Maybe This Christmas: A Sweet Historical Western Holiday Romance Novella (Holidays in Mountain Home Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Maybe This Christmas: A Sweet Historical Western Holiday Romance Novella (Holidays in Mountain Home Book 2)
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But at last ceremony began that would unite her life to Luke’s.

The Reverend recited familiar words, phrases, stated vows for bride and groom to repeat. It all passed with a surreal beauty she held close to her heart and wanted to remember. With good reason, she’d blotted out all remembrances of the ceremony that bound her to Reuben Carmichael.

When the time came, Luke slipped a slim gold band on her finger. He kissed his ring upon her hand.

Love for this good man provoked tears she couldn’t fight back. She didn’t want to cry—this was the most beautiful moment of her life. She’d remember it as the moment that good won over darkness, that Luke’s love reclaimed her.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Luke Finlay.”

Applause erupted, echoing in the high-ceilinged building, but Effie’s full attention was on her husband. In the full sight of God and a their entire family, he took her in his arms and kissed her.




Chapter Twelve






September, 1900


Effie Finlay had seen every stage of their new home’s construction…from the exterior. Luke had insisted she wait to see the finished interior once fully furnished and everything was in its place. Today, he was finally ready to give her a tour.

He stood flush behind her, his arms around her thickening middle. In three months, their first baby would be born in this house—their home.

New construction—fresh paint, varnish, sawdust, new upholstery and carpets—filled her senses. She touched the blindfold he’d tied about her eyes. “Let me see.”

“Not yet.”

He walked her forward, positioned her just so.


“Now.” He untied the flour sack dishtowel from about her head.

From where they stood, Effie caught her first glimpse of fully furnished parlor and dining room beyond. Wallpaper of cream harmonized with stained and varnished door frames. An upholstered sofa and two chairs in complementing shades of blue clustered before the hearth. Large windows let in the morning light. A dining room table and chairs—

Her husband’s hands settled on her upper arms.

It was all so much more than she’d expected. Yes, he’d told her he’d saved through the years, but this was all too much. Overwhelming in its appeal and everything it meant. In her mind’s eye she could see their family gathered around that dining room table, or seated before the fireplace on cold winters nights. She heard the laughter of children and pitter-patter of little feet.

“Do you like it?”


She felt him relax and she rested her head against his shoulder. He palmed her growing belly and she savored his touch. She’d long known he doubted his ability to provide a house to compare with that of her youth and the mansion Gus had bought from the Abbotts. She’d finally convinced him, throughout the entire construction, that she didn’t need or want a fancy house. Until Luke, she’d never known a

Their newlywed home, the single room at the back of her shop, was filled with more laughter and joy and love than she’d ever known before him. It didn’t matter where they lived, so long as they were together.

“Ready to see the kitchen?”

He took her by the hand and led her into the modern room, outfitted with a beautifully crafted oak icebox and a pump at the sink. A table stood in the middle at a serviceable height. A big cook stove filled one corner, a shiny, new appliance she hadn’t the vaguest idea how to use.

Luke had offered to hire a cook, and she’d readily accepted. He’d continued to support her decision to operate her tailor shop—and that freedom had increased her love for him.

“Let me show you the bedrooms.”

He led her up the stairs, taking her first into the bedroom they would share. Tall windows set into two walls of this corner room let in autumn’s clear light and offered a beautiful view of the mountains. A big bed dominated the center, its four posts standing tall and straight. A matching wardrobe and dressing table stood against opposite walls.

“It’s lovely.” The room felt inviting, welcoming. They’d welcome their child into the world, here. In this sunlit room, it was easy to picture their future. Years stretched ahead, each day beginning and ending in its comfort.

His smile grew. “Let me show you the nursery.”

A well-crafted crib stood under the sloping roof between two dormer windows. The baby’s bed was already made with sheets and blankets to match. She recognized Mother Finlay’s handiwork and laughed in pleasure.

The rocking chair’s cushions were covered in the same fabric, as were the curtains at the windows.

Overcome with pleasure in this room that aptly spoke of their future, she turned in her husband’s arms and put her arms about his neck. “It’s wonderful. Thank you.”

His embrace warmed her clear through. His hands smoothed over her back and found their way to cup her face. “You’re welcome. It pleases me that we can finally sleep in our new home tonight. I’ll carry your things in—you’re not to lift a thing.”

She smiled in appreciation, rose on tiptoe, and kissed him. “You’re an amazing man, Luke Finlay. I thank God every day he brought me you.”

“How is it possible I love you more today than yesterday?”

“Because there’s more of me to love?” She smoothed the pale yellow summer dress over her rounded belly.

He chuckled. “Yes, I love you more because you’re the mother of my children. I love you because you bring out the best in me, make me want to be a better man. I love you as we have the kind of marriage I’d always counted on, but didn’t know I’d find.”

She knew what he meant…a marriage like his parents’, a partnership, one filled with love that deepened through time. He’d brought her this…more than she’d ever dared imagine could be hers.

Tears filled her eyes with too much ease these days. He dragged the pad of his thumb over the wet trail on her cheek. He understood. She could see the depth of their connection in his gaze.

“My life began the day I met you.” She’d told him this before, but now, she meant it more than ever.

“That’s what a man loves to hear.”

He lowered his head and kissed her with confidence and tenderness…like a man in love.





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About the Author


Kristin’s love of books and reading began as a preschooler. She arrived home after her first day of Kindergarten frustrated to tears that they hadn’t taught her to read (though her parents already had). Today, she devours several books a week, always searching for more authors to add to her keeper shelf. The advent of eBooks made that keeper shelf take up significantly less room, thus ensuring her husband is less aware of the book addiction.

Kristin has worked as a Registered Nurse (Labor and Delivery, Maternal-Child), Childbirth Educator, magazine article writer, Weight Watchers Territory Manager and Leader. Through it all, writing remained her first love. She lives north of Salt Lake City with her husband of twenty-five years, three college-age kids who haven’t completely moved out, a daughter dancing her way through high school, and a Vizsla named Snickerdoodle.

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Home for Christmas

A Sweet Historical Western Holiday Romance Novella (Rated G)

Holidays in Mountain Home, Book 1


by Kristin Holt


The books in this series are loosely connected and may be read in any order.


Miranda sneaks home after a long absence, determined to avoid her former fiance. But Hunter wants far more than his old role as brother-in-law-to-be. Abundant Christmas spirit, matchmaking mothers, and hometown holiday celebrations conspire against Miranda's plans for a quiet, at-home Christmas.

Her heart doesn't stand a chance.




is available as an eBook


for your Kindle


~ and ~

also in paperback

The Bride Lottery

A Sweet Historical Mail Order Bride Romance (Rated PG)


Forty Bachelors.

Fifteen Brides.

What could go wrong?



Evelyn is in a pickle.

In less than five months, Evelyn Brandt will be an unwed mother. Her parents discover her secret and send her away on the next west-bound train. They insist she deliver the child on the other side of the continent where the disgrace won’t harm her father’s business empire and the family’s social standing. She’ll be allowed to return home after the child is adopted by decent people and her corset fits properly once more.


Sam’s in charge of the Bride Lottery, and the competition’s fierce.

It’s too bad the mail order bride agency failed to round up even half their order, ‘cause every man on the mountain wants a bride—except Sam Kochler—so he’s saddled with enforcing the rules. He received bios of each lady the agency sent, so when Evelyn steps off the train, he’s a tad curious and a mite too interested.

The tougher the competition becomes, the worse some fellas behave, and it’s not long before Sam finds himself courting Evelyn—only to protect her while she makes up her mind. He won’t allow himself to fall in love and still doesn’t want a wife…or so he keeps telling himself.





The Bride Lottery

is available


for your Kindle


And in a Kindle Anthology of

Wholesome Western Historical Romances



in paperback


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