Maximum Risk (18 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Lowery

BOOK: Maximum Risk
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From the kitchen he heard his father speaking quietly to Dani and the clatter of dishes as Bailey helped clean up. The mix of Avery and Dani in the same house wasn’t a good idea. Two cubs to tend would be good for his mom, but bad for Avery and Dani.

When he walked into the living room, his mother checked Avery’s temperature in her ear with the thermometer. Avery glared at him.

“One-hundred three,” his mother said and set the thermometer on the coffee table. “What you need is a nice, cool bath to bring that temperature down. Quinn, draw a bath for Avery, please.”

Avery’s gaze bounced to him, wide and full of panic.

“Mom, Avery can bathe at my house. You have things to do.” He stepped forward to lift Avery, but his mom pushed him away.

“Nonsense. I have you all to help with that. Now, do as I say.”

“Mrs. Wolff—Ellen—please, I don’t want to be a burden. Let me go to Quinn’s.”

“Would you be more comfortable there, dear?”

Avery nodded.

“Then I’ll pack a bag and stay with you.” His mother rose to her feet.

“No. I mean, that’s not necessary,” Avery said quickly.

“You’re sick, dear. Either you stay here and let me tend to you or I go there.”

Quinn knew that tone and Avery was going to lose this battle. No one ever won when his mom dug in her heels. He watched Avery stiffen, then deflate and close her eyes in acquiescence. She must be sick, because she never gave up this easily.

“I’ll stay here,” she conceded.

His mother nodded and turned to him. “Run home and get Avery a change of clothes and a pair of pajamas to sleep in.”

He glanced at Avery, whose head was turned toward the back of the sofa, eyes closed. She looked miserable.

“I won’t be long,” he said and strode out, leaving Avery to his mother’s ministrations.


Quinn returned minutes later to find Evan waiting at the door. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m taking Dani home. She found out Avery was staying here and freaked out. Mom calmed her down, but I think it best if she went home.”

“It would be easier for everyone if Mom would let me take care of Avery.”

Evan nodded. “She doesn’t have the flu, does she?”

Quinn rubbed his forehead. “I don’t think so.”

“Are you going to tell Mom?”

“Can’t. Avery won’t tell me.”

Evan clapped his shoulder. “I feel for ya, bro. Like walking a minefield, isn’t it?”

“You have no idea.”

“Hey, I grew up in this house too. I’ll run interference with Dani until you get Avery back to your house. Good luck, man.”

With that his brother strode to his truck and climbed in next to Dani, who stared out the windshield, her mouth pulled tight. Quinn continued inside and found Avery still on the sofa, asleep. His mother had covered her with a quilt and sat by her side with a frown.

She looked up when he walked in. “How is she?”

His mother got up and motioned him into the hall. “What’s really going on?” she asked once they were alone. “Avery isn’t sick with the flu.”


“What happened to her?”

“Nothing, Mom.”

His mother’s eyes softened. “Something happened before you found her?”

He nodded.

She patted his arm. “Not important right now. I’m sure you’ll tell me when the time is right.”

They were Avery’s secrets to tell, not his. But, knowing his mom, she’d indeed find out the truth eventually.

“Now, go put those bags in your room and help me get Avery upstairs. A nice bath and restful sleep will make her feel better.”

Somehow he doubted that, but he didn’t argue. He headed for his room to drop off her bag.

Downstairs he found Avery sitting on the couch, looking pale and worn out.

“Come on,” he said, leaning down to pick her up.

She scooted away and held up a hand to stop him. “No. I got it.”

With care she rose to her feet, winced, bit her lip and sat back down. “Damn it.”

“Good thing my mom is in the kitchen making you another cup of tea,” he chided, sweeping her into his arms and carrying her to the stairs.

“Yes, from someone named Brittany Sawyer. Straight from China,” she groused.

“Brit is one of the three Sawyer Sisters who run the Bed & Breakfast here in town. Brit specializes in teas and her sister, Amelia, brings in people from all over the country for her pastries. Mom loves tea so Brit keeps her supplied.”

“Sounds like a great setup.” She let out a sigh. “I don’t understand this. Why is your mother taking care of me? She should be throwing me out of her house.”

“That’s not how this family operates.”

Her head fell to his shoulder as he took the stairs up to the second floor. “They should.”

He carried her into his bedroom and laid her on the bed. She stared up at him, her eyes glazed. “I hate this.”

“Mom is a nurturer by nature. It’ll be easier if you just let her take care of you.”

“I don’t need to be taken care of. There’s nothing wrong with me.”

“Your temperature was one-o-three. That means a fever.”

She shifted to get comfortable as he moved to her feet and removed her shoes. “I don’t feel sick.”

“Your body says differently.”

“I’m fine.”

He sent her a disapproving look and set her shoes on the floor. Blood had soaked through the bandages and sheer hose. “Jesus, Avery.”

She pulled her feet away. “They look worse than they are.”

“You need to soak them in Epsom salts.”


“It won’t hurt. You may as well agree, because Bailey is drawing you a bath.”

Her eyes widened in panic. “I’m not bathing here. Oh my God, what is happening? I’m leaving.”

She swung her feet to the floor, swayed, and put a hand to her forehead. Quinn slid down to sit next to her and put an arm around her shoulders to steady her.

“Did they waterboard you, Avery?” he asked quietly.

Against him, she went rigid, her gaze swinging to his. “What?”

He waited for her to come to terms with it, saw what she tried so hard to fight shining in her eyes, along with strength and pride she wore like a shield. Beneath the thick wall was a vulnerable woman Avery fought like hell to keep down. She’d told him what he wanted to know, but left out a few important details. He suspected this was one of them.

“Why would you ask me that?” she demanded and shoved him away. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” She rose to her feet with a curse and fell back down on the bed.

Quinn stayed in place. He wanted to be wrong.

Her head bowed and her shoulders fell. “How do you know?” she asked.

“I wish I didn’t.”

“Me too.”

He moved closer and wrapped a hand around her forearm. “You’re safe with me.”

She continued to stare at the floor. “So you know I was…”

“I suspected.”

“I managed to escape my room once. Only once.” With a shudder she lifted her head and met his gaze. “No one else can know. Please, just forget I told you. Forget everything I told you.”

“Christ, Avery. You were waterboarded. And you want me to forget it?”

Her eyes flashed liquid silver. “Yes. I want you to forget it. I have.”

He leaned in close. “Have you?”

Her chin lifted a notch. “Yes.”

Astonished, he said, “I’m surprised you can say that with a straight face. If you’re over it then go take a bath.”

She reeled back as if he’d slapped her. “Bastard.”

He was, but that didn’t change the fact he was right.

“I don’t need this. Consider yourself fired. I’m out of here.” She rose to her feet, hissed out a breath, and headed for the door.

Quinn watched her take painful steps across the floor until she collapsed on the door, still on her feet, but leaning heavily and breathing hard. The woman was more stubborn than any he’d ever met. That included his mom and sister, who were unstoppable when they set their mind to something.

She pressed her forehead against the door. He rose and came up behind her. Instead of touch her, he said, “I’ll help you.”

“I don’t need your help. Damn it, I’m fine.” Her breath hitched.

“Let me do this for you.”

“I don’t know how,” she whispered.

“I do.” He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bathroom where Bailey had filled the tub. Behind him, he closed the door before sitting down on the toilet lid and fitting her on his lap.

In silence, he unbuttoned her silk blouse and slid it off her shoulders. He let his thumb trace the strap of her crimson lace bra, felt her shudder.

His breath caught at the swell of her breasts poking out the cups of her bra. Fighting his body’s reaction, he rose to his feet and set her on the floor, supporting her while she unzipped her slacks and kicked them off. Bruises still covered her stomach and legs. White-hot fury surged through him. Bastards were going to pay for this.

Avery lifted her head to meet his eyes, pride and vulnerability shining in hers. Quinn allowed her that last shred of vanity by picking her up and striding to the tub. She stared down into the water and began to shake.

“I can’t.” She spoke so quietly he almost didn’t hear her.

He set her down on the floor and stripped down to his boxers. When she saw the bandage on his bicep she frowned.

“What happened?” she whispered. His sleeves had hidden it until now and that day she saw him swimming he’d been facing the opposite direction.

Quinn glanced at his arm, shifted slightly. “Nothing. Just a scratch.”

“That’s a gunshot wound.” She looked up at him. “This is a fresh wound. You were shot saving me, weren’t you?”

When he remained silent she smacked his chest. “Damn you, Quinn Wolff. Why didn’t you tell me you were shot?”

“It isn’t important.”

“That is no small wound. It’s stitched shut.”

Quinn lifted her into his arms and stepped into the tub. Avery clung to his neck, trembling from head to toe as he slowly sank into the water. Inch by inch it surrounded them until he sat with her on his lap, still clutching him for dear life. Her breath came in gasps.

“It’s okay. I’ve got you,” he murmured, feeling her fingers dig into his flesh.

He covertly inspected her wound as little by little her muscles began to relax, but she didn’t release her grip. Healing well. No issues. Her breath panted across his shoulder and her eyes were squeezed shut. He forced his body not to respond to the way her backside pressed against his groin.

After a few minutes she whispered, “I’m doing it. I’m in the water.”

Quinn stroked a hand down the smooth skin of her back. “Yes, you are.”

He picked up a washcloth from the edge of the tub, dipped it in the water, and squeezed it over her shoulder. Lukewarm water ran down her skin and she relaxed even more. Over and over he smoothed the washcloth over her flesh, until every muscle was loose and she no longer gripped his neck, but rested against him. It was hell on his libido, but he did it for her.

“Quinn?” she asked, lifting her head and meeting his eyes. “Help me with one more thing?”

His body jerked in response to the request. Try as he might he couldn’t keep it down.

“What’s that?”

“Dunk my head underwater.”



Chapter Thirteen


Not what Quinn wanted her to say. Desperation shone in Avery’s eyes and he knew how important this part was. Being submersed in water was her fear. And she trusted him to help her overcome.

Humbled, he pushed his needs aside. “Hold your breath,” he said and she took a deep breath. He bent his knees and slid down in the water until they were both submersed, his eyes open. Avery’s eyes popped open and her body went rigid. Her fingers dug into his shoulders.

Then her eyes opened wide in what he thought was panic, so he pushed them upward out of the water. “Avery, I’m—”

She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him, catching him completely off guard. “I did it! I can’t believe I didn’t panic.”

“Avery, I don’t want you to—” The door swung open and his mother bustled in. When she saw them she stopped short with a gasp. “Quinn! What on Earth? Oh, dear Lord.”

With that she spun around and walked back out, pulling the door closed with a small slam.

Avery pushed against him. “Go after her,” she ordered. “You have to tell her we weren’t doing what she thinks we were. I can’t believe she saw us bathing together.”

Quinn stood with her in his arms, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her before depositing her on the floor. “I’ll handle it.”

Avery glared at him, her cheeks flushed. “I never should have let you talk me into this. Now your mother has another reason to hate me.”

“She doesn’t hate you.” He grabbed their clothes off the floor.

“She does now.”

His mother was not a judgmental woman, but walking in on them in the tub together wasn’t going to be an easy fix.

Swaying a little, Avery braced a hand on the wall.

“Damn it, get in bed.” He guided her across the hall to his bedroom. Before she could sit he dug a pair of shorts and spaghetti strap tank out of her bag and handed them to her. “Put these on.”

She took them out of his hand and he turned his back while she changed. When he heard the bedsprings squeak he turned around to see her lying in bed, eyes closed. He pulled the blankets over her.

“Make this right with your mother, Quinn,” she murmured. “Don’t give her another reason to dislike me.”

He smoothed a strand of wet hair off her cheek. “I’ll fix it.”

Her body relaxed at his promise, her breathing slowing. He picked up her wet clothes and walked quietly from the room, closing the door behind him. If it was the last thing he did he was going to keep his word.


After dressing in dry clothes Quinn went downstairs to find his mother. Kell met him on the landing.

“What the hell, Quinn?”

“It’s not what you think.”

“I hope not, because you aren’t stupid enough to break Rule Number One. Especially not under our parents’ roof.”

He scowled at his brother. “Hell, no. We weren’t having sex in Mom’s bathtub.”

Kell’s eyes narrowed. “Then what were you doing in there with her?”

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