McLeod, Anitra Lynn - Dirty Cowboy (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (4 page)

BOOK: McLeod, Anitra Lynn - Dirty Cowboy (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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The noise he made was part whimper, part growl, and all sexy. Encouraged, Everett made his way down Dalton’s chest, pressing his lips against strong muscles, clean flesh, and a body so ready he was unable to hold still.

“Settle down or you’re gonna get a backside of splinters.” Concerned for his incredibly smooth flesh, Everett yanked a spare piece of canvas under his butt and back to protect him from the raw wood.

“It’s just that your touch, the way you make me feel, I can’t hold still.”

Dalton’s frenzied squirming was hotter than hell and twice as wicked. Everett wrapped his fist around Dalton’s cock and lowered his mouth. Right before he made contact, he looked up and asked, “Do unto others, right?”

“Right.” Dalton swallowed hard and held very still, his anticipation practically rolling off him in waves.

“You ever done this before?” Everett deliberately washed the heat of his breath over Dalton’s dick.


“Which is it?” Everett grinned up at him, loving the frantic look in his eyes, the anxious tightening of his body. He was going to give him the suck of his life, but he wanted to pay him back some frustration first.

Clearly unaccustomed to teasing, Dalton pressed down on his head, but Everett moved to the side. All Dalton’s pushing did was press Everett’s mouth against his hip.

Kissing him there, then looking up, Everett asked again, “Yes, no, what?”

“No one has ever sucked my cock.” Dalton’s voice hitched. “But I’ve—”

Everett didn’t let him finish. He lunged down on him, taking his prick all the way to the base. Had he known, he wouldn’t have teased him at all. No wonder he was so eager to give what he so desperately wanted to receive.

Dalton uttered a cry of such joy Everett redoubled his efforts. He wanted to please him, to show him how wonderfully good he’d made him feel only moments ago. Working his mouth and hand in tandem, he sucked and stroked until Dalton’s body lifted up. Right at the verge of climax, Dalton froze in place.

Concerned, Everett looked up. Dalton’s face was twisted with need and what looked like anguish. Afraid that Dalton would push him away and make him stop, Everett sucked harder. Dalton’s eyes went wide, and he thrust his hips, plunging his prick so deep that Everett almost gagged. But he took him. He cupped his buttocks and helped him rock into his willing mouth.

Uttering a coyote cry, Dalton climaxed.

He tasted sweet, almost like the first warm air of spring. Sucking and swallowing, Everett swore he would never get enough of his flavor. Everett hadn’t had much experience of a sexual nature, but this man, this wonderfully different stranger, had a flavor that was utterly unique.

Like Everett had earlier, Dalton didn’t wait for the shakes to leave him before he hauled Everett up and kissed him.

“You, I want you,” Dalton said between kisses.

“You’ve got me,” Everett returned, laughing at Dalton’s possessiveness and his own overwhelming feelings of joy. Usually, when all was said and done, his lovers had flashed him guilty looks as they made their escape. Not a one had wanted to stick around and talk, let alone cling to him with an air of coupling up.

“I want to stay here.” Dalton hugged him so hard Everett squeaked.

“Right here? Well, hell, I don’t think we can—”

Dalton didn’t let him finish. He pushed him onto his back and pressed their spent cocks together. “We can if we want to. Say we can.”

Confused, Everett soothed his hand over Dalton’s back. “Sure. Yeah. We can.” But he knew it was a lie. They couldn’t just set up a homestead because they felt like it. There were laws, and this land was probably owned by someone. Everett didn’t even know exactly where here was. Still, as soon as he agreed, Dalton calmed, and pressed his head against Everett’s shoulder.

“I don’t want to be alone anymore.” Dalton voice was muffled, but still crystal clear.

Now Everett thought he understood. Dalton didn’t mean here, specifically, but here more figuratively, like here in each other’s arms. Everett wasn’t certain, but he thought someone had abandoned Dalton at this spring. Maybe they took what they wanted from him then cast him aside. That scenario would explain why he was naked and how he’d given pleasure but never got any. Everett had been on the receiving end of that kind of cruelty. Now it was Everett who hugged Dalton so hard he squeaked. He’d seen his fair share of meanness in the world, but nothing so vicious as stripping a man bare and leaving him in the middle of nowhere.

Rolling over, and then again so he was on top of him, Everett looked down into haunted eyes. “You’re not alone anymore.” Everett balanced his weight on his arms. “I wouldn’t leave you for all the whisky in the world. Hell, I can’t think of anything that would make me walk away.”

Hope chased away the despair that had clouded Dalton’s gaze.

“Now, let’s get some food going, and set up a place to sleep. Maybe I can even get cleaned up a bit.” If nothing else, Everett thought he should take advantage of the warm night and the nearness of the water to wash his clothes. As much as he thought Dalton was genuine in liking his trail-dusty earthiness, he wanted to be good and clean for the down and dirty things they would do later.

“But there’s more I want to give unto you.” Dalton’s words shot another jolt of pure energy right down to Everett’s prick.

Grinning, Everett said, “Don’t worry, we’ll have all the time you want to give unto one another, but if we don’t eat, we won’t have the strength to do what I have in mind.”

Dalton’s eyes went wide, and so did his smile. “We should eat then.”

“Yeah.” Everett kissed him then sat up quick before they could get to tussling again. If he wasn’t careful, it would be incredibly easy to forget everything and just sex himself to death with this man.

Reluctantly, he fastened his trousers and climbed out of the wagon. Turning back, he pointed at the pants. “As much as I can’t believe I’m going to say this, I think you should put those on. Otherwise, I’ll never be able to get anything made for supper.”

Flashing that wicked grin that Everett had already grown accustomed to, Dalton jumped out of the wagon and shimmied his way into the pants. The brown canvas trousers were a little tight on him. Everett couldn’t help but notice that his cock created an interesting bulge in the front.

“Damn. They never looked that good on me.” He admired the way the fabric molded to his muscular legs, then sighed. “Naked or clothed, you seem to be mighty distracting.”

“I can cook.”

“Yeah?” Everett hooked his finger into the waistband and pulled Dalton close. “What do you know how to cook?”

“Stew.” Dalton wrapped his arms around his shoulders. “I’ll take care of supper while you clean up.”

“I thought you liked me this way.”

“There is nothing I like more than a dirty cowboy, but I know it bothers you. Now go.” Releasing him, Dalton gave him a little push toward the spring.

“Dirty cowboy? You were the one laying in the dirt.” As soon as the words left his mouth, Everett wanted to slap himself upside the head.

Despair turned right around and ate up all the hope in Dalton’s eyes.

“Aw, damn. I didn’t mean—” Knowing that whatever he said would probably only make matters worse, Everett shut his mouth, cupped the back of Dalton’s head, and kissed him. Not hard, not demanding, but very soft, like an apology without words.

Everett knew it was the right thing to do when Dalton relaxed against him. Still, Everett was afraid to leave him in such a tender state.

“I’m not going anywhere.” Dalton locked his gaze on Everett’s. “Go wash up. I’ll be here when you get back.”

Reluctantly, Everett left Dalton and moved toward the spring. He couldn’t stop himself from looking back. Each time he did, Dalton waved. When he reached the spring, he looked back one more time. Pure panic surged when he didn’t see Dalton anywhere.

Chapter Five

As if the fires of hell were lapping at his heels, Everett ran back to the clearing. On the verge of screaming more pathetically than that broken-legged cow had earlier, he clamped his lips shut when Dalton came around from the edge of the wagon with two pans and a good hunk of beef in his hands.

“You forget something?” Dalton asked.

Standing there dumbstruck with relief, but loath to give away the depth of his feelings, Everett nodded. Calm and cool, he climbed up into the wagon and rummaged until he found some soap. He rubbed his face, felt about a mile of stubble, but he wasn’t about to shave in the dark and slit his throat.

While telling himself that Dalton wasn’t about to run off, especially not when he didn’t have any boots, Everett returned to the spring. Stripping down, he climbed into the water, which was surprisingly warm.

After cleaning his body, he pulled his filthy clothes into the water and gave them as good a scrubbing as he could. Maybe it was a blessing that it was dark. He really didn’t want to see how much filth came out of his clothes after all this time on the prairie. Since he wasn’t going anywhere for awhile, he decided to give his boots a cleaning, too.


His heart gave a funny little jump when he heard Dalton’s voice. “Yeah?”

“I need some water.”

“Well, come on over. I’ve got plenty.”

Dalton slipped through the screen of trees. “I didn’t want to sneak up on you again.”

“I appreciate that.” A sliver of moon slipped out between the clouds. Silver light caused the clearing to glow and gleamed against the blond strands in Dalton’s hair. If he were a more fanciful man, Everett might think Dalton was some kind of mythical creature, what with his stunning looks and odd way. Whatever he’d done to earn time with him, Everett was grateful.

“Do you want me to help you scrub up?”

Everett considered. “Naw. I’m appreciative of the offer, but if you get in here with me, I have a feeling we won’t have supper until tomorrow morning.”

“That would make it breakfast.”


Dalton stood there for a while, watching Everett with his head tilted to the side. “You look different wet.”

“No doubt!” Everett laughed. “Now that I’m no longer a dirty cowboy, you still gonna want to bunk down with me?”

“Do you want me to?”

“Hell yes I want you to!” Everett wondered how he could think otherwise after what they’d done in the back of the wagon. But then again, after being discarded, it was no wonder he was a mite insecure. “Why do you think I’m getting all gussied up?”

The grin that transformed Dalton’s face caused Everett’s breath to catch. He’d never called another man pretty, but Dalton was a compelling combination of handsome and downright beautiful.

Dalton filled two pans at the springhead where the water was clean then moseyed on back to camp. Watching his buttocks move below the tight-fitting pants caused a glut of dirty thoughts to fill Everett’s head. His body might be clean but his mind was filthy. Given how smooth and sweet Dalton’s cock had tasted, he couldn’t wait to lick him everywhere else. Everett wasn’t a betting man, but he’d lay odds that Dalton was just as perfect between his buttocks.

If he’d never had his cock sucked, Everett figured Dalton had probably never done a lot of things, maybe even—


The soap shot right out of Everett’s clutching fist, making him scramble for it in the murky light. A virgin. Oh, lordy. What if Dalton was all pristine and untouched? Rising lust was tempered by a refusal to inflict any more pain on the man. If this was, in fact, Dalton’s first time, Everett swore to take the greatest care he could muster with him.

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