MEGA-AX1 The Inferno (3 page)

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Authors: LaShawn Vasser

Tags: #IR Romance

BOOK: MEGA-AX1 The Inferno
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“Just remember you said that later. Do you remember that guy that I met at the bar yesterday?”

Jessie nodded.

“Well, his name is Michael Wright. He’s throwing a birthday party for his brother tonight and invited me. We should go.”

Jessie would have much rather stayed in and watched a movie—or plucked her eyes out—than go to a party. But she could tell by the gleam in Téa’s eyes that she was determined.

“Téa, I’d rather just stay in and watch a movie. I’m not really up for partying. And, even if I wanted to go tonight, I didn’t bring anything to wear.”

“I figured you say something like that. I’m not going to let you sit home and flounder around this weekend. We did that yesterday. Yesterday is over.”

Téa reached into the hall closet and pulled out the garment bag. “I anticipated all of your excuses of why you wouldn’t be able to go out tonight. So, while I was out shopping this morning, I found this dress.”

She unzipped the garment bag and pulled out a sexy, black, single-strapped minidress. “This would be killer on you. It will show off those toned arms and long legs. You’ve been practicing yoga for years, but the only time you show off all your hard work is when you’re undercover. If I had a body like yours, you would never see me wearing clothes.”

“Téa…you hardly wear clothes now! This dress is gorgeous, but I think it’s more your style than mine.”

“Maybe...but it’ll still look great on you, and you don’t have a choice.”

Téa spoke to herself as if Jessie had already agreed to go. “I have some red bottoms that would match this dress perfectly.”

Téa continued to hold the dress up to Jessie who inwardly groaned. She knew as soon as this conversation started that she was going to a party tonight. Téa continued to hold up and admire the dress against Jessie. “We just have to do something with all that wild hair.”

Jessie rolled her eyes, “What’s wrong with my hair?”

“It’s a mess. Don’t get me wrong you have beautiful hair, but those long, thick tresses are a mess.” Téa was looking at Jessie’s hair as if planning her next masterpiece. “I mean you could do some highlights or even lowlights to add some flavor to all that chocolate. People spend all kinds of money to buy the kind of hair you’ve been keeping in that big old braid or hidden under a hat of some kind. I hope I can get Candy to come over on short notice and make some sense of it. I am not taking no for an answer Jessie.”

Jessie hated when Téa was like this. There was no reasoning with her. “I like my hair just the way it is thank you very much.”

“Ok. I’ll compromise with you. Let Candy at least straighten out all those curls. That’s my best offer. Otherwise, I’ll have her give you the Téa Carlisle makeover.”

“No no…I’m good with just straightening out the curls.”

Téa raised a perfectly shaped brow. “Good. That’s what I thought. But understand this Jessie…even the super models on the cover of Vogue can’t mess with a Téa Carlisle makeover.”

“Confident much?”


Jessie rolled her eyes, “What time are we leaving?”


Jessie and Téa drove for about an hour and a half before they finally reached Naples, Florida. That was the address Michael had given Tea. They pulled up to the gate at around 10:30 p.m. and gave their names to the security guard on duty. Téa had no idea when chatting with Michael earlier that he was—or appeared to be—a very wealthy man. He didn’t live in a little house in the suburbs as she’d suspected, instead he lived in a very wealthy gated community.

They passed through the gates. It took several minutes to get from the security gate to the address he’d given on his card; however, on the way to the address they passed several other estates. The homes looked like something from a rich and famous magazine.

Cars were parked everywhere. Jessie noticed the valet ahead and suggestively pointed Téa in that direction. As they got out of her rental car, Téa smiled sexily at the valet and handed him her keys.

She purred at him before flashing that high-voltage smile, “Make sure you take good care of her.”

The valet smiled back nervously. Téa had that effect on men. She was sexy and she owned it.

The party was in full swing by the time they had made it inside. The music was blaring and there were people wall-to-wall laughing and dancing.

Two hulking men came out of nowhere and stood on each side of them. Immediately, Jessie was on guard. Over the loud music one of the men bent down and spoke into Téa’s ear.

“Are you Téa Carlisle?”

“…And you are?”

“I’m Michael Wright’s personal assistant. He asked that I escort you and your guest to him as soon as you arrived.”

“Then yes, I am Téa Carlisle.”

Téa and Jessie exchanged glances. So far, Mr. Wright was starting out on the

They followed the assistants through the throngs of people. It wasn’t lost on Jessie that this was a party of beautiful people. Everyone looked like a model or actress…probably aspiring. Jessie could have also sworn she’d just passed a couple of rock stars in the hallway. While still making their way through the crowd, the sea of people automatically parted as the women made their way closer to their host.

The assistants led them to what seemed like a private VIP area, which was slightly less packed with people. There was a group of men whose backs were turned toward them; however, Téa could still identify Michael.

“Excuse me…Mr. Wright? Ms. Carlisle and her guest have arrived.”

Not bothering to turn around, Michael nodded almost imperceptibly before finishing some joke he was telling his friends. He then took a sip of whatever he was drinking before slowly turning around to greet them. Téa thought he was over doing it just a bit but at this point she was just going to let it slide. If he wasn’t one of the most scrumptious men she’d ever seen, she may have tossed her silky, golden hair over her shoulders and left. But, she remembered those piercing baby blue eyes from their first meeting at Frank’s. They had an instant physical attraction. Her feet were rooted right where she stood.

Michael’s eyes finally connected with Téa’s. Something about him drew her to him like a moth to a flame. Jessie just sort of stood back and watched as the whole scene unfolded. It was actually a little interesting seeing the tables being turned on Téa. Usually, she had the men eating out of
hands. Mr. Wright was laying it on pretty thick, and for an unguarded minute it brought out a look in Téa’s eyes that Jessie hadn’t seen in a very long time.

Not taking his eyes away from hers, Michael greeted them, “I’m so glad that you guys were able to make it. I wasn’t sure you’d come.”

Jessie saw the moment Téa put her game face back on as she purred, “That’s why you gave the gatekeeper my name and had your personal assistants escort me over to you?”

He smiled slyly and flashed a smile that almost made Téa’s knees go weak. “I
you’d make it.”

Téa grabbed a hold of Jessie’s arm as if to introduce her to Michael, but it was merely a ruse to catch her balance from her weak knees.

“And…Mr. Wright, you hoped I’d be impressed.”

“Are you?”

“I’m not sure yet. I’ll have to let you know.”

The chemistry between Téa and Michael was off the charts. Jessie wondered if they even knew anyone else was in the room. Jessie coughed to remind Téa that she was still there. Without missing a beat, Téa began the introductions.

“I’m sorry. I never introduced you to my best friend. Jessica Ramsey this is Michael Wright.”

Michael finally dragged his eyes away from Téa long enough to give Jessie a firm handshake and a warm smile.

Jessie could see why Téa was attracted to Michael. He definitely stood out amongst the crowd. His baby blues were mesmerizing, the dirty blond hair was perfectly sculpted, and the after-five stubble on his jaw was shaped to perfection. Michael looked as if he’d just come from a GQ magazine photo shoot. Yes, he was an extremely attractive man almost to a fault. He wasn’t Jessie’s type but he was definitely Téa’s.

She smiled back at him, “Please call me Jessie.”

“Okay...Jessie. I’m glad that you ladies were able to make it to the party and be my special guests.”

One of the burly assistants came out of nowhere to whisper into Michael’s ear. He nodded, “There is plenty of food and drinks. But, I’ve just been informed the guest of honor has arrived so I’ve got to get back to my hosting duties.” He then turned to Téa. “I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Until then, please enjoy yourself…but not too much without me.”

Téa watched Michael walk off into the crowd of people. Jessie waved her hands up and down in front of Téa’s eyes. It took a second for Téa to realize it.

Jessie laughed out loud, “Wow…Téa Carlisle. You look like you are going to eat him up.”

“If he play his cards right…I just might. You need to stop worrying about me and see if you can find someone in this sea of beautiful people.”

Téa tilted her head to the side. “Doesn’t Michael remind you of someone? I can’t put my finger on who though.”

Jessie shook her head, “Not anyone that I know. And, I’m not interested in a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am.”

A waiter came over with champagne flutes interrupting their conversation. Téa took two and gave one to Jessie.

Téa took a sip, “Mmmm…this is so good. I’m not either, but I don’t know why you wouldn’t be since you won’t make time for anything else. You’ve forgotten how to have fun and probably about sex, too. I mean how many rabbits have you purchased in the last year? I’m guessing that you’ve gotten at least two.”

Jessie was mid-sip when Téa added that last part and almost choked on her drink. “I know how to have
. I have fun all the time! By the way…I never interfere in anyone else’s love life. What is it lately with you guys having a problem with MY love life? I’m happy, isn’t that enough?”

Téa took another sip of her drink and over the rim of the glass looked deeply into her friends eyes. She knew that Jessie was content, but she wasn’t happy. And decided to let it pass for now.

Jessie tossed the rest of her drink back in one gulp just as a gentleman walked up and asked her to dance. She glared at Téa and decided to take the man up on his offer.

Jessie was going to prove to Téa—or maybe even herself—that she still knew how to have fun dammit! It pissed her off that Téa knew her so well. Especially, since she’d gone through not two but four rabbits in the last year!

She followed the sexy stranger from VIP to the dance floor. The floor was packed. The DJ had everyone moving with his up-tempo mix. The music was hypnotic as she moved her hips. She closed her eyes briefly and just let her body feel the beat. The mix of songs was sexy and made Jessie feel sexy, too. Why shouldn’t she? The black minidress fit her like a glove, and her red bottoms made her legs look they went on forever. She knew they displayed all of her best assets to perfection. Just because Jessie didn’t dance on tables and poles didn’t mean she couldn’t give those that did a run for their money. The stranger must have thought so, too. She saw it in his eyes. Jessie turned her back to him as he pulled her close. Close enough for her to feel how truly excited she’d made him. Jessie threw her arms up in the air while she continued to shimmy and gyrate on him to the rhythm of the music.

Téa stood back and watched her friend try to prove her wrong. Whatever the reason, she just wanted Jessie to start living again. Téa hoped that in the process Jessie would have some fun, too. But what Téa wasn’t going to do was stand there and let all that good music go to waste. She found some random stranger and made her way to the dance floor, too.


Chapter 4

Brian Wright was exhausted. He’d been gone for the last month doing press and promoting his latest film. He’d just gotten off a twelve-hour flight and driven more than two hours to get home. All he wanted to do was sleep in the comfort of his own home—in his own bed.

As the limo turned onto his street, he hoped and prayed that all the cars lined up and down the sides weren’t at his house. Surely, Michael knew better than to throw a party on the day he was scheduled to come home. What was he thinking? Of course, that is exactly something his baby brother would do.

The closer he made it to his home the angrier Brian became. He was tired and didn’t want to be “Mr. Brian Wright” tonight. He just wanted to go to sleep. Brian had half a mind to tell the driver to turn the car around and take him to the nearest hotel, but dammit it was his house! Why should he have to leave his own home?

The driver pulled up to the front door and stopped the car. A few minutes later, the car door opened, and he was blinded by all the flashing cameras. After being in the business for so long, Brian automatically put on his million-dollar smile; however, he couldn’t wait to find Michael and wring his neck.

A hand reached out to him to guide him through all the flashing lights. “Welcome home big bro. I hope you had a good flight.”

Brian spoke low enough so only Michael could hear him through a frozen smile and clenched teeth, “I’m going to kill you.”

“Maybe…but not tonight. Tonight we are celebrating your birthday.”

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