I
could feel my anger building. How dare she talk about my mate that
way! I felt a growl building deep in my chest. I could barely
contain my wolf from attacking her. My body was shaking with the
contained anger. No one will ever speak badly of our mate, my wolf
chanted over and over. I opened my mouth and growled at her.

"She's my Mate."

Mary’s face froze. Her whole body stood in
shock. Tears silently started flowing down her cheeks. She tilted
her head and bared her neck to me. Fear emanated off of her.

"Mary," I said,

"Call the pack doctor, she is going to need

Mary continued to stand there submissively
still not moving. I raised my voice and threw in a side of alpha
and shouted at her,

"NOW, Mary, call the pack doctor."

I guess my alpha got to her because she
scurried away from us like a mouse running from a cat. I heard her
lift the phone in the other room. I gently laid my mate down on the
little cot, and again brushed her hair out of her face. I watched
as her chest gently lifted and fell while she continued to breathe
shallowly. I found myself tenderly caressing the side of her

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